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01-21-1993 Regular Meeting
. •. a~~~ 15 . ~1.7 REGULAR .MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE TWENTY FIRST DAY OF JANUARY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY THREE PRESENT: Steve W. Edwards, Chairman- - Henry H. Bradby Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. Malcolm T. -Cofer Absent: O. A. Spady, Vice Chairman H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney Also Attending: Myles E. Standish, County Administrator ' W. Douglas Caskey, Assistant County Administrator/Community Development Donald T,. Robertson, Assistant to the County Administrator Carey H. Mills,. Assistant Clerk Chairman Edwards called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. The invocation was delivered by Supervisor Bradby. // 1 Chairman Edwards presented Supervisor Bradby with a plaque on behalf of the Board of Supervisors honoring his years of .service from January 1987 to January 1993 as the Chairman of the Board. Supervisor Bradby thanked the Board. for their recognition and stated he had enjoyed his years as Chairman. // Chairman Edwards called for Citizens Comments. Joni Griffin, President of the Friends of the Library Association and President of the Junior Womens Club in Windsor, requested funds from the County for a library facility in Windsor. Ms. Griffin stated the proposed library facility would serve the areas of the Courthouse, Orbit, Windsor, Walters, Carrsville and Zuni which are currently served by a book mobile every. two weeks from the Walter Cecil Rawls Library in Courtland. Ms. Griffin further stated the current schedule of the bookmobile does not allow working parents or students an opportunity to utilize .this service and the Walter Cecil Rawls Library has indicated they would be willing to stock the proposed library with a collection of 5,000 books .which would include a reference collection, as well as put the proposed library on a rotation basis with a delivery service for requested items. Ms. Griffin suggested that the Walter Cecil Rawls Library could also help with volunteers until funding becomes available for paid staff and the Friends Association can be instrumental in providing volunteers to staff the facility, build shelves, or work in any capacity needed. Ms. Griffin stated the Windsor Town Council has offered to donate land for the proposed facility across from the existing A~~R 15 ~7-~ Windsor High School which does provide easy access from Route 460 and which can also accommodate a 1,500 square foot building. Supervisor Cofer stated he had considered the possibility of utilizing a building on the current Windsor High School site, but after reviewing the site plans, this will not be possible. Supervisor Cofer further stated another alternative considered was instead of a "temporary" building, a permanent facility be located on the proposed site with labor provided by students attending the P. D. Pruden Vocational Center. Dr. Jane T. York, School Superintendent and member of the P. D. Pruden Vocational Center Board, offered to speak with the P. D. Pruden Vocational Center Board at their next meeting and advise them of the County's desire to utilize Pruden students on this proposed project. Supervisor Cofer stated he would be in support of such a facility, but would prefer to see a permanent building erected. Supervisor Cofer stated with installation of a sewer line down Route 460, growth is inevitable and with the new. school across the road, students will be able to utilize a facility with reference materials. Supervisor Bradby pointed out a permanent building would require additional time to .build, but in the long term would benefit the County more. Supervisor Cofer asked if the P. D. Pruden Vocational Center performed design work. Dr. York stated she did not believe so. Chairman Edwards asked Dr. York when the students could begin working on the proposed facility. Dr. York replied next September, but if the County began designing the plans .now, the County could involve the teacher in the design phase. Dr. York advised Pruden offers aone-year brick masonry course and the students would be unable to pour the focuon ld tlhave ether foundationdwork just started; however, the County accomplished and begin in September with the second-year students. Chairman Edwards pointed out that the Procurement Act requires certain proposed projects be put to bid. Chairman Edwards asked Ms. Griffin which alternative the Library Association would prefer to have, a modular building now or a permanent building in the near future. Ms. Griffin stated Association members would prefer to have a building now. Ray Holland, member of the Windsor Town Council, stated in d She the Windsor Town Council had a meeting between County officials an Director of Walter Cecil Rawls Library to proceed with a modular unit to locate a library in Windsor. Mr. Holland further stated the Town of [] 1 B,~h 15 .. ~1 ?5 Windsor is agreeable to utilizing students from P. D. Vocational Center if the Town of Windsor could obtain a commitment from the Board of Supervisors to proceed with this project as soon as possible. Mayor Claud stated he agreed with the concept of a permanent building and urged the Board. to commit funding for the project. i~ Supervisor Cofer moved the Board direct the County Administrator to write P. D. Pruden Vocational Center to determine if theycan-provide a design for a library facility and report back to the Board at their February 4, 1993 meeting. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). Supervisor Cofer moved the Board direct the County Administrator write the County Attorney and request a report from him relative to whether or not the .County is required to solicit an RFP regarding the proposed project. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). // Chairman Edwards called for the Community Development report. W. Douglas Casket', Assistant County Administrator/Community Development, presented the following application for the Board's consideration: 1 Application for permit to hold bingo games submitted by the Isle of Wight County Public Recreational Facilities Authority Mr. Casket' stated this is an annual permit application required by the Isle of Wight County Public Recreational Facilities Authority enabling them to continue to hold bingo games once a week at the Isle of Wight/Franklin Skating Rink facility, located on Walters Highway/Route 258. Mr. Casket' further stated, if approved, the permit would be valid for one calendar year beginning January 1, 1993 and would have to be re-applied for and approved subsequently next year as regulated by Chapter 3.1 of the County Code. Mr. Casket' continued the application has been reviewed by County staff and input has been requested by the Sheriff's office, Director of Budget and Finance and the Superintendent of Inspections. Mr. Casket' stated County staff does recommend the Board's favorable consideration of the application and noted that Alan Nogiec, Director of Parks & Recreational Facilities Authority was present to answer questions of the Board. There being no questions for Mr. Nogiec, .Chairman Edwards called for comments from the Board. . Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board approve the application for a permit to hold -bingo games submitted by the Isle of Wight County Public Recreational Facilities Authority. The motion was adopted unanimously (4 0). Mr. Casket' presented the following for the Board's consideration: 9~i~b ~..~ ~.7U Consideration of .the Final Subdivision Plat for Gatling Pointe South -Phase IA, Battery Park Road (Route .704), in Newpor# Magisterial District Mr. Casket' stated in October of 1989, the Board approved the .conditional rezoning for this project subject to conditions proffered by the developer which are included in the Board's agenda package. Mr. Casket' further stated the lots represented by the plat were also. included in a preliminary subdivision plat for this phase which was reviewed and approved by the Board in November of 1992 and the proposed final plat is representative of the preliminary plat which was previously approved by the Board. Mr. Casket' continued this information was presented to the Planning Commission which recommended approval of the final subdivision plat to the Board. Mr. Casket' advised the Board that the final plat. will not be approved by and signed by him for recordation as the County's agent until such time as all engineering, road and drainage, utility and all other aspects of the project have been solved and signed off on by the various review agencies. Mr. Casket' noted to the Board, that Branch Lawson was present to answer any questions of the Board. There being no questions for Mr. Lawson, Chairman Edwards called for comments by the Board. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board approve the subdivision plat for Gatling Pointe South -Phase IA. The motion was adopted unanimously (4- 0). f/ Chairman Edwards noted the absence of the County Attorney and called for the County Administrator's report. County Administrator Standish noted the presence of the School Superintendent and School .Construction Manager and stated they would provide the Board with a presentation on the completion of Phase I of the school construction project for the Carrollton Elementary School. Mr. Standish stated the Board has been supplied a corrected Page 2 of 5 to amend what was provided to the Board in their agenda package. Dr. York stated last May, the School Board provided the Board of Supervisors with a facility study which proposed a Phase I and II for construction of the Carrollton Elementary school. Dr. York continued at that time, the Board of Supervisors requested the School Board return with a recommendation on the auditorium. Dr. York then provided the Board with a site plan of the Windsor Middle/High School for their review. Dr. York stated tonight is a follow up of the meeting between the School Board and the Board of Supervisors of August 6,1992, at which time the School Board identified other items which may be needed for the Phase I construction project, to include $150,000 for furniture and equipment for the Carrollton Elementary School.. Dr. York stated the School Board now has a proposal for the auditorium and advised the~Board that they have 1 1 1 Ba~N 1~ .. ~. i now identified what is believed. is needed to finish the project at the Carrollton Elementary School. Dr. York stated regarding the Carrollton Elementary School, a total of $64,775 is needed for the widening of New Town Haven Lane, which includes permits, fees, testing. and engineering. Dr. York stated regarding the Windsor Middle/High School an additional $1,395,200 is needed for wastewater treatment, permits and fees, testing and site engineering, demolition. of existing facility and asbestos removal, and extensive site development costs. Supervisor Bradby asked Dr. York if f' ~ school anticipates being. hooked up to the sewer line once it is installed in Windsor. Dr. York stated if the School Board receives a commitment and knows that the Carrollton Elementary School will be open. in September, and if HRSD was installed at a later date, then the School Board would probably not upgrade the wastewater treatment plant. Rather, what the School Board would do is try to obtain a variance to maintain the school's current wastewater treatment plant with the idea that as soon as HRSD becomes available, the school would hookup to it. Dr. York further stated the other possibility is to build a holding tank and haul away the sewage until a hookup to HRSD is available. County Administrator Standish stated HRSD has advised that the dates of availability of HRSD would be later than the completion dates for both school projects. ~~ Dr. York stated regarding the auditorium, the School Board considered two alternatives, a 850-seat auditorium at a cost of approximately $2,105,500 and a 1,000-seat auditorium at a cost of $2,420,092. Dr. York noted a $315,000 difference in cost between the two alternatives and advised the School Board recommends. the 1,000 seat auditorium. Supervisor .Bradshaw stressed the auditorium should be adequately built to accommodate the number of people utilizing it. Supervisor Cofer stated this is for the Board's information only and a decision does not need to be reached tonight on the proposal. County Administrator Standish stated included in the agenda is a report on street light installation which includes programs ftom James City and Southampton counties and the City of Suffolk, as well as alternatives for the Board's consideration. Mr. Standish emphasized that most of the requests for street lights received by the Board thus far are for security lighting for citizens' homes. Mr. Standish advised that the matter would be placed on the Board's February 4, 1993 agenda for further discussion and consideration. 1 Supervisor Cofer stated security lights cost approximately $96 per year and suggested adjoining property owners could go into together on the cost to install and maintain the lights. Supervisor Bradshaw stated the Board should first consider guidelines a~~~ 15 .. ~1.7?~ for the installation of street lights because, if approved, -there would be .other requests from citizens to follow. Supervisor Bradby stated there is more vandalism today than when the moratorium was first issued and he felt that the Board should take some measure to ensure the safety of County citizens. .County Administrator Standish suggested that the County could fund the capital cost of a light with the homeowner installing and assuming the responsibility of the power costs which would have less fiscal impact on the County than assuming the responsibility of the power bill. Chairman Edwards stated the matter should be tabled- until the February 4, 1993 meeting to allow the County Attorney an opportunity to comment on the legal aspects. County Administrator Standish stated VDOT is interested in re- instituting their roundtable forum to solicit County comments and suggested that one Board member should be selected as the County's representative on these roundtable forums. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board direct the County Administrator respond to VDOT that the County does wish to participate in the roundtable forums. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). County Administrator Standish presented the request from the Town of Windsor for payment in the amount of $39,575.10 for the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department construction project. Supervisor Edwards moved .the Board authorize payment in the amount of $39,575.10 to the Town of Windsor for the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department .construction project. The motion was adopted unanimously (4-0). Supervisor Bradby moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIAT~FIOR HUNDRED DOLLARS FROM THE UNION CAMP CO TO THE SCHOOL FUND FOR THE SCIENCE ON SATURDAY PROGRAM WHEREAS, the School Board of the County of Isle of Wight has received a grant award for the Science on Saturday program; and, WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) need to be appropriated to the School grant fund in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEW1Bh RV rOi~VED at five Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle g g hundred dollars ($500) be appropriated to the Science on Saturday program in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. 1 1 1 +.. BO~w 1~ '1_~~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorised to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all the things necessary to give this resolution effect. 1 The resolution was unanimously (4-0) adopted. Supervisor Bradby moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY DOLLARS FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO THE SCHOOL FU~1D FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION WHEREAS, the School Board of the County of Isle of Wight has received a grant award for Special Education; and, 1 WHEREAS, the funds in the amounf of two hundred fourteen thousand eight hundred ninety dollars ($214,890) need to be appropriated to the School. grant fund in the 1992-93 budget of the .County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND iT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that two hundred fourteen thousand eight hundred ninety. dollars. ($214,890) be appropriated to line item Special Education in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all the things necessary to give this resolution effect. The resolution was unanimously (4-0) adopted. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE OF THE GENERAL FUND TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR THE ISLE OF WIGHT VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD WHEREAS, twenty eight thousand dollars was listed in the Capital Improvements Plan for the current fiscal year for. the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad. for the purposes of remounting an existing medical vehicle and purchasing emergency medical equipment; and, i~ WHEREAS, funds in the amount of twenty eight thousand dollars ($28,000) need to be appropriated from the unappropriated fund balance to the capital budget in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the 9~"a 15 •. ,'~~~ Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia .that twenty eight thousand dollars ($28,000) from the unappropriated fund balance be appropriated to the capital budget in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all the things necessary to give this resolution effect. The resolution was unanimously (4-0) adopted. Supervisor .Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE TWO HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR DOLLARS FROM THE 1990 BOND ISSUE PROCEEDS FOR THE WESTERN TIDEWATER REGIONAL JAIL WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia has approved the construction of the Western Tidewater Regional .Jail; and, WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of two hundred twenty eight thousand four dollars ($228,004) need to be appropriated from the 1990 Bond Issue Proceeds to the Western Tidewater Regional Jail construction line item in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that two hundred twenty eight thousand four dollars ($228,004) from the 1990 Bond Issue Proceeds be appropriated to line item 14-03-033-3302-7016, Western Tidewater Regional Jail construction in the 1992-93 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all the things necessary to give this. resolution effect.. - The resolution was unanimously (4-0) adopted. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF PARTICIPATION IN THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the County has considered .the establishment of a Deferred Compensation Plan to be made available to all eligible County employees and officials- pursuant to Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code permitting such Plans; and, 1 1 90^h ~5 ~~l 1 WHEREAS, certain tax benefits could accrue to employees and officials participating in said Deferred Compensation Plans; and, WHEREAS, such benefits will act as incentives to County employees to voluntarily set aside and invest porkions of their current income to meet. their future financial requirements and supplement their State retirement and Social Security; and, WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties has established a Master Deferred Compensation Program for its member Counties, permitting its member Counties and their employees to enjoy the advantages of this Program; and, WHEREAS, by adoption of the NACo Program, all appropriate regulatory, operational, administrative and fiduciary responsibilities are hereby assumed by NACo on behalf of County; and, WHEREAS, NACo, as Plan Administrator, agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the County, its appointed and elected officers and participating employees from any loss resulting from NACo or its Agent's failure to perform- its duties and services pursuant to the NACo Program. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County that it approves the National ....Association of Deferred Compensation Program for the voluntary participation of all eligible County employees and officials. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute- for the County individual participation .agreements with each eligible employee requesting same, and to serve as the Administrator on behalf of the County to do all things necessary to implement the Program. The resolution was unanimously (4-0) adopted. County Administrator Standish noted that $643,120 has been collected by the delinquent tax attorneys through the end of December,1992 at a cost of .$72,211 which represents 11% of the amount collected. Chairman Edwards moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE CREATION OF A FAMILY COURT SYSTEM 1 WHEREAS, the Judicial Council of Virginia recommends that the. General Assembly adopt legislation which would create a new Family Court .system; and, . WHEREAS, the Judicial Council further recommends full implementation of the Family Court System to be effective January 1,1995 with a funding mechanism in place. by June 1994; and, BU^h ~.5 .~ ~`'~ WHEREAS, the Judicial Council has not determined what potential negative impacts the Family Court system will have on local governments; and, WHEREAS, no provisions have been made in the Judicial Council's recommendations for funding to localities to offset the tremendous capital costs associated with implementation of the Family Court system; and, WHEREAS, local governments are ill-equipped to bear the burden of paying for additional unfunded state mandates; and, WHEREAS, the County of Isle of Wight opposes the implementation of the. Family -Court system without appropriate state funding or a study regarding the potential negative fiscal impact on local governments resulting from implementation of this new court system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the County of Isle of Wight requests that the 1993 General Assembly study this matter to determine the potential impact on local governments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the County requests that the General Assembly appropriate sufficient funding for the implementation of the Family Court system such that implementation of the Family Court system will not have a negative fiscal impact on local governments. The resolution was unanimously (4-0) adopted. // Chairman Edwards called for Old Business. There was no old business offered for discussion by the Board. // Chairman Edwards called for New Business. Nunzio Misseri of Franklin requested street lights for existing businesses along Route 258. Chairman Edwards informed Mr. Misseri that the matter would be discussed further at the B©ard's February 4, 1993 meeting. Supervisor Bradshaw stated the Windsor .area does not have a representative on the Electoral Board to represent the Windsor area. Chairman Edwards advised February 8,1993 is the last day to submit the required three names to the court and that he would speak with Supervisor Bradshaw further on the matter, before that date. 1 1 1 Supervisor Bradshaw stressed it is important that. the Windsor area have a representative. +t •. ii ~i G . e^~~ 15~ . ~~.93 ~~ Chairman Edwards called far Appointments. There were no nominations for appointment by the Board. // . Chairman Edwards called for approval of the .December 17, 1992 minutes of the Board. County Administrator Standish advised that the Coun mAbetto ~e 1~2 contacted him stating that he did recommend the Dece minutes to the Board for their approval. Supervisor. Cofer moved the Board adopt the December 17, 1992.. minutes of the Board. The minutes were unanimously (4-0) adopted.. // At 8:10 p.m., Supervisor Cofer' moved the Board adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. (4-0). ' !^~ "" Steve W. Edwards, Chairman w a~iaiwSltRCIMri4~[9MPipiiMltls: _ ~~ ~;Nr.. u Yn.-~.