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11-06-1986 Regular Meeting
October 16, 1986 Wage 117 Chairman Turner moved the Board appoint Roy L. Skinner to serve another term as a member of the Isle of Wight County Recreation Facilities Authority. The motion carried unanimously, Supervisor Bailey moved the Board appoint Fred Thompson to serve an- other termas a member of the Highway Safety Commission. The motion carried unanimously. /1 County Attorney Crook informed the Board members the October 2, 1986 minutes were not ready for approval. ~/ County Attorney Crook and County Administrator Owen-requested an Ex- ecutive Session to discuss with staff members and 1ega1 counsel land acquisition, on going litigation and personnel. On motion of Supervisor Ross, the Board voted unanimoully to go into Executive Session to discuss with legal counsel and staff members land acquistion,on going litigation and personnel. The Board went into Executive Session at 10:02 P.M. j~ Upon returning to open session upon motion of Supervisor Ross the Board unanimously voted to adjourn, .; ~ : -~ t .~ ,, ,~ r _' ~ ~: ~, ,, ~ Richard L. Turner, Chairman W. B. Owen, Cler REGULAR MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE SIXTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SIX PRESENT: Richard L. Turner, Chairman C. Fred Bailey Henry H. Bradby Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. Thomas L. Ross, Vice Chairman Also attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr,, County Attorney W. B. Owen, County Administrator Terry D. Lewis, Planning Director Jaunita L. Byrum, Assistant County Administrator Betty Scott, Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 2:04 P.M. The invocation was given by Supervisor Bailey. ~~ R. W, .Coates, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways and Transportaton9 advised the Board members construction of the Chuckatuck Creek.. Bridge will be November 6, 19.36 Page 118 delayed due to the fact federal funds were not approved, Supervisor Bzadby informed Mr. Coates the ditch on Route 626 near Mr. Batten's needed `c leaning out. // Chairman Turner called for a public hearing on '°,An Ordinance To Impose Fees To Cover Administrative Casts For Collection Of Delinquent Taxes". County Attorney Crook stated the ordinance had been properly advertised. Beryl H. Perry, Jr., Treasurer, spoke in favor of the ordinance. W. H. Barrett, county resident, asked if the ordinance eliminated attorney fees to which County Attorney Crook replied no, Following discussion, Supervisor Bailey moved to adapt the ''Ordinance To Impose Fees To Cover Administrative Costs For Collection Of Delinquent Taxes". The motion carried unanimously AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE FEES TO COVER ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. FOR COLLECTION OF DELITd(~iJENT TAXES WHEREAS, the Generaa Assembly of Virginia has provided by an act embodied in Section 58.1-3958 of the Cade of Virginia, as amended, that the governing body of any. county may by ordinance impose on delinquent taxpayers a fee to cover administrative costs associated with collection of delinquent taxes not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00) far taxes collected subsequent to the filing of a warrant or other appropriate legal document but prior to judgment and fifteen dollars ($15,00) for-taxes collected subsequent to judgment. THEREFORE, be it and it is hereby ordained by the Board of_ Supervisors of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, that said Berard of Supervisors does hereby impose on delinquent taxpayers a fee to cover administrative costs associated with collection of de- linquent taxes in the amount of ten dollars (_$10.00) for taxes collected subsequent to the fi7.inr of a. warrent or other appropriate legal document but prior to judgment and fifteen dollars ($1.5,00) for tax collected subsequent to judgment. Adopted this 6th day of November, 19..88;°`~ ~' .n r'---~~_ _~.F: - --SZchar L, Turner, Chairman. Attest: f ,,-~ ,; r l W. B. Owen, Clerk Chairman Turner called for a public hearing on the following rezoning, applications; 1. The application of Robert L. Turner, owner, and Marjorie L. Brinkley, prospective owner, for a change in zoning classification from A-l, Agricultural Limited, to R-MH-A, Rural. Mobile Home District, one (1) acre of land located north of Route 6$7, between Routes 610 and 612, in Windsor Magisterial District. The purpose of the .application is for the permanent location of one mobile home. v November 6, 1986 Page 119 Marjorie L, Brinkly appeared and asked far the Board's favorable con- sideration, No ore appeared in opposition, County Administrator Owen in- formed the Board members Planning Director Lewis had just handed him two letters in support of the rezoning .application. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval, said th.e Chairman. On motion of Supervisor Bradshaw, the Board voted unanimously to approve the application of Robert L. Turner, owner, and Marjorie L, Brinkley, pros- pective owner, for a change in zoning classification from A-]_, Agricultural Limited, to R-MH-A, Rural Mobile Home District, one (1) acre of .land located north of Route 687, between Routes 610 and 612, in Windsor Magisterial District. 2. The application of Jesse C1'Berry for a change in zoning classification. from A-1, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, .Rural Residential, 2,210 acres-of land located on the south side of Route 625, between :Routes 10 and 708, in Hardy Magisterial District. The purpose of the applcat- ion is to divide off a 2,.21.0 acre parcel... Jesse Q'Berry appeared, Na one appeared in opposition, The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval, stated the Chairman. Supervisor Br_adby moved the Board concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the application of Jesse O'Berxy for a change in zoning classification from A--l, Agricultural Limited, to R--A, Rural Re- sidential, 2,210 acres of land located on the south side of Route 626, be- tween Routes l0 and 708, in Hardy Magisterial District. The vote in favor was unanimous. 3. The application of Tason Partnership for a change in zoning classification from A-1, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, Rural Residential, 3.597 acres of land located on the north side of Route 547, east of the Route 547 a,nd Route 637 inter- section in Central Hill, in Hardy Magisterial District, The purpose of the application is fox uses. pPrm=_tted ii1 a R~-A zone. No one appeared in favor or opposition. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval, said Chairman Turner. Supervisor Bailey. moved the Board approve .the app icaton of Tason Partnership for a change in zoning classification from A-~, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, Rural Residential, 3.597 acres of land located on the north side of Route 647, east of the Routes b47 and 637 intersection in Central Hill, in. Hardy Magisteria3_ District. The motion carried unanimously. 4, The application of Jon D. Pyle for a change in zoning classification from R-A, Rurai Residential, to Con- ditonal R-r1H-A, Conditional Rural"Mobile Home District, approximately 5,S acres of ].and located on the south November 6, 1986 Page 120 side of Route 619, between Routes 258 and 641, in Windsor Magisterial District. The purpose of the application is for the permanent location of one mobile home, Assistant County Administrator, Juanita L. Byrum, informed the Board members-she had received a letter from the applicant. asking the application be withdrawn. On motion of Supervisor Bradshaw, the B©ard voted unanimously to grant Mr. Pyle's request to withdraw his application for a change in zoning classification from R-A, Rural Residential, to Conditional R-MH-A, Conditional Rural Mobile-Home District, approximately 5.5 acres of land located on the south side of Route 619, between Routes 2S8 and 641, in Windsor Magisterial District,. 5. The application of David S. Allen, Sr. for a change in zon- ing classification from A-1, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, Rural Residential, ~.pproximately 42 acres of land located on the south side of Raute 624, between Route 10 and Lawnes Creek, in Hardy Magisterial District, The purpose of the application is for a single family subdivision, Herman Benn, attorney from Suffolk representing the .applicant:, appeared and stated there w1.l be 38 lots., approximately one acre per lot, with a price range 'of $70,000 to $l_00,000 for the structures. Mr. Bann continued stating th.e pare tests are fine. Supervisor Bradby expressed concern regarding the cul-de-sac, Sandy Brady, resident on Route 624, expressed concern relative to the additional traffic on the dirt road. Following discussion, Supervisor Bradby moved the Board approve the application of David S. Allen, Sr. for a change in zoning classification from. A-1, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, Rural Residential, approximately 42 acres of land located on the south side of Route 624, between Route 10 and Lawnes Creek, in Hardy Magisterial District. The vote in favor was .unanimous. 6. The application of Thomas H, and Daisy B, Gray for a change in zoning classification from A-l, Agricultural Limited, to Conditional R-~Bi-A, Conditional Rural Mobile Home District, approximately 4,5 acres of land located on the south side of .Route 650, between Routes 637 and 646, in Hardy Magisterial District. The purpose of the application is to divide the property into two parcels and allow one mobile home on each .parcel, No ane appeared: in favor or opposition.. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval, stated the Chairman. Supervisor Ross moved the Board concur with the Planning. Commission's recommendation and approve the application of Thomas H. and Daisy B. Gray for a change in zoning classification from A-1, Agricultural. Limited, to Con- dtional R-MH--A, Conditional Rural Mobile Home District, approximately 4.5 November 6, 1986 Page 121 acres of land located on the south side of Route 650, between Routes 637 and 646, in Hardy Magisterial District. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 7. The application of Josephine Hill Holloman for a change in zoning classification from A-l, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, Rural Residential, 2.84 .acres of land located on the north side of Route 682, between Routes 680 and 652, in Hardy Magisterial District. The purpose of the application is for no more than three (3) residential lots. Rodham T. Delk, Sr., attorney representing the applicant, appeared and asked the Board's favorable consideration. No one appeared in opposition. The Planning Commission voted. to recommend approval, stated Chairman Turner. Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board approve the application of Josephine Hill Holloman for a change in zoning classification from A-1, Agricultural Limited, to R-A, Rural Residential, 2.84 acres of land located on the north side of Route 682, between Routes 680 and 652, in Hardy Magisterial District. The vote in favor was unanimous. 8. The application of Rushmere Shores, et als for a change in zoning classification from A-2, Agricultural General, to Conditional R-A, Conditional Rural Residential, 25 acres of land located on the north side of Route 686, between Route 676 and. the James River, at the intersection of Woodmere Lane, in Hardy Magisterial District. The purpose of the application is for no more than five (5) residential lots. No one appeared in favor or opposition. Supervisor Ross said the Plan- ning Commission report stated the applicant had requested the application be withdrawn and the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the applicants be permited to withdraw the application. Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board r_oncur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant the applicant's request to withdraw the application of Rushmere Shores, et als for a change in zoning classification from A-2, Agricultural General, to Conditional R-A, Conditional Rural Residential, 25 acres of land located on the north side of Route 686, between Route 676 and the James River, at the intersection of Woodmere Lane, in Hardy Magisterial District. The motion carried unanimously. ~/ Rev. Hoffman Brown, whose church operates the Church Manor Apartments in Smithfield, asked the Board to place dumpsters in the 50 unit complex. During the .discussion, County Administrator Owen said that although there are dumpsters at two other sites within the Town, they are being used by people living outside the Town limits as they drive to Smithf field. Mr. Owen ~f November 6, 1986 Page 122 continued saying the Town provides door-to~door pickup .and noted there are r~ twa other large apartment complexes in Smithfield not very far from Church. Manor and the Board might be setting a precedent if it honors Rev< Brown's request. Supervisor Bailey stated Windsor pays the County a fee for dumpsters placed in their Town. Rev< Brown said he was making the request because animals have been getting into plastic garbage bags placed outside the apartment units and spreading the trash around the grounds. Following dis- cession, Supervisor. Ross moved the Board table action on the request until the November 20, 1986 Board meeting in order for him (Supervisor Ross) to discuss the matter with Town officals< The motion carried unanimously.. // Planning Director, Terry D. Lewis, presented the following Conditional Use Permit applications for the Board's consideration: 1. The application of Dale .and Helen Marlin for a Conditional Use Permit to locate a mobile home for their daughter, Dianna Marlin, on 15,220 acres of land located on Route 619, in Windsor Magisterial District. Dale Marlin appeared and stated he does not understand why the Planning i Commission would not approve the application as there is no opposition from the neighbors and the Board had previously approved a conditional use permit for their .oldest daughter for a mobile home on this property. Planning Director Lewis stated the ~'lannin.g Commission recommended denial noting the area is better suited for development of housing compatible to that nearby on Route 258. County Administrator Owen suggested terminating the old. conditional use permit which was issued in 1985 and had never been used. Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board approve the application of Dale and Helen Marlin for a Conditional Use Permit to locate a mobile home for their daughter, Dianna Marlin, on 15.220 acres of land located on Route 619 in Windsor Magisterial District with the condition the mobile home be occupied only by Dianna Marlin and her immediate family and the previously issued conditional. use permit be terminated. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 2. The application of Mt, Olive Holiness Church for a Con- ditional Use Permit to locate a mobile home to be used as a dining hall for the church, on property located on Route 1303, in Hardy .Magisterial District. Planning Director Lewis stated the Planning Commission recommended denial noting the site, according. to a zoning office report, did not have sufficient yard area to permit the mobile home to be placed in conformity with required November 6, 1986 yard setback regulations, Page 123 Cora Foreman appeared and questioned why the Planning Commission recom- mended denial. Mr. Lewis replied to her question. Supervisor Bradby stated he feels that if possible a variance be con- sidered in order to have the mobile home to use as a dining area for the church. Following discussion, Supervisor Bradby moved to table action on the application until the December 4, 1986 Board meeting to allow time for the members of the church to decide whether to seek a variance to the zoning ordinance requirements for side yard spaces and front yard set back distance from the road,. The motion carried unanimously., Supervisor Bradby said he. would meet with the members of the church to discuss the situation further. 3, The application of Joseph W, Johnson; Jr. et ux~ owner, Jerzy and Virginia. RumA~ prospective owners, for a Con~- ditional tJse.'Permit to locate a mobile. home for Mr. and rlrsx Puma''s son?.Terry Pum4~ on 1..1.0 acres of land loc~ aced on Route 661 in Newport Magisterial District, Jerry sumo appeared and stated that in view of the opposition of the neighbors he does not wish to bud the lot nor. build a home and asked to withdraw the application, Supervisor Ross moved the Board grant Mr Pumo's request to withdraw the app ication of Joseph W. Johnson, Jr, et ux, owner, and Jerry and Virginia Pumo, prospective owners,. for a Conditional Use Permit to locate a mobile home for Mr. and Mrs, sumo's song Terry Pumoa on 1,1.0 acres of land located on Route 661 in Newport Magisterial District....The vote in favor was unanimous, Planning Director Lewis presented the following subdivisions for the Boards consideration: 1, Titus Creek, Sections I and IT ~ a 12 lots subdivision 1_ocated on. Route 665 in the Newport Magisterial. District. Planning Director Lewis stated the property was previously zpned R-A to permit this subdivision, The plats have been reviewed and approved by the Department of Highways and Transportation anal the Health. Department has no objection to the approval, said Mr, Lewis. Mr. Lewis continued stating the road construction plans have also been approved by the Department of Highways and Transportation and a bond of X58,000,00 is recommended far Section II, The Planning Commission has reviewed the plat and .unanimously recommends approval, said Mr, Lewis. r~ November 6, 19.96 Page 124 Supervisar Bass'moved the Baard concur with- the Planning Commission's recoz~mendaton to approve the subdivision plat and set the bond far the Titus Creek Subdvsan Section II at $58a0b~,p0. The gate in favor was unanimaus. 2. Deer Run, Section I - a 29 lots subdivision located on Route 620 a:n Newport Magisterial District Planning Director Lewa:s stated the site is zoned R-A and the plat anal road construction plans have been reviewed and approved by the Department of Highways and Transporta,tion~ Mr, Lewis continued stating .the Health Department has reviewed the plat under its on-lot septic tank .regulations and has indicated the lot layout complies with those regulations. The Health Department has also initiated its review of the proposed central water system and he.s.approved a well site, said Mr, Lewis, The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval being advised the appropriate water system plans with appropriate approvals would be in place before final County approval, stated Planning Director Lewis, Supervisor Bailey advised the Board members he had an interest in the Deer Run Subdivision and would not participate in the discussion and voting. Ann Simpson .Tones, attorney representing the applicant, asked the Board to approve. the plat subject to apprQVal by the various agencies in order that the. developers may continue with their proposed plans. Mrs. Jones further stated Fire Chief, Jahn R. Stallings, had requested further information relative to the size of the water storage tanks.. County Attorney Crook queried Mrs. Jones i.f the water system plans have been. presented to the Public Service Authority (PSA) to which. Supervisor Bailey replied the PSA had reviewed the plans and wanted to review':the same plans as the Health. De- partment_' Mr:, Lewis suggested the Board apprpye the plans as a prels.mnary plat fax`- the° subdi.vi,sion, Following discussion, Supervisor Bradshaw moved. the Board approve the Deer Run., Section I - a 29 lots subdivision located on Route 6217 in Newport Magisterial District plat as a preliminary plat with the final plat to be presented to the Board within a six month period. .The vote in favor was unanimous,. .Supervisor Bailey did not vote, On motion of Supervisor Bradby, the Board voted unaniously to approve. the Thomas Park. Bill. Register in the .amount of $1,328.25 as recommended by Planning Director Lewis. November 6, 1986 Page 125 Planning Director Lewis asked the Board to approve the proposed contract between the County and W. C. Overman to negotiate a contract for conducting the water and sewer study for the county as amended - final cost to be $60,000. County Attorney Crook stated he does not feel the contract is in order for the Board to vote on it because he had reviewed the proposed contract and had suggested several changes including the deletion of the clause that would absolve the consultant's from liability if the work-was completed by someone else. They had only modified the language somewhat and the clause was still in the contract. He stated he did not advise the Board. to approve the agreement with that provision. in it, Fallowing discussion, Supervisor Ross moved Mr. Overman be asked to meet with the Board at its meeting November 20th in order to finalize the contract. The vote in favor was unanimous. On motion of Supervisor Bradby, the Board voted unanimously to set the bond for Beaverbrook Manor Mobile Home Park as follows: first phase - -$379,427; second phase - $250,569 anal third phase - $154,209. Ann Simpson Janes,. attorney representing the mobile home park developer, stated her client would .like to present a letter of credit .instead of the bond, 1/ Chairman Turner moved the Board approve the Public Service Authority granting Beacon Construction Company's request to accept the water and sewage systems at Queen Anne's Court and the maintenance of the sewage plant at Windsor Apartments with the understanding that if the Authority accepts the systems it be allowed to employ a qualified employee to maintain the system. The motion carried unanimously. Chairman Turner moved the Board approve payment of $5,500 to Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. for a closure plan and engineering fee for the present landfill. The vote in favor was unanimous. On motion of Supervisor Ross, the Board voted unanimously to award the contract for monitoring wells to Herbert & Associates at a cost of $2,715.00. The Board members discussed the advantages and disadvantages of operat- ing a debris landfill in the County. Mr. Owen stated the majority of the household and industrial garbage will be taken to the transfer station on Route 620 near Four Square when the facility opens and will be transferred ', November C~, 1986 Page 126 to the regional landfill. in Suffolk. and even though a debris landfill will .take in less refuse than the sanitary landfill there will still be a need for a debris landfill. in the County to avoid illegal dumping along roadsides. He stated the landfill will Lie located near the old landfill at the end of Route 697 near Smithfield. Supervisor Bailey stated he feels the County should se1.1 the worn out landfill equipment and discharge the employees who-work there. -Super- visor Bailey also stated if a debris landfill is opened at the proposed site he wants one for the southern end of the County, County Administrator Owen. informed the Board the cost of engineering services to prepare the debris landfill site is estimated to be $30,000 anal the total cost of preparing the site is estimated to be $70,000, W. H. Barrett, county resident, asked if this new debris landfill is for the northern end of the county only, especially for individuals, The debris landfill would serve the entire county, said County Admi.nistrat_oz Owen, Following discussion, Chairman Turner suggested the Town of Smithfield officials he contacted to see if they would agree for the Town people to pay as others for using the debris. landfill, Because of a conflict of interest Chairman Turner turned the meeting over to vice Chairman Ross, On motion of Supervisor Bradby, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Supervisors Bailey and Bradshaw as a committee to find a site the Board can consider fora debris landfill. in the southern end of the County, Supervisor Bradby moved County Administrator Owen be instructed to talk with Smithfield Town Manager, Elsey Harris, regarding the Smithfield re- sidents paying to use the proposed debris landfill and report back to the Beard, The vote in favor was .unanimous. Chairman Turner did not vote. Vice Chairman Ross turned the meeting back over to Chairman Turner, On motion of Supervisor Rass, the Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse transmitting a check in the amount of $600,00 from the Department of Army to Parks anal Recreation Facilities Authority for rent on 12 acres of i.and, // County Attorney Crook advised the Board members he had reviewed the contract from Henderson, Inc, for building the addition. to the Courthouse, which was submitted by Talbot & Associates,. Ltd. Mr, Croak recommended the November 6, 1986 Page 127 Board approve same. Supervisor Bradby moved the Board endorse the contract submitted. by Henderson, Inc, to build the addition to the Courthouse. The motion carried unanimously. I/ Per recommendation of County Administrator Owen, Supervisor Bradby moved the Board approve the budget transfer of VPI to transfer. $2,492 from line item 1102-5899, Contingency Fund, to line item 8300-7002, office equip- ment, for a new Savin copier. The vote_in favor was unanimous.. Supervisor Ross moved the Board approve the budget transfer request to transfer $2,000 from line item 1102-5899, Contingency Fund, to line item 1219-3002, professional. services, for .the insurance study. The motion carried by unanimous vote of the Board. /~ On motion of Supervisor Ross, the Board voted unanimously to grant the request of Sheriff Dixon to purchase mused van to be utilized as a patty wagon, at a cost of $8500 to $9500, wah the understanding he will delete the purchase of one automobile from his present budget. // Supervisor Bradby moved .the Board approve the request of the. 350th. Anniversary Celebration Chairman, William E. Laine, Jr,, to transfer $6,.900 from Contingency Fund to line item 1101-3002, professional services, to print 3,000 copies of 350th Anniversary Oral History project.. The vote in favor was unanimous. ~/ At 4:36 P.M, Chairman Turner moved to have a five minute recess, which passed by unanimous vote. The Board reconvened at 4:47 P.M. ~/ Per recommendation of County Attorney Crook and on motion of Supervisor Bailey,. the Board voted unanimously to approve the October 2, 1986 Board of Supervisors minutes. Supervisor Bradshaw was absent-when the vote was taken. ~/ Supervisor Bradby moved the Board approve the. amendment to the General Fund Bill Register in the amount of $25,053.26. The vote in favor was un- animous. Supervisor Bradshaw was absent when the vote was taken. Supervisor Ross moved the Board approve the General Fund Bill Register, as amended, in the amount of $140,726..14. The motion carried unanimously. November 6, 1.986 Page 128 Supervisor Ross- moved the Board approve the checks as presented which. were written during the month of October which were not included on the General Fund Bill Register in the amount of $28,427.58, The vote in favor was unanimous. ~/ Supervisor Bradshaw expressed concern regarding the costs involved in the closure plan of the Gity of Franklin"s landfill, Following'discussion Chairman. Turner moved Supervisor Bradshaw check on the costs involved in the closure plan of the City of Franklin's landfill and report back to the Board. The. motion passed unanimously. // On motion of Supervisor Ross, the Board voted unanimously to approve Talbot & Associates, Ltd, to provide the paint specifications for the County Health Department buldieg. ~/ On motion of Supervisor Bailey, the Board voted unanimously to grant Supervisor Bailey's request to negotiate first with, R. Kenneth Weeks, engineers, for a contract for Phase I of water and sewage treatment facilities for the Town of Windsor and immediate surrounding area with. alternates fox the bid negotiations being second - Ensor & Associates & Enviornmental Engineering, Inc. and-third -- Presnell Associates, Inc, ~/ On motion of Chairman Turner? the Board voted unanimously to have two General Fund Bill. Registers prepared per month (one for each Board meeting) for approval- with the understanding that in case of .emergencies the Gounty Admini trator and his staff have the authority to write necessary checks, ~~ County Administrator Owen and County Attorney Crook requested an Executive Session for the purpose of discus ing with members land acquisition and contract negotiations. the Board gp into Executive Session to discuss with members land acquisition and contract negotiations. animously. The Board went into Executive Session at to open session at 5;32 P,M. // legal counsel and staff Supervisor Bradby moved Legal counsel and staff The. motion passed un- 5:1.3 P.M ,.and returned Upon returning to ppen session Supervisor Ross moved the meeting be adjourned. The vote. in favor was unanimous, November 6, 1986. Page 129 ~._ ~1` ~. ~' ~ u r" ~y ~ '-'z i~:•' Richard L, Turner, Chairman W, B. Owen, er REGULAR MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER I1`1 THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHT SIX PRESENT: .Richard L. Turner, Chairman C. Fred Bailey Henry H. Bradby Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. Thomas L. Ross, Vice Chairman Also attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr,, County Attorney. W. B. Owen, County Administrator Terry D~ Lewis, Planning Director Juanita L, Byrum, Assistant County Administrator Donald Bernd, Public Works Director Betty Scott, Secretary Chairman Turner called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M, Supervisor Bailey delivered the invocation., ~/ In: .the absence of Suellen Cary, Juanita L, Byrum presented a brochure containing pictures of Mount Vernon, Monticello and Williamsburg from the Isle of Wight Education Association. to the Board of Supervisors for the county. The Chairman passed the pictures around fqr the Board members to see. /1 Supervisor Bradby moved the Board approve the request of William E. Laine, Jr „ Chairman of the 350th Anniversary Celebration, to host a re- ception for the book "Many Voices" on December 14, 1986, at the Isle of Wight Puritan Building from 2:00 to 5:00 P,M. The exbense of the reception, expected to he approximately $200,00, will be borne by the Board of Super- visors and the funds will be. taken from the Contingency Fund, The vote in favor was unanimous. Supervisor Ross moved the Board grant Mr. Laine's request to appropriate up to $2.,000,00 additional money for the printing of the Oral History Books since there will be more pages than was originally expected and .the books be sold at $7.50 each... The money is to be taken from the Contingency Fund. The vote in favor was unanimous. Donald Bernd, Public Works Director, informed the Board members there is a need to employ a public works technican to provide a timely maintenance