May 19th, 2016 Agenda OutlineA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
Board of Supervisors
Isle of Wight County
May 19, 2016
1. Call to Order (5:00 p.m.)
2. Closed Meeting
3. Invocation - The Honorable Richard L. Grice/Pledge of Allegiance (6:00
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Citizens’ Comments
6. Consent Agenda
A. Accept and Appropriate Insurance Proceeds from VaCorp Risk Management
for Repairs to a County Vehicle ($4,994)
B. Resolution to Request VDOT Add Lake Forrest Circle (Route 1119),
Windsong Way (Route 1112), and Beacon Hill Way (Route 1117) in Eagle
Harbor Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways
C. Resolution to Request VDOT Add Harbor Drive (Route 1977) in Eagle
Harbor Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways
D. Resolution to Request VDOT Add Batten Cove (Route 1058), Alexandria
Way (Route 1055), Tyler Court (Route 1056), and Settlers Ridge (Route
1057) in Founders Pointe Phase 2 Subdivision into the State Secondary
System of Highways
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
E. Motion to Adopt the Revised Isle of Wight County Emergency Operations
F. Motion to Authorize the Chairman to Extend the Employment Agreement
with the Interim County Administrator on a Month-to-Month Basis
G. Resolution to Appoint Supervisor Rex W. Alphin to the Hampton Roads
Transportation Accountability Commission (HRTAC)
H. April 21, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
7. Regional & Inter-Governmental Reports
8. Appointments
9. Special Presentations/Appearances
A. Special Presentation - Sarah McCoy, Government & Community Affairs
Manager, Port of Virginia
B. Special Presentation – Transportation Update, Jerry Kee, VDOT Franklin
Residency Assistant Administrator
C. Special Presentation - Entrepreneur of the Year – Lee Duncan of WharfHill
Brewing Company
10. County Attorney’s Report
A. Resolution Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute Certain
Documents Related to the Western Branch Pipeline Transfer from the City
of Suffolk to the Western Tidewater Water Authority
B. Approve Proposed Water and Sewer Agreement between the Town of
Smithfield and Isle of Wight County
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
11. Public Hearings
A. Motion to Adopt an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Isle of Wight
County Code, Appendix B, Zoning: Article III, Use Types and Article IV,
Zoning Districts and Boundaries in Order to Add Wholesale Sales to the List
of Commercial Use Types, to Modify the Definition of Warehousing and
Distribution as an Industrial Use Type, and to Provide for Wholesale Sales as
a Use Under the Appropriate Zoning District Provision
B. Motion to Amend Conditional Zoning on .46 Acres of Land Located at 27891
Walters Highway in the Carrsville Election District to Expand the List of
Permitted Uses on the Property
12. County Administrator’s Report
Matters for the Board’s Information
1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of March 2016; Cash Position;
and, Statement of the Treasurer’s Accountability as of March 2016
2. Isle of Wight County Monthly Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Report – Incidents by Zone as of April 2016
3. Isle of Wight Website Statistics/April 2016
4. Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup
5. Isle of Wight Extension Report/April 2016
6. Notice of Public Meetings - Hampton Roads Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
13. Unfinished/Old Business
Resolution to Authorize Use of Remaining Funds from Fort Boykin Insurance
Payout for Other County Parks and Recreation Projects
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
14. New Business
A. Motion to Approve the Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention
B. Motion to Authorize a Request for Proposal to Lease County-Owned
Property for Farming Purposes
C. Motion to Authorize Public Hearing for Tax Exemption Request from God’s
Anointed Touch Ministries
15. Closed Meeting
16. Adjournment