February 18th, 2016 Full AgendaA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board of Supervisors Isle of Wight County February 18, 2016 1. Call to Order (5:00 p.m.) 2. Closed Meeting 3. Invocation - Pledge of Allegiance (6:00 p.m.) 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Citizens’ Comments 6. Consent Agenda A. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Funding from VACoRP Risk Management for Repairs and Replacement of County Vehicles and Equipment B. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Animal Friendly License Plate Program C. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Funds Received from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services D. Resolution - Rescind Prior Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors’ Motions to Provide Certain Economic Development Incentives which Have Not Been Reduced to Fully Executed Economic Development Incentive Grant Agreements A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence E. Resolution - Designate March 14-18, 2016 as Agriculture Appreciation Week F. January 4, 2016 Organizational Meeting Minutes G. January 11, 2016 Called Special Meeting Minutes 7. Regional Reports 8. Appointments 9. Special Presentation/Appearances A. Special Presentation - Resolution of Appreciation to Robert P. Parsons upon the Occasion of his Retirement B. Special Presentation – Western Tidewater Regional Jail C. Special Presentation - Transportation Update D. Special Presentation - Old Mill Intersection Signalization Update 10. County Attorney’s Report A. Staff Report - Lawnes Pointe Subdivision Water System B. Motion - Isle of Wight County Fair Committee By-Laws Revisions 12. County Administrator’s Report A. Staff Report - AirBnB B. Staff Report - Unpaved Roads Program C. Staff Report - Legislative Update D. Staff Report - Replacement of the County’s Public Safety Radio System A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence E. Staff Report - Water Agreement with the Town of Smithfield F. Staff Report - Convenience Center Schedule G. Staff Report - County Administrator Search Process H. Matters for the Board’s Information 1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of December 2015; Cash Position; and, Statement of the Treasurer’s Accountability 2. Isle of Wight County Monthly Fire/EMS Report – Incidents by Zone 3. Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Monthly Activity Report/January 2016 4. Isle of Wight Website Statistics/January 2016 5. Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup 6. Isle of Wight Extension Report/January 2016 7. Quarterly Financial Report - 2nd Quarter 8. Water Meter Replacement Notice 9. Isle of Wight County Museum Report/January 2016 13. Unfinished/Old Business Staff Report – Proposed Sports Complex 14. New Business A. Motion - Approval of Rite Aid Waiver B. Request for Conveyance of Well Lot to Benns Church 15. Adjournment B & F/ Insurance Proceeds/ MWT 2.1.16 ISSUE: Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Funding from VACoRP Risk Management for Repairs and Replacement of County Vehicles and Equipment BACKGROUND: The County has received $31,151 in insurance proceeds for repairs and replacement of vehicles and equipment. The insurance proceeds in the following amounts need to be accepted and appropriated to the Risk Management Fund budget for FY 2015- 16: Sheriff Dept. Vehicle Replacement $17,450 Sheriff Dept. Vehicle Repairs $ 4,564 Public Utility Vehicle Repairs $ 6,724 Parks & Recreation Vehicle Repairs $ 1,613 Museum Awnings Repairs $ 800 Total $31,151 If additional funding (over and above insurance proceeds) is necessary for said replacement and repairs, the funding will be provided from the departments’ existing available budgets. BUDGETARY IMPACT: Adoption of the resolution will increase the revenues and expenditures of the FY 2015-16 Risk Management Fund budget. Department budgets will be increased by the insurance proceeds in order to accomplish replacement and repairs of vehicle and equipment. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to accept and appropriate insurance proceeds and authorize the appropriate departmental budget line items to be increased by the amount of the insurance proceeds. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution B & F/ Insurance Proceeds/ MWT 2.1.16 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDING FROM VACORP RISK MANAGEMENT FOR REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT OF COUNTY VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia has received insurance proceeds totaling thirty one thousand one hundred fifty one dollars ($31,151) for repair and replacement of County vehicles and equipment; and, WHEREAS, the insurance proceeds need to be accepted and appropriated to the Risk Management Fund budget for FY 2015-16; and, WHEREAS, the insurance proceeds need to be budgeted to the appropriate departments’ line items for vehicle replacement and equipment repairs for FY 2015-16. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that thirty one thousand one hundred fifty one dollars ($31,151) is hereby accepted and appropriated to the FY 2015-16 Risk Management Fund budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that departmental budgets’ line items be increased by the amount of the insurance proceeds to repair and replace vehicles and equipment. Sheriff Dept. Vehicle Replacement $17,450 Sheriff Dept. Vehicle Repairs $ 4,564 Public Utility Vehicle Repairs $ 6,724 Parks & Recreation Vehicle Repairs $ 1,613 Museum Awnings Repairs $ 800 Total $31,151 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget for this reimbursement and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. B & F/ Insurance Proceeds/ MWT 2.1.16 Adopted this 18th day of February, 2016. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk ______________________________ Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney B&F /DMV Animal License/MWT / 2.1.16 ISSUE: Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Animal Friendly License Plate Program BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles sells animal friendly license plates as a part of its special license plate program. A portion of the revenue is set aside to support the sterilization programs for dogs and cats. The funding received from this program needs to be accepted and appropriated to the Isle of Wight Humane Society. BUDGET IMPACT: Acceptance of this funding will increase the FY2015-16 General Operating Budget by $639.56. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution. ATTACHMENT: Resolution B&F /DMV Animal License/MWT / 2.1.16 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDING RECEIVED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles sells the Animal Friendly license plates as part of its special license plate program and sets aside a portion of the revenues derived from said sales for distribution to support the sterilization programs for dogs and cats; and, WHEREAS, funding in the amount of six hundred thirty-nine dollars and fifty-six cents ($639.56) from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles needs to be accepted and appropriated to the Isle of Wight County Humane Society. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that six hundred thirty-nine dollars and fifty-six cents ($639.56) or so much as shall be received from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles be accepted and appropriated to the Isle of Wight County Humane Society . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. Adopted this 18th day of February, 2016. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney B&F /V-Stop FY 17 / MWT 2.1.16 ISSUE: Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Funds Received from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services is offering continuing grant funding for the Isle of Wight County V-STOP Program. The program currently funds services to female victims of crimes in Isle of Wight County and also funds a Sexual Assault Response Team. The County’s grant submission has been approved for a total award of $30,795. The County will receive pass through federal funding in the amount of $23,096. A local contribution of $7,699 is required as match funding, resulting in the total grant award of $30,795 for FY 2015-16. BUDGET IMPACT: Local match funding in the amount of $7,699 is available in the FY2015-16 General Operating Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to accept and appropriate funding for the V-STOP Program. ATTACHMENT: Resolution B&F /DMV Animal License/MWT / 2.1.16 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE COMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County has authorized the development and submission of an application for the V-STOP Program to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services; and, WHEREAS, a grant award in the amount of twenty three thousand ninety six dollars ($23,096) or so much as shall be received needs to be accepted and appropriated to the appropriate line item in the FY2015-16 Operating Budget of the County of Isle of Wight County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, that twenty three thousand ninety six dollars ($23,096) or so much as shall be received be accepted and appropriated to the appropriate line item in the FY2015-16 Operating Budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of Isle of Wight County is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. Adopted this 18th day of February, 2016. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney February 18, 2016/MCP ISSUE: Resolution – Rescind Prior Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors’ Motions to Provide Certain Economic Development Incentives Which Have Not Been Reduced to Fully Executed Economic Development Incentive Grant Agreements BACKGROUND: In the past, the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors has approved certain economic development incentive offerings in order to possibly obtain new or additional economic development investments within Isle of Wight County, Virginia. As a result of many different factors, some of those offerings have not resulted in successfully bringing anticipated economic development opportunities to the County. As a matter of best practices, and in order to officially eliminate outstanding financial liabilities as a good housekeeping measure, such previously approved, but unexecuted Economic Development Incentive Grant Agreements should be officially rescinded by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to rescind prior Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors’ motions to provide certain economic development incentives which have not been reduced to fully executed Economic Development Incentive Grant agreements. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RESOLUTION TO RESCIND PRIOR ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOTIONS TO PROVIDE CERTAIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN REDUCED TO FULLY EXECUTED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE GRANT AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, over several years, the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors has carefully considered and approved certain economic development incentives in an attempt to bring new economic development opportunities to Isle of Wight County, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, it has come to the Board of Supervisors’ attention that while such incentives were approved by the Board, and reduced to writing in the form of certain proposed Economic Development Incentive Grant (EDIG) agreements, the intended purpose for such incentives either did not materialize or such EDIG agreements have never been finalized; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is poised to begin deliberations on the upcoming fiscal year budget; and, WHEREAS, as a matter of good housekeeping and best practices it is not appropriate for prior Board actions that have not materialized in the form of a fully executed EDIG Agreement to remain outstanding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight County, Virginia does hereby deem it appropriate to rescind any and all outstanding incentive proposals previously authorized but not reduced to a fully executed EDIG agreement as of this date. Adopted this 18th day of February, 2016. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills-Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney March 19,2015/asc/Volunteer Recognition Week ISSUE: Resolution – Designate March 14-18, 2016 as Agriculture Appreciation Week BACKGROUND: Each year, a week during the month of March is designated as Agriculture Appreciation Week throughout the Commonwealth and in Isle of Wight County. This year, March 14-18, 2016 is designated as Agriculture Appreciation Week. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to designate March 14-18, 2016 as Agriculture Appreciation Week in Isle of Wight County. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE MARCH 14-18, 2016 AS AGRICULTURE APPRECIATION WEEK WHEREAS, Agriculture is one of Isle of Wight County’s largest industries, with substantial economic impact and employment; and, WHEREAS, the County’s farmers market a wide variety of products, representing 213 farms, at grocery stores, farm stands, farmers’ markets, pick- your-own farms, and other agritourism venues; and, WHEREAS, the market value of agricultural products sold by County farms has increased 98% between 2007 and 2012; and, WHEREAS, County farms are contributing to Virginia’s record export sales to meet global demands for food, beverages, fiber and wood products; and, WHEREAS, on average, a Virginia farmer feeds his or her own family, plus an additional 155 people here or around the globe; and, WHEREAS, it is fitting to offer the citizens of our County a unique opportunity to recognize the County’s agribusinesses for the essential role they play in driving the local and State economy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that the week of March 14-18, 2016 be designated as Agriculture Appreciation Week, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens. Adopted this 18st day of February, 2016. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney 1 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FOURTH DAY OF JANUARY IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN IN THE ROBERT C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD ROOM OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE PRESENT: Rex W. Alphin, Carrsville District Rudolph Jefferson, Hardy District Joel C. Acree, Windsor District Richard L. Grice, Smithfield District William M. McCarty, Newport District Also Attending: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney Donald T. Robertson, Acting County Administrator Carey Mills Storm, Clerk The Board’s organizational meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Chairman Alphin. // Responsive to Acting County Administrator Robertson’s call for nomination of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2016, Supervisor Grice moved that Supervisor Alphin be elected as Chairman of the Board for 2016. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Responsive to Chairman Alphin’s called for nomination of the Vice- Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2016, Supervisor McCarty moved that Supervisor Acree be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Board for 2016. The motion was defeated by a vote of (2-3) with Supervisors Grice and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and Supervisors Acree, Alphin and Jefferson voting against the motion. 2 Chairman Alphin moved that Supervisor Jefferson be elected as Vice- Chairman of the Board for 2016. The motion was adopted by a vote of (3-2) with Supervisors Acree, Jefferson and Alphin voting in favor of the motion and Supervisors Grice and McCarty voting against the motion. The appointment of the Clerk of the Board for 2016 was considered and Chairman Alphin moved that Carey Mills Storm be appointed as Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for 2016. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. The Board’s 2016 meeting schedule was considered and Supervisor Jefferson moved that the following meeting schedule of the Board be adopted for 2016: Thursday, January 21st 5:00 p.m. Thursday, February 18th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 17th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 21st 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 19th 5:00 p.m. Thursdays, June 16th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, July 21st 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 18th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, September 15th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, October 20th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 17th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, December 15th 5:00 p.m. Thursday, January 5, 2017 11:00 a.m. The above meetings will be conducted in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. 3 The By-Laws and Rules of Procedure of the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors were presented for consideration by County Attorney Popovich. Supervisor Grice moved, but withdrew his motion, that Section 4-1.A of the By-Laws and Rules of Procedure be amended to allow Citizens Comments to immediately follow Approval of the Agenda and before the Consent Agenda. Supervisor Jefferson moved that the By-Laws and Rules of Procedure be adopted. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Supervisor Grice moved that Supervisors Jefferson and McCarty be appointed to a special committee charged with developing recommended changes to the By-Laws and Rules of Procedure for consideration by the full Board at its January 21, 2016 meeting. In the interim, the Board will operate under its current By-Laws and Rules of Procedure. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. // Under Approval of the Agenda, Supervisor Grice moved that the agenda be amended to add a Citizens Comments period and a closed meeting to discuss the potential appointment of an Interim County Administrator. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. // Regarding the appointment of Board members to various boards/committees, Chairman Alphin advised the Board that he would be contacting them individually with regard to what boards/committees they wished to serve on 4 prior to returning to the Board with a recommended slate at its January 21, 2016 meeting for consideration. // Under Citizens’ Comments, Herb DeGroft of Mill Swamp Road commented that the Board possesses the executive authority to amend its agenda when it so desires to do so. He advised the Board that the public has exhibited frustration when unable to comment on certain items that were placed in the Consent Agenda. Albert Burckard of Titus Pointe Lane spoke in support of Citizens Comments being listed on agendas before the Consent Agenda. Fred Mitchell of Carrollton expressed the importance of the Board listening to speakers who are addressing the Board of subjects of importance to them under Citizens’ Comments and he spoke in favor of the time for speakers under Citizens Comments being extended from three to five minutes. // A closed meeting was requested by County Attorney Popovich pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia concerning a discussion regarding a specific public appointee as an Interim County Administrator for Isle of Wight County. Supervisor McCarty moved that the Board enter the closed meeting for the reason stated by County Attorney Popovich. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Supervisor Acree moved that the Board return to open meeting. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. 5 Supervisor McCarty moved that the following Resolution be adopted: CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors. VOTE AYES: Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE: 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 // 6 At 12:30 p.m., Chairman Alphin declared the meeting adjourned. ___________________________ Rex W. Alphin, Chairman ___________________________ Carey Mills Storm, Clerk 1 SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE ELEVENTH DAY OF JANUARY IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN IN THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S CONFERENCE ROOM LOCATED IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE PRESENT: Rex W. Alphin Rudolph Jefferson Joel C. Acree Richard L. Grice William M. McCarty Also Attending: Mary Beth Johnson, Director of Human Resources Donald T. Robertson, Acting County Administrator Carey Mills Storm, Clerk At 5:00 p.m., the special called meeting of Chairman Alphin by letter dated January 5, 2016 to the Board members was called to order in the County Administrator’s Conference Room for the purpose of interviewing candidates for Interim County Administrator of Isle of Wight County. // Mary Beth Johnson, Director of Human Resources, requested a closed meeting pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia for the limited purpose of the Board interviewing potential candidates for possible appointment by the Board as Isle of Wight County’s Interim County Administrator. Supervisor Acree moved that the Board enter the closed meeting for the reason stated by Ms. Johnson. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. 2 Supervisor Acree moved that the Board return to open meeting. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Supervisor McCarty moved that the following Resolution be adopted: CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors. VOTE AYES: Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE: 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 Supervisor Acree moved that staff be directed to secure a contract with Mr. 3 Sanford B. Wanner, effective February 1, 2016, as the Isle of Wight County Interim County Administrator. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Alphin, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. // At 9:30 p.m., Chairman Alphin declared the special called meeting adjourned. __________________________ Rex W. Alphin, Chairman ___________________________ Carey Mills Storm, Clerk ISSUE: Regional Reports BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors has previously directed that an opportunity be provided for monthly status briefings from Board members who serve as representatives to the various regional committees and authorities on behalf of the County. RECOMMENDATION: Receive an oral report. ATTACHMENT: Listing of regional committees/authorities and Board representation Organization Member Term Expires Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance Grice January 2018 Hampton Roads Military Federal Facilities McCarty No Set Term Alliance Hampton Roads Planning District Commission Alphin No Set Term Sanford Wanner No Set Term Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Chairman No Set Term Commission Hampton Roads Transportation Rex W. Alphin No Set Term Planning Organization Jefferson/Alternate No Set Term Southeastern Public Service Authority Popovich December 2017 Tony Wilson/Alternate December 2017 Western Tidewater Regional Jail Authority Alphin No Set Term Jefferson No Set Term Western Tidewater Water Authority Grice June 2018 Acree June 2018 Popovich/Alternate June 2018 Regional Reports - Page 2 (Appointed by Board Vote) 2016 BOARD MEMBER REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE ISSUE: Special Presentation – Resolution of Appreciation to Robert P. Parsons upon the Occasion of his Retirement BACKGROUND: Mr. Robert P. Parsons served as the owner and Pharmacist of Windsor Pharmacy, Inc. since October 1973. Mr. Parsons has been an integral part of the Windsor community and is known throughout the County for his long-standing dedication to his community and his customers. Mr. Parsons retired on December 11, 2015 and sold his pharmacy to CVS/Pharmacy ensuring that the community’s needs would continue to be met. The Board desires to present a resolution to Mr. Parsons on the occasion of his retirement as an expression of its appreciation for his contributions to the quality of life of County citizens. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution in recognition of Mr. Robert P. Parsons’ retirement. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO ROBERT P. PARSONS UPON THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIREMENT WHEREAS, Robert P. Parsons has owned and operated Windsor Pharmacy, Inc. since October 1973 where he has faithfully served as Pharmacist. WHEREAS, Robert P. Parsons and family members have positively impacted the quality of life for those in the community and the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors wishes to recognize and commend Robert P. Parsons for his long-standing dedication and service; and, WHEREAS, Robert P. Parsons retired and subsequently sold Windsor Pharmacy, Inc. to CVS/Pharmacy on December 11, 2015. BE IT RESOLVED that the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors wishes to extend its best wishes to Robert P. Parsons upon his retirement and presents this Resolution as a token of its gratitude. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors orders that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Board this 18th day of February, 2016. Adopted this 18th day of February, 2016. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman ______ Carey Mills-Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: _ Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney February 18, 2016/jlo ISSUE: Special Presentation – Western Tidewater Regional Jail BACKGROUND: William C. “Chris” Smith, Superintendent, Western Tidewater Regional Jail, will give a brief presentation on the status of the regional jail. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None February 18, 2016/jlo ISSUE: Special Presentation – Transportation Update BACKGROUND: Jerry Kee, VDOT Franklin Residency Assistant Administrator, will present maintenance updates for roadways in Isle of Wight County, including paving, mowing, and ditch maintenance. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None February 18, 2016/jlo ISSUE: Special Presentation – Old Mill Intersection Signalization Update BACKGROUND: Carroll Collins, P.E., Principal, of Kimley-Horn Associates will give an update on the Old Mill Intersection Signalization project. The project is at 90% design and will be forwarded to VDOT for review after presentation to the Board. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Staff Report - Lawnes Point Subdivision Water System BACKGROUND: The Lawnes Point subdivision has a long history going back to the day it was first authorized by the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors. Over that period of time, several events have transpired that have resulted in the need for important decisions to now be made by the Board. A presentation on the historical events and proposed path forward will be made to the Board by the County Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Motion – Isle of Wight County Fair Committee By-Laws Revisions BACKGROUND: The Isle of Wight Fair Committee has requested two (2) revisions to their by-laws. The first revision would open membership on the Fair Committee’s Executive Board to individuals who serve on the Fair Committee and live outside of Isle of Wight County. The second revision would clarify which officers of the Fair Committee make up the Executive Board. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed Isle of Wight County Fair Committee By-Laws and authorize the Chairman to execute the same on behalf of the Board. ATTACHMENTS: Isle of Wight County Fair Committee By-Laws Page 1 of 7 Isle of Wight County Fair Committee By-Laws ARTICLE I SECTION 1.1. CREATION The Isle of Wight County Fair Committee was originally created by the Isle of Wight County Parks and Recreation Authority which was dissolved in the 1990’s and whose authority over the Isle of Wight County Fair Committee was then assumed by the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors on March 19, 1998. SECTION 1.2. NAME The official name of the Committee is the Isle of Wight County Fair Committee, hereinafter referred to in these By-Laws as the Fair Committee. SECTION 1.3 RESPONSIBILITIES The Fair Committee shall work in cooperation with the Isle of Wight County Department of Parks and Recreation for the development, promotion and organizing of the annual Isle of Wight County Fair to promote agriculture, education, industry, business and the general betterment of Isle of Wight County and its rural heritage. ARTICLE II SECTION 2.1. DEFINITION a. The “Fair Board” refers to the Executive Board and the Committee Chairs. b. “Executive Board” refers to the Fair Committee Chairman, Fair Committee First Vice Chairman, Fair Committee Second Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. c. The “Fair Committee” refers to the Fair Board and volunteers with each committee d. The “BOS” refers to the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors ARTICLE III SECTION 3.1. MEMBERSHIP a. Membership on the Fair Committee shall be open to any person with interest in support or service to the Fair Committee. Page 2 of 7 b. Only the Fair Board shall have the authority to vote on matters before the Fair Committee, however, any member of a subcommittee may sit in on committee meetings. c. In the event of a vacancy on the Fair Board, names can be provided by any member of the Fair committee or County staff for consideration to fill that vacancy and shall be approved by a vote of the Fair Board. d. A Fair Board member may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Fair Board Chairman. A 90 day notice is required whenever possible unless there is a knowledgeable replacement available to fill that position. e. The Fair Board may remove any member for inefficiency, neglect of duty, misconduct in office, incompetence, incompatibility or other good cause. (The discussion to remove a Board member will be done in close session with the Fair Board only). f. The Board of Supervisors may remove any member of the Executive Board for inefficiency, neglect of duty, misconduct in office, incompetence, incompatibility or other good cause. (The discussion to remove an Executive Board member will be done in close session with the Fair Manager, a representative of the BOS and the Executive Board). ARTICLE IV SECTION 4.1. EXECUTIVE BOARD a. The Executive Board of the Fair Committee will be comprised of five (5) residents of Isle of Wight County who shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County based on the recommendation of the Fair Board and Fair Manager members from the Fair Committee who have served as Committee Chair and/or Vice Chair for no less than 3 years. The Executive Board will be approved by the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County based on the recommendations of the Fair Board and Fair Manager. In the event a nominee(s) is not approved by the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County for the Executive Board, a new nominee(s) shall be recommended to Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County by the Fair Committee and Fair Manager within thirty (30) days. b. The Executive Board shall be comprised of Fair Chairman, First Vice-Chair, Second Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The terms of the Executive Board shall be for two (2) years. Members may serve consecutive two-year terms. All terms shall expire at the close of the October Meeting. The terms of the Executive Board shall be for two (2) years. Members may serve consecutive two-year terms. All terms shall expire at the close of the December meeting. Page 3 of 7 c. Nominations will be held at the October meeting. County employees are not allowed to vote in the nomination of the Executive Board nor hold any office or Chair positions with the Fair Committee. County employees can serve as volunteers on any of the Sub-Committees. d. All members of the Fair Board shall have one (1) vote on matters being considered by the Fair Committee, with the exception of the Fair Chairman. The Fair Chairman shall vote only in the case of a tie. ARTICLE V SECTION 5.1. DUTIES OF THE FAIR MANAGER The Director of the Isle of Wight County Department of Parks and Recreation shall serve as the Fair Manager and shall be responsible for ensuring that the Fair Committee operates within the confines of all applicable policies and procedures of Isle of Wight County; oversee day-to-day operations of the County Fair; develop, on an annual basis in consultation with the Fair Committee Chairman, a proposed annual budget for consideration by the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors; and, when necessary, assume or delegate such responsibilities to Isle of Wight County staff as may be deemed necessary and appropriate, in consultation with the Fair Committee Chairman. SECTION 5.2. DUTIES OF THE FAIR BOARD The Fair Board, with the assistance of the Fair Manager, shall develop a tentative program for the Fair on or before November for the following year’s fair. Every attempt should be made by February to have all agreements and vendors secured, and contracts negotiated and approved by County officials. This program will include all requested entertainment schedules, special events and competitions and shall be presented to the Fair Manager and County Staff. Entertainment cannot advertise until the contracts are signed. SECTION 5.3. DUTIES OF THE FAIR CHAIRMAN The Fair Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Fair Committee and public hearings called by the Fair Board. The Chairman shall call special meetings of the Fair Board when required, and shall transmit reports, plans and recommendations of the Fair Board to the appropriate governing authority, and in general, shall act as the spokesman for the Fair Board. The Chairman shall perform all duties incidental to the office and such other duties as may be prescribed by a majority of the members of the Fair Board. The Chairman shall consult and work with the Fair Manager with regards to all things pertaining to the planning and execution of the Fair. Page 4 of 7 SECTION 5.4. DUTIES OF THE FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN The first Vice Chairman shall serve as Chairman in the absence or the disability of the Chairman. In the event of the death or resignation of the Chairman, the First Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman until such time as the Fair Board can elect a new Chairman. SECTION 5.5. DUTIES OF THE SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN The Second Vice Chairman shall serve as Chairman in the absence or the disability of the Chairman and the First Vice Chairman. In the event of the death or resignation of the Chairman and the First Vice Chairman, the Second Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman until such time as the Fair Board can elect a new Chairman. SECTION 5.6. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings of the Fair Committee, shall prepare and send out notices for regular and special meetings, shall prepare and distribute minutes of the Fair Committee meetings and shall establish and maintain the Fair Committee’s files. SECTION 5.7. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER The Treasurer shall maintain all financial records and transactions of the Fair Committee and, in coordination with the Director of the Isle of Wight County Parks and Recreation Department, ensure that proper financial procedures are developed and followed in accordance with Isle of Wight County policies and procedures for the proper collection, recordation and disbursement of funds. SECTION 5.8. SUBCOMMITTEES The Fair Board shall appoint individuals to serve on such subcommittees as the Fair Board deems necessary and appropriate. These appointments shall be made the first meeting of January and will carry through December. No individual may serve as the chairperson for more than one subcommittee. In the event of a vacancy in the chair of any subcommittee, the names of potential replacements may be made to the Fair Page 5 of 7 Committee by any member of the Fair Committee or County Staff for consideration to fill said vacancy. The number of subcommittees shall be determined by the Fair Board on an annual basis at the first meeting in January of each year. ARTICLE VI SECTION 6.1. REGULAR MEETINGS Regular meetings of the Fair Committee shall be held on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the 4-H Extension Office, Isle of Wight County. In the event of a legal holiday, the meeting will be held on the preceding Monday night at the same time and the same place. Each member shall be notified of each regular meeting at least five (5) days prior to the meeting by written agenda prepared by the Secretary to the Fair Committee. SECTION 6.2. SPECIAL MEETINGS Special meetings of the Fair Committee may be called at any time by the Chairman or in the absence or unavailability of the Chairman, by the Vice Chairman. The Secretary shall mail to all members, at least five (5) days in advance of a special meeting, a written notice, fixing the time and place of the meeting and the purpose thereof. Written notice of a special meeting is not required if the time of the special meeting has been fixed at a regular meeting. SECTION 6.3. CANCELLATIONS Whenever there is no business of the Fair Committee, the Chairman may dispense with the regular meeting by giving notice to all members at least two (2) days prior to the time set for the meeting, provided that the Fair Committee shall meet no less than ten (10) times each calendar year. SECTION 6.4. ATTENDANCE Fair Board members are expected to attend meetings regularly. In the event a Board member would need to miss a meeting, it will be their responsibility to have someone represent them or notify the Chairman in order to convey any up to date information that needs to be passed on to the Committee. SECTION 6.5. QUORUM A majority of the members of the Fair Board shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the only matters which may be addressed are a motion to recess; Page 6 of 7 motion to fix the time to which to adjourn; and motion to adjourn. No action of the Fair Board shall be valid unless authorized by a majority vote of those present and voting. SECTION 6.6. ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum 3. Consideration of Minutes 4. Unfinished/Old Business 5. Committee Reports including Chairman 6. Fair Manager Report 7. County Staff Comments 8. New Business 9. Closed Meeting (if needed) 10. Adjournment All chairs, when possible, should submit to the chairman items for new business for the meeting agenda prior to the next scheduled meeting. SECTION 6.7. TIME LIMITS The time limit for comment concerning agenda items shall be limited to five (5) minutes per person. The Chairman may, in his discretion, waive this time limitation, if the circumstances necessitate same due to the complexity of the issues and agenda items. SECTION 6.8. MEETINGS All meetings of the Fair Committee at which official action is taken shall be open to the public and all records of the Fair Committee shall be public records when duly adopted by the Fair Committee. SECTION 6.9. RULES OF ORDER The rules of the procedure set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the Fair Committee on all occasions in which they apply and are not inconsistent with these by-laws. ARTICLE VII SECTION 7.1. REPORTS Page 7 of 7 The Fair Committee may provide periodic reports of its activities to the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors, but shall provide an annual report to the BOS on or before January 31st of each year for the previous year’s activities. ARTICLE VIII SECTION 8.1. AMENDMENTS These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Fair Committee by the majority of the Fair Board, provided that prior notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given to each member at least one regular meeting before the adoption of such amendment and after formal approval by the BOS. The Fair Committee’s by-laws, rules and regulations governing its procedure shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the ordinances and policies of Isle of Wight County. Approved by the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors at a regular meeting by motion duly adopted the ______day of_________, 2016. _______________________________ Rex Alphin, Chairman Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors Approved as to Form: Attested: __________________________ __________________________ Mark C. Popovich Carey Mills Storm, Clerk County Attorney Approved by the Isle of Wight County Fair Committee at a regular meeting by motion duly adopted the ___27____day of ___January___2014 Adopted this ___03___day of___February_______2014 ____________________________ Danny Byrum, Chairman Isle of Wight County Fair Committee ____________________________ Page 8 of 7 Debbie Braswell, Secretary/Treasurer Isle of Wight County Fair Committee Board of Supervisors Meeting February 18, 2016 RDR AirBNB Rentals ISSUE: Staff Report – AirBnB BACKGROUND: At its regular meeting on January 21, 2016, the Board requested that staff provide information relative to a citizen’s comments regarding AirBnB. Two municipalities (Roanoke and Charlottesville) were suggested as references by the citizen. Staff researched those municipalities as well as existing County regulations and pending State legislation and has provided a summary of each below. Roanoke: Roanoke defines the use as a Home Stay and it is separate from the Bed and Breakfast use. A Home Stay requires the acquisition of a Special Exception, which has a $350.00 fee for the application and advertising. This application is reviewed by the Board of Zoning appeals and if approved is valid for a term of two (2) years. This use also has supplemental regulations which require owner occupancy, and limit the term of stay and number of guests. Additionally a new Certificate of Occupancy is required in order to ensure a variety of code related requirements for access and safety are met. This ordinance has been in effect for less than one (1) year. Charlottesville: Charlottesville defines the use as a Home Stay and it is separate from the Bed and Breakfast use. A Home Stay requires the acquisition of a provisional use permit and a business license, these are handled administratively and do not require an appearance at any board. The permits are good for the calendar year and must be renewed annually. This use has supplemental regulations which require owner occupancy, limit the term of stay and number of guests, and require a 24/7 contact that is local to the permitted location. This ordinance has been in effect for less than one (1) year. Isle of Wight: Isle of Wight has some zoning provisions which we believe already address this use currently. Specifically Section 5-1005.B Board of Supervisors Meeting February 18, 2016 RDR AirBNB Rentals of the Zoning Ordinance allows for the renting of up to two (2) rooms in a house by the owner to not more than 2 people. This being a permitted accessory use to single family residential this does not require a zoning permit. The County has a separate use for Bed and Breakfast which requires a Conditional Use Permit and the $1,350.00 fee associated with that application process. State Legislature: The State legislature currently has two (2) different bills being proposed (HB 812/SB 416 & HB 1268/SB 751) which address this issue. Both bills are being discussed and if either were approved it would likely result in some changes to the regulation of this use being needed. Until the legislative session is completed there is significant uncertainty with this issue. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the citizen’s description of what she intends to do, she would qualify under the accessory residential use provisions already in place and would not require a Conditional Use Permit. Due to the uncertainty caused by the State legislative bills on this issue, the fact that existing ordinances have not been in effect long enough to evaluate effectively, and the existing coverage of this use within the Zoning Ordinance it is staff’s recommendation that no further action be taken on this issue at this time. Additional action may be required after the legislative session is completed, staff will monitor the situation and bring forward information and recommended actions if warranted at that time. ATTACHMENTS: None February 18, 2016/jlo ISSUE: Staff Report – Unpaved Roads Program BACKGROUND: Jamie Oliver, Isle of Wight County Transportation Coordinator, will give an introductory presentation to the Board regarding the County’s current pave-in-place program, and recommended policy updates to prioritized County projects and funds. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Staff Report – Legislative Update BACKGROUND: The 2016 Session of the General Assembly began on January 13, 2016 and “crossover day” is February 16, 2016. Staff is continuing to monitor legislation and will provide an update to the Board at its meeting on Thursday. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Staff Report – Replacement of the County’s Public Safety Radio System BACKGROUND: Sheriff Mark Marshall will provide the Board with an update on the status of the replacement of the County’s Public Safety radio system. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: Report titled “Isle of Wight Public Safety Radio ECC Technology, Governance and Financing” ISSUE: Staff Report – Water Agreement with the Town of Smithfield BACKGROUND: At its regular meeting on January 21, 2016, the Board received a presentation from Mr. Andrew C. Gregory, Vice-Mayor, Town of Smithfield, relative to the Town’s interest in continuing discussions regarding the purchase of water. The Board requested that staff review the matter and provide a recommendation to the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Refer the matter to the Smithfield Intergovernmental Committee for continued discussion and negotiation with the Town of Smithfield. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Staff Report – Convenience Center Schedule BACKGROUND: Following the Board’s meeting on January 21, 2016, staff provided information regarding the Convenience Center schedule to the Board’s Public Works Committee for its review and discussion. Efforts to reschedule a meeting of the Committee are underway and an update will be provided to the Board. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Staff Report – County Administrator Search Process BACKGROUND: The Interim County Administrator will provide information to the Board regarding the search process for a County Administrator. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None ISSUE: Matters for the Board’s Information BACKGROUND: The matters attached to this Board report are included as a means of providing information to the Board relative to matters of interest. These items do not require any action by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of December 2015; Cash Position; and, Statement of the Treasurer’s Accountability 2. Isle of Wight County Monthly Fire/EMS Call Summary and Other Statistics/January 2016 3. Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Monthly Activity Report/January 2016 4. Isle of Wight Website Statistics/January 2016 5. Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup 6. Isle of Wight Extension Report/January 2016 7. Quarterly Financial Report – 2nd Quarter 8. Water Meter Replacement Letter 9. Isle of Wight County Museum Report/January 2016 TAX YEAR TAX LEVY SUPPLEMENTS PUBLIC SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS & ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAX LEVIES TAX COLLECTED TAX OUTSTDG.% COLLECTED % UNC. 2009-2010 22,935,645.20$ 148,239.96$ 1,120,980.11$ (481,545.08)$ 23,723,320.19$ 23,723,290.19$ 30.00$ 100.00%0.00% 2010-2011 22,125,331.80$ 109,013.67$ 1,238,933.38$ (543,437.05)$ 22,929,841.80$ 22,925,637.96$ 4,203.84$ 99.98%0.02% 2011-2012 27,790,010.30$ 105,576.91$ 811,545.32$ (398,722.42)$ 28,308,410.11$ 28,299,082.09$ 9,328.02$ 99.97%0.03% 2012-2013 26,525,116.80$ 184,303.35$ 915,993.22$ (504,840.54)$ 27,120,572.83$ 27,102,114.27$ 18,458.56$ 99.93%0.07% 2013-2014 30,047,697.17$ 175,041.84$ 1,034,152.63$ (500,534.41)$ 30,756,357.23$ 30,671,853.13$ 84,504.10$ 99.73%0.27% 2014-2015 35,272,018.77$ 242,107.37$ 1,227,910.28$ (574,300.05)$ 36,167,736.37$ 35,845,630.76$ 322,105.61$ 99.11%0.89% 2015-2016 18,001,118.51$ 42,429.00$ 1,286,485.55$ (315,333.65)$ 19,014,699.41$ 18,518,049.37$ 496,650.04$ 97.39%2.61% Note $935,280.17 99.50%0.50% Real Estate 2nd half billed $ 17,740,998.69 payments for June 2016 $207,380.53$277,609.40 TAX YEAR TAX LEVY SUPPLEMENTS PUBLIC SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS & ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAX LEVIES TAX COLLECTED TAX OUTSTDG.% COLLECTED % UNC. prior 2009 $ 103,194,319.51 103,173,067.01$ $ 21,252.50 99.98%0.02% 2010 14,477,918.03$ 497,127.97$ 29,952.42$ (645,313.33)$ 14,359,685.09$ 14,331,887.41$ 27,797.68$ 99.81%0.19% LIC. FEE 602,496.00$ 59,434.00$ (36,873.81)$ 625,056.19$ 619,175.38$ 5,880.81$ 99.06%0.94% 2011 9,331,238.47$ 439,311.19$ 30,643.10$ (570,995.18)$ 9,230,197.58$ 9,193,055.21$ 37,142.37$ 99.60%0.40% LIC. FEE 609,590.00$ 40,268.00$ (20,976.02)$ 628,881.98$ 622,050.08$ 6,831.90$ 98.91%1.09% 2012 11,332,597.54$ 838,421.86$ 30,972.53$ (924,889.06)$ 11,277,102.88$ 11,228,013.15$ 49,089.73$ 99.56%0.44% LIC. FEE 622,868.00$ 41,014.00$ (34,550.62)$ 629,331.38$ 621,317.81$ 8,013.57$ 98.73%1.27% 2013 13,130,414.21$ 461,414.17$ 35,767.54$ (1,160,330.47)$ 12,467,265.45$ 12,388,181.02$ 79,084.43$ 99.37%0.63% LIC. FEE 944,288.00$ 49,630.00$ -$ (56,264.45)$ 937,653.55$ 919,413.52$ 18,240.03$ 98.05%1.95% 2014 13,263,208.40$ 409,534.36$ 36,474.99$ (571,166.61)$ 13,138,051.14$ 12,974,830.85$ 163,220.29$ 98.76%1.24% LIC. FEE 1,052,654.00$ 53,526.00$ -$ (62,911.75)$ 1,043,268.25$ 1,002,473.22$ 40,795.03$ 96.09%3.91% 2015 12,710,875.80$ 986,895.84$ 39,336.13$ (565,734.22)$ 13,171,373.55$ 12,081,898.78$ 1,089,474.77$ 91.73%8.27% LIC. FEE 972,558.00$ 148,470.00$ -$ (12,205.50)$ 1,108,822.50$ 989,098.42$ 119,724.08$ 89.20%10.80% $1,666,547.19 99.08%0.92% Note TOTAL DELINQUENT=$2,601,827.36 99.30%0.70% 2016 Prepayments $ 45,056.86 for 1st half TAX LEVIES & COLLECTIONS AS OF JAN 2016 REAL ESTATE DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE = PERSONAL PROPERTY DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROP. = February 18, 2016/jtt/Monthly Fire/EMS reports – Incidents by Zone ISSUE: Monthly Fire/EMS Report - Incidents by Zone BACKGROUND: Beginning in February 2016, a monthly Incidents by Zone fire/EMS report will be available both in the Board’s FYI agenda and online via the county’s website. The new report provides a count of individual incidents by geographic zone as well as provides a detailed breakdown of the nature of the incidents and response times by zone. Recognizing issues with the county’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system configuration, the Department of Emergency Services and the Emergency Communications Center (E911) staff began to take action in early 2015 to facilitate more accurate data analysis. With the assistance of the county’s CAD vendor, the CAD system was reconfigured and training was provided to the county’s dispatchers. The project took 4-5 months and was completed in mid-December. The new CAD configuration allows for a more accurate analysis of system incident data including incident types and response times. The issue stemmed from the CAD system creating multiple incident numbers for the same event. In addition, the CAD setup varied from station to station and was not consistent. The prior CAD configuration would create separate incidents for each station, and sometimes each response unit that responded to an event. For example: Zone X had a single structure fire in the month of January. Stations A, B, C and D responded to the structure fire. The prior CAD configuration would have created 4 separate incidents for the single structure fire, thus reflecting a total of 4 structure fires in Zone X in January. The configuration issue caused inflated incident counts and made the CAD system data unreliable from a data analysis standpoint. Multiplying this anomaly over the course of a year, it is easy to see how system data became significantly skewed and unreliable for use in decision making. February 18, 2016/jtt/Monthly Fire/EMS reports – Incidents by Zone In an appropriately configured CAD System, 1 reported structure fire results in 1 incident and all responding stations and response units fall under the same incident number (e.g. regardless of how many departments or response units responded, a single structure fire would equal 1 structure fire incident). Accurate incident counts are critical because they reflect a “Demand for Service” in a particular geographical area. When captured accurately, this allows the proper evaluation of service delivery and potential changes in demand that may necessitate adjustments in resource deployment. Prior to January, statistically valid reports of this nature were not available via the CAD system. It is important to note that incident counts are different from unit or station responses. Utilizing the example of a structure fire above; 1 incident resulted in 4 station responses - which may have involved 8 or 10 different response units. Station or unit responses would naturally be higher than incident counts. However, incident counts reflect the “true” demand for service and are the key driver for system analysis. In addition, it is important to note that there are no established response protocols system- wide that allow for an apple to apple comparison across departments at the station or unit level. Since this data varies by zone and department, it is less reliable from a system-wide data analysis standpoint. In the event that response standards do become standardized, reporting such information may be deemed beneficial. BUDGETARY IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s Information. ATTACHMENT: Incidents by Zone Report 02.09.16 JAN 15 JAN 16 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2016 YTD 2015 YTD % chng Calls for Service Law Enforcement 3,761 4,772 4,772 3,761 26.88% Animal Services 96 94 94 96 -2.08% GRAND TOTAL 3,857 4,866 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,866 3,857 26.16% School Checks (num)84 52 52 84 -38.10% School Checks (time)27:47 18:46 1 27:47 -32.45% False Alarms 10 0 0 10 -100.00% Escorts 18 9 9 18 -50.00% Traffic Traffic Stops 314 385 385 314 22.61% Traffic Summons 164 225 225 164 37.20% Traffic Crashes 63 31 31 63 -50.79% Criminal Process Misdemeanor Charges 28 58 58 28 107.14% Felony Charges 13 16 16 13 23.08% Unknown Class 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 41 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 41 80.49% Civil Process Writ- Levy 0 4 4 0 #DIV/0! Writ- Repo 3 1 1 3 -66.67% Evictions 11 10 10 11 -9.09% All Other Civil 800 754 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 800 -5.75% GRAND TOTAL 814 769 769 814 -5.53% Property Reported Stolen $27,604 $22,736 $22,736 $27,604 -17.63% Stolen Items 58 43 43 58 -25.86% Reported Recovered $2,780 $13,926 $13,926 $2,780 400.93% Recovered Items 8 15 15 8 87.50% Reported Damaged $2,480 $75 $75 $2,480 -96.98% Damaged Items 9 3 3 9 -66.67% Court Fines and Fees Jury Trials 2 0 0 2 -100.00% Other Mileage 78,894 0 78,894 -100.00% Gun Permits 56 105 105 56 87.50% Fingerprints (non crim.)21 18 18 21 -14.29% Reports (IBR)61 57 57 61 -6.56% Reports (Non-IBR)107 148 148 107 38.32% Currency values rounded to the dollar.REVISED- 02.09.16 Totals may change between reporting periods due to ongoing investigations, case updates, error correction, and late reporting. Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office • Monthly Activity Report - JAN 2016 STATISTICAL INFO YTD TO LAST MONTH COMPLETED-JAN 02.09.16 MEAN (AVG)MEDIAN HIGHEST LOWEST Law Enforcement 4,772 4,772 4,772 4,772 Animal Services 94 94 94 94 GRAND TOTAL 4,866 4,866 4,866 4,866 School Checks (num)52 52 52 52 School Checks (time)18:46 18:46 18:46 18:46 False Alarms 0 0 0 0 Escorts 9 9 9 9 Traffic Stops 385 385 385 385 Traffic Summons 225 225 225 225 Traffic Crashes 31 31 31 31 Misdemeanor Charges 58 58 58 58 Felony Charges 16 16 16 16 GRAND TOTAL 74 74 74 74 Writ- Levy 4 4 4 4 Writ- Repo 1 1 1 1 Evictions 10 10 10 10 All Other Civil 754 754 754 754 GRAND TOTAL 769 769 769 769 Reported Stolen 22,736 22,736 22,736 22,736 Stolen Items 43 43 43 43 Reported Recovered 13,926 13,926 13,926 13,926 monetary 61% Recovered Items 15 15 15 15 items 35% Reported Damaged 75 75 75 75 Damaged Items 3 3 3 3 Mileage #DIV/0!#NUM!0 0 Gun Permits 105 105 105 105 Fingerprints (non crim.)18 18 18 18 Reports (IBR)57 57 57 57 Reports (Non-IBR)148 148 148 148 Monetary values are rounded to the nearest dollar. Totals may change between reporting periods due to ongoing investigations, case updates, error correction, and late reporting. Property Civil Process Other Property Recovery (from Average) Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office • Monthly Activity Report - 2016 Calls for Service Traffic Criminal Process 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 15 TOT 15 TOT % Change January 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 16 8 3 1 0 0 22 18 -18.2% February 0 0 0 1 4 19 1 0 25 0 -100.0% March 0 1 0 0 1 13 0 0 15 0 -100.0% April 1 1 1 1 6 17 1 0 28 0 -100.0% May 0 0 0 3 3 12 0 0 18 0 -100.0% June 0 0 1 1 7 11 1 0 21 0 -100.0% July 0 0 1 1 4 10 1 0 17 0 -100.0% August 0 0 0 1 9 18 1 0 29 0 -100.0% September 0 0 1 6 5 31 1 1 45 0 -100.0% October 0 0 0 0 6 14 0 0 20 0 -100.0% November 0 0 0 3 9 20 1 1 34 0 -100.0% December 0 0 0 2 5 20 0 0 27 0 -100.0% YTD TOTAL 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 16 8 3 1 0 0 22 18 -18.2% GRD TOTAL 1 0 3 1 4 0 20 1 60 7 201 8 10 1 2 0 301 18 -94.0% 2015 2015 2015 2 20 22 NOTICE: THE DATA IN THIS REPORT IS DYNAMIC AND MAY CHANGE AS CASES ARE RECLASSFIED, RECORDS EXPUNGED, OR ERRORS CORRECTED. SOURCE: IOWSO RMS DATA AS OF 01.07.16 FOR ALL 2015 DATA AND 02.09.16 FOR 2016 DATA ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 02.09.16 18 Arson 200 TOTALS This data excluded crime reports made to the town police departments (Smithfield PD and Windsor PD); however, they may include crimes that occurred within those self reporting jurisdictions if those crimes were specifically reported to and investigated by IOWSO. Homicide 09A CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS 2016 YTD Larceny 23 MV Theft 240 Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office 2 Select Group A Offenses 2016 (w/ 2015 comparison) Rape 11A Robbery 120 Ag Assault 13A Burglary 220 CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY 2016 YTD TOTAL 2016 YTD -18.2%-20.0%0.0% 16 SCHOOL COUNT TIME % COUNT % TIME CARROLLTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 14 5:07 26.9%27.3% CARRSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 16 5:07 30.8%27.3% GEORGIE D TYLER MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 1:03 3.8%5.6% HARDY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 7 2:29 13.5%13.3% ISLE OF WIGHT ACADEMY 0 0:00 0.0%0.0% SMITHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL 3 2:13 5.8%11.9% SMITHFIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL 0 0:00 0.0%0.0% WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2 0:28 3.8%2.5% WINDSOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 7 2:09 13.5%11.5% WINDSOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 0:05 1.9%0.5% Grand Total 52 18:46 100.0%100.0% Note: These times only reflect actions of -NON- SRO Personnel 02.09.16 Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office • Monthly School Check Report JAN 2016 RANK NATURE COUNT % TOTAL RANK NATURE COUNT % TOTAL 1 PATROL CHECK 2010 41.31%51 CARDIAC ARREST 3 0.06% 2 BUILDING CHECK 499 10.25%52 FOUND PROPERTY 3 0.06% 3 TRAFFIC STOP 385 7.91%53 K-9 DEPLOYMENT 3 0.06% 4 CIVIL PAPER 381 7.83%54 FIGHT IN PROGRESS 3 0.06% 5 BUSINESS CHECK 271 5.57%55 LOST PROPERTY 3 0.06% 6 CITIZEN ASSIST 155 3.19%56 FALLS AND RELATED INJURIES 3 0.06% 7 ANIMAL COMPLAINT 107 2.20%57 CAR FIRE 3 0.06% 8 ACCIDENT NO INJURIES 105 2.16%58 THREATS 3 0.06% 9 SUSPICIOUS PERS./VEH./ACTIVITY 80 1.64%59 POLICE PURSUIT VEH OR FOOT 3 0.06% 10 PRISONER TRANSPORT 70 1.44%60 EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ORDER 3 0.06% 11 ALARM - BURGLARY 64 1.32%61 ALARM - MEDICAL 3 0.06% 12 HOUSE CHECK 62 1.27%62 TEMPORARY DETENTION ORDER 3 0.06% 13 DISABLED VEHICLE 61 1.25%63 POSSIBLE DOA 3 0.06% 14 SCHOOL CHECK 52 1.07%64 SICK / ILL OR RESCUE 3 0.06% 15 ASSIST OTHER JURISDICTION 44 0.90%65 FORGERY AND/OR UTTERING 2 0.04% 16 PAPER SERVICE 43 0.88%66 HIT AND RUN 2 0.04% 17 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 35 0.72%67 SEIZURE 2 0.04% 18 ACCIDENT UNKNOWN INJURIES 29 0.60%68 DOMESTIC ASSAULT - IN PROGRESS 2 0.04% 19 RECKLESS DRIVING 25 0.51%69 UNCONSCIOUS OR FAINTING 2 0.04% 20 DIRECT PATROL 24 0.49%70 BITE 2 0.04% 21 TRAFFIC HAZARD 21 0.43%71 OTHER OR UNKNOWN PROBLEM 2 0.04% 22 WELFARE CHECK 21 0.43%72 STROKE 2 0.04% 23 LARCENY PETIT AND GRAND 16 0.33%73 SEX OFFENSES RAPE ASSAULT 2 0.04% 24 DOMESTIC - VERBAL ONLY 15 0.31%74 HARRASSMENT 1 0.02% 25 BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL 13 0.27%75 DISPUTE (NON-FAMILY)1 0.02% 26 911 HANG UP 13 0.27%76 ASSIST BOATER 1 0.02% 27 BE ON THE LOOKOUT 11 0.23%77 COUNTERFEIT 1 0.02% 28 DISTURBANCE-LOUD NOISE 10 0.21%78 OBSTETRICS 1 0.02% 29 PROJECT LIFESAVER 10 0.21%79 TRESPASS 1 0.02% 30 DRUG OFFENSES 10 0.21%80 BACK PAIN (NON TRAUMATIC)1 0.02% 31 FRAUD 10 0.21%81 EMERGENCY CUSTODY ORDER 1 0.02% 32 PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS 9 0.18%82 FIELD INTERVIEW 1 0.02% 33 TRAFFIC CONTROL 9 0.18%83 CIVIL MATTER 1 0.02% 34 POLICE ESCORT 9 0.18%84 SHOPLIFTING 1 0.02% 35 FINGERPRINTS 9 0.18%85 TRANSPORT - CITIZEN/OTHER 1 0.02% 36 DISORDERLY INDIVIDUAL 8 0.16%86 STRUCTURE FIRE 1 0.02% 37 OFFICER INFORMATION 7 0.14%87 CHOKING 1 0.02% 38 DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE 7 0.14%88 WEAPONS OFFENSES 1 0.02% 39 ACCIDENT WITH INJURIES 7 0.14%89 CHEST PAIN 1 0.02% 40 OPEN DOOR OR WINDOW 7 0.14%90 PUBLIC ASSIST 1 0.02% 41 BUSINESS ASSIST 7 0.14%91 SMELL OF GAS INSIDE/OUTSIDE 1 0.02% 42 SHOTS FIRED/PROMISCUS SHOOTING 7 0.14%92 ASSAULT WITH WEAPONS 1 0.02% 43 BRUSH FIRE 6 0.12%93 HEART PROBLEMS 1 0.02% 44 DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY 5 0.10%94 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE ORDER 1 0.02% 45 EVICTION 5 0.10%95 RUNAWAY 1 0.02% 46 ASSAULT NO WEAPONS 5 0.10%96 ALL OTHERS 9 0.18% 47 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 4 0.08%0.00% 48 FIRE ALARM 4 0.08%TOTAL 4,866 100% 49 ALARM - ROBBERY 4 0.08%TOP TEN 4,063 83.50% 50 TEST CALL 4 0.08%02.09.16 NOTE: Prisoner transports include twice daily transport of Animal Shelter work release inmates. PRIOR MONTH TOP TEN FOR COMPARISON RANK NATURE COUNT % TOTAL 1 PATROL CHECK 19,455 36.39% 2 CIVIL PAPER 5,796 10.84% 3 BUILDING CHECK 5,365 10.04% 4 TRAFFIC STOP 4,919 9.20% 5 BUSINESS CHECK 2,437 4.56% 6 CITIZEN ASSIST 1,732 3.24% 7 ANIMAL COMPLAINT 1,204 2.25% 8 PAPER SERVICE 1,060 1.98% 9 SUSPICIOUS PERS./VEH./ACTIVITY 975 1.82% 10 PRISONER TRANSPORT 839 1.57% T TOP TEN COMBINED 43,782 81.89%T **TOTAL** CALLS (not just top 10)53,462 100.00% CALLS FOR SERVICE • JAN 2016 MEMORANDUM TO: Tony Wilson, Director of Public Works FROM: Ralph Anderson, Solid Waste Division Manager SUBJECT: Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup DATE: February 10, 2016 I. Solid Waste Division, with the help of the Western Tidewater Regional Jail Workers, continues to make an effort to keep the County roadways clean. Litter pick-up has been at a standstill during the month of January due to the focus on the recycling program, and limitation on the available number of Work Release inmates from the Western Tidewater Regional Jail. • The following is a list where litter is scheduled to be picked up during the month of February 2016: Old Stage Hwy: Rte 10 to Berry Hill Rd Berry Hill Rd: Rte 10 to Old Stage Hwy Foursquare Rd: Courthouse Hwy to Ting Rd Titus Creek Rd: Nike Park Rd to Smith`s Neck Rd Scott`s Factory Rd: Courthouse Hwy to Turner Dr Bethel Church Ln: Waterworks Rd to Blair`s Creek Dr Turner Dr: Benns Church Blvd. to Scotts Factory Rd. Sunset Dr: Courthouse Hwy. to Buckhorn Dr. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY Extension is a joint program of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and state and local governments. Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Invent the Future Virginia Cooperative Extension Isle of Wight County 17100 Monument Circle, Suite B Isle of Wight, VA 23397 757-365-6261 Fax: 757-357-9610 email: jaashle2@vt.edu www.vt.edu Isle of Wight Extension Report January 2016 Janet Spencer, Extension Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources Valerie Nichols, Unit Administrative Assistant Agriculture  Continued to provide support and coordination for the Isle of Wight Master Gardeners (65 active members) and the Historic Southside Master Naturalist Chapter (50 active members).  Assisted Master Gardener and Master Naturalist volunteers with new trainee classes set to begin in January. This involved background screenings, material preparations, and trainee interviews.  Master Naturalist volunteers continued planning for an IOW Courthouse Native Plant Garden.  Provided approximately 100 soil sample kits to local residents and industry personnel.  Provided information to 10 individuals concerning pesticide application requirements, land rent, soil fertility, and crop budgets.  Attended and presented four insect pest management lectures for the Mid-Atlantic Horticultural Short Course held in Virginia Beach.  Continued planning for the State Cotton Production Meeting and the State Peanut Production Meeting. This included setting the agenda, obtaining private and commercial pesticide applicator recertification credits, and continuing education credits.  Continued initial planning for a SE Vegetable Production and Marketing meetings.  Continued initial planning for a Row-Crop Irrigation meeting.  Participated in a Pollinator Protection meeting with producers and Extension specialists.  Attended the Farm Bureau’s Women’s Committee meeting to discuss and coordinate school activities for National Ag Literacy Awareness as part of the Ag in the Classroom curriculum.  Began initial discussions for a possible partnership with the Luter Family YMCA to offer adult and youth agriculture/horticulture classes. 4-H Youth Development  Implemented the 2016 Cured Ham Project in partnership with Smithfield Foods and Darden Store. Approximately 85 hams were purchased and cured by local residents and 4-H members.  Sent and received counselor and CIT applications for the 2016 Junior 4-H Camp to be held in June. Interviews and counselor selections will take place in February. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution Outreach and Administrative  Spencer completed her annual faculty report for 2015, as well as the unit plan of work and personal action plan for 2016. Face-to-face: 150 Calls: 70 Emails: 120 Social Media: 5 more “likes” for Agriculture and Natural Resources facebook page. METER REPLACEMENT NOTICE Isle of Wight County has contracted with R.P. Finch Inc. to replace water meters throughout the County’s public water system starting in February with the work continuing over the next several months. No one need be home as the Contractor will perform all work at the existing meter location. The Contractor’s staff will attempt to contact the owner/occupant directly prior to shutting off any water services. The Contractor will re-schedule the replacement work if necessary. Care will be taken to install replacement meters in the most sanitary manner possible, and water service interruptions will be minimized to the greatest extent practical. Please note some air may bleed out of the faucets and/or discolored water may be visible for a short period. However, this condition, if it occurs, should clear up quickly and poses no health risk. This meter replacement work will be completed at the County’s cost. Please contact Donna Holt at 365-6319 should you have questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, Steve Hatcher Operations Manager Town of Smithfield Isle of Wight County Museum January 2016 Report J.L. England, Museum Director Notable/Thank Yous • Volunteer hours: 41 • Results of our 2015 visitation study showed that the bulk of our guests are from out of state. 2015’s breakdown show results similar to the 2013 study: o Smithfield/Isle of Wight County 19% o Hampton Roads 23% o Virginia 18.8% o Out of State 38.9% o Out of Country 0.3% • Our end of year report was submitted to the Town. • January 28 marked Newport News Shipbuilding’s 130th anniversary. As part of their commemoration efforts, the Shipyard taped community leaders throughout the state (and beyond) for use in the Shipyard’s own multi-media anniversary efforts. Museum Director Jennifer England was interviewed on Jan. 13. • The museum was closed on Jan. 1 for New Year’s Day. Additionally, due to inclement weather, the museum closed at noon on Jan. 22 and all day on Jan. 23 and 24. • On Jan. 29, the museum distributed a marketing piece to the merchants along Main Street – reminding them of our hours, programming, Ham Cam, etc. • The roofing project continues. Isle of Wight County’s General Services department is coordinating the museum’s roof replacement project with Hentz Engineering of Virginia Beach and DeShazo Roofing of Ashland. The roofer’s final exterior inspection is pending. Museum Stats and Updates • Visitation: 389 • Special Events o Jan. 16. A Taste for War. Civil War food came in many shapes and sizes. After marching or drilling, soldiers still had to prepare their rations to fortify themselves for the coming days. Join us for this lecture and sample a few original recipes. 35 attendees. o Jan. 16. Local Tour of Mackie’s Mill. On the 235th anniversary of the Mackie’s Mill engagement, the 1781 skirmish between local militia and Benedict Arnold’s forces, visit the site of the clash. Tour begins at the Isle of Wight County Museum. Guests will follow in their own vehicles to the nearby sites. 30 attendees. o Jan. 21. Tell Me A Story. This program, geared for children ages 3 to 5, introduces youngsters to the symbols of Isle of Wight and features books, songs and games. Theme: Owls. 58 students. • Groups/tours o Jan. 8. Noble Care, Suffolk. 12 attendees. o Jan. 16. United Daughters of the Confederacy, Isle of Wight Chapter 699, 12 members. • Gift Shop. o STEEM. Caffeinated peanut butter. Because sometimes even the world’s oldest peanut needs a lift. $5.99 each. • Exhibit Update o Exterior banners and awnings. We hope for installation in February. o 1750 Courthouse. We are assisting them with the development of a permanent exhibit inside the building. Currently, we are writing the exhibit and plan to meet with the designer in the coming weeks. o 40 Objects. The objects in this exhibit have been determined. We are proceeding with the writing of the exhibit as well as the catalog. o Between Two Rivers. This exhibit will be placed behind the Blackwater exhibit. The focus of this space will be a boat which will arrive at the museum in February. Wall preparations are necessary. Windsor Castle • No updates • Christopher Newport University Professor Alain Outlaw is hosting his annual field school at Windsor Castle this semester. Staff from the museum open and close the manor house to allow access. Their schedule, dependent on weather, includes Feb. 5, Feb. 13, Feb. 19, March 11, March 18, April 1 and April 8. Financials • Gift Shop Sales (including tax): $376.39 • Donations: $1169.00 • Program/Lecture Fees: $26.00 Total Monthly Deposit: $1,571.39 Social Media/Online Presence • Our website requires a re-launch. Until that happens, our information may be found at www.historicisleofwight.com. • LIVE at 12:05. Each Tuesday, we host Periscope/Meekrat-like broadcasts on our Ham Cam. Our segments highlight events at the museum, announcements or artifacts from our collection. Tune in each Tuesday at 12:05 p.m. to see what we’re doing. https://video.nest.com/live/fvrxx4. This month we highlighted a new item in the gift shop, mushroom ketchup, items derived from parts of the pig, puzzles and warm winter beverages. Also, if you missed our broadcasts, they are available for viewing on our Facebook page. • Facebook: Isle of Wight County Museum & Historic Sites: 1,347 likes. Daily posts. • HamCam: N/A Tweets, 413 Facebook Likes, 3 Google+ shares. • Foursquare/Swarm. We monitor Foursquare for visitor check-ins. 7.4/10 rating. • TripAdvisor Review. 4Hamish13 of Hampton on Jan. 5: Oldest Ham. i thought was my dad.. till now. What a great place to visit, it only takes about an hour to go through the museum and it has some fantastic historical goodies, and activities for the kids. • TripAdvisor Review. Patrice B of Yorktown on Jan. 20: Great display on Isle of Wight history. Small, but filled with local history. Arranged nicely. Good variety. Educational. Clean. Besides the displays, there is a film on local history. The downstairs has a meeting room where interesting programs are presented. The museum gift shop offers books on local history. My favorite room is the recreation of an old General Store with talking voices from the clerk and his wife. Media Coverage/Promotion/Advertising/Lobbying • Various pieces in area publications about our walking tours and special events • Jan. 4. Interview by Greg Weatherford for Virginia Living. • Jan. 11. Daily Press. Brief in paper and online: County museum holds pair of events: http://www.dailypress.com/news/isle-of-wight-county/dp-nws-iw-notebook-0111-20160111- story.html • Jan. 14. Daily Press. Article: Alan Alda, MarsCon, silent films and more | Top 10 events this weekend; mention of our Taste of War Program; http://www.dailypress.com/entertainment/thisweekend/dp-fea-ticket-top-10-0115-20160114- story.html • Jan. 15. WNIS AM-790. Interview of Curator Tracey Neikirk by Tony Macrini regarding Jan. 16 programming. • Jan. 27. Smithfield Times. Cutline: History recalled - regarding the Mackie's Mill program held on Jan. 16. Outreach Lectures • Jan. 21. Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Virginia Beach. 18 members. Boykin’s Tavern • No updates Meetings • Jan. 6 and 20. Town staff meetings. • Jan. 20. Isle of Wight County Museum Foundation. • Jan. 27. Historic St. Luke’s to discuss Civil War Trails signage. Trainings/Safety • The museum’s continuity of operations and disaster plan was updated. This plan has not been updated since the museum’s shift from county to town purview. The new plan, a virtual re- write, was sent to both the Smithfield Police Department and the Town’s Safety Committee Chair for review. From Our Website and Social Media (Visit our Facebook site for daily posts: Isle of Wight County Museum & Historic Sites) Roofing project: The dome’s new cover was lifted into place on Jan. 11. Items pulled from our collection for the 130th anniversary of Newport News Shipbuilding. The snow begins on Jan. 22. ISSUE: Staff Report – Proposed Sports Complex BACKGROUND: At its regular meeting on January 21, 2016, the Board received a presentation from T. Carter Williams, Mayor, Town of Smithfield, relative to a proposed sports complex and a request for a contribution from the County in the amount of $250,000. Staff will provide an update on ongoing discussions and funding options the Board may wish to consider. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: None February 18, 2016/RDR ISSUE: Motion – Approval of Rite Aid Waiver BACKGROUND: Littlejohn Engineering (Phillip Pearcy, Engineer), on behalf of Retail Property Management, Inc. (Dick Davis, Purchaser), is requesting a waiver from Article VI, Sections 6-2009.N.1, 6-2010.2.a, and 6-2010.5.a of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow for relief from architectural guidelines set forth in the zoning ordinance. The Eagle Harbor development was rezoned in 1998 to allow for a mix of residential and commercial uses. The property in question has been identified for commercial uses since that time. During the original rezoning process the property was factored into the Traffic Impact Analysis and Fiscal Impact Analysis as commercial uses. The applicant is now developing the property as a Rite Aid and is requesting relief to some requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: At its January 26, 2016 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the waiver request by a vote of 10-0. Staff recommends approval of the waiver as presented. ATTACHMENTS: PC Staff Report and All Associated Attachments Planning Commission Meeting January 26, 2015 RDR Rite Aid - Zoning Ordinance Waiver PLANNING REPORT APPLICATION: The request of Littlejohn Engineering (Phillip Pearcy, Engineer) on behalf of Retail Development Management (Dick Davis, Purchaser), for a waiver from Article VI, Sections 6-2009.N.1, 6- 2010.2.a, and 6-2010.5.a of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow for relief from those architectural guidelines set forth in the zoning ordinance. ELECTION DISTRICT: Carrollton Election District LOCATION: The subject property is located at 13502 Smith’s Neck Road on the corner of Carrollton Boulevard (US 17). The property is surrounded by and part of the master planned community of Eagle Harbor. To the north are the Eagle Harbor apartments under construction, to the east across Carrollton Boulevard is the site of a 7-11 currently under construction, to the south across Carrollton Boulevard are the shops at Eagle Harbor, and to the west of the site is commercially zoned land and more of the Eagle Harbor apartments. The project lies within the Newport Development Service Overlay District (NDSO). DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a waiver from the aforementioned sections of the zoning ordinance to allow for relief from some architectural Planning Commission Meeting January 26, 2015 RDR Rite Aid - Zoning Ordinance Waiver requirements of the zoning ordinance. The applicant has stated that they do not wish to make the changes identified because the changes vary to greatly from the Rite Aid standard design, they believe they have met the intent of the ordinance, and they were unable to gain approval from additional changes.. If the waiver is granted the applicant will have site plan approval and begin construction within a few months. BACKGROUND: The Eagle Harbor development was rezoned in 1998 to allow for a mix of residential and commercial uses. The property in question has been identified for commercial uses since that time. During the original rezoning process the property was factored into the Traffic Impact Analysis and Fiscal Impact Analysis as commercial uses. ORDINANCE REVIEW: The Project site is within the County’s Newport Development Service Overlay District (NDSO) and is subject to enhanced design standards found in the Zoning Ordinance. The design standards outlined in the NDSO are intended to enhance the aesthetic and visual character of Isle of Wight County. These standards include criteria for landscaping, access and internal circulation, and architectural guidelines. The applicant has requested a waiver to Section 6-2009.N.1, Development Standards, and 6-2010.2.a, and 6-2010.5.a, Architectural guidelines for all non-residential uses of the zoning ordinance. Section 6-1009.N.1 "Development Standards", of the Zoning Ordinance identifies the width of sidewalks adjacent to a structure as well as protection from weather through an awning or other covering for buildings within the NDSO. Specifically this weather covering Planning Commission Meeting January 26, 2015 RDR Rite Aid - Zoning Ordinance Waiver though be at least six (6) feet in depth within fifteen feet (15) of the customer entrance.  Staff Comment - The applicant is requesting a waiver from this requirement because it conflicts with the Rite Aid standard entrance design which include a wood finished sign band in this location. Although there is no covering as identified by the ordinance there is an enclosed entrance area before fully entering the store. Section 6-2010.2.a "Architectural guidelines for all non-residential uses", of the Zoning Ordinance identifies that all building sides which face a public vehicle moving area shall have windows on sixty percent (60%) of the facade.  Staff Comment - The applicant is requesting a waiver from this requirement because it conflicts with the Rite Aid standard building design. The applicant did provide additional windows on the long side of the façade facing Carrollton Boulevard (US 17) which is substantially larger. The short side as presented while short of the ordinance requirements is reasonably close. Section 6-2010.5.a "Architectural guidelines for all non-residential uses", of the Zoning Ordinance identifies a list of design features of which at least three (3) should be present in order to clearly define the customer entrance of a commercial building.  Staff Comment - The applicant is requesting a waiver from this requirement because it conflicts with the Rite Aid standard entrance design. They believe the entrance as presented has significant architectural detailing which clearly identifies the entrance as intended by the ordinance. Additionally they have agreed to provide additional landscaping not shown on the first site plan submittal in order to help enhance the entrance. The entrance is clearly identified by the architecture meeting the Planning Commission Meeting January 26, 2015 RDR Rite Aid - Zoning Ordinance Waiver ordinance intent although it does not have at least three (3) of the specific details identified in the ordinance. AGENCY REVIEW: This application was forwarded to the following departments for their review:  Economic Development – See attached  Emergency Services – No Comments  Stormwater – Unrelated to these requests  General Services – Unrelated to these requests  Environmental Planner – Unrelated to these requests  VDOT – Approved as Submitted Economic Development had the same concern related to having three (3) entrance design features. Their other two (2) concerns have been satisfied. STAFF CONCLUSIONS: Strengths 1. The applicant would be bringing a new business to the Carrollton area. 2. The proposed building would be consistent with other buildings within the immediate area of Eagle Harbor, as many do not have covered entrances, and have detailed their entrances in a variety of ways which meets the intent of the ordinance without lessening the overall design. Weaknesses 1. The waiver request is not consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Planning Commission Meeting January 26, 2015 RDR Rite Aid - Zoning Ordinance Waiver STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the waiver as presented. ATTACHMENTS:  Location Map  Location Blowup Map  Zoning Map  Written Waiver Request  Applicant Example Images  Conceptual Site Plan  IOW Economic Development Department Comments CARR O L L T O N B O U L E V A R D REYNOLDS D R I V E VELLINES LANE N I K E P A R K R O A D SMIT H ' S N E C K R O A D WHIPPINGHAM P A R K W A Y HAR B O R D R I V E CHAN N E L L W A Y HAYNES LA N E NOR T H G A T E D R I V E NELSON MAIN E BREWERS N E C K B O U L E V A R D KINGS COVE WAY ROCK F I S H W A Y W I N D S O N G W A Y BA R T L E T T C I R C L E BEAC O N H I L L W A Y SLAN T D R I V E HIGH G A T E M E W S L I G H T H O U S E L A N E WOO D L A K E D R I V E JA M E S R I V E R T R A I L HILL W A Y SEAPO R T T R A I L WHEELER LANE THORL E Y S T R E E T POIN T W A Y ANCHOR C O U R T CARR O L L T O N B O U L E V A R D Ü 0 500 1,000Feet Legend Road Center Lines Highway Corridor Overlay District Towns Development Service Districts Parcels County Boundary Rite Aid Waiver Request Location Site CARR O L L T O N B O U L E V A R D SMIT H ' S N E C K R O A D NORTHGATE DRIVE ROCK F I S H W A Y W I N D S O N G W A Y HARBOR TOWNE DRIVE BE A C O N H I L L W A Y GRAYSTONE DRIVE HIGH G A T E M E W S BRIDGEWATER DRI V E FID D L E R L A N E HAR B O R D R I V E CHICK A H O M I N Y L O O P BENT L E Y H E A T H W A Y MARS H L A N D I N G D R I V E PRIN C E A N D R E W T R A I L RIVER S A R C H ASHL E Y P A R K C O U R T LAKE P O I N T E D R I V E WO O D L A K E D R I V E U P P E R H A S T I N G S W A Y Q U E E N S G A T E T E R R A C E H E R O N S C O V E CHIC K A H O M I N Y L A N E TIMB E R R I D G E C O U R T RIV E R B I R C H T R A I L EAS T B A Y C O U R T MARSH ELDER TRA I L RE G E N T P A R K W A L K HERO N W A T C H C O U R T CARR O L L T O N B O U L E V A R D Ü 0 500 1,000Feet Legend Road Center Lines Highway Corridor Overlay District Towns Development Service Districts Parcels County Boundary Rite Aid Waiver Request Location Blowup Site CARR O L L T O N B O U L E V A R D SMIT H ' S N E C K R O A D RE Y N O L D S D R I V E NORTHGATE DRIVE HAR B O R D R I V E ROCK F I S H W A Y W I N D S O N G W A Y BEAC O N H I L L W A Y CHART H O U S E L A N E GRAYSTONE DRIVE HARBOR TOWNE DRIVE HIGH G A T E M E W S WHI P P I N G H A M P A R K W A Y WOO D L A K E D R I V E JA M E S R I V E R T R A I L BRIDGEWATER DR I V E SE A P O R T T R A I L CHICK A H O M I N Y L O O P MARS H L A N D I N G D R I V E BENT L E Y H E A T H W A Y PRIN C E A N D R E W T R A I L RIVER S A R C H ASHL E Y P A R K C O U R T SHELT E R C O V E W A Y HARGRAVES D R I V E CHIC K A H O M I N Y L A N E C O V E T E R R A C E CARR O L L T O N B O U L E V A R D Ü 0 500 1,000Feet Rite Aid Waiver Request Zoning Site Legend GC GI GIC LC LI NC PD-MH PD-MX PD-R RAC ROAD RR SE SR TOWN UR VC WATER Road Center Lines Parcels Towns Development Service Districts County Boundary January 18, 2016 Ms. Beverly Walkup Isle of Wight County Planning and Zoning 17140 Monument Circle, Suite 201 Isle of Wight, VA 23397 RE: Waiver of Requirements Request Rite Aid Carrolton Blvd and Smiths Neck Dear Ms. Walkup: One behalf of our client and the developer of this project we are requesting a waiver from a couple of the requirements as listed in your comments on our submittal. This request includes the following items of your comments: Item 6: Per section 6-2009.N.1 of the Zoning Ordinance a weather covering at least 6' in depth within 15' of the public entrance, please revise accordingly. Response: Rite Aid’s prototypical building which we are required to construct includes a freestanding sign band that extends across the front entrance area where the canopy is requested. Because the required weather covering would conflict with this tenant required building element we cannot meet this requirement. Therefore we are requesting a waiver from this requirement. Item 18: Per section 6-2010.2.a of the Zoning Ordinance please provide additional windows on the "Front Elevation (Short Side)". Response: The proposed building is Rite Aid’s prototypical which does not include as many windows as requested. We have provided the additional windows previously requested along the long side of the building but are unable to obtain Rite Aid’s approval for additional windows along the short side. Therefore we have requested a waiver from this requirement. Item 20: Per section 6-2010.5.a of the Zoning Ordinance the building entrance does not include enough design features. Please provide additional design elements from the list provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Addressing comment 6 is a partial remedy to this issue. Response: The Rite Aid prototypical building provides design features that accent the building entrance but we understand the County does not consider the requirement for three features is met. The doorway is recessed and landscaping is provided around the entrance which we understand satisfies two design elements. The building does include other design elements including the freestanding sign band and recesses in the roof line portion of the building as well. However if these element are determined to not provide the third element we are requesting a waiver for this requirement. Littlejohn | 1935 21st Avenue South | Nashville, TN 37212 | p 615.385.4144 | f 615.385.4020 | www.leainc.com January 18, 2016 Rite Aid Isle of Wight Page 2 of 2 We appreciate your assistance with the request for these waivers. I have included a pdf of the proposed building rendering and photos of similar building that was recently completed in a nearby community, which may assist with the review of this request. If you need any additional information to process this request please let me know. Sincerely, LITTLEJOHN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. D. Phillip Piercy Project Manager ISSUE: Request for Conveyance of Well Lot to Benns Church BACKGROUND: In 1991, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank conveyed to the Isle of Wight Public Service Authority a well lot located adjacent to Benns Church. As the County has commenced the development of the Benns Church Intersection, that well lot is no longer necessary and County staff has been working diligently to properly close off the well in accordance with all necessary regulatory requirements. The Benns Church United Methodist Church has formally requested that this lot be conveyed to them for their use. In that regard, staff has been advised that the Church has also communicated its interested in the property to the Frank heirs who have agreed that the lot should be conveyed by the County to the church. BUDGETARY IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a public hearing to properly convey the well lot to the Benns United Methodist Church as requested. ATTACHMENTS: - Correspondence from H. Woodrow Crook, Esq. - Benns United Methodist Church Certificate of Resolution for Well Lot - Correspondence from Otey Smith & Quarles