July 16th, 2015 Agenda OutlineAgenda
Board of Supervisors
Isle of Wight County
July 16, 2015
1. Call to Order (5:00 p.m.)
2. Closed Meeting
3. Invocation – The Honorable Rex W. Alphin/Pledge of
Allegiance (6:00 p.m.)
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
A. June 3, 2015 Continued Meeting Minutes
B. June 18, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
6. Regional Reports
7. Appointments
8. Special Presentations
A. Resolution of Appreciation for Members of the County
Sesquicentennial Committee
B. VDOT Presentation – Franklin Residency Maintenance Update
9. Citizens’ Comments
10. Public Hearings
A. Motion – Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for 17541 Scott’s
Factory Road to Allow for Custom Manufacturing on the Site
B. Motion – Approval of Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Car
Wash on Parcel 9C-2 of Eagle Harbor Subdivision, Eagle Harbor
C. Resolution – Approving the Amendment of the Comprehensive
Plan to Provide for Land Use Changes in Accordance with the
ISLE 2040 Plan
D. Ordinance – Amendment and Reenactment of Isle of Wight
County Code to Provide for Revisions Based on the ISLE 2040
11. County Attorney’s Report
Petition for the Payment of Contributions to the Carrollton and Windsor
Volunteer Fire Departments
12. County Administrator’s Report
A. Resolution – Approving the Financing of Energy Efficiency
Improvements by the Western Tidewater Regional Jail Authority
B. Staff Report – Camptown Service District Update
C. Board of Supervisors Strategic Planning Meeting
D. Request for Change in August 2015 Meeting Date
E. Request for a Fire and Emergency Medical Services Board Study
F. Informational Items
a. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of June 2015;
Cash Position; and, Statement of the Treasurer’s
b. Isle of Wight County Monthly Fire/EMS Call Summary and
Other Statistics FY 2014/2015
c. Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Monthly Activity Report/June 2015
d. Isle of Wight Cooperative Extension Monthly Activity
e. Isle of Wight Website Statistics/June 2015
f. Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup
g. Correspondence from Chamber of Commerce - Cary and
Main Development
13. Unfinished/Old Business
Impact of Annexation
14. New Business
15. Adjournment