Feburary 11th, 2015 Route 460 PresentationRoute 460
Improvements Update
Please Note:
Staff is making every effort to keep the Board and the public
advised on the progress of this project as information is
made available. It is important to remember that the
project is at a study-conceptual stage of review and all
information presented is a preliminary proposal, not a
design proposal.
Changes are inevitable as we move through this process.
Recent Project History
Army Corps of Engineers required an SEIS for Alternative 1, due to
excessive wetlands
VDOT developed 4 additional alignments.
SEIS Alternatives presented at public meetings in October 2014.
Recent Project History
County provided comments to VDOT on 5 Alternatives in Nov. 14’.
VDOT received more than 500 comments.
VDOT found that none of the 5 alternatives were constructible.
All were over-budget
All had excessive wetlands impacts
New Recommended Preferred Alternative
VDOT collaborated with
Corp. to reduce the project
scope and create a
constructible hybrid
A new Recommended
Preferred Alternative was
announced publicly on
Monday, January 12, 2015.
Moving Forward
New Recommended Preferred Alternative will be presented to the
CTB for approval at the Feb 18, 2015 action meeting.
If approved…
VDOT will move to complete the FINAL SEIS analysis
This will include a public input process similar to Oct 2014.
VDOT will file permit docs with the Army Corps of Engineers.
This will include a public input process--likely combined with SEIS.
VDOT will move to negotiated necessary contract changes with construction partners.
VDOT will move into preliminary R/W acquisition phase after CTB approval in Feb.
Engineering and design will continue, in detail.
Design will include public input process.
Isle of Wight County Areas of Concern
Staff have continued to meet with VDOT to work through the County’s
concerns, including:
Size, type, and location of access points
Interchanges at Shirley T. Holland and/or Route 258.
Bisecting farms without addressing continuity of operations.
Multi-modal infrastructure and access on Route 258
VDOT is open to consideration of the County’s concerns.
VDOT has expressed that conceptually it looks like there are opportunities to
accommodate the County’s needs within the project parameters, as the design moves
Isle of Wight County Areas of Concern
Staff has developed a Resolution of support for the
Recommended Preferred Alternative, subject to specific
A full interchange at or near Old Mill Road for intermodal park access.
A full interchange at Route 258.
Grade separated access at Route 603 (Shiloh) and 600 (Deer Path)
Continuation of multi-modal access on Route 258
Continued efforts to work with affected property owners to minimize impacts
as design moves forward.
Adopt the Resolution presented in support of the
project with key provisions.
Designate the Chairman to represent the County’s
interest and provide public comment to the CTB on this
item at their February 18, 2015 action meeting.
Recommended Preferred Alternative—
Detailed Sections
For discussion purposes…
New Recommended Preferred Alternative
VDOT collaborated with Corp. to reduce the project scope and
create a constructible hybrid alignment.
Met fiscal constraints
Met Least Environmentally Damaging and Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) criteria
for wetlands permit issuance by the Army Corps of Engineers
Met safety and evacuation criteria
Addressed freight movement and separation of local and through traffic volumes
A new Recommended Preferred Alternative was announced
publicly on Monday, January 12, 2015.
Potential Environmental Consequences by Build Alternative
Alt. 1 Alt. 2N Alt. 2S Alt. 3 Alt. 4 Alt. 5N Alt. 5S
Length (miles)53 53 53 54 49 54 54
Interchanges (no.)9 5 5 9 0 8 8
Potential Residential Displacements (no.)111 112 103 78 98 167 162
Potential Business Displacements (no.)12 12 14 14 54 17 17
Potential Farm Displacements (no.)5 1 1 3 1 3 3
Potential Non-Profit Facility Displacements (no.)4 4 4 4 19 7 7
Stream Impacts (linear miles with bridging)13 7 7 11 4 13 13
Wetlands Disturbed (acres)613 372 434 516 91 551 610
100-Year Floodplain Crossed (acres)98 97 80 129 50 131 115
Forested Habitat (acres)1,241 554 589 967 72 852 887
Noise Receptors Affected (no.)315 315 306 417 434 359 327
Historic Resources within Area of Potential Effect (no.)13 10 10 8 21 7 7
Project Cost (million $)1,802 1,342 1,395 1,879 974 2,487 2,480
Notes: Complete listing of findings is included and further detailed in Chapter 3.0 of the Route 460 Location Study Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
New Recommended Preferred Alternative
Wetlands Impacts: 52 ACRES
Displacements: 22
Residential –15
Commercial –3
Farms –3
Non-Profit –1
Estimated Cost Range: $375 -$425 Million
Zuni to Windsor
Western Bypass
at Windsor
Eastern Bypass
at Windsor