February 19th, 2015 Full AgendaA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board of Supervisors Isle of Wight County February 19, 2015 1. Call to Order (5:00 p.m.) 2. Closed Meeting 3. Invocation – The Honorable Rex W. Alphin/Pledge of Allegiance (6:00 p.m.) 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Consent Agenda A. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate a Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) Grant B. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate a VSTOP Grant C. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate DMV Animal Friendly License Plate Program Funding D. Motion – Deny a Request for Funding for the Fort Bee Highway Historical Marker E. Staff Report: Update on Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department Compliance with OMD Requirements A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence 6. Regional Reports 7. Appointments 8. Special Presentation/Appearances A. Introduction of the New Chief of Emergency Services B. Hampton Roads Planning District Commission Economic and Population Projection C. Parks and Recreation Leisure Guide 9. Citizens’ Comments 10. Public Hearings A. Resolution – Adoption of the FY 2016-2025 Capital Improvements Plan B. Motion – Appeal by VA Timberline Related to Request for a Bond Reduction C. Motion – Amend Conditional Zoning of 4.33 acres located at 14214 Carrollton Boulevard D. Ordinance – Amend and Reenact Chapter 2, Administration, Article III, Industrial Development Authority to Officially Change the Name of the Industrial Development Authority to the Economic Development Authority 11. County Administrator’s Report A. Staff Report – Bond Refunding and Financing Opportunities A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence B. Staff Report – Route 460 Alternative Alignment Update C. Staff Report – Update on Major Development Projects D. Resolution – Amend Personnel Sections (Chapter 1) Military Leave, Court Leave, Unauthorized Leave, and Tuition Reimbursement Program and (Chapter 7) Emergency Conditions and Unexpected Closings F. Staff Report – Legislative Update G. Informational Items 1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of January 2015; Cash Position; and, Statement of Treasurer’s Accountability 2. Fire and Rescue Activity Report 3. Sheriff’s Activity Report 4. IT Website Statistics 5. Litter Pickup Schedule 6. Quarterly Financial Report Detail from January 22, 2015 Meeting 7. Reception for the Chief of Emergency Services 12. New Business Boat Tax 13. Adjournment February 19, 2015/dnj/Stormwater Local Assistance Fund Grant ISSUE: Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) Grant BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) initiated the SLAF grant program in late 2013, and Isle of Wight County successfully applied for matching funds in the amount of approximately $338,000 for that inaugural funding round. The program was extended for another cycle in 2014, and this current year’s SLAF funding requires a 1:1 match from the County. The funds are intended to help facilitate the construction of water quality related Capital projects towards meeting compliance with the County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit and State regulations. The Stormwater Division applied for SLAF funding and was awarded $393,118 towards the design and construction cost of four (4) new stormwater management facilities. These projects are: County DEQ maxProject FundingMatchTotal Windsor High School220,500$ 220,500$ 441,000$ Heritage Park108,900$ 108,900$ 217,800$ Westside Elementary School33,468$ 33,468$ 66,936$ Rushmere VFD30,250$ 30,250$ 60,500$ TOTAL: 393,118$ 393,118$ 786,236$ Project DEQ will provide the matching funds at the time these projects are bid, which allows them to match 50% of the actual design and construction cost up to the awarded amount. BUDGETARY IMPACT: The County is responsible for matching the grant funds that are awarded by DEQ under the SLAF grant. County funding in the amount of February 19, 2015/dnj/Stormwater Local Assistance Fund Grant $393,118 is provided for in the approved FY2015 Capital Improvement Plan in the SLAF Grant line item of the Capital Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to accept and appropriate funding in the amount of $393,118 to the Stormwater Capital Fund. ATTACHMENTS: - Resolution - State-executed letter of commitment for matching funds February 19, 2015/dnj/Stormwater Local Assistance Fund Grant - Attachment RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE STORMWATER LOCAL ASSISTANCE FUND (SLAF) GRANT WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality recently committed to matching funds from Isle of Wight County in the maximum amount of three hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars ($393,118); and, WHEREAS, said grant funds will be used for the purpose of stormwater management construction improvements; and, WHEREAS, said grant funds need to be accepted from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and appropriated to the FY14-15 Stormwater Capital Budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia accepts grant funds in the amount of three hundred and ninety-three thousand one hundred eighteen dollars ($393,118) or as much as shall be appropriated from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and appropriates said grant funds to the FY14-15 Stormwater Capital Budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator of Isle of Wight County, Virginia be hereby authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. Adopted this 19th day of February, 2015. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney February 19, 2015/MWT ISSUE: Resolution to Accept and Appropriate a V-STOP Program Grant BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services is offering continuing grant funding for the Isle of Wight County V-STOP Program. The program currently funds services to female victims of crimes in Isle of Wight County and also funds a Sexual Assault Response Team. The County’s grant submission request has been approved in the amount of $23,096. The grant requires a $7,699 local cash match. BUDGET IMPACT: Acceptance of the V-STOP Grant will increase the FY15 Grants Fund budget by $23,096. The required local cash match of $7,699 is provided for in the FY15 Grant Fund budget.   RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to accept and appropriate grant funds. ATTACHMENT: - Resolution - Award Letter Consent: V-STOP Program, 2/19/15, MWT RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia has approved the development and submission of an application for the V-STOP Program to the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services; and, WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services has awarded the County $23,096 in V-STOP grant funding. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that $23,096 shall be accepted and appropriated to the FY 2014-15 Grants Fund budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. Adopted this 19th day of February, 2015. Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney February 19, 2015/MWT ISSUE: Resolution to Accept and Appropriate DMV Animal Friendly License Plate Program Funding BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles sells animal friendly license plates as a part of its special license plate program. A portion of the revenue is set aside to support sterilization programs for dogs and cats. This funding will be appropriated to the Isle of Wight Humane Society. BUDGET IMPACT: Increase the FY2014-15 General Operating Budget by $704.16.   RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to accept and appropriate funding. ATTACHMENT: Resolution Consent: VDMV Animal Friendly Lic Plate Prg, 2/19/15, MWT RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDING RECEIVED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles sells the Animal Friendly license plates as part of its special license plate program and sets aside a portion of the revenues derived from said sales for distribution to support sterilization programs for dogs and cats; and, WHEREAS, funding in the amount of seven hundred four dollars and sixteen cents ($704.16) from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles needs to be accepted and appropriated to the Grants Fund Budget for disbursement to the Isle of Wight County Humane Society. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that seven hundred four dollars and sixteen cents ($704.16) or so much as shall be received from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles be accepted and appropriated to the Grants Fund Budget for disbursement to the Isle of Wight County Humane Society. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. Adopted this 19th day of February, 2015. __________________________ Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark Popovich, County Attorney Consent - Ft. Bee Funding Request; 2/19/15; CBM ISSUE: Motion to Deny a Request for Funding for the Fort Bee Highway Historical Marker BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors has received a funding request from the Sesquicentennial Committee in the amount of $825 for the placement of a Fort Bee Highway Historical Marker. Absent a consistent policy, in past years, the Board of Supervisors has entertained requests sporadically for funding from local organizations throughout the fiscal year including historical highway markers; however, the Fort Bee Highway Historical Marker falls under the County’s nonprofit funding request policy adopted in January 2014. The nonprofit funding policy provides a consistent and fair process for nonprofit organizations to submit funding requests to the County annually for review and consideration as part of the operating budget development process. The Fort Bee Highway Historical Marker funding request was received after the January 15, 2015 publically posted deadline for FY 2015-2016 nonprofit funding requests. As such, staff does not recommend approval of this request for funding. BUDGETARY IMPACT: If approved, the project would require an $825 commitment from the General Fund budget which has not been budgeted. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Motion to deny the request for funding. ATTACHMENT: Chapter 2, Article 3, County Policy Manual - Nonprofit Funding Request Policy February 19, 2014//asc/Update Carrollton VFD Compliance with OMD Requirements ISSUE: Staff Report: Update on Carrollton Vol. Fire Department Compliance with OMD Requirements BACKGROUND: At the December 18th meeting, staff presented the Board Dr. Joel Michael’s, the County’s Operational Medical Director’s (OMD), response standards for the Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD). This request was originally made to CVFD in April 2014 and the response standards were as follows:  90 second enroute response time by an appropriately staffed medic 90% of the time  100% sanctioning of all ALS providers through the Tidewater Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) Council.  Scheduling of all volunteers on a monthly basis to assure around-the- clock provider availability and determine specific supplemental staffing needs. As the CVFD had not met his expectations in regards to the response standards, Dr. Michael has made the following specific request of CVFD:  Participate in a centralized scheduling program that would include CVFD, IWVRS and the Isle of Wight Department of Emergency Services (IOWDES). The first overall schedule to be established and maintained by a scheduler at IWVRS beginning February 1, 2015. At the time of adoption, the schedule shall be consistent with the current IWVRS staffing protocols, all scheduled ALS providers shall be TEMS sanctioned and BLS providers shall be reviewed and determined eligible to provide such care.  IOWDES, in conjunction with IWVRS, to continue to provide precepting assistance to CVFD members.  CVFD provide a roster of their current EMS providers, their certifications and contact information to Chief Brian Carroll by December 31st. February 19, 2014//asc/Update Carrollton VFD Compliance with OMD Requirements In the event that CVFD chooses not to comply with Dr. Michael’s response standards and request, he requests that the BOS evaluate the ability of CVFD to operate as a Designated Emergency Response Agency (DERA) in the county. The Interim Director of Emergency Services met with Chief Joel Acree on January 26th to discuss TEMS sanctioning for the remainder of their ALS providers. Chief Acree has since taken the written portion of the ALS certification test. Two other members had previously passed the written portion and have completed portions of the Oral Boards section. Chief Acree is arranging for Oral Boards for himself and the 2 other individuals. The Department of Emergency Services has offered assistance with preparation for the Oral Boards. He has committed to work with the remaining individuals to move the TEMS sanctioning process forward. As of February 10th, no further progress has been made on Dr. Michael’s centralized scheduling request. Chief Terwilliger has plans to review the scheduling process for both the Department of Emergency Services employees and the volunteers. Dr. Michael is in agreement to allow Chief Terwilliger to review the process and make recommendations. A further update on the situation will be provided at the Board’s March 19th meeting. BUDGETARY IMPACT: There is no budget impact at this time. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENT(S): None Bo a r d s / C o m m i s s i o n s / C o m m i t t e e s Na m e D i s t r i c t Bo a r d  of  Bu i l d i n g  Ap p e a l s M i c h e l l e  Jo n e s H a r d y M a r c h 2 0 1 5 Bo a r d  of  Zo n i n g  Ap p e a l s C h r i s t y  Le i t n e r / R E S I G N E D C a r r s v i l l e M a y 2 0 1 8 Bo a r d  of  Zo n i n g  Ap p e a l s G l y n  Th o m a s  Wi l l i s W i n d s o r M a y 2 0 1 5 Bo a r d  of  Zo n i n g  Ap p e a l s A l v i n  Wi l s o n / R E S I G N E D H a r d y M a y 2 0 1 6 Bo a r d  of  Zo n i n g  Ap p e a l s R o n  Sp i v e y S m i t h f i e l d J u n e 2 0 1 5 Pa u l  D.  Ca m p  Co m m u n i t y  Co l l e g e P a t r i c i a  So w e l l J u n e 2 0 1 4 Ch a m b e r  of  Co m m e r c e A n n e  Se w a r d E x ‐Of f i c i o J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 Co m m i s s i o n  on  Ag i n g P e t e  Fa r m e r H a r d y F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 Co m m i s s i o n  on  Ag i n g J a n e t  Ro b e r t s o n H a r d y F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 Co m m i s s i o n  on  Ag i n g B e n  Ri d e o u t / R E S I G N E D C a r r s v i l l e N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 5 Co m m i s s i o n  on  Ag i n g T h e l m a  Wh i t e / R E S I G N E D C a r r s v i l l e J a n u a r y  2015 Co m m i s s i o n  on  Ag i n g C a r e y  Wh i t l e y / R E S I G N E D S m i t h f i e l d O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 Ha m p t o n  Ro a d s  Ec o n o m i c  De v e l o p m e n t  Al l i a n c e C h a i r m a n N o  Se t  Term Ha m p t o n  Ro a d s  Mi l i t a r y  Fe d e r a l  Fa c i l i t i e s  Al l i a n c e D e e  De e  Da r d e n N o  Se t  Term Ha m p t o n  Ro a d s  Pl a n n i n g  Di s t r i c t  Co m m i s s i o n D e e  De e  Da r d e n J u n e 2 0 1 4 Ha m p t o n  Ro a d s  Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n  Ac c o u n t a b i l i t y  Co m m i s s i o n C h a i r m a n N o  Se t  Term Ha m p t o n  Ro a d s  Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n  Pl a n n i n g  Or g a n i z a t i o n D e e  De e  Da r d e n N o  Se t  TermNo Set Term Ha m p t o n  Ro a d s  Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n  Pl a n n i n g  Or g a n i z a t i o n A l t e r n a t e N o  Se t  TermNo Set Term Hi s t o r i c a l  Ar c h e c t u r a l  Re v i e w  Co m m i t t e e W .  Le e  Du n c a n H a r d y J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 Hi s t o r i c a l  Ar c h e c t u r a l  Re v i e w  Co m m i t t e e R u s s e l l  J.  Pa r r i s h N e w p o r t A p r i l 2 0 1 5 Te r m  Expires Bo a r d s / C o m m i s s i o n s / C o m m i t t e e s (A p p o i n t e d  by  Bo a r d  Vo t e )   In d u s t r i a l  De v e l o p m e n t  Au t h o r i t y R i c h a r d  J.  Ho l l a n d A p r i l 2 0 1 5 Ma y o r s  & Ch a i r s  Ca u c u s B u z z  Ba i l e y  (C h a i r m a n  20 1 4 ) J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 Pl a n n i n g  Co m m i s s i o n J a m e s  P.  OʹBr i a n t W i n d s o r F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 Pl a n n i n g  Co m m i s s i o n D o n  Ro s i e C a r r s v i l l e F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 Pl a n n i n g  Co m m i s s i o n K u r t  Fr i s c h m a n n N e w p o r t F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 Se n i o r  Se r v i c e s  of  So u t h e a s t e r n  Vi r g i n i a A l l a n  Ha n r a h a n F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 So u t h s i d e  Ma y o r s  an d  Ch a i r s B u z z  Ba i l e y  (C h a i r m a n  20 1 4 ) J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 So u t h e a s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Op p o r t u n i t y  Pr o j e c t H a z e l  Ed w a r d s M a r c h 2 0 1 5 Ti d e w a t e r  Em e r g e n c y  Me d i c a l  Se r v i c e s  Co u n c i l ,  In c . C h r i s  Sm i t h J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 Vi r g i n i a  Al c o h o l  Sa f e t y  Ac t i o n  Pr o g r a m  (S o u t h e a s t e r n ) K e l l y  Sa u b e r / R e s i g n e d I O W  Re p r e s e n t a t i v e M a y 2 0 1 4 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Re g i o n a l  Ja i l  Au t h o r i t y R e x  Al p h i n J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Re g i o n a l  Ja i l  Au t h o r i t y R u d o l p h  Je f f e r s o n J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Re g i o n a l  Ja i l  Au t h o r i t y A n n e  Se w a r d  (A l t e r n a t e ) J a n u a r y 2 0 1 5 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Wa t e r  Au t h o r i t y D e e  De e  Da r d e n I O W  Re p r e s e n t a t i v e J u n e 2 0 1 4 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Wa t e r  Au t h o r i t y A l  Ca s t e e n J u n e 2 0 1 4 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Wa t e r  Au t h o r i t y A n n e  Se w a r d J u n e 2 0 1 4 We s t e r n  Ti d e w a t e r  Wa t e r  Au t h o r i t y M a r k  Po p o v i c h  (A l t e r n a t e ) J u n e 2 0 1 4 We t l a n d s  Bo a r d D a v i d  Mo o s e H a r d y J u n e 2 0 1 5 February 17, 2015/asc/Introduction of the New Chief of Emergency Services ISSUE: Introduction of the New Chief of Emergency Services BACKGROUND: The County Administrator is pleased to advise that Jeffery “Jeff” Terwilliger joined the County as the new Chief of Emergency Services on February 17th. Chief Terwilliger began his career in the emergency services field with the City of Portsmouth for 19 years where he rose through the ranks to Battalion Chief prior to his retirement in 2013. He also served in Isle of Wight County previously as a part-time Paramedic. Chief Terwilliger has served as the Director of Public Safety for Accomack County, VA since January 2013 where he has overseen the emergency management program and the delivery of fire and rescue services for a combination department consisting of 15 stations, 50 paid staff and 600 plus volunteers. Chief Terwilliger received his Associate’s Degree in Fire Science, his Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management, and his Master of Science Degree in Executive Fire Service Leadership. He is a graduate of the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Program, is a certified Paramedic, holds the Chief Fire Officer Designation, and possesses numerous state emergency management and fire service certifications. Additionally, he serves on the Tidewater EMS Council Board of Directors and has recently been selected to serve on the Virginia Fire Chief’s Association’s Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Welcome the new Chief of Emergency Services to Isle of Wight County. February 17, 2015/asc/Introduction of the New Chief of Emergency Services ATTACHMENTS: None 2/19/15/CBM ISSUE: Hampton Roads Planning District Commission Economic and Population Projection BACKGROUND: Greg Grootendorst, Chief Economist, with the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission will provide a presentation on economic and population projections for the region and the potential impact on Isle of Wight County. BUDGETARY IMPACT: There is no budget impact. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Special Presentation. ATTACHMENT: None ISSUE: Parks and Recreation Leisure Guide BACKGROUND: Staff will provide a brief presentation on the Spring/Summer Recreation and Leisure classes and programs offered by the County’s Department of Parks and Recreation. The Leisure guide is mailed to approximately 1,500 customers in our program registration system. It is also available on the web at Nike Park, the Otelia J. Rainey Community Center, all of the libraries in the County, and the County Administration Building. BUDGETARY IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Receive a presentation. ATTACHMENTS: None Public Hearing: Proposed FY 2016-2025 CIP; 2/19/15; CBM ISSUE: Public Hearing – Proposed FY 2016-2025 Capital Improvements Plan BACKGROUND: At the Board’s January 22, 2015 meeting, staff presented the proposed FY 2016-2025 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). In accordance with Chapter 2, Article 2 of the County Policy Manual, a public hearing is required to receive public comment on the proposed CIP. The public hearing has been properly advertised in accordance with state code requirements and county policy. The first year of the CIP will be moved forward for consideration as part of the proposed FY 2015-2016 Operating & Capital Budget. BUDGETARY IMPACT: There is no budget impact. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution to approve the FY 2016-2025 CIP ATTACHMENTS: - Resolution - Proposed FY 2016-2025 CIP - Public Hearing Advertisement A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE FY 2016-2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 15.2-2239 of the Code of Virginia, the Isle of Wight County Planning Commission has prepared and recommended a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the County; and, WHEREAS, for planning purposes, capital improvement projects have been identified and listed for consideration along with their respective costs in the FY 2016-2025 Capital Improvements Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems it appropriate to adopt a capital improvements plan in accordance with the Code of Virginia. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia adopts the FY 2016- 2025 Capital Improvements Plan. Adopted this 19th day of February, 2015. Rex Alphin, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED FY 2016-2025 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 19, 2015, to consider the proposed fiscal year 2016-2025 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for Isle of Wight County. The proposed CIP represents a planned schedule of county expenditures for physical improvements and acquisitions over the next ten (10) fiscal years. Copies of the proposed CIP are available for review on the County’s website at www.co.isle-of-wight.va.us/ and in the County Administrator’s Office. Any person desiring to be heard in favor of, in opposition to, or to express his/her views with respect to the proposed CIP may appear before and be heard by the Board of Supervisors during the public hearing to be held in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Board Room, Isle of Wight Courthouse, Isle of Wight, Virginia. If you require a reasonable accommodation, please make requests to the County Administrator’s Office at least five (5) days in advance of the public hearing at (757) 365-6204. Board of Supervisors Meeting of February 19, 2015 Prepared by Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney COUNTY ATTORNEY – Lawnes Point Subdivision Waste Treatment Facility ISSUE: Motion - Appeal by VA Timberline Related to Request for a Bond Reduction BACKGROUND: On November 10, 2014, counsel for VA Timberline, LLC submitted a request for a reduction in the surety bond held by Isle of Wight County in relation to the construction and operation of the sewage treatment facility in the Lawnes Point Subdivision. On December 8, 2014, the County provided a written administrative response to that request denying the reduction based upon several issues including, but not limited to, failure by VA Timberline to adequately provide proof of operation of the facility or financial assurance as required by the Conditional Use Permit. On January 5, 2015, a formal appeal of that administrative decision was received by County staff. In accordance with the requirements of the Isle of Wight County Subdivision Ordinance, a public hearing on this appeal is required before the Board of Supervisors. BUDGETARY IMPACT: At this point there is no impact; however, should the bond be reduced or released, there is a potential for unknown expenses to be incurred by the County related to operation and maintenance of the facility and system. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a motion sustaining the administrative decision to deny the bond reduction as requested by VA Timberline. Board of Supervisors Meeting of February 19, 2015 Prepared by Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney COUNTY ATTORNEY – Lawnes Point Subdivision Waste Treatment Facility ATTACHMENTS: Various correspondence dated October 28, 2014; November 10, 2014; December 8, 2014; and, January 5, 2015 February 19, 2015/RDR/17 Corner Properties Amend Conditional Zoning     ISSUE: Motion - Amend Conditional Zoning of 4.33 Acres Located at 14214 Carrollton Boulevard BACKGROUND: 17 Corner Properties, LLC (Wayne G. Thomas) is requesting consideration of an amendment to the conditional zoning of 4.33 acres of land located at 14214 Carrollton Boulevard in the Newport Election District. The subject property was developed in 2004-5 and was designed specifically for an automotive dealership with associated maintenance and repair uses. The original proffered conditions limited the uses on the site to a small group very closely associated with the automotive dealership. Since that time the original user has vacated the site, a second dealership and repair business has occupied and vacated the site, and there have been extended periods of vacancy at the site. Because of the limited uses of the site the applicant has stated that finding users is difficult and is requesting to amend the conditions to allow more options on the site. RECOMMENDATION: At its January 27, 2015 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request by a vote of 9-0. Staff recommends approval of the waiver request. ATTACHMENTS: PC Staff Report and Attachments   February 19, 2015/MCP ISSUE: Ordinance – Amend and Reenact Chapter 2, Administration, Article III, Industrial Development Authority to Officially Change the Name of the Industrial Development Authority to the Economic Development Authority BACKGROUND: At the joint meeting between the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) and Board of Supervisors held on January 13, 2015, a discussion was held between the bodies related to a possible change in the official name for the IDA. Specifically, the bodies discussed changing the name to Economic Development Authority in order to better capture the intended purposes and scope of work to be performed in attracting economic development prospects to Isle of Wight County. BUDGETARY IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a motion to approve the proposed revisions to Chapter 2, Article III, Economic Development Authority as presented. ATTACHMENT(S): Proposed revisions to Chapter 2, Article III, Economic Development Authority     AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND REENACT THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING AND REENACTING CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION. ARTICLE III. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.  WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, has deemed it to be in the  best interest of Isle of Wight County to change the official name of the Industrial Development Authority  of the County of Isle of Wight to the Economic Development Authority of Isle of Wight County, as such  change more accurately reflects the intended objectives of said body;   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors that Chapter  2. Administration. Article III. Industrial Development Authority of the Isle of Wight County Code be  amended and reenacted as follows:  CHAPTER 2. ADMINISTRATION. Article III. Industrial Economic Development Authority. For state law as to authority of county to create economicindustrial development authority, see Code of Va., § 15.2-4903. As to powers of industrial economic development authority, see Code of Va., § 15.2-4905. Sec. 2-12. Political subdivision—Created. There is hereby created a political subdivision of the commonwealth with such public and corporate powers as are set forth in the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act (Chapter 49, Title 15.2, §§ 15.2-4900 et seq.), including such powers as may hereafter be set forth from time to time in such Act. (12- 5-68, § 1.; 2-19-15) Sec. 2-13. Same—Name. The name of the political subdivision of the commonwealth created by this article shall be the "IndustrialEconomic Development Authority of the County of Isle of Wight County." (12-5-68, § 2.; 2-19-15)     Adopted this 19th day of February, 2015. Rex Alphin, Chairman Board of Supervisors Attest: Carey Mills-Storm, Clerk Approved as to Form: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney February 19, 2015/MWT ISSUE: Staff Report – Bond Refunding and Financing Opportunities BACKGROUND: As a result of the recent decline in interest rates, the County’s financial advisor, Davenport & Company LLC, has recommended that the County explore bond refunding and financing opportunities. Davenport & Company LLC will provide the Board with a presentation regarding the aforementioned opportunities. BUDGET IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s discussion and consideration. ATTACHMENT: None ISSUE: Staff Report – Route 460 Alternative Alignment Update BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Federal Highway Administration, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have recommended an alternative route for the Route 460 upgrade that bypasses the Town of Windsor (to the north) and includes a bridge across the Blackwater River in Zuni. The proposed route will potentially have a negative impact on the County’s intermodal park. Additionally, VDOT has advised that at least 15 families, 3 businesses, and 3 farms will be directly impacted by the project. Staff will provide an update at Thursday’s meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Per the Board’s discussion and direction. ATTACHMENT: None ISSUE: Staff Report – Update on Major Development Projects BACKGROUND: Staff will provide the Board with a presentation advising the Board relative to the status of major development projects in the County. BUDGET IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENT: None ISSUE: Resolution to Amend Personnel Sections (Chapter 1) Military Leave, Court Leave, Unauthorized Leave, and Tuition Reimbursement Program and (Chapter 7) Emergency Conditions & Unexpected Closings BACKGROUND: Attached for consideration is a resolution to amend Chapter 1: Personnel, Article V, Sections 5.8, 5.9 and 5.11 and Article VI, Section 6.2 and amend and adopt Chapter 7: Miscellaneous – Employee Related, Article II, which currently establishes provisions regarding military leave, court leave utilization, unauthorized leave, the Tuition Reimbursement Program, and closings due to adverse weather conditions or other conditions. The amendments of the policies are necessary for enhanced employee guidance by clarifying guidelines regarding military leave provisions and the associated employee and employer rights and responsibilities, court leave utilization, unauthorized leave, the Tuition Reimbursement Program, and the handling of emergency conditions and unexpected closings. BUDGETARY IMPACT: The budgetary impact of these amendments is unknown but should be minimal due to instances of emergency conditions and unexpected closings being infrequent. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution to Amend Chapter 1: Personnel, Article V, Sections 5.8, 5.9 and 5.11 and Chapter 1: Personnel, Article VI, Section 6.2 and Amend and Adopt Chapter 7: Miscellaneous – Employee Related, Article II of the County Policy Manual ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RESOLUTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 1: PERSONNEL, ARTICLE V, SECTIONS 5.8, 5.9 AND 5.11 AND CHAPTER 1: PERSONNEL, ARTICLE VI, SECTION 6.2 AND AMEND AND RE-ADOPT CHAPTER 7: MISCELLANEOUS – EMPLOYEE RELATED, ARTICLE II OF THE COUNTY POLICY MANUAL WHEREAS, the County has established guidelines regarding the provision of Military Leave, Court Leave, Unauthorized Leave, the Tuition Reimbursement Program, and Emergency Conditions and Unexpected Closings under Chapter 1: Personnel, Article V, Sections 5.8, 5.9 and 5.11, Article VI, Section 6.2, and Chapter 7: Miscellaneous – Employee Related, Article II of the County Policy Manual; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to amend Chapter 1: Personnel, Article V, Sections 5.8, 5.9 and 5.11 and Article VI, Section 6.2 and to amend and re-adopt Chapter 7: Miscellaneous – Employee Related, Article II of the County Policy Manual to afford for enhanced employee guidance by clarifying guidelines regarding military leave provisions and the associated employee and employer rights and responsibilities, court leave utilization, unauthorized leave, the Tuition Reimbursement Program, and the handling of Emergency Conditions and Unexpected Closings; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Chapter 1: Personnel, Article V, Sections 5.8, 5.9 and 5.11 and Article VI, Section 6.2 of the County Policy Manual is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 1: Personnel ARTICLE V Leave Provisions (Revised September 1, 2005, December 15, 2005, February 2, 2006, April 5, 2007; October 2, 2008; January 8, 2009; June 19, 2014, October 16, 2014, December 18, 2014, February 19, 2015) Section 5.8 (Revised February 2, 2006, February 19, 2015) Military Leave An employee who is a member of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserves, or Public Health Service Any employee who is or may become a member of any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States shall be will be granted an unpaid leave of absence for military service, training, or related obligations from his/her respective duty without loss of time, regular leave, accrued leave, impairment of employee evaluation, or any other rights or benefits to which he is otherwise entitled, for all periods of military service of the state or the United States, under competent orders, in accordance with applicable law. Employees will also be granted time off for military training. Employees should advise their supervisor and/or department head of their training schedule and/or other related obligations as far in advance as possible. Employees on military leave may substitute their accrued paid leave time for unpaid leave. Continuation of Health Benefits During a military leave of less than 31 days, an employee is entitled to continued group health plan coverage under the same conditions as if the employee had continued to work. For military leaves of more than 30 days, an employee may elect to continue his/her health coverage for up to 24 months of uniformed service, but will be required to pay all of the premium for the continuation of coverage, calculated in the same manner as that required by COBRA. Requests for Active or Reserve Duty Upon receipt of orders for active or reserve duty, an employee should shall notify his/her supervisor, as well as Human Resources, as soon as possible, and submit a copy of the military orders to his/her supervisor and the Human Resources Department. Reinstatement Upon return from military service, an employee may be reinstated into the employment of Isle of Wight County in accordance with the provisions of Title 38, Sections 4312, 4313 and 4316 of the United States Code of Section 44-93.3 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), as such sections may be amended from time to time and as may be applicable to the type of military service performed by the employee. The County is committed to fully complying with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, as amended, and all other laws granting rights to employees based on past, present, or future service in the United States Armed Forces, all of which laws shall control over any conflicting provisions in the County Policy. Section 5.9 (Revised February 19, 2015) Court Leave An employee's absence from work for jury duty or for attending court as a witness shall be defined as court leave. Before court leave is granted, the employee must submit a copy of the official summons for jury duty or witness service to the County Administrator's office Human Resources Department prior to the beginning date of such service. Any employee appearing in court either as a defendant or plaintiff in a case shall not be eligible for court leave. An employee having been granted court leave shall be compensated at the their regular rate of pay during court appearances. Any compensation for jury duty as well as for witness service may be retained by the employee. Employees summoned by a court for the purpose of qualifying for jury duty are entitled to court leave for the actual period of absence, whether or not they are selected to serve. If the employee's presence is required for less than a full work day, the employee is required to contact his/her department concerning return to work. Any employee who fails to contact his/her department risks the loss of pay for that day. Section 5.10 Accumulation Any employee taking court leave shall be credited with having worked for the duration of the leave. The employee shall be allowed to accumulate all other eligible benefits. Section 5.11 (Revised February 19, 2015) Unauthorized Leave Unauthorized leave shall be defined as an absence from the job during a scheduled work period without the approval of the employee's supervisor or department director. Also, the failure to report to work at the expiration of an authorized leave without the approval of an extension of time, shall be considered an absence without leave unauthorized leave. An unauthorized absence from duty during required hours of attendance shall be treated as an absence without pay unauthorized leave. The employee shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of the disciplinary policy.     ARTICLE VI Benefits (Revised January 17, 2002, September 1, 2005, December 15, 2005, October 16, 2006, October 4, 2007, November 15, 2007, July 1, 2008, December 4, 2008, November 20, 2014, December 18, 2014, February 19, 2015) Section 6.2 (Revised September 1, 2005; November 15, 2007; August 22, 2013; February 19, 2015) Tuition Reimbursement It is the intention of the Board of Supervisors to recognize, develop, and extend the skills of its the County’s workforce. It is the policy of the Board to encourage employees to enroll in college/university coursework that will lead to their professional growth, expansion of skills, and increased job competence. The Tuition Reimbursement Program provides reimbursement for successful completion of college/university coursework. Eligibility Permanent Regular full-time employees of the County who have successfully completed their initial probationary period are eligible to apply for tuition assistance. Such assistance is limited to six (6) semester hours per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Reimbursement is dependent upon the availability of funds. Coursework must be directly related to the assignment of the employee and must be approved by the Department Director prior to submission to Human Resources for approval. Application for tuition assistance must be made to Human Resources for approval prior to registering or enrolling in coursework. Course approval will not be granted after the first class session. Coursework approval is nontransferable; each course requires a separate application. Employees may be reimbursed for tuition costs only, at an accredited college or university, upon successful completion of the course. Reimbursement will be a maximum of $300 per credit hour for no more than six (6) credit hours per fiscal year; thus, the maximum tuition reimbursement an employee will receive in any given fiscal year will be $1,800. Successful completion shall mean the attainment of a minimum of a "C" or its equivalent for undergraduate-level coursework, or a minimum of a “B” or its equivalent for graduate-level coursework. Qualifying Course and Subjects Tuition assistance will be provided only when the coursework is directly related to the employee’s current position, or is a requirement for an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree in a field directly related to the employee’s present job or promotional objective. Class Hours Classes should not be taken during an employee’s work hours unless the employee has obtained permission from the Department Director to use earned annual leave or compensatory time. Requirements for Reimbursement This benefit is a reimbursement program. The employee must pay the full tuition to the institution upon registering for coursework.  Requests for reimbursement must be submitted along with an official transcript within thirty (30) days of completion of the course.  Reimbursement for coursework will only be made to the employee upon receipt of an official transcript and verification of payment in full to the college or university. General Considerations As a condition of receiving tuition reimbursement, an employee will be required to sign an agreement whereby, in the event the employee separates from the County’s employ within one (1) year after receipt of tuition assistance, he/she will be required to repay all funds expended by the County within sixty (60) days. If the former employee fails to do so, the County will pursue collection in the same manner and by the same means as it would collect other debts and deem the former employee ineligible for rehire. Availability of funding for the Tuition Reimbursement Program may be suspended at any time.   BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Board of Supervisors desires to amend and re-adopt Chapter 7: Miscellaneous – Employee Related, Article II as follows:   Chapter 7: Miscellaneous - Employee Related ARTICLE II Closings Due to Adverse Weather or Other Conditions (Adopted May 6, 2004, Revised November 5, 2008) Section 2.0 (Revised November 5, 2008) Applicability The diversity of County services and programs makes it impossible to apply a uniform countywide policy on how operations will be affected in times of adverse weather or other problematic conditions. The County Administrator, or his/her designee, shall determine which operations shall be suspended or temporarily closed. In order to serve the citizens, some functions of County government must never close, (for example, emergency management and/or public safety), and will remain open during all adverse weather and other problematic conditions. (See Chapter 7, Article III, Emergency Response and Sheltering). During times of adverse weather or other conditions, or when such conditions appear imminent, it is the responsibility of employees to use good judgment and avoid putting themselves at undue risk of injury. Department Directors and Supervisors are encouraged to apply a liberal leave policy during these conditions and allow employees to use Annual Leave, Compensatory Time, or Leave Without Pay when such a policy would not adversely affect functions which must remain open. Sick Leave cannot be used for this purpose. Accounting for Time Not Worked During times of adverse weather conditions employees anticipating problems in transportation, and who are not working in mandatory operations or not classified as “essential personnel” will be encouraged to use vacation leave privileges or compensatory leave when they encounter problems reporting for work or when leaving work early. Non-exempt Employees When in the employee’s best judgment he/she cannot report to work without putting himself/herself at undue risk of injury, he/she shall immediately notify his/her supervisor that he/she cannot report to work. Employees may use either annual leave or compensatory time when the County is operating under liberal leave. Department's are encouraged to allow employees to make up time missed provided it is feasible for it to be made up within the same work week. Employees are strongly encouraged to bank vacation leave for this purpose. Probationary employees will be allowed to use any accrued vacation leave on adverse weather days when they are not able to report to work. Exempt Employees When in the employee’s best judgment he/she cannot report to work without putting himself/herself at undue risk of injury, he/she shall immediately notify his/her supervisor that he/she cannot report to work. Accounting for time not worked by exempt employees will be done in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Exempt employees will not be charged for hours of work time missed due to weather or other problematic conditions. Section 2.1 (Revised November 5, 2008) Closing of County Offices Occasionally catastrophic, life-threatening weather conditions occur, such as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, or floods. In those instances it may become necessary for authorities to order evacuation of County property. Also, on occasions, problems, events, or conditions may occur requiring the County Administrator or his/her designee, to close certain offices and/or programs. In either circumstance the following provisions will prevail: a. Employees who are either not required to report to work on their regularly scheduled work day or to leave work due to a hazardous condition, by order of the County Administrator or his/her designee, shall be paid in accordance with the County’s paid leave policy. Employees shall not be required to take leave or use compensatory time for lost work time. b. Non-exempt employees required to work during such an emergency situation will be paid in accordance with the County’s overtime compensation policy at one and one half times their regular rate of pay. Exempt employees required to work during such an emergency situation will earn compensatory time on an hour for hour basis. c. When feasible, employees required to report for work or to remain at work shall be relieved for a period of time so they can assure the safety of their families and secure their property. d. Late openings or cancellations will be publicized through normal media outlets: TV CBS – Channel 3 WTKR NBC – Channel 10 WAVY ABC – Channel 13 WVEC RADIO FM – 89.5 WHRV Early closings shall be communicated through internal channels. Employees are encouraged to call the Employee Information Hotline at 757-365-6304, twenty-four hours a day, for current information on emergency closings or delayed openings.    Emergency Conditions and Unexpected Closings (Adopted February 19, 2015) Section 2.0 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Purpose This policy sets forth procedures to provide services and to protect employee safety during emergency conditions such as severe weather or during unexpected closings of one or more County facilities due to such causes as physical plant problems. Isle of Wight County is committed to public service and employee safety. Many County services become even more important to our citizens during emergencies such as severe weather or natural disaster. At the same time, for safety purposes, we do not wish employees to perform nonessential functions which may be a safety risk during severe weather. Similarly, loss of power or other physical plant problems may cause conditions which make it unsafe for citizens and employees to remain in one or more County facilities. Section 2.1 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Policy As a general rule, all County departments will remain open and operational during emergency conditions. Liberal leave may be approved for employees who are unable to report to work or who wish to leave work early or come to work late because of safety considerations. There may be times, however, when conditions are so severe that County facilities are closed. All employees may be required to report to serve our customers during emergency conditions. While some will perform their regular duties, others may be assigned to report at a different time and location and to perform different duties from their regular jobs. Those employees who are not required to work will not be charged leave for the time the County offices are closed. Definitions Emergency Conditions – Emergency conditions shall include, but not be limited to, conditions such as severe weather, or extensive power outages. Such conditions may require a declaration of a local state of emergency by the County Administrator or Board of Supervisors. Liberal Leave – Supervisors are encouraged to approve leave requests made by employees who feel it would be unsafe to report to or to stay at work because of severe weather or other emergency condition provided minimal staffing is maintained. Supervisors may grant the use of accrued annual leave or compensatory leave by employees to cover any absence designated as liberal leave. Severe Weather – Severe weather conditions shall include, but not be limited to, natural weather conditions such as snow storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and/or anticipated occurrence of such conditions. Unexpected Closings – The closing of one or more County facilities during regularly- scheduled operating hours to include delayed openings and early closings. Section 2.2 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Operations When County Facilities Are Open During Emergency Conditions All employees are expected to report to work as usual. However, employees may be asked to report at a different time and to perform emergency-related duties at a different site for all or a portion of their work hours. Supervisors may grant the use of accrued annual leave, compensatory leave or leave without pay more liberally than usual to employees who feel that reporting to work for the entire day or for a portion of the day, or remaining at work until the end of the day, would compromise their safety. Where appropriate, minimal staffing may be maintained. Supervisors shall ensure that employees perform their work under safe conditions. Particular care should be directed to whether travel by employees is necessary during severe weather. In any case, employees who feel their personal safety is endangered should identify their concerns to their supervisor or department manager who shall address those concerns, including consideration of whether deferring the activity is appropriate. If employees have been exposed to severe weather or other emergency conditions for extended periods of time, supervisors should ensure sufficient rest breaks and use judgment regarding return to regular duties. Section 2.3 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Operations When County Facilities Are Closed During Emergency Or Unexpected Conditions Employees Required to Work When County Facilities Are Closed Twenty-four hour employees, including Fire, Emergency Medical Services, Sheriff’s Office, and Emergency Dispatch, report to work regardless of facility closings and emergency conditions. There is an increased need for their services during emergencies and thus are exempt from this policy. Some employees who work in General Services and Parks and Recreation also report to work on a regular schedule or as instructed by their supervisor, unless their supervisor instructs them not to report. Employees who are assigned to emergency response teams shall report as instructed or scheduled if triggering events occur such as the opening of shelters. Please reference the Emergency Response and Sheltering Policy, Chapter 7, Article III of the County Policy Manual. No other employees are expected to report to work unless they are instructed to do so by their supervisor. Employees Who Do Not Report to Work When County Facilities Are Closed When an employee has been notified to report to work during an emergency situation, reporting is mandatory unless the absence has prior approval by his/her supervisor or department director. Those employees refusing to report to work will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Please reference the Emergency Response and Sheltering Policy, Chapter 7, Article III of the County Policy Manual for a listing of exemptions from any or all emergency response duty. Section 2.4 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Compensation When County Facilities Are Closed During Emergency or Unexpected Conditions Employees in temporary and on call positions will be paid only for hours actually worked. Employees in regular part-time (those regularly scheduled for 20-29 hours per week) and full-time positions who are not required to report to work will not be charged leave for the time the County facility or facilities are closed, and will be paid for the number of hours they were scheduled to work. Employees who are on approved sick, annual leave or compensatory leave will not be charged leave for the time the facility they would have reported to is unexpectedly closed. Non-exempt employees who are required to work when a County facility or facilities are unexpectedly closed will receive time and one half rate for the day/time of the closure. Time and one half rate will apply for those hours regardless of other leave/holiday hours taken or hours scheduled during the week. Exempt employees who are required to work when a County facility or facilities are unexpectedly closed will receive compensatory time off equal to the hours worked to be taken at another time. Any compensatory time earned by an exempt employee required to work when a County facility or facilities are unexpectedly closed shall be used within 90 days and should be utilized prior to any other types of paid leave. If not utilized within 90 days, the compensatory leave is not available for utilization or payment. Section 2.5 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Decisions Regarding Closings The County Administrator or his/her designee shall decide what the County position on closing or delayed opening shall be after conferring with the applicable staff. The County Administrator or his/her designee, in consultation with the affected Department Director, shall decide whether to close or delay opening an individual County facility in cases where conditions such as loss of power affect one or a limited number of sites. Section 2.6 (Adopted February 19, 2015) Notifications Of Closings All Day Closings/Delayed Openings If it is determined that, due to severe weather conditions, offices should be closed or operating hours should be adjusted, the media listed below will be notified so that public announcements may be made. In addition, a message shall be recorded on the voice mail line and notification will be sent via the IWAlert system. The Inclement Weather Hotline, (757) 365-6304, is the most reliable source for accessing information about closings, delayed openings, or adjusting hours of operation due to severe weather conditions. Employees may receive instructions concerning reporting to work from the following media sources: TV: CBS – Channel 3 WTKR NBC – Channel 10 WAVY ABC – Channel 13 WVEC Mobile/Other: IWAlert System The delayed opening time is intended to allow employees sufficient time to travel safely to work and to permit time for snow removal operations. For the safety of employees, employees shall not report prior to the delayed opening time, unless instructed by their supervisor to do so in order to carry out an essential function related to the emergency conditions. Early Closings The announced early closing time is the earliest time at which an employee may leave work without being charged leave. It is intended to allow employees sufficient time to travel home safely. Employees who stay at work later than the early closing time shall not receive additional pay or time off. Adopted this 19th day of February, 2015. _______________________________ Rex Alphin, Chairman __________________________ Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Approved as to Form: ___________________________ Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney ISSUE: Staff Report – Legislative Update BACKGROUND: Staff will provide a brief update for the Board regarding the status of some of the more critical legislative issues under consideration by the members of the General Assembly. The 2015 Session of the General Assembly is scheduled to end on February 28, 2015. At this time, the only bills submitted on the County’s behalf still under consideration by the General Assembly are SB759 – Transient Occupancy Tax, SB842 – Schools Budget Adoption patroned by Senator Lucas and HB1484 – Schools Budget Adoption patroned by Delegate Tyler. Staff is continuing to monitor bills impacting the County in this Session. RECOMMENDATION: Per the Board’s discussion. ATTACHMENTS: None February 19, 2015/dtr ISSUE: Matters for the Board’s Information BACKGROUND: The matters attached to this Board report are included as a means of providing information to the Board relative to matters of interest. These items do not require any action by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: For the Board’s information. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of January 2015; Cash Position, and Treasurer’s Accountability 2. Fire and Rescue Activity Report 3. Sheriff’s Activity Report 4. IT Website Statistics 5. Litter Pickup Schedule 6. Quarterly Financial Report Detail from 1-22-15 Meeting 7. Reception for the Chief of Emergency Services ! "# $ %"& "&’ () *& () +$+ $ + %+ % , - + - , . , ( ) %"’% " **. /0 ! 1 .$ * & /! / 02 / 3 ! 2 ! 4 - (5 # & ’ - # 6 7 7 &2 & & ’ ) (! ) $ %"& "&’ () *& () +$+ $ + %+ % , - + - , . , ( ) %"’% " *% " %" %". 3 .# * & (0 ) 13 2 8 3 4 . ! 8 .# $ * ! 02 ! !1 2 / 8 4 ’9 5 & $- $ $ *& ( $ * ) (* & & ’ : &) (/ ) %, * : ! " ! # # ! " $ " % & ’ % ( ( ) # ! * + ! ! " + , - . .#!* %, * &/ ! * %" : %! " ( 0 1 ! 2 " # (" 2 3 + ! # # 4 5 6 7 * . ! * + /( ! 8 ( ) # ! & % )(" *+ " / ! ! " + 0 .# ! ( ! 9 : + , - . # ! * ’% " : /! % ( 9 : ; & % /" 9 : + ! - ! 7 0 < / ! % # # !( # ( 9 : + ! " * ; % % / ! !!"#(9:+ /# ( " ! ( ! % ( ! * = ( ( ) # ! * + " / ! ! " 0 . # ! * *% " : !" / ! ! " + 0 . # ! * %" : %! " ( % 0 1 ! 2 " % ( ( ) # ! * + " /! ! " + 0 . # ! * %" : !" % % ! " * ; % & ’" & % > + ! % ! (& / ? " ! " ! % ( / "!(/4567* .! % % & * @ / !! 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(< ! # % ( ! * $- $ $ *& ( $ * ) (* & & ’ : &) (/ ) ! : ! ? * ’ ; %"& %"’% " *% " %" %" **.9 . : ! ? * * & ; ; < # 01 2 8 0 4 28 2 3 / / 43 ! 2 ! 0 428 / 2 3 3 4 ( ) @ A ;" % , 9& & # /2 1 3 2 0 1 4 ?* * & ; ( ! C ( ( ! ! % ! ! !( !! ( ! ! " 0 ! / =. , < - ( ! 3 , ’ " % $ 9 : + # "! & ! ! ! ! 8 " * 02.05.15 JAN 14 JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOV DEC 14 2015 2014 % chng Calls for Service Law Enforcement 3,2213,762 3,7623,221 16.80% Animal Services 7196 9671 35.21% GRAND TOTAL 3,2923,858 3,8583,292 17.19% School Checks (num)5384 8453 58.49% School Checks (time)18:0727:47 27:4718:07 53.36% False Alarms 1110 1011 -9.09% Escorts 1218 1812 50.00% Traffic Traffic Stops 348314 314348 -9.77% Traffic Summons 143162 162143 13.29% Traffic Crashes 7462 6274 -16.22% Criminal Process Misdemeanor Charges 6927 2769 -60.87% Felony Charges 2113 1321 -38.10% Unknown Class 10 01 -100.00% GRAND TOTAL 9140 4091 -56.04% Civil Process Writ- Levy 72 27 -71.43% Writ- Repo 83 38 -62.50% Evictions 211 112 450.00% All Other Civil 621693 693621 11.59% GRAND TOTAL 638709 709638 11.13% Property Reported Stolen $43,892$27,604 $27,604$43,892 -37.11% Stolen Items 3358 5833 75.76% Reported Recovered $27,137$2,780 $2,780$27,137 -89.76% Recovered Items 108 810 -20.00% Reported Damaged $11,561$2,480 $2,480$11,561 -78.55% Damaged Items 309 930 -70.00% Court Fines and Fees Jury Trials 01 10 #DIV/0! Other Mileage 86,406 78,094 78,094 86,406 -9.62% Gun Permits 7356 5673 -23.29% Fingerprints (non crim.)721 217 200.00% Reports (IBR)7250 5072 -30.56% Reports (Non-IBR)131102 102131 -22.14% Currency values rounded to the dollar. Totals may change between reporting periods due to ongoing investigations, case updates, error correction, and late reporting. Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office • Monthly Activity Report - JAN 2015 STATISTICAL INFO YTD TO LAST MONTH COMPLETED-JAN 02.05.15 MEAN (AVG)MEDIAN HIGHEST LOWEST Law Enforcement 3,7623,7623,7623,762 Animal Services 96969696 GRAND TOTAL 3,8583,8583,8583,858 School Checks (num)84848484 School Checks (time)1111 False Alarms 10101010 Escorts 18181818 Traffic Stops 314314314314 Traffic Summons 162162162162 Traffic Crashes 62626262 Misdemeanor Charges 27272727 Felony Charges 13131313 Unknown Class 0000 GRAND TOTAL 40404040 Writ- Levy 2222 Writ- Repo 3333 Evictions 11111111 All Other Civil 693693693693 GRAND TOTAL 709709709709 Reported Stolen 27,60427,60427,60427,604 Stolen Items 58585858 Reported Recovered 2,7802,7802,7802,780 monetary 10% Recovered Items 8888 items 14% Reported Damaged 2,4802,4802,4802,480 Damaged Items 9999 Mileage 78,09478,09478,09478,094 Gun Permits 56565656 Fingerprints (non crim.)21212121 Reports (IBR)50505050 Reports (Non-IBR)102102102102 Monetary values are rounded to the nearest dollar. Totals may change between reporting periods due to ongoing investigations, case updates, error correction, and late reporting. Property Civil Process Other Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office • Monthly Activity Report - 2015 Calls for Service Traffic Criminal Process Property Recovery (from Average) 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 14 TOT 15 TOT % Change January 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 3 1 8 16 1 3 0 0 15 22 46.7% February 0 0 0 0 3 16 2 0 21 0 -100.0% March 0 0 0 1 2 13 1 0 17 0 -100.0% April 0 0 0 2 5 19 2 0 28 0 -100.0% May 0 1 0 2 6 18 0 1 28 0 -100.0% June 0 0 0 1 5 23 2 1 32 0 -100.0% July 0 0 0 4 2 24 1 0 31 0 -100.0% August 0 0 0 2 7 11 1 0 21 0 -100.0% September 0 0 1 2 8 12 0 0 23 0 -100.0% October 0 1 0 3 10 13 0 0 27 0 -100.0% November 0 0 0 0 3 17 0 0 20 0 -100.0% December 0 0 1 1 0 10 1 0 13 0 -100.0% YTD TOTAL 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 3 1 8 16 1 3 0 0 15 22 46.7% GRD TOTAL 0 0 2 1 2 0 21 1 54 1 184 16 11 3 2 0 276 22 2014 20142014 3 1215 NOTICE: THE DATA IN THIS REPORT IS DYNAMIC AND MAY CHANGE AS CASES ARE RECLASSFIED, RECORDS EXPUNGED, OR ERRORS CORRECTED. SOURCE: IOWSO RMS DATA AS OF 01.09.15 FOR ALL 2014 DATA AND 02.05.15 FOR 2015 DATA ) ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 02.05.15 2022 Arson 200 TOTALSHomicide 09A CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS 2015 YTD Larceny 23 MV Theft 240 Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office 2 Select Group A Offenses 2015 (w/ 2014 comparison) Rape 11A Robbery 120 Ag Assault 13A Burglary 220 CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY 2015 YTDTOTAL 2015 YTD 46.7%66.7%-33.3% SCHOOLCOUNTTIME% COUNT% TIME CARROLLTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL174:1620.2%15.4% CARRSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL196:5822.6%25.1% GEORGIE D TYLER MIDDLE SCHOOL82:499.5%10.2% HARDY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL71:588.3%7.1% ISLE OF WIGHT ACADEMY102:1111.9%7.9% SMITHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL42:044.8%7.5% WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL10:151.2%0.9% WINDSOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL135:1115.5%18.7% WINDSOR HIGH SCHOOL51:596.0%7.2% Grand Total8427:47100.0%100.0% Note: These times only reflect actions of -NON- SRO Personnel 02.05.15 JAN 2015 Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office • Monthly School Check Report RANKNATURE COUNT% TOTALRANKNATURE COUNT% TOTAL 1 PATROL CHECK 1662 43.08%51SEX OFFENSES RAPE ASSAULT4 0.10% 2 CIVIL PAPER 436 11.30%52PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEMS4 0.10% 3 TRAFFIC STOP 314 8.14%53PROJECT LIFESAVER4 0.10% 4 BUSINESS CHECK 193 5.00%54PERSONAL PROTECTIVE ORDER4 0.10% 5 CITIZEN ASSIST 139 3.60%55STRUCTURE FIRE3 0.08% 6 ANIMAL COMPLAINT 95 2.46%56BRUSH FIRE 3 0.08% 7 SCHOOL CHECK 84 2.18%57MISSING PERSON ADULT-JUVENILE3 0.08% 8 PAPER SERVICE 79 2.05%58EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ORDER3 0.08% 9 PRISONER TRANSPORT 63 1.63%59CAR FIRE 3 0.08% 10 SUSPICIOUS PERS./VEH./ACTIVITY 57 1.48%60ASSAULT NO WEAPONS3 0.08% 11DISABLED VEHICLE55 1.43%61FOOT/BIKE PATROL3 0.08% 12BUILDING CHECK47 1.22%62TRESPASS 2 0.05% 13ALARM - BURGLARY44 1.14%63OVERDOSE 2 0.05% 14ACCIDENT NO INJURIES43 1.11%64ABANDONED VEHICLE2 0.05% 15ASSIST OTHER JURISDICTION42 1.09%65HARRASSMENT2 0.05% 16POLICE INVESTIGATIONS42 1.09%66ARCING WIRES DOWN POWER LINES2 0.05% 17TRAFFIC HAZARD26 0.67%67BITE 2 0.05% 18HOUSE CHECK26 0.67%68POSSIBLE DOA OR FULL ARREST2 0.05% 19LARCENY PETIT AND GRAND23 0.60%69SMELL OR ODOR OF SMOKE2 0.05% 20DIRECT PATROL22 0.57%70SICK / ILL OR RESCUE2 0.05% 21POLICE ESCORT18 0.47%71CHEST PAIN OR HEART ATTACK1 0.03% 22ALARM - UNK TYPE18 0.47%72FIRE ALARM 1 0.03% 23DISTURBANCE-LOUD NOISE15 0.39%73REPOSSESSION1 0.03% 24COMMUNITY RELATIONS15 0.39%74ALARM - MEDICAL1 0.03% 25WELFARE CHECK14 0.36%75SEIZURE 1 0.03% 26FINGERPRINTS14 0.36%76HIT AND RUN1 0.03% 27RECKLESS DRIVING13 0.34%77SHOPLIFTING1 0.03% 28FRAUD 13 0.34%78ASSAULT WITH INJURIES1 0.03% 29DOMESTIC - VERBAL ONLY13 0.34%79BOMB OR BOMB THREAT1 0.03% 30ACCIDENT UNKNOWN INJURIES13 0.34%80IDENTITY THEFT1 0.03% 31BUSINESS ASSIST12 0.31%81CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT1 0.03% 32BE ON THE LOOKOUT11 0.29%82STROKE 1 0.03% 33SHOTS FIRED/PROMISCUS SHOOTING11 0.29%83NEIGHBOR DISPUTE1 0.03% 34911 HANG UP11 0.29%84ASSIST BOATER1 0.03% 35TRAFFIC CONTROL8 0.21%85BURNING COMPLAINT1 0.03% 36DOMESTIC ASSAULT - OCCURRED8 0.21%86TEST CALL 1 0.03% 37DISORDERLY INDIVIDUAL7 0.18%87OPEN DOOR OR WINDOW1 0.03% 38DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY7 0.18%88BLEEDING OR HEMORRHAGING1 0.03% 39OFFICER INFORMATION7 0.18%89DIFFICULTY BREATHING1 0.03% 40JUVENILE PROBLEMS7 0.18%90FIGHT IN PROGRESS1 0.03% 41EVICTION 7 0.18%91UNCONSCIOUS OR FAINTING1 0.03% 42ACCIDENT WITH INJURIES6 0.16%0.00% 43DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE6 0.16%0.00% 44CIVIL MATTER6 0.16%0.00% 45DRUG OFFENSES6 0.16%0.00% 46STOLEN VEHICLE5 0.13%0.00% 47EMERGENCY CUSTODY ORDER5 0.13%0.00% 48DOMESTIC ASSAULT - IN PROGRESS5 0.13%TOTAL 3,858 100% 49OTHER OR UNKNOWN PROBLEM5 0.13%TOP TEN 3,122 80.92% 50 TEMPORARY DETENTION ORDER 4 0.10%02.05.15 NOTE: Prisoner transports include twice daily transport of Animal Shelter work release inmates. PRIOR MONTH TOP TEN FOR COMPARISON 2013 TOP TEN FOR COMPARISON RANK NATURE COUNT % TOTAL RANK NATURE COUNT % TOTAL 1 PATROL CHECK 1526 41.49%1 PATROL CHECK 12,326 27.84% 2 CIVIL PAPER 445 12.10%2 CIVIL PAPER 5,049 11.40% 3 TRAFFIC STOP 352 9.57%3 TRAFFIC STOP 4,087 9.23% 4 BUSINESS CHECK 150 4.08%4 BUSINESS CHECK 2,584 5.84% 5 CITIZEN ASSIST 136 3.70%5 CITIZEN ASSIST 1,825 4.12% 6 PAPER SERVICE 84 2.28%6 CIVIL MATTER / PAPER 1,577 3.56% 7 ANIMAL COMPLAINT 83 2.26%7 ANIMAL COMPLAINT 1,534 3.46% 8 PRISONER TRANSPORT 74 2.01%8 SCHOOL CHECK 1,311 2.96% 9 SUSPICIOUS PERS./VEH./ACTIVITY 72 1.96%9 HOUSE CHECK 1,199 2.71% 10 SCHOOL CHECK 64 1.74%10 SUSPICIOUS PERS./VEH./ACTIVITY 1,180 2.66% T **TOTAL** CALLS (not just top 10)3,678 81.19%T **TOTAL** CALLS YTD (not just top 10)44,278 73.79% CALLS FOR SERVICE • JAN 2015 MEMORANDUM   TO: Anne Seward, County Administrator FROM: Ralph Anderson, Solid Waste Division Manager SUBJECT: Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup DATE: February 10, 2015 The Solid Waste Division, with the help of the Western Tidewater Regional Jail Workers,  continues to make an effort to keep the County roadways clean. The following is a list of  roads where litter was picked up based on citizens’ complaints during the month of  January 2014:    Tan Rd: Benns Church Blvd to Lankford Land  Fire Tower Rd: Courthouse Hwy to Tower Cir  Fire Tower Rd: Shiloh Church to Yellow Hammer Rd  Central Hill Rd: Rt. 258 to Whispering Pine Tr.  Whispering Pine Tr.: Central Hill Rd to Crocker Site  Rt. 258: Spot pick up South of Fire Tower Rd  Carroll Bridge Rd: Bowling Green Rd to Woodland Dr.  Woodland Dr.: Carroll Bridge Rd to Longview Dr.    The following is a list where litter is scheduled to be picked up during the months of  February thru March 2015:  Carroll bridge Rd: Scott`s Factory Rd to Woodland Dr.  Old Stage Hwy: Rt. 10 to Berry Hill Rd  Berry Hill Rd: Rt. 10 to Old Stage Hwy  Foursquare Rd: Courthouse Hwy to Ting Rd  Waterworks Rd: Courthouse Hwy to Mt Holly Creek Ln  Nike Park Rd: Battery Park Rd to Reynolds Dr.  Titus Creek Rd: Nike Park Rd to Smith`s Neck Rd  Reynolds Dr.: Brewers Neck Blvd to Smith`s Neck Rd  Scott`s Factory Rd: Courthouse Hwy to Turner Dr.  Bethel Church Ln: Waterworks Rd to Blair`s Creek Dr. MEMORANDUM     TO: Anne Seward, County Administrator FROM: Don Robertson, Director of Information Resources & Legislative Affairs DATE: February 11, 2015 RE: Chief’s Reception Please be advised that a reception is scheduled for Jeff Terwilliger, the new Chief of Emergency Services, to welcome him as a member of the Isle of Wight County team. The reception will be held from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. on Friday, February 20, 2015 in Boykin’s Tavern. The elected officials, County staff, and volunteers are invited to come and meet Jeff in an informal setting. Should you have questions regarding this matter, please schedule a meeting with me and I will be glad to discuss this with you.         ISSUE: Boat Tax BACKGROUND: The Chairman has requested that a matter involving citizen inquiry relative to the County’s personal property tax rate for yachts/boats be placed on the Board’s agenda. RECOMMENDATION: Per the Board’s discussion and direction. ATTACHMENTS: - Correspondence from the County Administrator to Mr. McPhail - Correspondence from Mr. McPhail