September 20, 2012 Full AgendaA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board Of Supervisors Isle Of Wight County September 20, 2012 Call To Order 5:00 P.M. Invocation The Honorable Buzz B. Bailey Pledge Of Allegiance 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Special Presentation/Appearances A. Special Presentation/Animal Control B. Special Presentation/Small Business Close-Up C. Special Presentation/Proposed Route 460 Corridor Improvement Project D. Special Presentation/Davenport and Company E. Special Presentation/School Representative A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence F. Special Presentation/The Children’s Center 3. Consent Agenda A. Resolution Declaring September National Preparedness Month B. Disaster Designation Process Changes/New Regulations C. Request to Hire a Part-time Employee for the Smithfield Farmers Market D. Division of Historic Resources/Report on Usage of Boykin’s Tavern Museum E. Voting Credentials for the VACo Annual Meeting F. Resolution to Deem Certain Property as Surplus G. Report on Work Orders – Buildings Division of General Services H. July 19, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes 4. Regional Reports 5. Transportation Matters 6. Citizens’ Comments 7. Board Comments A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence 8. County Attorney’s Report A. Timber Sale Agreement/S&M Timber Products B. Purchase Agreement/Hope Presbyterian Church C. Closed Meeting 9. Community Development Report A. Application of Troy Marine, LLC, owner/applicant for a waiver to Sections 6-2009(O), Pedestrian and Bike Pathways and Section 7-1004(D)(2), Commercial and Industrial Development. B. Use of Recreational Vehicles in the Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) District. 10. General Services Report Federal Communications Commission Narrowbanding Mandate 11. Economic Development Report Update: 2012 Strategic Plan Initiative for Economic Development 12. County Administrator’s Report A. Resolution Designating Isle of Wight County as a Child Friendly Community A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence B. Financial Information (Unaudited) C. Request for Joint Meeting with School Board D. Request by the Superintendent of Schools for Waiver of Permit and Plan Review Fees E. 2012 Legislative Priority List 13. Appointments 14. Old Business 15. New Business 16. Public Hearings A. An Ordinance to Create the Moonlight Agricultural Forestal District B. Lease of Property Located at 236 Washington Street, Smithfield, Virginia to The Children’s Center for Use in the Head Start Program C. Ordinance to Adjust the Real Estate Tax Rate in Order to Equalize Revenues for Isle of Wight County 17. Closed Meeting 18. Adjournment # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # ## # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 21-01-083 21-01-081 31-01-091 21-01-083A 21-01-084A 21-01-086C21-01-078 31-01-086 21-01-078A 21-01-086 21-01-084 21-01-086B 31-01-092 31-01-096A 21-01-086 31-01-088 31-01-090 21-01-077 2 1 E -0 1 -0 3 1 2 1 E - 0 1 - 0 0 0 C 2 1 E -0 1 -0 2 2 21E-01-030 21E-01-446 21E-01-431 21E-01-426 21E-01-433 2 1-0 1-0 8 5 21 E-0 1-43 7 21 -0 1 -0 84 A 1 21E-01-434 21E-01-430 21E-01-432 2 1 E -0 1 -02 3 21E-01-063 21E-01-429 21E-01-032 21E-01-090 21E-01-445 21 E-0 1-02 4 2 1 E -0 1 -4 3 8 21E-01-088 21E-01-450 21 E -0 1 -03 7 2 1 E -0 1 -0 2 5 2 1 E -0 1 -0 3 6 2 1 E -0 1-0 3 5 21E-01-444 21 E-0 1- 02 9 21 E-0 1-4 2 2 2 1 E-0 1 -0 2 6 2 1 E -0 1 -4 3 9 21 E-01-03 8 2 1E-0 1-03 4 21E-01-064 21E-01-44 3 G R E A T S P RI N G R O A D CYPRESS CREEK PARKWAY M UI R FI E L D ROYAL ABERDEEN CARNOUSTIE ST. GEORGES 1412 102 406 408 407 409 410 412 414 411 422 511 1408 109 107 423 419 418 103 100 102 405 413 415 600 113 114 116 112 110 108 106 104 102 103 107 109 111 101 102 108 106 421 417 420 1431 1319 1422 1401 1407 1405 1314 1411 1413 1415 1416 1428 1404 17182 16381 13301 13080 13119 12538