December 20, 2012 Full AgendaA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
Board Of Supervisors
Isle Of Wight County
December 20, 2012
Call to Order 4:00 p.m./Special Meeting
Call to Order 5:00 p.m./Regular Meeting
The Honorable Rex W. Alphin
Pledge Of Allegiance
1. Special Meeting
A. Special Presentations
1. John Carlock, Hampton Roads Planning District
Commission (HRPDC)/Post 2018 SPSA
2. Stormwater Management Program
2. Regular Meeting
A. Approval of Agenda
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
B. Special Presentation/Appearances
1. Special Presentation/Animal Control
2. Special Presentation/School Representative
Barbara Smith, Coordinator of CTE, Fine Arts and Federal
3. Special Presentation/Small Business Close-Up
Danny and Heather Thornton, Country Boys Barbecue
4. Special Presentation/Financial Audit Report
5. Special Presentation/Introduction of Brandy Day, Director
of Human Resources
C. Consent Agenda
1. Application of Smithfield Services (Chris Edwards),
owner/applicant, for a waiver request to various sections
of Article 8, Landscaping and Screening Standards, of the Isle
of Wight County Zoning Ordinance
2. Isle of Wight County/Appeal of Historical Architectural
Review Committee Decision to Install a New Doorway in
the Historic Clerk of Courts Building
3. Board of Zoning Appeals/2012 Annual Report
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
4. Planning District Boundary Review
5. Aerial Photography Program
6. Brewer’s Neck/Benn’s Church Realignment Assurance
7. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funding from the
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
8. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds from
the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for
Stormwater Management Project Funding
9. Resolution to Authorize Submission of a Grant
Application and to Accept and Appropriate Funds from
the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
10. Draft Proposed FY2014-18 Capital Improvement Plan
11. Fiscal Year 2012-13 Monthly Financial Reports for County
and Schools
12. County of Isle of Wight/Statement of the Treasurer’s
Accountability for October 2012
13. Delinquent Real Estate Tax Collection Monthly Report
14. November 7, 2012 Joint Meeting Minutes
15. November 7, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes
16. November 15, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
17. November 15, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes
D. Regional Reports
E. Transportation Matters
1. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the
Highway Safety Improvement Program Grant for the
Design and Construction of Sidewalks in the Town of
2. Resolution to Approve and Award a Contract for Paving
Five (5) Rural Rustic Roads in Isle of Wight County
3. Final Alignment of Segment 2 of the Park to Park Trail
F. Citizens’ Comments
G. Board Comments
H. County Attorney’s Report
1. Personnel Policy Manual Revision/Chapter 2/Article XI
2. Lease Agreement/Griffin Farm
3. Annual Review/Rules of Procedure
4. Execution of Contracts/Authorization
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
5. Memorandum of Agreement/Industrial Development
6. Promissory Note/Request for Extension/Industrial
Development Authority
I. Parks and Recreation Report
1. Nike Skate Park Capital Project
2. Security for the 2012 Isle of Wight County Fair
J. General Services Report
Proposed Isle of Wight Rescue Building/Great Springs Road
K. County Administrator’s Report
1. Informational Session/Dr. Michael Chandler
2. Nomination for the Tidewater Emergency Medical
Services Council, Inc.
3. Coyote Control and Management
L. Appointments
M. Old Business
N. New Business
A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence
O. Public Hearings
1. An Ordinance to Designate as Exempt from Taxation all
Real and Personal Property Owned or Operated by
Community Harvest Outreach, Inc.
2. An Ordinance for Exclusive Franchise Agreement for
Residential Solid Waste Collection and Disposal in Isle of
Wight County
3. Sale of a Portion of Public Property Located on Great
Springs Road to the HOPE Presbyterian Church
4. Lease of the Old Health Department Building Located at
402 Grace Street in Smithfield, Virginia to the Christian
Outreach Program for Use as a Storage/Office Facility
P. Closed Meeting
Q. Adjournment