11-22-2021 Special Joint Meeting SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND THE BOARD'S REDISTRICTING TASK FORCE HELD IN THE ROBERT C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD ROOM OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 17090 MONUMENT CIRCLE, ISLE OF WIGHT, VIRGINIA ON MONDAY, THE TWENTY- SECOND DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY-ONE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Present: Richard L. Grice/Smithfield District Don Rosie/Carrsville District Joel C. Acree/Windsor District William M. McCarty/Newport District Rudolph Jefferson/Hardy District REDISTRICTING TASK FORCE Present: Caleb Kitchen/Windsor District Thomas Finderson/Newport District Elwood Whitley/Hardy District Volpe Boykin/Carrsville District Martha Jackson/At Large Pam Cooke/At Large Absent: Dale Baugh/Smithfield District Also Present: Randy R. Keaton Robert W. Jones Donald T. Robertson Carey Mills Storm CALL TO ORDER Chairman Grice called the special joint meeting with the Board's Redistricting Task Force to order at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of selecting a proposed redistricting map. Supervisor McCarty delivered the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Caleb Kitchen, Chairman of the Redistricting Task Force, commented that the maps before the Board this evening reflect the recommendations of the Board's Task Force and includes constitutional statutory criteria. He noted one point of contention is the shapes that result in the Carrollton area along the Route 17 Corridor. He explained the meaning of gerrymandering which is the drawing of districts to be at an advantage or disadvantage to local parties or persons and assured the Board that there has been no gerrymandering from this task force in any shape or form and the reason the proposed districts look as they do is to 1 attempt to comply with the majority/minority requirements. He advised that responsive to the public hearing, there are some alternatives proposed for the Carrollton area. He advised that two issues have recently been identified such as two new School Board members and the Courthouse voting precinct which must be located within a mile of the district border. He advised that the Carrollton Precinct is not located in the Newport District, but rather on the other side of the street. He advised that the Courthouse Precinct is 1.2 miles from the closest point in the Windsor District and a slight change to get that precinct within one mile was attempted. He advised that the Task Force was unsuccessful in getting to 50% minority voters in District #3 without stretching that district out. Mr. Finderson reviewed Map 1A which keeps the Town of Windsor in District 2 and stretches up to Ragged Island Creek and includes the northern portion of Whippingham Parkway and crosses Route 17 and includes the original Eagle Harbor Apartments. He advised that the biggest change in the Smithfield District is it reincorporates the southern side of Canterbury Lane and reincorporates one of the Gray Street blocks. He continued that it also reincorporates the northern side of Days Point Road. He stated that the Carrsville District continues its stretch along the northern border with Surry County and crosses at Wrenn's Mill. After reviewing the maps, the Board selected Map 1A. ADJOURNMENT At 8:30 p.m., Chairman Grice declared the meeting adjourned.katdA 14476VZ 116 56571 Rudolph Jefferson, Chairman Carey Mills Storm, Clerk 2