PRESENT: Byron B. Bailey
Rex W. Alphin
Delores C. Darden
Alan E. Casteen
Rudolph Jefferson
Also Attending: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney
Anne F. Seward, County Administrator
Carey Mills Storm, Clerk
At 5:00 p.m., the Chairman called the meeting to order.
County Attorney Popovich requested a closed meeting pursuant to Section
2.2-3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia concerning the discussion of the
appointment of specific appointees to County boards/committees/authorities;
pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7) regarding consultation with legal counsel
employed by the governing body regarding specific legal matters requiring
the provision of legal advice by counsel related to the Smithfield Town
Council's direction to the Town Planning Commission to examine potential
annexation area within the County; pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7)
regarding consultation with legal counsel requiring the provision of legal
advice related to the Lawnes Point sewer treatment plant discontinued
operation by VA Timberline; pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7) regarding
consultation with legal counsel requiring the provision of legal advice related
to the Machinery and Tools tax; pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(7)
regarding consultation with legal counsel employed by the public body
regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by
counsel related to the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad construction
project; and, pursuant to Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) concerning discussion
regarding the performance of two specific appointees.
Supervisor Alphin moved that the Board enter the closed meeting for the
reasons stated. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion
and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Darden moved that the Board return to open meeting. The motion
was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Casteen,
Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors
voting against the motion.
Supervisor Jefferson moved that the following Resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on
this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the
provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and,
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia requires a
certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was
conducted in conformity with Virginia law;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors
hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public
business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by
Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification
resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified
in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or
considered by the Board of Supervisors.
AYES: Bailey, Darden, Jefferson, Alphin and Casteen
The Board took no action following the closed meeting.
At 6:00 p.m., Supervisor Jefferson delivered the invocation.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was conducted.
County Attorney Popovich requested that Item (B) under the Public Hearing
section be moved to the County Administrator's section and a late item be
added regarding an EMS staffing request for the Carrollton Volunteer Fire
Department under the County Administrator's report.
Supervisor Alphin moved that the agenda be approved to include the noted
amendments. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion
and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
A. Resolution to Accept a Donated Boat from New Kent County for
Sheriff s Office
B. Resolutions for Submission of VDOT Revenue Sharing
C. Resolution to Approve Submission of Transportation
Alternatives Program (TAP) Funding Application to VDOT for
Nike Park Trail Project ($2,480,000 Federal/$620,000 Local)
D. Refer Request for a Change in Zoning Classification to Create
Three (3) Lots for Single Family Residential (Seward) Back to
the Planning Commission
E. April 10, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes
F. May 15, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
G. June 19, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
H. July 17, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
I. August 21, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes
Supervisor Darden moved that the Consent Agenda be approved as
presented. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion
and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Alphin reported on funds owed to the Jail for former inmates in
the amount of $2 million dollars. He advised that if legislation is adopted
regarding telephone fees being charged over a certain amount, the Jail stands
to lose $360,000. He advised that it costs approximately $10 million to
operate the Jail, of which 10% is used for medical costs associated with the
As a Board member who serves on the Board's
Committee, Supervisor Alphin reported on efforts
the Department of Economic Development.
Community Development
being undertaken within
Supervisor Jefferson moved that Ms. Toni Brown be appointed to serve on
the Western Tidewater Community Services Board. The motion was adopted
by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and
Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the
Krista Edoff, Cherry Bekaert, LLC, provided an overview of the County's
audit, noting no matters of noncompliance were identified.
A slide presentation of animals currently available for adoption at the
County's animal shelter was provided by Donald T. Robertson, Director of
Information Resources and Legislative Affairs.
Michael Uzzle referenced a letter of concerns he provided the Board earlier
in the year and noted that he would be requesting the status of same at one of
the Board's first meetings of the year.
Fred Mitchell, on behalf of the Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department,
distributed information he obtained from the County's website pertaining to
salaries and part-time staffing. He requested that the County's volunteers be
respected by the government that they serve.
Jaime Rostatler of 19263 Oliver Drive cautioned the Board about the value of
the Carrollton Volunteer Rescue Squad's apparatus.
Amend and Reenact Chapter 2, Section 2-7, Disclosure of Personal Interests
County Attorney Popovich advised that the amendments pertain to technical
provisions in the County code relative to changes made during the General
Chairman Bailey called for persons to speak in favor of or in opposition to
the proposed amendments.
No one appeared and spoke.
Chairman Bailey closed the public hearing and called for comments from the
Supervisor Alphin moved that the proposed revisions to Chapter 2, Section 2-
7, Disclosure of Personal Interests be adopted as presented:
WHEREAS, the Virginia General Assembly has enacted certain
changes to the Virginia Conflict of Interest Act; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County,
Virginia, deems it necessary to update its current ordinance provisions to
comply with said changes;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County
Board of Supervisors that Chapter 2. Administration. Article 1. In General.
Section 2-7. Disclosure of Personal Interests of the Isle of Wight County
Code be amended and reenacted as follows:
Sec. 2-7. Disclosure of personal interests.
(a) The disclosure of personal interest by the members of the Board of
Supervisors, Industrial Development Authority, Planning Commission,
Board of Zoning Appeals, as well as the Treasurer, Sheriff,
Commonwealth's Attorney, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Commissioner of
the Revenue and County Administrator, shall be made in accordance with
the provisions of Sections 2.2-3115 and 2.2-3116 of the Code of Virginia
(1950, as amended).
(b) In addition to those persons specifically required to file disclosure
statements pursuant to Section 2-7(a) above, the following nonsalaried
citizen members, appointed to designated local boards, commissions or
authorities, shall be required to file a disclosure of personal interest
statement as individuals holding a position of trust in Isle of Wight
(1) Members of the Board of Equilization; and
(2) Members of the Board of Assessors.
(c) The County Attorney shall file a disclosure of personal interest form in
the same manner and form as set forth in Section 2-7(a) above.
(d) Every person required to declare his or her personal interest pursuant to
Section 2.2-3112(A)(2) and (3) of the Code of Virginia (1950, as
amended), shall do so in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.2-
3115(H) and (I) of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended).
For state law as to authority of the County to require such disclosure,
see Code of Va., §§ 2.2-31 15 and 2.2-3116.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin,
Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
County Attorney Popovich requested that the Board provide him with
suggested revisions to the Board's Bylaws & Rules of Procedure by the
Board's next meeting. He advised that he has made an adjustment to the
agenda making the FYI items as an item under the County Administrator's
County Attorney Popovich brought up the issue of tethering animals in the
County and the running at large ordinance for discussion by the Board
responsive to a request from Chairman Bailey.
Chairman Bailey brought up for discussion his recommendation of
establishing a law in the County that prevents animals from running at large
and causing damage to other animals and children. He stated he would also
like to discuss implementing a no tethering law from 10:00 p.m. until 6:00
a.m. and in temperatures above 90 degrees and below freezing.
Following discussion, it was the Board's consensus not to discuss this matter,
noting that Animal Control staff does not have the ability to enforce such an
ordinance; that there are existing laws in place to address animal cruelty; that
it would be extremely difficult to enact a countywide ordinance that does not
infringe on those animal owners who are treating their animals properly, and,
that the surrounding areas do not have such a policy.
County Attorney Popovich provided a PowerPoint presentation relative to his
decision to place legal public notices solely in The Daily Press rather than in
The Smithfield Times and The Tidewater News. He reviewed three options
moving forward and recommended the hybrid approach which uses the Daily
Press to meet legal requirements while providing public notices through The
Tidewater News and The Smithfield Times. He further recommended that he
draft up a policy concerning this matter for the Board's consideration at its
next meeting for formal inclusion in the County's Policy Manual.
Supervisor Alphin moved that the County Attorney be directed to develop a
draft policy for inclusion in the County's Policy Manual for the Board's
consideration at its December 18, 2014 meeting and, in the meantime, the
hybrid approach is to be followed until a more permanent policy is
developed. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion
and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
County Administrator Seward presented the Quarterly Financial Report for
the month ending September 2014, noting that the budget will continue to be
monitored for performance and updates provided to the Board.
The Board requested that this information be placed in the FYI section for the
Board's next meeting and that the Attorney provide Chairman Bailey with a
copy of the Norfolk water agreement.
County Administrator Seward presented a request from the Windsor Town
Mayor for the first of four installment payments to renovate the Old Windsor
Middle School Gymnasium in the amount of $25,000.
Chairman Bailey moved that the Board authorize an expenditure of $25,000
to be taken from the County's FY2014-15 General Fund Budget,
Contingency line item. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with
Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of
the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Following a briefing from Mary Beth Johnson, Director of Human
Resources, with regard to proposed revisions concerning worker's
compensation, A Resolution to Amend Chapter 1: Personnel, Articles VI,
Section 6.6 and Chapter 1: Personnel, Article IV, Section 4.14 and Article
IX the County Policy Manual Concerning Worker's Compensation and
Separations was recommended for approval.
Supervisor Alphin moved that the following Resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the County has established the benefits provided to
employees under the Workers' Compensation Act, defined the employees
who are covered under the Act, and outlined the requirements and process for
reporting a work related injury, the maintenance of other benefits when an
employee is receiving a workers' compensation lost -wage benefit and the
return to work requirements, under Chapter 1: Personnel, Article VI, Section
6.6 and Article V of the County Policy Manual; and,
WHEREAS, the County has established guidelines for the separation of
employees from the classified service, under Chapter 1: Personnel, Article
IV, Section 4.14 and Article IX of the County Policy Manual; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to amend Chapter 1:
Personnel, Article VI, Section 6.6 of the County Policy Manual to afford for
enhanced employee guidance in reporting injuries and access of workers'
compensation benefits thereby assisting the County in meeting injury
reporting requirements; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to amend Chapter 1:
Personnel, Article IV, Section 4.14 and Article IX of the County Policy
Manual to clarify the guidelines for separation of employees from the
classified service.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Chapter 1: Personnel,
Article VI, Section 6.6 and Chapter 1: Personnel, Article IV, Section 4.14
and Article IX of the County Policy Manual is hereby amended as follows:
Chapter 1: Personnel
Conditions of Employment
(Revised January 17, 2002, September 1, 2005, December 15, 2005, October
16, 2006, October 4, 2007, November 15, 2007, July 1, 2008,
December 4, 2008, November 20, 2014)
Section 6.6
Worker's Compensation
(Revised January 17, 2002; October 16, 2006, November 20, 2014)
In compliance with the Virginia Worker's Compensation Act, the County is
committed to ensuring that all full-time and part-time employees incurring a
work related injury or disease would receive worker's compensation benefits.
At no cost to employees, the County provides Worker's Compensation
insurance that covers any injury or illness which results from an injury
incurred during the course of employment. The County provides all of the
benefits identified by the Virginia Worker's Compensation Act.. ,
including payment of covered medical expenses and lost wages.
Work -Related Injury, Illness and Substance Exposure Reporting
Immediately following every work related injury, illness or substance
exposure the affected employee is required to notify his/her supervisor in
person or by phone as soon as possible. Prompt reporting ensures timely
:- =-
Work -Related Injury, Illness and Substance Exposure Reporting
Immediately following every work related injury, illness or substance
exposure the affected employee is required to notify his/her supervisor in
person or by phone as soon as possible. Prompt reporting ensures timely
processing of a worker's compensation claim. Failure to do so will impede
processing of the claim and can lead to denial of the claim.
Upon notification of an injury, illness or substance exposure incident the
supervisor is required to notify the Risk Management Coordinator, in person
or by phone. Notification should be made as soon as possible after the
occurrence, but no later than 24 hours after the injury. In cases where an
injury results in any of the following; an employee being admitted to the
hospital, an amputation, or a fatality, notification must be made immediately
so that the Risk Management Coordinator can make the mandated
notification to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
within the required 8 hour timeframe.
If applicable, upon completion of the initial visit to the doctor the employee
is required to report back to his/her supervisor and the Risk Management
Coordinator, in person or by phone, to provide an update of his/her condition
and return to work instructions. The employee is further required to provide
an update of his/her condition after each subsequent visit to the doctor.
First Reporting; Procedure
After notification of an injury, the supervisor will instruct the injured
employee to initiate the workers' compensation reporting process by
following the procedure outlined in the First Report of Injury, Illness or
Substance Exposure - Standard Operating Procedure located on Central at
HWWorkers Compensation/Forms/First Report of Injury. Reporting must
take place before medical treatment is sought, unless there is a medical
emergency. In this case, the supervisor will make the First Report of Injury.
Panel Doctors and Medical Treatment
In accordance with the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act, the County has
established a panel of physicians to furnish medical care for all workers'
compensation claims. The employee must select a primary care physician
from the panel for his/her medical bills to be covered under workers'
compensation. The employee will be presented with the panel doctors during
the First Report of Injury process. If an employee elects to use a physician
who is not on the authorized list, the treatment will be incurred at the
employee's expense. To ensure receipt of maximum benefits pertaining to
payment of medical expenses and workers' compensation payments, an
employee must accept medical treatment and keep appointments with the
authorized physician.
Emergency Situations
In an emergency situation, the primary objective is to obtain immediate
medical care for the injured employee. In this situation the following
guidelines should be followed.
1. Obtain Emergency Care — Obtain emergency care as dictated by the
2. First Reporting — The supervisor will initiate the injury reporting
process by following the procedure outlined in the First Report of
Injury, Illness or Substance Exposure - Standard Operating
Procedure located on Central at BR/Workers Compensation/Forms/
First Report of Injury and will report the injury to the Risk
Management Coordinator.
3. Panel Doctor — The employee is required to select a panel doctor as
soon as they can after receiving emergency medical treatment. The
panel doctor will perform follow-up care, and will serve as the
coordinator for specialist care.
Workers' Compensation Claims Processing
The County's insurance carrier will use the First Report of Injury to make a
determination, including investigation if needed, to establish whether the
claim meets the requirements of compensability as defined by the Virginia
Workers' Compensation Act. If a claim is denied, the employee may seek an
appeal through the Workers' Compensation Commission.
Medical Bills
The Virginia Workers' Compensation Act provides for the payment of
reasonable and customary medical services associated with treatment for a
workers' compensation claim. This includes physician and hospital services
as well as prescription drugs. Medical bills should be sent from the provider
to the County's insurance carrier. If the injured employee receives medical
bills for an approved workers' compensation claim, the bills should be
forwarded to the County's insurance carrier. Contact the Risk Management
Coordinator for insurance carrier contact information and assistance.
Lost Wage Payments
The Workers' Compensation Act provides lost wage payments when an
employee is unable to work due to a compensable injury, in the amount of
66.66 percent of the injured employee's average weekly wage (AWW). The
AWW is determined by calculating the weekly average of the employee's
gross wage for 52 weeks prior to the date of injury.
Compensation for an approved compensable injury shall begin when the
injured employee is out of work for more than seven (7) calendar days,
commonly referred to as the "waiting period", as provided by the Virginia
Workers Compensation Act. An injured employee can elect to use either
accumulated sick and/or annual leave for County business days occurring
during the waiting period. After the required "waiting period", the injured
employee shall not receive compensation from the County; however, the
employee shall receive compensation directly from the County's Worker
Compensation insurance carrier in accordance with the Worker's
Compensation Act.
Only in cases where the injured employee's compensable injury extends their
absence beyond twenty-one (21) calendar days, the County's workers
compensation insurance carrier shall forward compensation to the injured
employee as compensation for missed work during the aforementioned
"waiting period". The employee has the option to retain said compensation
for the "waiting period" and forfeit the sick and/or annual leave used or
forward the compensation check to the County for reinstatement of leave
taken during the waiting period.
Employees receiving worker's compensation benefits shall not accrue sick or
vacation leave during their absence if workers compensation benefits are
provided to an employee for more than half of the month. The County will
continue to provide Group Life Insurance Benefits as well as the County's
portion of the health insurance premium during the time of approved workers
compensation leave from work. The employee shall be responsible for the
employee portion of the health insurance premium and any other employee
paid benefit. If an employee is unable to pay for any employee portion of an
elected benefit, the benefit shall be terminated and reinstated upon the injured
employee's return to work or eligibility period of the program, whichever is
applicable to the benefit. Should an injured employee not return to full time
or modified duty within a six month period from the date of injury, the
County reserves the right to review and determine the employee's eligibility
for County paid benefits.
If the injured employee was injured while under the influence of alcohol or
another controlled substance, coverage by worker's compensation insurance
may be denied.
Alternate Duty
The County supports alternate duty assignments for employees who are
recovering from injuries. Alternate duty offers employees a chance to return
to work at a capacity and duration approved by the panel doctor. The
employee will be considered for productive assignments within his/her
current department or another department if an assignment is not available in
his/her department. Employees are encouraged to return to work in an
alternate duty capacity whenever possible.
Employees will receive their normal pay while in an alternate duty
assignment provided they work full time. Employees who are restricted to
limited hours will receive workers' compensation lost wage payments for the
hours they miss due to injury. Failure to report to an available alternate duty
assignment will result in discontinuation of lost wage benefits and the
employee will be considered to be on unapproved leave.
Alternate duty assignments will not exceed six months. After six months
from the date of injury, the panel physician should be able to indicate
whether the employee is able to return to the full duties of his/her position or
if work limitations will be permanent.
In the event the employee is still being treated for the injury, and a final
prognosis cannot be made, the alternative duty assignment may be extended
if approved by the Department Director and the County Administrator and if
it does not impede operations. In the event of a permanent limitation, job
accommodations and position transfer will be explored as options for the
Leave Records
Employees are required to complete their leave record reflecting time
missing from work due to injury and time at work while under work
restrictions. The following codes are used to reflect these hours:
W Workers' Compensation - Hours missed from work due to work-related
injury. This also includes time for doctor appointments. Treatment
and time missed must be for an approved workers' compensation claim.
If a claim is denied, any "W" code used must be changed to an "S"
code for sick leave.
AD Alternate Duty — Hours the employee works in alternate duty or with
restrictions prohibiting the employee from performing his/her normal
job/or restrictions on the number of hours per day an employee may
S Sick Leave — Hours missed in accordance with the County sick leave
policy. Additionally, hours missed for a work-related injury during the
"waiting period" can be designated as sick leave.
(Revised November 15, 2007, November 20, 2014)
Section 9.0
(Revised November 15, 2007)
Types of Separation
Separation of employees from positions in the classified service shall be
designated as one of the following and shall be accomplished in the manner
indicated: resignation, layoff, disability, death, retirement and dismissal.
Section 9.1
(Revised November 15, 2007, November 20, 2014)
County Equipment
At the time of separation and pfier to final payme n, all records, assets and
other items of County property in the employee's custody shall be transferred
to his/her department head and certification to this effect shall be signed by
the employee.
Section 9.2
(Revised November 15, 2007, November 20, 2014)
To resign in good standing, an all employees, with the exception of
department directors, shall give notice in writing to his/her department head
at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the
resignation. Failure to comply with this rule shall eve—meter d on the "e""i^e
reeerd of the employee will result in the employee being ineligible for rehire,
except in extenuating circumstances at the approval of the Director of Human
Resources. Thirty (30) calendar days notice is requested for department
directors resigning from employment. All department directors shall transmit
all resignations to the Department of Human Resources within 24 hours of
Section 9.3
(Revised November 20, 2014)
Getmoulsefy VoluntarResignation
An employee, who without ..all r-eas just cause, fails to report to work for
three (3) consecutive work days without authorized leave shall be separated
from the payroll. This action shall be reported as a eempulsefy voluntary
Section 9.4
(Revised November 20, 2014)
Reduction in Force
Any involuntary separation other than due to delinquency, misconduct, --Of
inefficiency, or disciplinary action shall be considered a layoff.
When feasible, -man employee shall be laid off on the basis of the following
three (3) equally weighted factors:
a. length of service in class;
b. length of service with the County; and
C. the employee's performance evaluations.
When a department director believes an individual is essential to the effective
operation of the department because he/she possesses special skills or
abilities and he/she wishes to retain that person in preference to a person with
a higher rating he/she shall submit a written request to the County
Administrator. The request shall detail the specific skills and abilities
possessed by the individual and the reasons why the person is essential to the
effective operation of the department. The individual may be retained with
the approval of the County Administrator.
If a regular full -tune employee is scheduled to be laid off, he/she shall be
allowed to compete for a vacant position(s) elsewhere in the County. He/she
shall submit an application for employment for any vacancy(ies) he/she is
interested in and is required to submit to all selection -related activities related
to the selection process of the vacancy(ies). offered a demotion to a lower
elass if Z vaeaney exists or if he/she, is c error to the other- _`mpleyees
�v�a-r� v crr 1v c � ,
pr-evided he/she is qualified of able to be trained to fill positions in the !owe
elass invelPed. Regular full-time employees to be laid off shall be notified
in writing by the County Administrator's office at least fourteen (14) calendar
days prior to the effective date of the layoff.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin,
Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
County Administrator Seward outlined a proposed amendment to the
FY2014-2015 Position Classification and Compensation Plan to add a
Comptroller and Purchasing Agent position and eliminate the Purchasing
Coordinator in the Plan and recommended approval of a Resolution to
Amend the FY2014-2015 Position Classification and Compensation Plan.
Supervisor Casteen moved that the following Resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has approved the FY 2014-2015
Position Classification and Compensation Plan; and,
WHEREAS, in accordance with County Policy (Chapter 1: Personnel,
Article II, Position Classification Plan and Article 111, Compensation Plan),
the Position Classification and Compensation Plan containing the Salary
Schedule and Schematic List of Classes assigned to Salary Grades is
recommended for amendment to incorporate two (2) new class titles of
Comptroller and Purchasing Agent into the FY 2014-2015 Position
Classification and Compensation Plan and the abolishment of the class title
of Procurement Coordinator; and,
WHEREAS, the amendments to the FY 2014-2015 Position
Classification and Compensation Plan will not result in a net increase of Full
Time Equivalent positions (FTEs); and,
WHEREAS, the amendments to the FY 2014-2015 Position
Classification and Compensation Plan have been recommended to the Board
of Supervisors for approval and adoption.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that the amended FY 2014-2015
Position Classification and Compensation Plan is hereby adopted and shall
remain in effect until amended by the Board.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin,
Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Casteen requested a copy of the job descriptions for the new
positions created in the Plan.
County Administrator Seward notified the Board of her intention to not fill
the Chief Financial Officer position, but move that position over the
Community Development departments and title as Assistant County
Administrator of Community Development.
Donald T. Robertson, Director of Information Resources and Legislative
Affairs, provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Section 8 Housing
Program and advised that without a significant increase in local funding, the
program will not be sustainable County's program to another agency,
effective July of 2015. He recommended the Board adopt a Resolution to
Authorize Transfer of the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program.
Supervisor Alphin moved that the following Resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to transfer the
management of the County's Section 8 Housing Voucher Program ("the
Program") to another agency, effective July 1, 2015; and,
WHEREAS, the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA)
has determined that, pending approval by the U. S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development, management of the Program will be transferred to
the Suffolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority (197 vouchers primarily
in the Carrollton and Smithfield areas) and the Franklin Redevelopment and
Housing Authority (47 vouchers primarily in the Camptown, Carrsville,
Windsor, and Zuni areas).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that management of the Program be
transferred to VHDA for the purpose of serving the clients of Isle of Wight
County by providing such eligible clients with Housing Choice Vouchers.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator is
hereby authorized to execute and deliver such agreements, documents,
certificates, and correspondence and to take such other action as shall be
necessary or appropriate to effect such transfer.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin,
Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no
Supervisors voting against the motion
Added under the approval of the agenda, County Administrator Seward
represented an EMS staffing request from the Carrollton Volunteer Fire
Department for 24/7 ALS coverage.
Responsive to a request by Supervisor Darden regarding the concerns
expressed by the Medical Director, Andrea Clontz, Interim Director of
Emergency Services, EMS services are sanctioned under the Tidewater
Emergency Services Board, but not all the providers for the CVFD are
sanctioned under the TEMS Board; he is concerned whether there are
sufficient providers to cover the needed services; and, scheduling is being
requested so that we can identify when there is a gap in the ALS coverage so
that we can be prepared backfill from another agency.
County Administrator Seward advised that staff would return to the Board in
December to discuss a long term solution.
Chairman Bailey moved that the County Administrator be authorized to
develop an EMS staffing solution for the Carrollton Volunteer Fire
Department. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion
and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Richard Rudnicki, Principal Planner, presented a waiver request of Quible &
Associates, P.C. on behalf of WEDG Holdings, LLC, for Dunkin Donuts.
Chairman Bailey moved that the waiver request be approved. The motion was
adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden
and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against
the motion.
County Administrator Seward drew the Board's attention to the following
informational items included in the agenda: Treasurer Delinquent Accounts
and Cash Flow Report; Fire and Rescue Activity Report; Sheriffs Monthly
Activity Report; Website Statistics; Isle 2040 Action Plan; Holiday
Luncheon; General Services Project Savings Update; Economic Development
Update - Local Businesses Receive Enterprise Zone Grants; CIP Calendar;
GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award; Life Safety Awards; Isle
of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad Construction Update; and, information
regarding staff's meetings with Legislators.
There was no old business offered for discussion.
Supervisor Casteen moved that staff be authorized to proceed with the
preliminary design of the necessary waterlines to the Gatling Point
Subdivision. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion
and no Supervisors voting against the notion.
Supervisor Darden requested a staff report at the Board's December 18, 2014
meeting on Queen Anne's Court transportation accidents and the status of the
drainage ditches on Central Hill Road.
Supervisor Darden corrected a false statement made this evening that the
Carrollton and Windsor Volunteer Fire Departments are unfunded, as they
are funded, just in a different manner.
At 8:00 p.m., the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.
*W . Alphi ,Chairman
,arey ills Siorm, Clerk