09-01-2005 Regular Meeting1
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PRESENT: ~ Phillip A. Bradshaw, Chairman
Thomas J. Wright, III, Vice-Chairman
Henry H. Bradby
Richard K. MacManus
Stan D. Clark
Also Attending: Jacob P. Stroman, IV, County Attorney
W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator
Donald T. Robertson, Assistant
County Administrator/Operations
E. Wayne .Rountree, P.E., Assistant County
Anne F. Seward, Assistant County Administrator/
Carey Mills Storm, Recording Secretary
Chairman Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Supervisor Bradby delivered the invocation.
The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
Chairman Bradshaw called for approval of the agenda.
County Attorney Stroman requested that the following amendments be
made to the agenda: Add a new Item (2) to .discuss Hurricane Katrina
Disaster Relief Efforts; under the Closed Meeting, add six (6) additional
matters; and, under Old Business, add an item with respect to discussion of
the Route 460 Realignment.
Supervisor Wright moved that the Board approve the agenda, as
amended. The motion .was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
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County Administrator Caskey .notified the Board that Brunswick
County has. advised VACo that. its .Board of Supervisors intends to allocate
the sum of $25,000 for disaster relief efforts in .the Gulf region due to
Hurricane Katrina, and has challenged other counties in the Commonwealth
to do the same.
Supervisor Clark moved that the Board further discuss the matter under
New Business. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors.
MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Chairman Bradshaw indicated the Consent Agenda included the
following items:
A. Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County,
Virginia to Change the Meeting Schedule Adopted at its
Organizational Meeting of January 20, 2005
B. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds from the
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
C. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds from the
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
D. .Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of .the County of Isle of
Wight, Virginia with Respect to a Lease Financing of the
Western Tidewater Community Services Board for A Consumer
Facility Project
E. Personnel Policy Amendments
F. Accounts Payable Methodology
G. Action List Status Update
H. DEQ/Public Notice dated August 22, 2005
I. Elimination of the James River Bridge Crossing As A Viable
Alternative for the High Speed Rail Service
J. August 8, 2005 Regular. Meeting Minutes
Chairman Bradshaw asked if there were any items for removal.
Supervisor Clark moved that the Board adopt the Consent. Agenda, as
presented. The motion was .adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
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MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Chairman Bradshaw called for Regional Reports.
Chairman Bradshaw. offered to provide County Administrator Casket'
copies of certain reports provided at a recent meeting of the Hampton Roads
Economic Development Alliance. He indicated that the major topic of
discussion at that meeting was the Base Closure -and Realignment
Commission ("BRAG") decision.
Supervisor MacManus briefed the Board on pertinent issues relative to
the Southeastern Public Service Authority, and reported that the waste to
energy facility provides 50% of all handled waste in the Hampton Roads
Chairman Bradshaw called for Transportation Matters.
.Supervisor Wright requested that VDOT be advised of the need to trim
the asphalt at the intersection of Church Street and Route 460 in the Town of
Chairman Bradshaw moved that the Board direct staff to advise the
Zuni Ruritan Club that VDOT has expressed concerns with installing rumble
strips due to the amount of noise generated. The motion was adopted by a
vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and
Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the
Supervisor Clark inquired when the "Watch for Children"-signs would
be installed in the Ashby Subdivision.
Sandon S. Rogers, Transportation Planner, responded that he had not
yet received a response back from VDOT, and upon receipt of notification
from VDOT that the signs have been installed,. he would notify the Board
Chairman Bradshaw reported that a topic of discussion at the VDOT
quarterly meeting was the installation of a stop light on Route 17 that was not
requested by the County.
Mr. Rogers commented that VDOT has pledged in the future that the
County would be advised .about any proposed stop lights that are planned in
the County.
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Supervisor Bradby commended the equipment contractor hired by
VDOT for his recent efforts in cleaning out the ditches in his area.
Chairman Bradshaw moved that the Board direct staff to relay the
Board's concern with an inability of school buses to turn around at the
railroad tracks in Zuni, and that staff request VDOT to perform a review of
the intersection. The motion was adopted. by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors.
MacManus, Bradby, .Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion..
Joe Mungo of Mill Creek Drive notified the Board that the weeds need
to be removed from the ditch backs on Mill Creek Drive.
Chairman Bradshaw requested staff to include Mr. Mungo's request to
the list of items to be addressed by VDOT at the next quarterly meeting.
Chairman Bradshaw called for Citizen's Comments.
Charles "Pete" Green of Mill Creek Drive spoke in opposition to the
proposed Route 460 realignment. He advised that he had inquired as to why a
route could not be designed going further south around the wetlands versus
going north and impacting approximately $7,800,000 in assessed real estate,
and he was notified by the project manager of the environmental study that
routes are not supposed to go through Agricultural and Forestal Districts. He
stated that the Director of Planning and Zoning had advised him that VDOT
must go through a process to obtain final approval from the Board to cut
through an Agricultural and Forestal District. He presented. a petition
containing approximately 100 signatures, and asked those individuals in
opposition to the proposed route to stand. Approximately 25 people stood.
He requested the Board assist with having the proposed route changed.
Carl McDaniel of Deer Trail in Zuni also expressed opposition to the
proposed Route 460 realignment.. He stated that his house would not be
directly impacted by the proposed road; however, an on-ramp coming from
Zuni would be located behind his home. He added that the surrounding
neighborhood is quiet, and he expressed concern with a potential increase in
noise. He stated moving the route 2,000 feet to the south would allow the
homes to be saved, and still accomplish the realignment.
Supervisor MacManus moved that the Board move the discussion of
the Route 460 realignment from Old Business to this point in the agenda. The
motion was adopted by a .vote of {5-0) with Supervisors. MacManus, Bradby,
Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
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Supervisor Clark advised the citizens in .attendance that it is not the
Board's position for the proposed Route 460 alignment to proceed through
these homes.. He stated common sense dictates that the alignment should go
through uninhabited land and not the existing residential homes.
Mr. Hartley briefed the Board on the three (3) Knoxville Agricultural
Forestal Districts in the County which were .created during the 1980s,
pursuant to a provision of the Code of Virginia. He stated these special
resource districts were voluntarily created by the County and the property
owners to identify critical agricultural and forestal resources in the County
for preservation.. He stated there are approximately fifty-eight (58) parcejs-in
the District, which. consists of approximately 4,400 acres, and approved fora
ten (10) year period. He stated any proposed public project in that area must
first be evaluated to determine the impact it might have on that District, and
that no land could be acquired in that District until a local public process is
held to receive community input. He stated VDOT is charged in considering
the design of a project of this nature, and it must avoid, if at all possible, any
impacts to the District. He distributed a summary of the policy findings and
purpose of the District, to include the process required.
Chairman Bradshaw voiced a concern about the location of the crossing
at the Blackwater River. He noted that he also had a concern about the
homes in the Mill Creek area that would be impacted, and the wetlands.
Mr. Hartley stated CBA #2, which is the existing alignment with the
bypasses, has the least environmental impact on wetlands. He stated the
Corps of Engineers has advised this is the preferred route.
Chairman Bradshaw stated because of the limited access at this point in
time, he is concerned with the immediate and future economic impacts to the
County. He stated a great deal of acreage could be landlocked, leaving no
potential for .residential or commercial development along: the Route 460
Mr. Hartley agreed that it is a significant corridor through the center of
the County, and if this is the selected corridor, how it is done is critical. He
advised that since the last meeting, staff has identified and consulted with the
County Attorney the fact that. the alternative route proposed by VDOT and
the residents has a greater impact on the Knoxville Agricultural and Forestal
District. He stated the Board's public policy is not to go through such
districts, and the Board must decide if it wishes to deviate from this policy.
Chairman Bradshaw stated that Mr. Hartley's concern is that if the
Board indicated its desire that the alignment not go through the residences,
then the implied message the Board is sending is that it is alright for VDOT
to go through the Knoxville Agricultural .and Forestal District. He stated Mr.
Hartley deeds to ensure before he proceeds that this is indeed the message
that the Board wanted to convey to VDOT.
Mr. Hartley advised that the Commonwealth Transportation Board
would be holding it work session on October 19, 2005, and anticipates
making a decision at its meting on November 15, 2005.
Supervisor Clark moved that staff be directed to send a letter under the
signature of the Chairman, to include maps, .for receipt on Tuesday,
September 6, 2005,. by Dennis W. Heuer, P.E., Hampton Roads District
Administrator, Virginia Department of Transportation. The letter is to be so
clearly .worded so as to leave no question that the Board wants the homes in
the Mill Creek area to be preserved even if the route has to go through the
Knoxville Agricultural Forestal District. The letter should clearlystate that
the Board's number one priority is that a route be found around the Mill
Creek area homes which have an assessed real estate value of $7,800,000,
and that the Board has concerns with the wetlands impact. The motion was
adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw,
Clark and Wright .voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting
against the motion.
Supervisor MacManus moved that staff develop a plan to proceed with
initiating the necessary changes to the Knoxville Agricultural and Forestal.
District, with the acknowledgement that such changes have been necessitated
by the impact on .the Mill Swamp Creek homes in the currently proposed
Route 460 alignment. The motion. was adopted by a vote -of (5-0) with
Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor
of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Chairman Bradshaw advised that staff and he would be present at the
Commonwealth Transportation Board's meeting on October 19, 2005 to
present the Board's resolutions and concerns with. the proposed alignment.
He recommended that all other persons interested in this matter also attend,
.and that Mr. Green meet with He en Dracus, the County's representative on
the Commonwealth Transportation Board, to express his concerns.
Chairman Bradshaw called for the County Attorney's report.
.With respect to election district representation and other issues related
to .the Youth Services Advisory Board .and the CASA Advisory Council,
County. Attorney Stroman advised that the draft bylaws allow the Board the
flexibility to engage in election district representation. He stated it further
allows the Board flexibility should an outstanding member be found who
lives outside of a district to serve. He recommended that the next three. (3)
appointments to the CASA Advisory Council be made by the Board: members
representing the Carrsville, Hardy and Windsor districts in order to provide
for such election district representation..
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County Attorney Stroman advised the Board that there is a vacancy for
an at-large position on the Youth Services Advisory Board, and that such
vacancy would be listed on the Appointments Page for the Board's
consideration at its September 15, 2005 meeting.
County Attorney Stroman noted the remainder of his items would be
discussed later during the closed meeting.
Chairman Bradshaw called for the Community Development Report .
Mr. Rogers presented the "preliminary" subdivision plat of Norsworthy
Subdivision, property of Francis P. Norsworthy, Jr. and Rebecca M.
Norsworthy, Brewers Neck Boulevard (Route 32/258), Newport Magisterial
District, for the Board's consideration.
Supervisor Wright spoke against more than one (1) entrance into
Brewer's Neck Boulevard.
Mr. Rogers replied the .entrances are necessary due to the impact on
Supervisor Clark expressed concern with traffic impacts to Brewer's
Neck Boulevard, as well as the possibility of an additional traffic light being
installed by VDOT. He recommended that there be only one (1) access to
minimize the impact on Brewer's Neck Boulevard.
Supervisor MacManus recommended berming the back of the lots with
heavy landscaping so that there is a barrier between the homes and the
highway. He stressed his preference that a variety of .different fencing types
.not be used.
Ted Miller, on behalf of the owner, advised only thirteen (13) lots have
access to Brewer's Neck Boulevard, and that he did not have a clear
understanding about the Board's concern with the second entrance onto
Brewer's Neck Boulevard.
Supervisor MacManus stated he preferred that there not be any
entrance onto Brewer's Neck, if at all possible. He stated the developer could
build a bridge across the wetlands, thus eliminating the need for a primary
entrance into these lots onto a major highway.
Supervisor Clark moved the Board table consideration of the plat until
the Board's September 15, 2005 meeting to allow the developer and staff to
revise the plat to reflect what type of landscaping will be utilized along the
Route 258 corridor. The developer is to avoid multiple entrances onto
Brewer's Neck Boulevard, which is a major thoroughfare. The motion was
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adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw,
Clark and Wright voting in .favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting
against the motion. '
Supervisor MacManus further moved the Board table consideration of
the Water Quality Impact Assessment of the Preliminary Subdivision Plat of
Norsworthy Subdivision, property of Francis P. Norsworthy, Jr. and Rebecca
M. Norsworthy, Brewers .Neck Boulevard (Route 32/258), Newport
Magisterial District, until the Board's September 15, 2005 meeting. The
motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby,
Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
Chairman Bradshaw called for the Emergency Management report.
Richard O. Childress, Director of Emergency Management, requested
the Board's approval for him to execute the Rescue Squad Assistance Fund
grant application. He stated he has assisted the Carrsville Volunteer Fire
Department with acquiring certain items, and is currently awaiting cost
estimates from the Emergency Communications Center on items they are also
seeking assistance with funding.
Chairman Bradshaw stated he was not in favor of fire and rescue
organizations having to fund the local match portion of grants. He requested
that the Board be apprised of such situations, so that it might have the
opportunity to fund the local match portion, if possible.
Mr. Childress. stated this is not a budgeted item, and funds are
contained within emergency medical services budgets which are provided
annually by the County.
Supervisor Clark stated that he was also supportive of .the Board
funding grant matches for those departments that have been aggressive in
securing grants.
Supervisor Clark requested Mr. Childress to advise the Fire and Rescue
Association, and that he also advise the Board when these organizations
qualify for 50/50 grant matches so that the Board will have the opportunity to
fund the match instead of the funds be taken from. an organization's budget.
Mr. Childress was further requested. to add the above- matter as an
agenda item at the next Fire and Rescue Association meeting.
Supervisor Clark moved the Board authorize the Director of
Emergency Management to execute the RSAF grant application. The motion
was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby,
Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion. .
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Chairman Bradshaw called for the County Administrator's report.
County Administrator Caskey presented a Resolution to Submit an
Application and to Accept and Appropriate V-STOP Grant Program Funds
from the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Board's consideration.
Supervisor MacManus moved the Board authorize submission of "the
grant application, and adopt the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight,
Virginia. has approved the V-STOP grant application to the Commonwealth.
of Virginia, Department of Criminal Justice Services; and,
WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of twenty thousand forty seven
dollars ($20,047) or so much as shall be received from the Virginia
Department of Criminal Justice Services need to be accepted and
appropriated to the appropriate line items in the FY 2005-06 Operating
Budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia.
Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight that funds in the amount
of twenty thousand forty seven dollars ($20,047) or so much as shall be
received from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice
be appropriated to the appropriate line items in the 2005-2006 Operating
Budget of the County of Isle of Wight.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the
County of Isle of Wight is authorized to make the appropriate accounting
adjustments and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor MacManus further moved that the Board appropriate
$I,O55 from the Contingency Fund to cover the. V-STOP grant application.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus,
Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against. the motion.
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Emily G. Haywood, Director of Human Resources, briefed the Board ~
on the Prescription Drug Discount Card Program offered through the
National Association of Bounties (NACo), which provides an opportunity
for member counties to provide such a program to its citizens.
Chairman Bradshaw moved the Board direct staff to provide an
implementation plan, to include associated impacts and timeline, for the
..Board's review. The motion was adopted by a vote of (4-0) with Supervisors
MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw and Wright voting in favor of the motion; no
Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Clark absent for the
Chairman Bradshaw requested Ms. Haywood to publicize the matter on
the County's website.
Debbie J. Sivertson, Assistant to the County Administrator, presented a
request from the Boykin's Tavern Museum Advisory Committee for funds in
the amount of $2,750 from the FY05-06 General Contingency Fund to cover
the cost of community events, educational seminars and office supplies.
Supervisor MacManus moved the Board .approve the request of the
Boykin's Tavern Museum Advisory Committee, and provide. $1,000 from the
FY `OS-`06 General Contingency Fund. The motion was adopted by a vote of
(4-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw and Wright voting in
favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and,
Supervisor Clark absent for the vote.
Supervisor MacManus requested that the Board be advised how the
appropriated funds were utilized by the Boykin's Tavern Museum Advisory
Committee during the budget presentation next year.
County Administrator Caskey advised with respect to the upcoming
2007 NACo .Annual. Conference and Exposition, NACo and the Virginia
Association of Counties (VACo) are advocating sponsorship opportunities,
and soliciting participation in the planning, fund-raising and ,promotion of
activities and special events intended to ensure the success of the Conference.
Supervisor MacManus noted the need to prepare a package of
initiatives offering alternatives to northern Virginia and .its associated traffic
problems for discussion at the next Mayors and Chairs meeting.
Chairman Bradshaw requested County Administrator Caskey to ensure
that Jim Campbell did not omit the Norfolk and Patrick Henry Airports from.
any planning .considerations. He further requested County Administrator
Caskey to request that Art Collins list this matter as a discussion item at the
next Mayors and Chairs meeting.
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Chairman Bradshaw moved the Board direct the County Administrator
and his staff to develop a plan for approval by the. Board with respect to the
upcoming 2007 NACo Annual Conference and Exposition. The motion was
adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw,
Wright and Clark voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting
against the motion.
County Administrator Caskey presented an invitation from the Isle of '
Wight, England Council extending an invitation for a delegation of the Board
of Supervisors to visit in the Spring.
Supervisor Wright moved the Board direct staff to proceed with
scheduling a date for the visit, and provide a proposed itinerary to the Board.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus,
Bradby, Bradshaw, Wright and Clark voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
County Administration Caskey addressed the Board concerning its
Annual Board Retreat. He advised that staff has been investigating the
availability of sites for the months of November and December.
Chairman Bradshaw moved that the Board direct staff to check with
James Brown to determine -if he is available on December 2"d and 3`d for a
proposed Board Retreat, and bring the matter back to the Board at its
September 15, 2005 meeting. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with
Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Wright and Clark voting in favor
of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Chairman Bradshaw requested Mr. Robertson to contact the- General
Assembly delegation regarding a timeline as to when legislation. must be
submitted for the next legislative session.
Chairman Bradshaw called for Appointments
Supervisor Wright moved that the Board reappoint W. L. Jones to serve
on the Board of Building Appeals. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0)
with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in
favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Clark moved that the Board appoint William C. Johnston to
serve on the Youth Services Advisory Board. The motion was adopted by a
vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and
Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the
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Chairman Bradshaw called for Old-Business. ~
Chairman Bradshaw't;alled for consideration of the "Final" Subdivision
Plat of Lawnes Point on the James, Rushmere, in the Hardy District.
Mr. Hartley advised that staff has suggested language be added as a
condition that addresses the issue of no zoning or building permit being
issued until the sewer and water system has been constructed, tested and
available for service. He stated this language would be a notation added to
the plat.
County Attorney Stroman advised that the language- has been discussed
with the developer who is in agreement that this is an appropriate condition.
to add.. William H. Riddick, III, counsel for the developer, concurred that the
developer is in agreement with this condition.
Supervisor Bradby moved the Board approve the "Final" Subdivision
Plat of Lawnes Point on the James, as amended. The motion was adopted by
a vote of (5-0) with. Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and
Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the
Supervisor Clark stated that a plan needs to be formulated to preserve
the Fort Huger site to protect its historical integrity as construction is
Supervisor MacManus indicated that this .was an item he intended to
bring up under New Business, and Supervisor Clark concurred.
County Attorney Stroman advised that he had received .the deed to Fort
Huger, as well as a proposed deed for the dredge site, which would not be
recorded until the final plat is recorded.. He stated that he had also received a
check in the amount of $25,000 to be held in escrow for the Rushmere
Volunteer Fire Department. He stated the proffered conditions indicated that
the funds would be released over on recordation of the final plat; however,
Dan Gerard indicated that the developerwould be willing to authorize release
of those funds to the. Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department on approval of the
final plat. He stated he would be delivering the check to the fire department
in the near future.
Chairman Bradshaw called far discussion on County and
community/village signage.
Ms. Sivertson requested additional time for staff to consider locations
for the signage, as well as other related issues.
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Supervisor Clark moved the Board table the matter until the Board's
October 6, 2005 meeting in order to allow staff additional time to consider
the CommunityNillage sign location(s) and other .related issues, to include
coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation. The motion '
was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby,
Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor MacManus recommended that such signage be placed at
community boundaries to ensure that communities are clearly delineated.
Chairman Bradshaw called for discussion on the issue. of the Animal
Control Department's gas chamber.
County Administrator Caskey stated the information contained in the
agenda is pursuant to the Board's request. for a status report on the condition
of the gas chamber at the County's Animal Control Department, and is
intended for the Board's information only. He stated another test had been
conducted on the gas chamber on August 18, 2005, and the equipment was
found to be in excellent working condition. He stated pursuant to the
Board's previous direction, the unit would not be used without prior Board
Chairman Bradshaw advised that responsive to concerns expressed by
citizens with respect to the Office on Youth, staff took action to develop a
press release. He stated a full-scale investigation is being conducted
internally, and a representative of the State has also offered to perform an
assessment of that office for the County at no cost. He stated when .the
results of the investigation are released, the Board would advise the .citizens
of the findings.
Supervisor MacManus stated that County Administrator Caskey had
sent a copy of .the Recyc Systems letter that was sent to Mr. Hicks, Virginia
Department of Health. He stated that he had requested Mr. Caskey to correct
inaccurate information provided by Recyc Systems concerning the Cypress
Creek Subdivision.
County Administrator Caskey advised that information would be
forthcoming from staff and will address the issue of the "paper" houses as
referred to in the letter, and any other issue that may have been included.
Chairman Bradshaw presented a request from the Zuni Ruritan Club to
the County Administrator that the Club be exempt from- paying the monthly
water fee.
Chairman Bradshaw moved the Board direct County Attorney Stroman
to determine if the County can provide relief to the Zuni Ruritan Club from
paying the monthly fee to the County for water service. The motion was
adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw,
Clark and Wright voting. in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting ~
against the motion.
Chairman Bradshaw called for New Business.
With respect to the request of Brunswick County for all localities to
donate $25,000 to the Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief, Supervisor
MacManus moved the Board direct the County Administrator to notify
VACo that the Board .has indicated a commitment to appropriate funding to
the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in an amount equal to one (1) dollar per
capita, which equates to approximately $32,000. The motion was adopted by
a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and
Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the
Chairman Bradshaw moved the Board direct staff to send the County's
challenge of appropriating $1 per capita to the other Hampton Roads
localities. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
MacManus, Bradby,. Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Clark moved that staff be requested to reducethe-amount of
vehicular travel over the next thirty (30) days; that staff be directed to notify
the School Board of this request; and, that staff be directed to review the
current mileage rate of reimbursement. The motion was adopted by a vote of
(S-0) ..with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby,_ Bradshaw, Clark and Wright
voting in favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
With respect to the Fort Huger site, Supervisor MacManus moved that
the Board direct staff to prepare an action plan on how the County can begin
to preserve the Fort Huger site in an effort to protect .its integrity as
construction is initiated. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with
Supervisors MacManus, Bradby,Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor
of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Responding to an inquiry by Supervisor MacManus concerning the
.deed for the dredge site, County Attorney Stroman advised that the Army
Corps of Engineers is in agreement with the site chosen, but that it has
indicated it will not move forward on issues related to the dredging of Tyler's
Beach Boat Harbor until the easement is in hand. He stated additional
information would be provided to the Board as it becomes available.
Supervisor Clark directed staff to have an appropriate sign designed for
placement outside the Board Room requesting that all cell phones and pagers
be turned off during meetings. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0)
with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright. voting in
favor of the motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
County Attorney Stroman requested a closed meeting pursuant to
Section 2.2-3711.A.7 of the Freedom of Information Act to receive .legal
advice in connection with probable litigation arising out of annexation
matters with the towns; under Section 2.2-371 I.A.7 to receive legal advice in
connection with the existing Franklin annexation agreement; under Section
2.2-3711.A.7 to receive legal advice in connection with the existing
annexation as ' it pertains to the territory that was to have been annexed
pursuant to the last agreement; under Section 2.2-3711.A.1 and A.7 to
consider personnel items, specifically the performance of employees and to
receive legal advice in connection with employees of the Commissioner of
Revenue's Office; under Section 2.2-3711.A.1 to discuss a personnel matter
relating to the .performance of County employees, specifically those
associated with the Office on Youth; under Section 2.2.3711.A.7 to receive
legal advice in connection with actual litigation in connection with Yellow
Rock Road; under Section 2.2-3711.A.7 to receive legal advice pertaining to
the FOIA; and, under Section 2.2-3711.A.1 to discuss three (3) personnel
matters in connection with the performance of specified County employees.
Supervisor Wright moved the Board enter closed meeting for the
reasons stated. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors
MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw,. Clark and Wright .voting in favor of the
motion, and no Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Wright moved the Board return to open session. The motion
was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby,
Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion.
Supervisor Clark moved the Board adopt the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on
this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the
provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and,
WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712.D of the Code of Virginia requires a
certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was
conducted in conformity with Virginia law;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors
hereby certifies that, to the. best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public
business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by
:~. ~ :,-.470
Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this .certification
resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified
in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard,.. discussed or
considered by the Board ofeSupervisors.
AYES: MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright
Supervisor Clark encouraged County staff to attend all seminars of
Chairman Bradshaw mentioned the recent devastation done to the Gulf
region by Hurricane Katrina. He noted Grace Keen would like to know if the
County is prepared for future disasters,
County Administrator Casket' advised that the County is as prepared as
it can be with the resources and manpower .that the. County. has. He added
that the County is not prepared for the magnitude of destruction that would
result from a hurricane "Katrina," nor.. is any other locality in Hampton
Supervisor MacManus reminded those in attendance that a 911
ceremony is scheduled to take place Sunday,- September 11, 2005 at 5:00
p.m. at the south end of the James River Bridge.
Supervisor Clark requested that a County staff person be designated to
attend future Virginia Association of School Boards meetings.
County Administrator Casket' reminded the Board that its next meeting
is scheduled to begin at 4:00 p.m. for the purpose of dedicating the Joel G
.Bradshaw Fairgrounds at the Isle of Wight County Heritage Park.
i 1
ark^~ 23 .~,-~71
At 7:20 p.m., Supervisor Bradby moved the Board adjourn its meeting.
The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors MacManus,
Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Wright voting in favor of the motion, and no
Supervisors voting against the motion. '
p A. Bradshaw, Chairman
W. Dougl Ca ey, Clerk