03-16-2002 Continued Meetingeua~ 20 :h~~f ~6 CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS HELD. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWO :.PRESENT: Robert C. Claud, Sr., Chairman Richard K. MacManus, Vice-Chairman ..Stan D. Clark Henry H. Bradby - Phillip A. Bradshaw ALSO PRESENT: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County. Attorney W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator Donald T. Robertson, Assistant County Administrator/Director of Human Resources Anne F. Seward, Director of Budget and Finance Jonathan W. Hartley, Director of Planning and Zoning Donald M. Long, Director of Public Works Alan S. Nogiec, Director of Parks and Recreation Lyle D. Hornbaker, Information Services Coordinator :Diane W. Howard, Director of Tourism . Debbie J. Sivertson, Administrative Analyst // Chairman Claud called the .continued Board meeting to order at 10:00 a.m, -for. the purpose. of conducting a "Community Meeting" held at Carrollton Elementary School. Following. introduction of the .Board of .Supervisors members and. the County Attorney,. Chairman Claud turned the proceedings over to Donald T. Robertson, Assistant County Administrator. County Attorney H. Woodrow Crook, County Administrator W. Douglas .Caskey, and the following staff members were~then introduced: .Anne F. Seward, Director of Budget and Finance; Jonathan W. Hartley, Director of Planning .and. Zoning; Donald M. Long, Director of Public .Works; .Alan S. Nogiec, .Director of Parks and Recreation; Lyle D. Hornbaker, Information Services Coordinator; Diane W. Howard, Director. of Tourism and Debbie J. Sivertson, Administrative Analyst. . Mr. Robertson briefly described the ground rules for the meeting. advising that all public comments would be recorded. Mr. Robertson then opened the floor for questions and comments by the public, which were as follows: 1 i~ eo~h 2~l ~;;: ~~7 Pat Clark, Newport. District. resident, expressed concern that a traffic light was needed at the intersection of Battery Park Road and Nike Park Road (particularly in light of future closing of the Rescue Bridge) and requested the County's assistance to influence the Town of Smithfield in this regard. Additionally, Mr. Clark asked if the current appeal of the State redistricting would affect the County's most recent redistricting? Nikki Savino, Smithfield District resident, commented"regarding a lot owned by the County on Washington Street in the Town of Smithfield. She:. noted that the land was once used far an old school house o educate children: She would like to know if the County has any plans for this property? The community would like to participate in the determination of .any future use for such land. Joyce .Howard, Carrollton Public Library Branch Manager, extended an invitation to the Board to visit the Carrollton library on their way .home today. She also stated that April 14 - 20, 2002 is designated as National Library week.. George Wyatt, Jones Creek area resident, asked what the County could do .about the boat ramp that has caused him a loss of land on his property? He also noted that no signage or patrolling is currently being done in Jones Creek. Nancy Guill, representing the Rescue Community Association, expressed the Association's desire to define the boundaries of Rescue,. and presented the Board a petition of support. for such. She requested the following: • Center Street and Rescue Road be defined as the boundaries of the village with everything else to remain a resource conservation area • Signage be erected at both entrances noting. the "Historic Village of .Rescue" • Public hearings to be held. regarding boundary determination • Collaboration with the postal system to establish a Rescue address for residents .Shirley Land, Isle of Wight Humane Society, advised the Board as to what this volunteer organization does, such as ..fund. raising and educational programs. She stated that April is "Prevent Animal Cruelty" month. Mike Alexander, Newport District resident and member of the Isle of Wight .Planning Commission, said that he did not have. any issues to comment on today. Mr. Robertson asked 'if anyone would. like to .speak at this point who had. not previously signed the citizen comments register.. 2 . ~ George Wyatt made additional comments relative to preserving the .historical character and names of places. " " Mrs. Clark, resident of the Rescue community, stated that Boundary Road defined the attendance district for the old Rescue school. Mr. and Mrs. Hubble raised concern with set back requirements that treated their backyard as if it were a front yard. They inquired if an exception could be made in their case? In response, the Board suggested that they meet with the Director of Planning and Zoning. Michael Uzzell stated that changing of voting districts is confusing, especially in the Zuni .and Ivor areas. The County should consider using only school buildings as voting locations. . Chairman Claud thanked the citizens for coming and asked each Board member for any closing comments. Supervisor Clark said .that the County would try to help to influencer the Town of Smithfield to install a traffic light at Battery Park Road and Nike Park Road. In regard to Ms. Savino's concerns about the County-owned property in Smithfield, he would need to get more information. He thanked Ms. Howard and .the library staff for their good work at Carrollton library. Mr. Clark also noted that he would ask VMRC and GIF to evaluate the erosion problem presented by Mr. Wyatt. He extended thanks to Ms. Guill for her efforts to define the boundaries of the village of Rescue. Supervisor Bradby stated that it is important that citizens can share with the Board and thanked everyone in attendance. Supervisor )3radshaw .also expressed gratitude to those in attendance and noted the value of hearing firsthand the citizens' input. Supervisor MacManus noted his own thanks .for the involvement of those present. He said that the Intergovernmental Committee could address the need for the traffic light in the Town of.Smithfield. He will try to keep Ms. Savino and others involved relative to the County owned property. Supervisor MacManus extended .his appreciation to Ms. Guill for her leadership role in Rescue. He noted that it will be a major transition for the County to hire a full time County Attorney. Currently, the County is revising its Zoning Ordinance. and. must. deal with the State's budget woes. // Pat Clark acknowledged the many years of service provided to the County by the County Attorney. 3 r. BO~e 2~ -~::~~~ // County .Attorney Crook noted that he would respond to the question raised by Pat Clark as to whether the recent court case decided in Roanoke would put its County redistricting plan in jeopardy. Mr. Crook said it would have no effect. on the County's Election Districts. He did note, however, that the current .State plan has all of Isle of Wight County in one. (1) Delegate District and .one (1) Senator District. If the State does a .new plan, it could affect voting in precincts, but would not affect precinct boundary. lines, he stated. // Supervisor MacManus moved to approve the request for a joint meeting with the School Board to discuss the budget on April 11, 2002. at -5:30 p.m. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote (5-0). // The County. Administrator brought a request from the. Commissioner of the Revenue, Janice Hardison, for the Board to make a monetary contribution for the reception dinner. to be held for. the former Commissioner,. Gerald Gwaltney. Mr. Clark moved that. the Board make a contribution of $750 to the dinner.. The motion failed with Mr. Brady and Mr. Clark in favor; and Mr. Bradshaw, Mr. Claud and Mr. MacManus voting against the motion (2-3). Mr. Bradshaw moved that the County Administrator meet with the Commissioner of the Revenue to discuss further details of the request and the wording on the invitation. The motion passed with all voting in favor (5- 0) and none voting against. // W. Douglas Caskey requested a closed session under Section 2.2-3711 Al of the Freedom of Information Act concerning a personnel matter. Supervisor Clark moved the Board enter closed session for the reason stated. The motion was adopted .with Supervisors MacManus, Bradshaw, Bradby, .Clark... and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5.0) and no Supervisors voting against the motion. // Upon returning to open session, Chairman Claud moved the Board. adopt the following resolution: CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING 4 f ao~~ zo .~::~co WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant- to an affirmative .recorded vote. and in accordance with the provisions of the. Virginia Freedom of Information Act;. and,. WHEREAS, 2.2-3712D of the Code of Virginia requires_ a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in ..conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that .the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business. matters aswere- identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board. of Supervisors. VOTE AYES:. MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Claud NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE: 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 The motion was adopted with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark. and .Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0) and no Supervisors voting against the. motion. // Supervisor Bradshaw moved that the. Board approve the request from the Commissioner of the Revenue for the part-time salary supplement. The motion was adopted with Supervisors MacManus, Bradby, Bradshaw, Clark and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0) and no Supervisors .voting against the motion. // Chairman Claud moved the Board. continue it's meeting to Thursday,. March 21, 2002 at 4:30 p.m. for purposes of discussing an item in closed session.. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). ~~~ , Robert C. Claud, Sr., Chairman 5 ,.