04-30-1999 Continued Meeting804K 10 ~~~.~`~~~~4 CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF APRIL IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED NII~TETY NINE PRESENT: O. A. Spady, Chairman Malcolm T. Cofer, Vice-Chairman Henry H. Bradby Phillip A. Bradshaw Robert C. Claud, Sr. Also Attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney (arrived at 9:22 a.m.) W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator Carey H. Mills, Recording Secretary Chairman Spady called the continued meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of conducting a budget work session. // Anne F. Seward, Director of Budget and Finance, stated the purpose of the work session is to address earlier questions expressed by the Board at its previous work session concerning various departments and further review of the budget. // Regarding the Economic Development budget, Supervisor Cofer directed Lynn P. Harris, Director of Economic Development, to investigate and report back to the Board on what the cost would be to run a half page ad verses a '/. page ad in the Virginia Business magazine. Supervisor Bradshaw requested Ms. Harris provide the Board with a .sample of her economic development maps. He further requested that she check with the Chamber of Commerce to inquire what maps the Chamber is utilizing. Regarding the web site, Supervisor Bradshaw requested that only one (1) web master be utilized and he directed Ms. Harris and the County Administrator to work in conjunction on this. // County Attorney Crook arrived at 9:22 a.m. // Regarding the Walter Cecil Rawls Library, Pat Ward, Director, addressed the Board concerning the operations of the individual branches. f .. 1 1 ~i 9001( 18 ,"~JfJeJ // 1 Sheriff Charles W. Phelps addressed the Board concerning his request for office space for a Magistrate. Sheriff Phelps recommended that the budget be cut for the Auxiliary Sheriff in half ($4,000) and that the remaining $4,000 be used to fund the Magistrate's of~'ice. // Lyle Hornbaker, GIS Coordinator, Planning and Zoning, addressed the Board concerning the status of the GIS system and accompanying contract: Jonathan W. Hartley, Director of Planning and Zoning, addressed the Board concerning his request for reclassifications within his department and additional personnel Supervisor Claud requested Mr. Hartley be prepared to prioritizA his requests for additional personnel and reclassifications. // E. Wayne Rountree, P.E., Director of Public Utilities,.. addressed the Board on his various line item requests. 1 Supervisor ,Bradshaw requested him to prioritize his requested personnel positions and associated costs. // Ms. Seward and Janice Hardison, Deputy Commissioner, addressed the Board regarding the Commissioner of Revenue's line items. Ms. Seward advised the Board that the. Commissioner of Revenue wishes to move forward with a software that can be integrated .with the County's GIS system. // Ludford T. Creef, Director of Public Works, addressed .the Board concerning trash site locations. Supervisor Bradshaw recommended the Camptown collection site be fenced. f~ Chairman Spady requested Mr. Creef advise the Board on the potential cost to install electrical service for the hand dryers proposed in his departmental budget. request. i/ . f 2 _ i a~~K 1~ ~~~-~`~~~ Ms. Seward distributed a .formal request from the ~ Tourism Bureau to become a County or Town of Smithfield department. // Alan S. Nogiec, Director of Parks and Recreation, briefed the Board on the Skating Rink, .Museum and Department of Parks and Recreation requests. Supervisor Bradshaw requested the County Attorney review the current lease for the skating .rink to determine if the County will violate the lease if it leases the building to a private operation and that an RFP be issued, if appropriate. Supervisor Bradshaw offered to meet informally with Billy Camp and initiate some .type of financial contribution by the City of Franklin, as 75% of the use of the facility is by Franklin residents. Supervisor Bradshaw requested Mr. Nogiec provide the Board with recommendations regarding annual .pay, i.e., paying the Manager a fixed fee and him receiving a percentage of any generated profit. Chairman Spady referred Mr. Nogiec's request for additional personnel to the Human Resources Director for his evaluation. // At 11:55 a.m., Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board adjourn. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). W. Dougl ey, Clerk _. O. A. S , Chai an ~ i~ 1 3