04-22-1999 Continued Meeting g00K 18 %~~:'~~Q CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE TWENTY SECOND DAY OF APRIL IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY NINE PRESENT: O. A. Spady, Chairman Malcolm T. Cofer, Vice-Chairman Henry H. Bradby Phillip A. Bradshaw Robert C. Claud, Sr. Also Attending: Willie B. Copeland, Windsor Volunteer Fire Department and Chairman, Fire and Rescue Association Randolph Barlow, Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department • Rudolph Jefferson, Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department Brian Carroll, Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad Bill Sizemore, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad Kathy Sizemore, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad Jane Griflin, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad Keith Griflin, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad James Acree, Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department Steve W. Edwards, Assistant County Attorney W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator Donald T. Robertson, Assistant to the County AdministratorlDirector of Human Resources Carey H. Mills, Recording Secretary Chairman Spady called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering the Fiscal Year July 1, 1999 Through tune 30, 2000 Proposed School Operating Budget and conducting a joint work session with the members of the Fire and Rescue Association. Chairman .Spady called for consideration of .the Fiscal Year July 1, 1999 Through June 30, 2000 Proposed School Operating Budget. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board approve the Fiscal Year July 1, 1999 Through June 30, 2000 Proposed School Operating Budget in the amount of $36,749,644, as presented at the Board of Supervisor's public hearing. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting. in favor (5-0); none voting against. I/ ~, 1 I~ 1 t f BO~h 1~ ~~;' ~~~J Donald T. Robertson, Assistant to the County AdministratorlDirector of Human Resources, noted the following topics for discussion:. Recruitment and retention of volunteers . Communications, specifically a centralized dispatch system Operating and Capital Budgets for the Fire and Rescue agencies . Coordinator's position. Donald Robertson advised the Board that the Association is requesting the issue of paid personnel be deferred until the Board.'s May 6, 1999 regular meeting. He noted that with the exception of the representatives~for the Carrsville Volunteer Fire Department, all volunteer rescue and fire organizations are represented tonight. // .Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board direct staff to list the issue of paid rescue and fire personnel for discussion at its meeting of May 6, 1999. This specific item will be considered at approximately 4:00 p.m. as part of the Board's regular agenda. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. // 1 Chairman Spady called for discussion of recruitment and retention of volunteers and noted that certain incentives such as offering retirement benefits should be given consideration. Kathy Sizemore, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad, suggested that the County pay the $300 -fee .for the initial cost of training for volunteers.. She noted a contract could be signed by potential volunteers stipulating that he/she would continue to serve for one (1) year afterwards. Ms. Sizemore further suggested the .County: could pay rescue workers per .calla Ms. Sizemore mentioned that providing daycare would also be an incentive. Jane Griffin, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad, suggested that the Board offer volunteers a reduction in their real estate tax.. She additionally suggested that active duty members of volunteer rescue or fire agencies be excused. from jury duty. 1 .Assistant County Attorney Edwards noted tax relief on real estate may not be a possibility as such matters are governed by statute. He further noted that relief from jury duty would be also beyond the Board's control,. requiring action on the part of the General Assembly. 2 804K 1'J ~;:';~ 4~~0 Rudolph Jefferson, Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department, .requested the Board provide each agency with adequate funds in their operating budget in .order that they. may function as they are intended. Bill Sizemore, Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad, suggested the Board provide educational assistance. He further suggested the Board provide volunteers with computer stations and Internet access. Mr. Sizemore suggested the Board could provide financial assistance for those attempting to become a cardiac technician or a paramedic. Brian Carroll, Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad, suggested .the Board review the retirement fund .legislation that was just passed by the General Assembly. Mr. Carroll. also suggested working out some type of retention initiative for volunteers coming from Newport News and Suffolk. Randolph Barlow, Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department, advised the Board of that .Department's. recent success in recruiting new members. He stated individuals willing to volunteer their time should not be required to pay for training. // Chairman Spady called for comments on Communications: Centralized Dispatch. Kathy .Sizemore noted her support of a centralized dispatch system stating it will decrease response time and alleviate the loss of information needed for emergency response. Brian Carroll stated .that if the emergency rescue. call is switched to Smithfield, then handling the call should not be a problem. He noted there is already an investment in technological equipment. in Smithfield. Mr. Carroll concluded that regardless of whether or not the County proceeds with a centralized dispatch system, he would like to see dispatchers trained as emergency medical dispatchers. Jane Grim .noted her support of central dispatching, however, she warned that with the upcoming Y2K issue, certain equipment may have to be replaced. Anne F. Seward, Director of Budget and Finance, noted .that staff is { continuing to work to insure that all equipment is Y2K compliant. Mr. Robertson notified the -Board that GTE is planning a change in the platform used for E-911 systems. In this regard,. the County may be in a position where it will have to make some major replacements within the system, stated Mr. Robertson. 3 f I a~~K 1~ .~:~~:?1 Supervisor Bradshaw stated that we need to review the overall dispatch operations to see if the dual system can work better. Bill Sizemore supported the concept of a centralized dispatch system noting information must be received quickly, accurately and with consistency. He also questioned the status of the County's "mass casualty plan" and if the dispatch personnel had a copy. Sheriff Charles W. Phelps noted an apparent defect in the GTE system. He stated a phone may ring as many as four (4) times on the other person's line before it rings the first time in the dispatcher's officer Sheriff Phelps further stated callers dialing into the dispatch system do not necessarily identify the type of emergency, i.e., fire,. medical, to the dispatcher .upfront. Sheriff Phelps noted, as it relates to the centralized system, five (5) of his (6) dispatchers are funded through the State Compensation Board and the Board may be opening up a "can of worms". Sheriff Phelps noted he has offered to the various fire departments the opportunity for one of their individuals to sit as a fire or rescue dispatcher. He noted he is in need of additional dispatchers. Supervisor Bradshaw moved that the Board direct a committee of the Windsor Volunteer Rescue Squad, the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad, the Town of Smithfield, the Sheriff and Donald Robertson to review the E-911 issues as presented tonight and that they make a recommendation to the Board on the dispatching and receiving of calls and the workload of the dispatchers. The motion was adopted as follows:. Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none .voting against. // Chairman Spady called for discussion on the Operating and Capital Budgets and noted the Board may need more information from the fire and rescue agencies in order to address budgetary items. Randolph Barlow noted his department received only a 5% increase. He noted when his department submits a budget, it is a realistic budget and is not padded. Brian Carroll noted normally a 5% increase would have been sufficient for his department, however, his. department has fallen behind in that the. calls have increased by 200 calls per year over the last five (5) consecutive years. He noted he would like to see the. County increase its funding this year. He requested Assistant County Attorney Edwards to investigate the possibility of a road tax on ambulance fuel which would save approximately $4,000 to $6,000. Mr. Carroll further stated the County needs to fund the budget amounts requested by the fire and rescue agencies.. 4 ,1 804K 10 ~~~~~,~~ Rudolph Jefferson requested the Board approve an operating budget that allows his department to be competitive with other fire departments in the County. He noted that his department must even pay for the water. used to fight fires. Don Robertson explained that the Utilities Department. operates under. an Enterprise Fund and in order to track its costs, water bills are sent to volunteer agencies. County Administrator Caskey noted staff would provide the Board with a report from the Director of Public Utilities. on the matter of water usage being billed to the volunteer agencies. Kathy Sizemore .noted when the department prepared its budget for this year it did not include additional funding to pay for training of new members. In this regard, she stated her .department may have to ask for additional funding should the Board decide the cost of training can be offered as an incentive. Jane Griffin advised that, in many instances, volunteers are spending their own money. She also noted that it is frustrating for the officers of volunteer agencies to prepare budgets, provide the Board with data, and find out that there is an "across the board" 5% increase. James Acree addressed the Board on the method in which first response calls are handled in Carrollton.. Brian Carroll noted the .Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department is an asset to his agency because if they arrive sooner, it sometimes saves lives and provides relief as far as manpower. // Chairman Spady asked for discussion on the Coordinator's position.. Don Robertson stated the Fire and Rescue Association desires that the Coordinator's position act as a liaison between the Association .and the Board. This position would assist staff with grants and other activities, and help with the budget process, rather than be a Chief position, stated Mr. Robertson. Willie B. Copeland, Windsor Volunteer Fire Department, spoke in favor of a Coordinator position. He stated the fire and rescue agencies need someone to coordinate the Association meetings and relay information to the Board, such as recruitment, retention, and budgets. Mr. Copeland noted the Fire and Rescue Association .would like to have .input regarding the responsibilities of the proposed Coordinator's position. 1 1 5 1 1 ~~~~K ~~ ~.~~~ Bill Sizemore spoke in favor of a Coordinator position. He noted this position could assist with grant programs and would pay for itself.. Mr. Sizemore also offered an ambulance to the Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department. Brian Carroll stated he is in favor of a Coordinator. He thanked the Board for meeting with the Association tonight and stated the two (2) bodies should meet annually. He suggested the Board appoint a Fire and Rescue Committee and he invited any interested Board member to attend the Association meetings. Kathy Sizemore requested the Board take the necessary time to select an individual that is qualified for the Coordinator's .position. Randolph Barlow thanked the Board for meeting with the Association and urged the Board to conduct additional future meetings. Chairman Spady agreed that a Coordinator position is necessary and that funds for such an individual will probably be placed in this year's budget. He noted staff will be directed to prepare the qualifications. for such a position and the Association will be included in this process. Supervisor Bradshaw requested staff have a summary of the meeting tonight for the Board's reference at its May 6, 1999 meeting. // Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adjourn at 8:35 p.m. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). 1 ~~, ~ W. Do glas 'askey, rk O. A. Spa airma -` 6