02-04-1999 Regular Meeting eOeN 1~ ~~,: ~~8 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FOURTH DAY OF FEBRUARY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY NINE PRESENT: O. A. Spady, Chairman Malcolm T. Cofer, Vice-Chairman Henry H. Bradby Phillip A. Bradshaw Robert C. Claud, Sr. Aiso Attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney W. Douglas Casket', County Administrator Donald T. Robertson, Assistant to the County Administrator/Director of Human Resources Carey H. Mills, Recording Secretary Chairman Spady called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and delivered the invocation. The. Pledge of Allegiance was delivered. // Chairman Spady called for Special Presentations. Chairman Spady noted Vincent Doheny, Executive Director, Western Tidewater Community Services. Board was scheduled to make a presentation to the Board, however, he is not present at this time. // Chairman .Spady indicated the following Consent Agenda included Item 2, A. A. January 7, 1999 Regular Meeting Minutes. Supervisor Claud moved the Board adopt the Consent Agenda. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). /i Chairman Spady called for Transportation Matters. Jonathan W. Hartley, Director of Planning .and Zoning, notified the Board that the Commonwealth Transportation Board has scheduled the Preallocation .Hearing .for March 25, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. at the Suffolk 1 ~. .. 1 1 BOQK 18 ~A~~~IJJ District -office. Mr. Hartley noted he would prepare a resolution for the Board's consideration at .its next meeting. The Board authorized the inclusion of Route 260 in the resolution as the County's transportation priority in combination with Route 258. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board appoint Lyle Hornbaker to the seat vacated by John Edwards on the Hampton Roads Technical Transportation Committee. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. Mr. Hartley distributed correspondence dated February 4, 1999 from his office regarding the following transportation issues: A. Correspondence from Rick Riddick, Maintenance Operations Manager, advising the Board that Scott's Factory Road (Route 620) will be closed between Deer Run Road (Route -1220) and Turner Road (Route 644) from .February 15, 1999 until approximately March 29, 1999 for repairs of the Champion Swamp Bridge. B. Response dated January 19, 1999 from MacFarland Neblett, Resident Engineer, VDOT, commenting on the- process for adding roads to the Six-Year Plan for Secondary Roads. C. Letter of January 4, 1999 responding to an inquiry on the status of the motor grading and improvement of Morgan's Beach Road. Chairman Spady moved the Board add Morgans Beach Road to the Candidate List of Unpaved Roads. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in .favor of the motion (5- 0); none voting against. Mr. Hartley provided the Board with a summary of the quarterly meeting with VDOT of January 25, 1999 regarding outstanding projects and new issues and VDOT's responses. on these various projects. Chairman Spady called for comments from the Board on transportation issues. Supervisor Bradby requested Easy Street be .placed on the Candidate List. Mr. Hartley advised Easy Street must first be formally taken into the State system and the residents must petition. the County, in addition to meeting other necessary criteria. 2 609K 1V ~M1r•/~O Chairman Spady requested staff to take appropriate action to request VDOT to clean out the ditches along Campbells Chapel Road and .Ramos Road. // Chairman Spady called for Citizens Comments. Grace Keen spoke requesting the County take appropriate action to implement a tax on the removal of sand from borrow pits in the County. County Attorney Crook advised that the State Code does not authorize severance taxes to be charged on the removal of sand. Mrs. Keen complimented the Board on the success of the County's newly organized convenience center in her area. She then inquired about the Superfund site. in the Carrollton area. Chairman Spady advised Mrs. Keen that the area was cleaned up by the appropriate agency approximately eight (8) years ago, Robin Land of Longview Acres spoke concerning the rezoning of 200 students to the Windsor Elementary School District. She requested the Board address the School Board and request it to reverse its recent decision on the school boundary lines. // Chairman Spady called for the Community Development report. George Morrison, Environmental Planner, requested the Board's approval of a resolution required by the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department to make application for a grant. Mr. Morrison noted. the deadline for submittal of the application is February 19, 1999 and is in the amount of $40,000. Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board adopt the following. resolution: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CHESAPEAKE BAY LOCAL ASSISTANCE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia, has authorized the development, submission and receipt of a grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Chesapeake Bay Local .Assistance Department for the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Program; and, 3 BOCK . 1~ •h~:''~~~1 WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of forty .thousand dollars ($40,000) or so much as shall be received from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department needs to be appropriated to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Program line item in the 1999-2000 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia, that forty. thousand dollars ($40,000) or so much as shall be received from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Chesapeake- Bay Local Assistance Department be appropriated in the 1999-2000 budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County .Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia, is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget for .this grant and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. 1 Mr. Hartley notified .the Board that the VDOT Resident Engineer is scheduled to make his quarterly appearance before the Board at its February 18, 1999 meeting. // I Chairman Spady called for the Public Utilities report. E. Wayne Rountree, P.E., Director of Public Utilities, briefed the Board on the Camptown Sewer Project. He noted the contract was signed with Qualicon in April with asix- (6) months completion date of October 27, 1998. He noted Qualicon has presented several change orders .which would add 10-15 days to the contract and the earliest completion date is now the middle to end of March, 1999. The sewer line to be installed is now 95% .complete, the alarm system portion is approximately 90% to 95% complete, the cleaning and inspection of existing .lines is approximately 90% to 95% complete, and two (2) of the .five (5) .pump stations are complete. Mr. Rountree noted the contract does .contain liquidated. damages in the amount of $100 per day. Chairman Spady moved the Board direct the County Attorney to place Qualicon on notice that the County will .utilize its penalty clause for work not completed within the time constraints on the contract. The .motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Claud and Bradshaw voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. // 4 eoo~ 18 ~h~~312 Spady called for the Economic Development report. Lynn P. Hams, Director of Economic Development,. notified the Board that a Economic Development Committee is recommending that Phase. I devel pment of the Isle of Wight County Industrial Park commence, and that the gineering design and contract negotiations be forwarded to the Indus 'al Development Authority (IDA) for approval. Ms. Harris noted the. IDA ould be meeting on February 11, 1999 to discuss the matter further. Mrs. Harris noted the recommendation of the Economic Development Com ittee is to proceed with the shell building development concept at the Isle Wight County Industrial Park. The Committee is to review financing optio sand present the Board with a recommendation in March, stated Mrs. Mrs. Harris distributed a letter dated February 1, 1999 from David G. Dick on, Director, Virginia Department of Business Assistance to the Board for i information. // on [rs. Harris briefed the Board on the news release concerning the of Bell Atlantic and GTE. Mrs. Hams notified the Board that those es afforded Bell Atlantic will be afforded to GTE users also, h rate structure has not yet been addressed. Chairman Spady called for the Parks and Recreation report. Alan S. Nogiec, Director of Parks and Recreation, addressed the Board concept of a celebration of the Millennium in the form of the County iQ a fireworks show. Chairman Spady concurred with allocating $5,000 in the budget for a fireworks show associated with the New Year 2000 and that such expenditure should be a part of the Department's budget request. He noted he .would like to have the program include other things, in 'addition to fireworks. Mr. Nogiec addressed the Board on the Fort Boykin Historic Park Shore Protection Plan. Mr. Nogiec stated .the West Bank Group has expressed a desire to include Fort Boykin in .the Headland Breakwater System designed by J. R. Gunn of Coastal Design and Construction at no cost or obligation to the County. Mr. Nogiec requested the Board agree to the concept so that the applications can be submitted and funding sources identified. 1 1 1 5 T', f ~ BOOK 18 ~~~~:3~.3 1 Supervisor. Claud moved the Board authorize the County Attorney to prepare an appropriate resolution far the Board's consideration at its February 18, 1999 meeting. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. ri Chairman Spady called for the County Administrator's report. County Administrator Casket' presented a resolution for the Board's consideration concerning donated funds for the County's Animal Shelter. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FIVE HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS IN DONATED FUNDS FOR THE COUNTY' S ANIMAL SHELTER i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight has received donations for the. operations of the County Animal Shelter from Newport News Shipbuilding in appreciation for contributions made to said company by Mr. Ed Sise, Jr., resident of the Isle of Wight County; and, WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of five hundred forty dollars ($540). received from Newport News Shipbuilding need to be appropriated to the appropriate line item in the 1998-99 Operating Budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that five hundred forty dollars ($540) received from Newport News Shipbuilding be appropriated to the appropriate line item in the 1998-99 Operating Budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all the things necessary to give this resolution effect. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. Regarding the matter of in-house assessment and .modification of assessment cycle, Supervisor Claud indicated he could not support proceeding with an in-house assessment at this time. He recommended proceeding with another four (4) year cycle and that staff continue with providing the Board with evaluations. 6 eoe~ 18 {A~~~14 Donald T. Robertson, Assistant to the County Administrator/Director of Human Resources, noted he recently met with the members of the Fire and Rescue Association to obtain feedback on the Fire and Rescue Study. Mr. Robertson noted overriding concerns were expressed regarding how this impacts the County's current Capital Budget in terms of those. projects which have been on hold since July; a concern that some of the members were not .contacted as .often as they felt they should have been contacted; errors in the document which have. now been pointed out to the consultant; discussions on how the Study addressed growth issues in the County; a desire by several organizations for paid personnel while still maintaining control of their organizations and supervision of their employees; capital recommendations; and, downsizing in certain agencies. Mr. Robertson requested the Board's feedback on the issue and .noted he .would compile this information for inclusion in a report. Supervisor Claud noted the importance of keeping the fire: and rescue organizations involved in Board decisions. Supervisor Claud recommended .the Board. consider employing a person to evaluate some of the programs the County may need to develop and implement. Such person could work with, and become familiar with, the various fire and rescue ..squads creating education and understanding between the organizations and the Board. Chairman Spady suggested staff contact other high growth counties to find out what they have done and evaluate any specific concerns.. Supervisor Bradshaw stated he would like to solicit the ideas of the various fire and .rescue organizations with regard to a coordinator position and what they believe the qualifications should be. Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board direct staff to begin the process of identifying the needs and developing a job description for an emergency services coordinator position within the County. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); .none voting against. .Supervisor .Bradshaw moved the Board direct Mr. Robertson to request fire and .rescue personnel comments regarding the consultant's report and that these comments be put in writing and submitted to the Board at its February 18, 1999 meeting. The .motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5- 0); none voting against. Linda A. Bean, Director of Social Services, addressed the matter of a budget amendment for rent of the Social Services off ce space. Mrs. Bean explained that in 1982 the Department of Social Services moved into the office space currently identified as the Public Services Building. Additional space of 1,004 square feet was provided to the Department of Social 1 1 a~~K 1~3 ~~,:~:315 1 Services in 1997. At that time, she. agreed to make a one (1) time only payment to the County in .the amount of $82,406.99 in exchange for the use of the space. This offer was made on advice of the Commissioner of Social Services who assured the local directors that their departments would be receiving one (1) time funds to be used as they choose. The Commissioner of Social Services was only partially correct in that only $34,150.23 was transferred to ,the County, which left Social Services owing $48,256.76. This was not available to her because it was cost allocation money. Based on this, and based on the rate at which Social Services is currently paying rent, it is recommended that the Assistant to the County Attorney initiate with the Board a new lease to be paid at the rate of $2,510 annually, retroactive to July 1, 1998, which will be paid in full by June 31, 2017, stated Mrs. Bean. County. Attorney Crook noted he .would prepare an appropriate revision to the current lease which includes an addendum dealing with the money owed from an amendment prepared in 1997 for the Board's consideration at its February 18, 1999 meeting. 1 Mr. Robertson stated with the dissolution of the Parks and Recreational Facilities Authority, staff has been observing over.. the past year the activities of the Departments of Parks and Recreation, Public Utilities and Public Works in an effort. to improve efficiency and effectiveness of some field operations.. After July 1, 1999, staff will. begin to fine tune a plan in the transferring of all. building and .grounds maintenance functions, equipment and personnel to the Department of Public Works. In addition, staff will monitor the departments to ensure the transition is successfully implemented. Staff is continuing to analyze budgetary and .personnel impacts and will .provide the Board with additional information regarding tl-e transition plan in future Board meetings. Mr. Robertson distributed a proposed stafling plan concept for building and grounds functions for the. Board's information. County Administrator Caskey presented for the Board's consideration a draft Travel Policy. Mr. Caskey noted the County's current Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual does not address. travel regulations for official County business travel 1 Chairman Claud moved the Board adopt the Travel Policy and that it be incorporated in the County's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. County Administrator Caskey requested the Board authorize the transfer of $12,000 from the General Operating Contingency Budget to cover salary costs for the position of the Administrative Analyst. I ao~K 18.~~~~1~ Supervisor Cofer moved the Board authorize the transfer of $1.2,000 from the General Operating Contingency Budget to cover salary costs for the Administrative Analyst position. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5- 0); none voting against. County Administrator Caskey noted the arrival of the new Board Room chairs. He advised that the old chairs would be surplused and included in the 1999-2000 surplus declaration and sale, when authorized by the Board. Mr. Caskey noted that the Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department has requested an undisclosed number of the old .chairs. Chairman Spady moved the Board direct staff to contact the various emergency services personnel to inquire if they would be interested in the old Board Room chairs. The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting .against. // Chairman Spady called for Old Business. Supervisor Claud inquired when a report summarizing the recent Town Meeting held in January of 1999 would be distributed to the Board. County Administrator Caskey noted once he has received a response from the County Attorney on the hunting restrictions, staff will .begin the process of compiling the comments and will present the Board with a written report. // Chairman Spady called for-New Business. There was no new business offered for discussion. // Chairman Spady called for Appointments. Supervisor Claud moved the Board reappoint J. Kevin Duck, representing the Windsor District, for an additional four (4) year term on the Planning Commission. Mr. Duck's term will expire. in February of 2003. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Cofer moved the Board reappoint Lawrence Pitt, representing the Smithfield District, for an additional .four (4) year term on ¢. 1 1 1 9 80~1I 18 ~~::~:31? the Planning Commission. Mr. Pitt's term will expire in February of 2003. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). 1 Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board reappoint Edna R. King, representing the Carrsville District, for an additional four (4) year term on the Planning Commission. Ms. King's term will expire in February of 2003.. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Spady moved the Board reappoint John Springfield, representing the Newport District, for an additional four (4) .year. term on-the Planning Commission. Mr. Springfield's term will expire in February of 2003. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Cofer moved. the Board appoint Don Robertson for a two (2) year term on the Tidewater Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc. Mr. Robertson's term will expire in February of 2001. The. motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Claud moved the Board reappoint Paul Phelps. as the Law Enforcement representative on the Transportation Safety Committee. Mr. Phelps' term will expire in December of 2002. The motion was .adopted unanimously (5-0). 1 Supervisor Claud moved the Board reappoint Wilson E. Holland, representing the Windsor District, for an additional five (5) year term on the Wetlands Board. Mr. Holland's term will expire in February of 2004. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). // Chairman Spady called for the County Attorney's report. County Attorney Crook stated he met with the Director of Parks and Recreation on the Riverview Park policy and. the Fort. Boykin's residence lease. He noted he would have the matter for the Board's consideration after he receives input from the individual Board members. 1 Regarding the matter earlier expressed concerning the County's ability to restrain dogs .from running at large, County Attorney Crook stated he would meet with Animal Control personnel in the near future to advise that dogs are allowed only to run at large in agriculturally zoned areas. County Attorney Crook stated he received from the Director of Economic Development a Boykin's Tavern easement. He noted he is not ready to recommend it to the Board as he would like the indvidual.Board members to .have an opportunity to review the lease and .request that. they provide him with their respective comments. 10 eo~K 18 rA~:~:318 u County Attorney Crook requested an executive session under Section 2.1-344 A3 of the Freedom of Information Act concerning three (3) for advice of counsel and staff involving .the acquisition and/or use of property for public purposes;. under Section 2.1-344 Al concerning two (2) matters involving personnel; under Section 2.1.344 A7 concerning three (3) matter involving advice of counsel and staff regarding contracts and/or potential litigation. County Administrator Caskey requested an executive session under Section 2.1-344 Al concerning two (2) matters involving personnel. .Supervisor Cofer moved to enter executive session for the reasons stated. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE MEETING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, .WHEREAS, 2.1-344. l A of the Code of Virginia. requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully. exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors. vOTE AYES:. Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Claud and Bradshaw NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE:. 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 The motion was adopted as follows: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Claud and Bradshaw voting in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against. 1 1 1 11 aoc~~ 18 :h_~.~ Supervisor Cofer moved the Board authorize the County Attorney to advertise the lease for rental of Fort Boykin. The motion was adopted by the following votes: Cofer, Bradby, Spady, Bradshaw and Claud voting. in favor of the motion (5-0); none voting against.. // At 6:00 p.m., Chairman Spady moved the Board adjourn its meeting. The motion was adopted unanimously (5-0). o--~ ~5~7` n a. Spa hairm . 4. 12