04-21-1998 Joint Meetingv~ eo~K ~~.`~ :a~.~687 1 MINUTES: JOINT MEETING OF ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Continued Meeting/Work Session -Tuesday, April 21,1998 Call to Order Board of Supervisors: The Board of Supervisors and School Board met at 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors' Room at Isle of Wight Courthouse, VA. The Board of Supervisors Meeting was called to order by Mr. Robert C. Claud, Sr., Chairman. Chairman Claud thanked the School Bciard for consenting to meet with them again. In addition to Mr. Claud, the following members of the Board of Supervisors were present: Mr. O. A. Spady, Vice-Chairman; Mr. Henry H. Bradby; Mr. Phillip A. Bradshaw; and Mr. Malcolm T. Cofer. Also present were Mr. W. Douglas Casket', County Administrator; Mr. H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County and School Board Attorney; Mrs. Anne F. Seward, Finance Director; and Mr. Jonathan Hartley, Planning Director. Mr. Cofer made a motion to appoint Mrs. Carolyn W. Harrup, School Board Clerk, as Acting Secretary for the Board of Supervisors for this meeting The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. James B. Brown, Jr., Chairman, called the School Board meeting to order. 1 In addition to Mr. Brown, the following members were present: Ivlr. George A. Bradby, Vice Chairman; Mr. Herbert W. DeGroft; Mrs. Pamela J. Edwards; and Dr. Richard L. Peerey. Also present were Dr. Jane T. York, Superintendent; Mrs. Melinda J. Boone,. Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services; Dr. Alexander H. Decker, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services; Mrs. Hilda W. Harmon, Budget and. Finance Director; and Mrs. Carolyn W. Harrup, Clerk. Dr. Decker distributed copies. and presented highlights from the Puyil Population Growth and Accommodating Growth 1999- 2006 Repost and discussed planned Capital Improvements Program Projects. Questions/Comments following Dr. Decker's presentation included: Mr. Bradshaw stated that the data presented indicated ..that we are projected to be at capacity in nine years with the substantial growth even with an additional new elementary school in the northern end of the county and a new Windsor Middle School. Dr. Decker affirmed his understanding. 1 Mr. Claud asked how much capacity increase would be gained at Windsor High School by moving middle school students out. Dr. Decker responded - "400." Mr. Brown asked if we can have separate attendance zones for elementary students and middle/high school students. Dr. Decker responded that you can, but it is not the best solution. Problems arise by doing that. Mr. Bradshaw asked if substantial growth occurs, in nine years will. we be worse off than we are today with the Capital Improvements Program? Dr. Decker responded that if predictions are true, only the elementary will be more critical eooK 17 r~~~688 Mr. Claud- remarked that we will be hurting at the elementary level, but also at capacity at the middle and high school levels. In reviewing the demographic statistics, Mr. Spady asked why there was a projected decline for a few years. Dr. Decker answered that the recent decline in birth rate was the factor. Dr. Decker indicated that the administration has considered requesting an update of the. 1995 Study, and that possibly in the future this will be done with inclusion of the developments approved to date. Mr. Henry Bradby asked if up to this point we have experienced moderate growth. Dr. Decker responded that we have experienced slightly more than the moderate growth prediction.. Dr. Peerey expressed concern that not only do we have to look at bricks and mortar, but everything that involves education -- staff, operation costs, and maintenance. Mrs. Edwards expressed the view that major strides have been ,. made in playing catch-up' m facilities, and that the Board of Supervisors is to be commended for their commitment and foresight. Dr. Peerey asked if there were an instrument or document to put the percentage increase in dollars and tax rate increase. Mr. Cofer responded that what it boils down to is a tax increase. Mr. Claud stated that it seemed wise to build core .facilities such that can support a later classroom addition. Dr. Peerey again mentioned concerns regarding the finances needed vs. the ability to pay. Mr. Bradshaw. indicated that the Board of Supervisors must and has taken a more aggressive approach to economic development to. help raise the tax base in the county. Mr. Claud asked what the acreage is at the old Windsor Elementary School . Dr. Decker responded that it is just under 25 acres, but could be decreased if there is a widening of the highway 258 bypass by the school. Mr. Caud noted that highway 258 would bypass the school, and then asked if this was sufficient to accommodate a new middle school. Dr. Decker's response was that at present, it is adequate, but tight. He indicated that for a middle. school the state allows 15 acres plus one additional acre for each 100 students. He indicated that problems will occur in trying to build around the. gymnasium while students are on site. Mrs. Edwards added hat athletic fields and parking would also be a problem. Mr. Spady stated that he has a problem tearing down a usable building and that he is not convinced we can't use part of the current building. Dr. Decker distributed cost model information using the entire building and adding an addition to bring it to 750 capacity without use of the 17 mobile units there now. Cost estir:~ates are approximately $600,000 less than new construction except the gymnasium. He introduced Mr. Peter Andreu, Construction Manager, who gave an explanation as to how the figures were arri~~ed at and gave information on the condition of the old building. Maintenance and operation costs using the old building with renovations ~~•as oho discussed. He stated that-lots of infastructure replacement would he required. 1 1 eooK ~ ~7 .,;~:~68J LJ 1 Mr. Andrew also mentioned that he had reviewed recent bid openings for renovations of two schools in Chesapeake. Those bids with a very small allowance for inflation over the next 18 months would put the estimates given very close. Me. Cofer asked what the square footage of the new school would be. Dr. Decker responded between 103,500 - 104,000 square feet at a cost of approximately $110 per square foot. Mi•. Bradshaw questioned the space needs and number of students in special education. Mrs. Boone responded that they are addressed in the plans for new construction and that we are within state and national averages of approximately 12 percent of the student population. Mr. Bradshaw also asked for information on space needs and programs for the gifted. Mrs. Boone stated that most gifted programs were resource/pullout. programs requiring the use of one classroom. She indicated that this is the same type gifted program used in most area school divisions. Mr. Brown remarked that the renovations done at Smithfield Middle School resulted in the same long halls which. are hard to monitor and allow for more discipline problems. This is a rNsult of having to use what is there without the option of a different design. Mr. Henry Bradby asked if it cost more to renovate and meet our needs than to build. Dr. Decker responded; no, but the cast was close only approximately $600,000 less. Mr: Bradby indicated that he had attended a seminar that advised renovations when possible, but consideration be given to the total needs. Mrs. Harmon distributed copies of Governor Gilmore's ProRosed School Construction Funding Plan received in the superintendent's office on April 20. It proposed for Isle of Wight $331,486 for fiscal year 1999, and $332,609 for fiscal year 2000.. Mr. Claud thanked the School Board and Administration again for the meeting. There being no further business. to come before the Boards at this time, at 8:35 p.m. Mr. DeGroft made a motion, which was seconded by Dr. Peerey and unanimously carried, for the School Board to continue their meeting until 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 1998, at Windsor Middle/High School A motion was made by Mr. Cofer to continue the Board of Supervisors meeting until 2:00 p.m., on Thursday, April 30,1998, for the purpose of discussing the Caunty budget. The motion was unanimously carried. 1 Chairman Jerk