04-28-1993 Continued Meeting eooK 15 yac~`~0~) ,, CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF • SUPERVISORS HELD THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY THREE ' PRESENT:. Steve W. Edwards, Chairman O. A. Spady, Vice Chairman Henry H. Bradby . Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. Malcolm T. Cofer Also Attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney Myles E. Standish, County Administrator W. Douglas Caskey, Assistant County Administrator/Community Development Donald T. Robertson, Assistant to the County Administrator Carey H. Mills, Assistant Clerk Chairman Edwards called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and asked for comments from the Board on the proposed 1.993-94 school budget. Supervisor Spady stated they were waiting clarification on one. item in the School budget which should be available shortly and, in the meantime, would move the Board appoint Charles Jones to fill the unexpired term of Roy Skinner on the Recreational Facilities Authority. The motion was unanimously (5-0) adopted. // County Administrator Standish stated the School budget anticipates $275,000 that will not exist until July 1, 1993, and should be considered a separate appropriation after July 1, 1993. Mr. Standish stated there should be no question that this money will occur, however, this is money that is included in this year's school appropriation and if it is unspent as of June 30, 1993, the funds will be available for reappropriation on July 1, 1993. Supervisor Bradshawstated the Board could make a motion to include the $275,000 in the School budget. Supervisor Bradshaw further stated now is the time to include this because both sides know where they stand. County Attorney Crook stated the Board could do this, but what may happen is that on June 30,1993, the $275,000 amount maybe less or greater and after that time that the Board would have to make an adjustment. Supervisor Cofer stated as he understands it, if the Board approves the School budget with the $275,000 included and there is not $275,000 available, then it is the School Board's responsibility to adjust their budget. Anything over $275,000 will return to the general fund. County Administrator Standish stated the budget recommended to the .Board does not include the $275,000 and his recommendation to the Board is that the $275,000 be a separate appropriation after July 1,1993. 1 Boas : ~.5 ~a:~3Q6 ,. Supervisor Spady suggested approving the budget as presented and • that the School Board request from the Board whatever money is available .after July 1, 1993. County Attorney Crook stated the Board has under consideration a School budget request for $24,456,874 which includes an anticipated $275,000 carryover and, if the Board approves this amount at this time, the Board may have to make some future adjustment because the amount may be less or more. Ivir. Crook further stated the Board is required at this time by State law to approve the budget which necessitates that the Board do this in advance. Supervisor Cofer stated the minutes should reflect that Dr. York agrees if the amount of carryover is less than anticipated, it is her responsibility to adjust the School Board budget downward, and if the amount is over $275,000, the .balance will return to the County. Dr. York stated she understood the Board's position, but logistically . if the Board does not approve the total amount now, she will have to adjust her budget by $275,000 because she is required to provide a balanced budget. Dr. York advised she would do this in the capital improvements portion of her budget because she needs to proceed with employing individuals. Dr. York stated she understands if there is not $275,000. received at that time, the Board will make the necessary adjustment; however, if there is .more than $275,000 received, the School Board is .requesting only the $275,000. Supervisor Bradby asked Dr. York if the State has provided any funds for teacher's retirement since the Board has received the .School Board's budget. for consideration. Dr. York stated not to her knowledge and advised that next year the School Board will not be paying group life insurance. Supervisor Bradshaw asked if the. State has picked up some of the fringe benefits. Dr. York stated she- believed there was a surplus in the escrow account for .group life insurance and the. State will therefore be paying all premiums for employees for one year next year. Dr. York further stated this is reflected in this year's requested budget. Supervisor Bradshaw asked Dr. York if she would be receiving any funds from the State that are already included in the School Board's budget request. Dr. York stated when the School Board receives their final estimate on what will be received from the State, the Board will still only appropriate $12,000,Q00 of local money. The School Board would go back immediately and adjust the total budget downward to $23,000,000 so that the. County's commitment would not go beyond what it is as of this date. 2 r; ,. 800N ~5 ;~~~30`7 Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board adopt the School Board budget • in the amount of $24,456,874. The motion passed (4-0) with Chairman Edwards abstaining from voting on any part of the School Board budget dealing with legal fees. // Supervisor Spady stated the Board received a letter from the School. Board recently regarding Phase II finances and schedule dates. Supervisor Spady further stated after studying the matter, he would recommend that the School Board move the Smithfield Elementary School conversion to a middle school into Phase I .and .place Phase II on hold for approximately • twelve months. Supervisor Spady stated the Board would not totally endorse Phase II at this time, but will review it in the future. Supervisor . Spady continued the Board does need to proceed with the middle school conversion because this will make it complete as far as elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. Supervisor .Bradshaw stated he would not agree to this because he wanted all or none of the projects. Supervisor Bradshaw further stated this is unfair to his end of the County. Supervisor Spady moved the Board recommend to the School Board that they change the Smithfield Elementary School conversion to a middle school from Phase II in#o Phase I with Phase II being placed on hold for twelve months so that the Board can review it next year to see if the County can proceed with Phase II at that time which will still be on the School Board's schedule. Supervisor Spady stated the County has recently spent a lot of money and has another bond to finance shortly and he would like to wait twelve months to see what the economic situation is at that time. County Attorney Crook stated he did not have a copy of Phase I and Phase II with him tonight and asked if any of the Board members had a copy before voting on he matter. Supervisor Bradshaw stated 40% of the taxes are paid by his voting district and he would not agree to this because the Board should approve all or none of the projects. Supervisor Spady stated Smithfield Elementary School is suppose to be converted to a middle school so that there will be a middle school located in the northern end of the County. Supervisor. Spady further stated the Hardy and Carrsville elementary schools were renovations only. . County Attorney Croak stated the Board should have Phase I and Phase II in front of them so that they know what they are considering. Supervisor Cofer stated in September of 1994 the County will be converting to a middle school system and at that point in time, if the County proceeds with the conversion of Smithfield Elementary School in the 3 aoa~ . 15 r~c~308 ~. next twelve to fourteen months, then the entire County will switch to the • middle school system at the same time. Supervisor Cofer further stated this is the only reason he would consider spending any additional funds at this time. Supervisor Cofer continued if the County proceeds with this premise, the County will have almost three hundred students in the Windsor complex working .off of a middle school program and the County is asking the School. Board to be in a position that they have a middle school program in this situation and no middle school program in the other part of the County. Supervisor Bradby stated he did not have any of the Phase I and Phase II backup with him tonight and he would. suggest that the Board • further consider the matter before voting. Supervisor. Bradshaw stated .the Hardy and Carrsville districts have been left out and have been struggling for years. Supervisor Bradshaw further stated all areas of the County should be treated equally. Chairman Edwards asked Pamela Edwards, the School Board Chairman, if the School Board needed a vote on~the matter today. Ms. Edwards stated the design dates for all the projects in Phase II need to begin in 1994, so consequently, some of these dates may be postponed. Supervisor Cofer stated the starting dates will remain unaffected. Dr. York stated regarding a vote tonight, the School Board is presently preparing an RFP for an architectural firm and the School Board hesitates to send out an RFP on Phase II until they know more about how much it will cost. Chairman Edwards stated in fairness to Supervisor Bradshaw, the Board previously had an agreement that two projects would proceed at the same time. The Board voted on Phase I, but understood that Phase II would take place and he believed what was proposed tonight is reasonable and if the Board understands what is being proposed he suspects that the entire Board will agree that this is the way to proceed. Chairman Edwards stated he would suggest .that the matter be tabled until the May 20, 1993 meeting to give all Board members an opportunity. to understand the details. Supervisor Spady stated he had no problem with tabling the matter until the next meeting and he thought Supervisor Bradshaw understood the matter because he explained to him what he thought the Board should do .and Supervisor Bradshaw stated at that time that he did not think Carrsville needed a new school anyway. ,. Supervisor Bradshaw stated he did. not believe he ever gave Supervisor Spady an .answer on the matter and that he told Supervisor Spady that he thought the Board should wait although he never specified how many schools. 4 1 1 1