05-21-1992 Regular MeetingBOL-It ~4 +'lrf~~~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE TWENTY FIRST DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRID NINETY TWO PRESENT:. Henry H: Bradby, Chairman Steve W. Edwards, Vice Chairman Joel. C. Bradsha.N, Jr. Malcolm T. Cofer O. A. Spady .Also Attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney Myles E. Standish, County Administrator W. Douglas Caskey, Assistant County Administrator/Community Development Donald T. Robertson, Assistant to the County Administrator Hilda W. Harmon, Director of Budget & Finance Carey H. Mills, Assistant Clerk Chairman. Bradby called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and delivered the invocation. // Chairman Bradby noted the presence of the School Board and stated Dr. York would like to give a presentation on proposed school construction. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board amend the order of the agenda to allow the School Board to make their presentation at this time and citizens comments to be heard immediately thereafter. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). Dr. York, Isle of Wight County Schools Superintendent, stated three months ago, it was agreed by both boards to initiate a comprehensive study. Dr. York further stated the terms of the agreement included directing Construction Control Corporation to do a cost analysis of the existing plans prepared by the School Board for the proposed two schools, to perform a site analysis and comprehensive school study to look at demographics, as well as look at the facilities to determine inventory and the conditions of the facilities. Dr. York continued Construction Control was also to look at the Count} s educational program needs and identify the County's capital improvements or building needs over the next ten years. Dr. York ~ stated Construction Control Corporation has now completed all but the site analysis, which should not be .initiated until the County. has made a final determination on what is to be built. Dr. York advised the School Board met on Wednesday morning to examine the recommendations. portrayed by Construction Control Corporation and, as a result of that meeting, she was present tonight to request authorization for - funding of Phase I for $20,205,150. Dr. York further advised Phase II of the proposed construction was for the Board's information and further consideration or-ly, and that funding on this was not being requested at this time. 1 i s r .•. Chairman Bradby called for citizens with comments. Mary Jane Scott, a resident of Smi#hfield, stated she had regained her confidence in the decisions of the School Board and was most interested in fairness to all children. R. L. Walker, a resident of the County, stated he was not satisfied with the proposed plan submitted by the School Board because of .the combined middle/high school in Windsor. Mr. Walker also stated his concern with redistricting and racial imbalances resulting from such throughout the County. Connie Carter, a resident of the County, urged the Board to appropriate the necessary funds to accomplish construction for the proposed new schools in the County. David Olson, a resident of the County, stated he was previously opposed to the plan of the School Board for many reasons, but that he now believes there is adequate compromise among the School Board which allows him to support their proposal. Mr. Olson further stated he does have some questions regarding the redistricting which he believes can.be addressed by the School Board after they get into the building program. Mr. Olson then requested the Board of Supervisors to fully fund Phase I. James B. Brown, Jr., citizen of the County and member of the School Board, stated he made the initial motion at the School Board meeting to present this recommendation to the Board, although it was done with some reservation. Mr. Brown further stated he made the motion with the understanding that there would be compromise among School Board members and urged the Board to fully fund Phase I, as well as restore the funding for the Smithfield High School auditorium. Mr. Brown continued that although Construction Control Corporation has performed a good job for the time allotted them, he did not believe they have accomplished as thorough a job as they could have if given additional time. Mr. Brown stated some of the inconsistences he found in the consultant's report were the insensitivity to racial ethnic demographics, and that the. consultant's projected elementary school enrollment in the Smithfield zone indicates that. the 750 student Carrollton school and the 750 student renovated Hardy school is undersized before it is opened. Mr. Brown further stated the amount to upgrade technology at Smithfield High School seems too low, that he was disappointed the consolidated school concept was not .fully evaluated by the consultants, and that the cost savings in personnel, equipment .and instructional advantages were not addressed, because he believes a consolidated high school would be the best solution. Hugh Gwaltney, a resident of Smithfield, expressed his concern regarding the undetermined location of the Windsor High School. Mr. Gwaltney stated he wanted it made clear to the School Board before any funding is appropriated for the construction that the Board of Supervisors is not in favor of building the high school on the other side of the Norfolk and Western Railroad. ~80?N ~~ iA~'~~O ~ Thomas Fenderson, of the Newport District, stated he had spoken with John Whaley, the economist with the Hampton Roads Planning District . Commission, who stated that the consultant's projections were equivalent to a 500 student increase in the County's population per year for the next ten years. Mr. Fenderson further stated Construction Control has not had adequate time to perform their study and suggested that the.County request Mr. Whaley to project these figures and then let Construction Control Corporation evaluate his analysis. Jan Leber, a resident of Carrollton, appeared in favor of the proposed school construction and urged the Board to appropriate the necessary funds to accomplish such. ~ . David Hardy, a resident of the County, stated it is now time to make a decision on the construction of the proposed schools. Mr. Hardy stated he believes the County should build an elementary school in every district with a middle and high school located in the central part of the County. Chairman Bradby called for comments by the Board. Chairman Bradby stated he would prefer to delay action on the matter until the first meeting in June to allow him an opportunity to speak with the School Superintendent. Supervisor Cofer stated he believes Construction Control Corporation has done a good job in the time allotted, although there are a few items ~' which need further consideration, such as delaying action on the auditorium for 120 days to allow the County ample time to consider making. this a community center auditorium, rather than just 600 seats and a stage. Supervisor Cofer also stated he would not like to see the price listed for the land acquisition because land prices tend to rise to whatever is put in the budget. Supervisor Spady stated a comprehensive study. has now been completed as requested and the Carrollton elementary school is badly needed. Supervisor Spady further stated action should be taken tonight to allow advertisement of bids because there is a possibility that this school could be built by September of 1993. Supervisor Spady continued the cost of this school is not as low as he would prefer, but the figure could not be reduced withoutre-designing the school,:which would result in a loss of . time and additional cost to the County. Supervisor Spady stated the Windsor middle/high school concept is the only way to proceed if the County wants to build a high school for the Windsor citizens because by .combining it with the middle school, both .schools can use the gymnasium, cafeteria,. and heating and power systems which is good from an economic standpoint. Supervisor Spady stated he would like to see the auditorium made into more of a community-type auditorium and that he would like to defer action on the Windsor land purchase. Supervisor Bradshaw stated 40% of the tax base comes from his district and he favors starting all the schools together or none at all. Supervisor Bradshaw added he would like to thank the School Board and ~. •t 80QK ~_`t ~d:'~~J Dr. York for the fine job they have done. Supervisor Spady stated it would take approximately three to five months to draw the plans for the Windsor middle/high school and that he would vote to go with that plan, but the County cannot build all the schools at the same time. He stated that we-would simply just be holding up the Carrollton elementary school. Supervisor Edwards stated he does plan to support the proposed plan tonight based on assurances- from the School Board and Dr. York that the County would not have a white school in Carrollton and a black school in Hardy. Chairman Bradby noted the Board appeared to be ready to take action tonight and stated he would not hold up the progress of the schools and the educational process in the County although he would prefer to have two weeks to review the figures. Chairman Bradby further stated he did have some concerns about approving funds with .only having the figures in his hands for one hour. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board approve Phase I as presented, in the amount of $18,637,000 with two changes: (1) Item #8 (600 Seat Auditorium at Smithfield High) -Defer action for no more. than. 120 days to give the Board of Supervisors time to get input from the architect on the auditorium and (2) Item #6 (Windsor Land Purchase) -Defer action until. Construction Control Corporation has completed their site study. When the site study is completed, action will be taken on the matter immediately. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). // At 7:55 p.m., Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board take a recess. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). Upon returning to open session at 8:12 p.m., Chairman Bradby called for the Community Development report. W. Douglas Caskey, Assistant County Administrator/Community Development, presented the following application for the Board's consideration: 1 1. The application of M. D. Spivey for a Conditional Use Permit to locate a mobile home for daughter, Sharon Spivey, on five (5) acres of land .located off Longview Drive (Route 602) on Spivey Lane which is between Sandy Ridge Drive. (Route 601). and Oliver Drive (Route 60.0) in Newport Magisterial District: Mr. Caskey stated at the time this application was presented. to the Planning Commission. there was no opposition presented and the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Edwards moved the Board approve the application of M. D. Spivey. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). Mr. Caskey presented the following application for the Board's consideration: 2. The application of Arthur \H. and Daisy E. Stone to locate a mobile home for father, Arthur H. Stone, Sr., on 5.744 acres of land located off Bob White Road (Route 652) on Fox Hollow Lane which is between Bowling Green Road (Route 644) and Woodland Drive (Route 600) in Newport Magisterial District. Mr. Caskey stated there was no opposition presented to the Planning Commission when the matter was considered; however, there was discussion pertaining to comments provided by the Health Department relative to conditions that they will impose regarding the existing septic tank system. Mr. Caskey further stated .the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the application to the Board of Supervisors... Supervisor Spady moved the Board approve the application of Arthur H. and Daisy E. Stone. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). // Chairman Bradby called for the County Attorney's report. County Attorney Crook submitted to the Board his report on the proposed Virginia Power contract which he also reviewed for the School Board at the request of Dr. York, and for the Western Tidewater Regional Jail at their request. County Attorney Crook stated he has a number of problems with the agreement as proposed which is outlined in his report to the Board and that he does not recommend the contract in the form in .which it is written. Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board notify Virginia Power of the problems with the agreement. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). County Attorney Crook stated the proposed budget being considered by the Board proposes to delete the position of the Codes Enforcer. County Attorney Crook further stated this has .been discussed by the Planning Commission at their last meeting because this particular position was created at the request of the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission voted by majority vote to request the Board of Supervisors consider not deleting this position, as it is needed for the enforcement of the codes, particularly the zoning ordinance. .ti au~K a.4 :~:.,?51 1 Chairman Bradby stated this matter would be taken into consideration by the Finance Committee. County Attorney Crook stated he had received a letter from the Commissioner of the Revenue in response to his .request indicating there would not be any loss in existing revenues if the proposed recycling ordinance was adopted. County Administrator Standish stated not only would there be no loss in revenues from existing equipment, but that some industrial investment for the County may be enticed as well, which may net $750,000 in revenue over the next several years. ' Supervisor Bradshaw expressed a desire to not take any action at this time on the matter. County Administrator Standish stated at previous meetings it was recommended the Board consider establishing a special class of machinery and tools with a reduced rate which would encourage one of the local major industries to reinvestment millions of dollars in recycling efforts and would also attract recycling businesses that may want to .come into the County as a result. County Attorney Crook stated the State statute adopted by the General Assembly creates the separate class for local .taxation -and the question is whether to exempt or partially exempt such property from local taxation. County Attorney Crook further stated a memorandum was submitted by the County's Economic Development Director suggesting a 50% tax exemption, but the Board could allot any amount of exemption, and the amount does not need to be decided on now, only that a public hearing be set to consider the matter. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board direct the County Attorney to advertise a public hearing in June, if possible, regarding the special tax classification on recycling equipment and to propose that 50% be provided in the ordinance as the proposed .tax exemption. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). County Attorney Crook stated he was prepared to discuss the status of the J. C. Pallet Company, but that he believed the Board was up to date as he had provided them with copies of the correspondence between him and the attorney for J. C. Pallet Company. /1 Chairman Bradby called for the County Administrator's report. 1 County Administrator Standish stated an .error was made in calculating the Treasurer's budget in the amount of $7,969 via erroneous information received from the State Compensation Board.. Beryl Perry, County Treasurer, stated if allocated, the majority of the eoox 14 ~j:-?52 ~ $7,969 would be used for postage. Supervisor Spady moved the Board appropriate $7,969 to the Treasurer's budget to be transferred from the contingency account. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). .County Administrator Standish stated as a result of a previous discussion by the Board, included in the agenda is a status report of data processing services. County Administrator Standish further stated he did not recommend any changes at this time because of the -low costs of the cooperative system with Southampton County. Supervisor Bradshaw expressed his. desire to have a contract drawn up regarding the Counk}~s present arrangement for data processing services. County Attorney Crook stated it would be appropriate to prepare an agreement and that he and the County Administrator could meet with the Southampton County officials to discuss a formal agreement for data processing services. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE TWENTY FIVE THOtTSAND DOLLARS FROM THE 1991 SCHOOL BOND ISSUE- PROCEEDS TO THE SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION FUND WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia has approved the appropriation of funds for school construction; and, WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) needs to be appropriated from the 1991 school bond. issue proceeds to the .school construction fund in the 1991-92 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS I-iEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that twenty- . five thousand dollars ($25,000) from the 1991 school bond issue proceeds be appropriated to the school construction fund in the 1991-92 budget of the County of Isle of Wight. - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all the things necessary to give this resolution effect. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). County Administrator Standish stated the Board had previously ..committed to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District and that the Town of Smithfield is now requesting expansion of their existing waste water discharge permit. County Administrator Standish further stated he would recommend the County support Smithfield's expansion and that he would request the Board allow him to present to the State ..Water Control Board a letter supporting same. Supervisor Spady moved the Board direct the County Administrator send a letter of support to the .State Water Control Board regarding Smithfield's expansion of their existing waste water discharge permit. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). County Administrator Standish stated the Health Department is experiencing overcrowding and until the Board adopts the Capital Improvements Plan, the Health Department would need temporary office space. County Administrator Standish further stated additional office space across the street from the Health Department is now available. Supervisor Spady moved the Board request the County Administrator meet with the Health Director and begin negotiations with the property owner for a lease. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). 1 County Administrator Standish presented a .status report on .the Sheriff's office renovation/911 communications center and requested the Board's support of two. change orders. County Administrator Standish further stated a third change order, if approved, would reduce costs, such as the deletion of some cabinet work and certain plastering work, as well as a couple of items which will increase the cost by extending a driveway up to the back door to allow prisoner loading and unloading to be accomplished in a short space, as well as the removal of the brick sidewalk from that point up to the existing driveway. County Administrator Standish stated if the Board agreed, he would request the architect do a final cost analysis and report back to the Board for approval. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board approve change orders #1 and #2 at an increase not to exceed $377.32. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). County Administrator Standish stated in response to a previous request of Supervisor Edwards, County staff had obtained an estimate from a contractor to provide a minimum of ten fixed covers over County refuse containers at a cost of $4,400. After. discussion by the Board, it was the consensus of the Board not to take action due to the excessive cost. Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMISSIONER . OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ACCEPT AND INCLUDE HOLLY DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA STATE SECONDARY ROAD- SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer of the Virginia Department of Transportation has this day. advised this .Board that streets in Littleton Estates Subdivision, Hardy Magisterial District, Isle of Wight, Virginia have en~r ~.4 ~1E.~254 ~' ,.. been built in accordance with Secondary Road Policies, and the Isle of Wight County Subdivision Ordinance relating to acceptance of streets into the State's Secondary Road System. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation is requested to .include into the Virginia Secondary Road System for .maintenance the following described streets in the Littleton Estates Subdivision. =1. Holly Drive: Beginning at a point on State Route 626,1.20 miles east of State Route 677; thence running in a northwesterly direction, 0.21 miles to a cul-de-sac. Length: 0.21 miles Right of way: 50 feet Total length:. 0.21 miles Unrestricted rights of way fifty (50) feet in width and additional right of way for the cul-de-sacs, along with the necessary drainage .easements have been- provided and are on record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Isle of Wight County in Plat Book No. 9, Pages 40-41, Slide 256-257, dated July 20, 1979. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Spady moved the Board adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY, VIRGINIA ESTABLISHING MAY 29, 1992 AS VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DAY IN ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY WHEREAS, we are a nation that was founded by individuals who dedicated their lives, energies, and resources to making this a better world for themselves, their families, and their neighbors; and, WHEREAS, volunteerism directly reflects the democratic principles upon which this nation was founded in that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, race, age, sex, color or creed can volunteer; and, WHEREAS, the number of individuals engaging in volunteer work ~, and the important variety of services provided increase each year, providing .challenges and fulfillment, and rich rewards from helping others, improving skills; and widening one's horizons; and, WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize and to honor the numerous contributions of the many volunteers serving the community of Isle of Wight, as well. as this Commonwealth of Virginia,. and to join in with State and national leaders to set a special time for such recognition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County that the day of May 29,1992 P euoN 1.4.~~:~?~5 is hereby established as Volunteer. Recognition Day in Isle of Wight County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the numerous volunteer groups and organizations within the County, and that this. resolution be prominently posted at the Isle of Wight Courthouse. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). County Administrator Standish noted for the Board's information, the monthly tax collection reports received from Messrs. Riddick and Windsor indicate $387,089 has been collected through the end of April, at a cost to the County of $46,553, which represents 12% of the ..amount collected. County Administrator Standish requested an executive session later in the meeting to interview the top two proposers for audit services commencing July 1, 1992. // Chairman Bradby called for Old Business. Supervisor Cofer noted to the Board that a final budget recommendation from the Finance Committee would be complete for the June 4, 1992 meeting. // Chairman Bradby called for New Business. There was no new business offered. for discussion by the Board. // Chairman Bradby called for Appointments.... There were no nominations offered for appointment by .the Board. // Chairman Bradby called for approval of the April 16, 1992 regular meeting minutes and the April 30, 1992 continued meeting minutes. Upon recommendation by County Attorney Crook, Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the April 16,1992 regular meeting minutes and the Apri130,1992 continued meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). // County Attorney Crook requested an executive session under Section 2.1-344 Al of the Freedom of Information Act for interviews of the top two candidates for auditors and under Section 2.1-344 A7 of the Freedom of Information Act for discussion with counsel concerning acquisition and / or use of property for public purposes. At 8:45 p.m., Supervisor Cofer moved the Board go into .executive session for the reasons stated by the County Attorney. The motion passed ..unanimously (5-0). At 9:45 p.m., Supervisor Cofer moved the Board adopt the following resolution: CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE. MEETING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS, 2.1-344.1A of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open. meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors. VOTE AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE: 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 The motion passed unanimously (5-0). Supervisor Bradshaw moved the .Board direct the County Administrator to meet with Goodman & Company to negotiate a contract to be brought back to the Board relative to auditing services on behalf of the County fora .two-year period commencing July 1, 1992. The motion passed unanimously (5-0). // 6