07-14-1987 Continued MeetingJuly 2, 1987 Page 344 // On motion of Supervisor Ross, the Board voted unanimously that Mrs. Byrum be paid supplemental salary through July 1987. // Supervisor Bailey moved the Board approve the amendments to the General Fund Bill Register, the General Fund Bill Register as amended and the checks which were written during the month of June which did not appear on the General Fund Bill Register. The motion carried unanimously. // County Attorney Crook stated the June 4, June 17 and June 18, 1987 minutes were not ready for approval. // At 4:35 P.M. Supervisor Ross moved the meeting be continued until 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, July l4, 1987. The vote in favor was unanimous. 'Henry H. radby, Chairman -~ ~~ } ,,,, jJuanita L. Byrum, Clerk r, CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF JULY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN PRESENT: Henry H. Bradby, Chairman C. Fred Bailey, Vice Chairman Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. (arrived at 8:13 P.M.) Thomas L. Ross Richard L. Turner Also attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney Juanita L. Byrum, Assistant County Administrator W. B. Owen, Assistant to Acting County Administrator Betty Scott, Secretary Chairman Bradby called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. The invocation was given by Supervisor Ross. // Chairman Bradby stated this is a joint meeting with the Smithfield Town Council members. The following Town Council members were present: Richard Ballard, Henry Hearn, T. A. Caldwell, Florine Moore, Lawrence Pitt, Wilson Ames, James Chapman and Charles Brown.. Town Manager, Colonel Elsey Harris, was also present. The Chairman asked Acting County Administrator Byrum to bring the Board members and Town Council members up to date concerning the old Smithfield High School renovation. Mrs. Byrum stated the project began in February/March 1985 and the two governing bodies had worked jointly on the project. However, the cost has been a surprise to all of us, said Mrs. Byrum, and it is time for us to get together and discuss the future of .the project. Chairman Bradby stated Supervisor Ross was the Board's member on the old Smithfield High School Renovation Committee. The Chairman recognized Elsey Harris, Manager of the Town of Smithfield, who stated action by the Town Council has been generally consultants, John I Cofer's plan, and proceeded with the renovation plan and specifications. Mr. Harris stated the demolition of build- July 14, 1:9$7 Page 345 ings as recommended by the. consultants had been done, the Library Board had pressed to have the feasibility study and donated funds for same and the cost has been greater than the estimate, but has been agreeable with the Town and County. Mr. Harris stated we are at the point we need to decide how much will be done and how we are going to do it. Supervisor Bailey stated he recently learned the Public Service Authority had never been notified that the Board authorized said Authority to use the shop building. The authorization was granted by the Board at its February 1984 meet- ing. Supervisor Bailey continued stating he does not know whether it was in- cluded in the Cofer study and said he was agreeable to allow the Authority to spend money that was needed to fix up the building to suit their needs and the Board would reimburse them. Supervisor Ross stated that in the beginning he and Supervisor Turner met with the Town Council members regarding the renovation project and it was determined the building would be used by the Library, Paul D. Camp and Parks and Recreation and each was asked to submit their list of needs and wants. Supervisor Ross continued saying Parks and Recreation had twice requested the amount of the entire project. Supervisor .Ross continued saying it was agreed by the Town and the County that the County would pay 80~ and the Town 20~ of the development cost of the property. Supervisor Bailey once again stated he was opposed to Park and Recreation's proposal to have offices in the building. However, he was agreeable to them using the gym and playg"round as had been granted in the past. Supervisor Ross stated he had questioned Alan S. Nogiec, Director, Parks and Recreation Facilities Authority, aach time it has been before the Committee and Board members. Supervisor Ross continued stating he feels we will dis- courage participation at the Nike Park if the offices are moved. Supervisor Ross stated he feels the Library has taken the initative and offered some fund- ing and that Paul D. Camp Community College has shown an interest in the build- ing and can bring. something to the County in the form of higher education for County citizens. Supervisor Ross said Parks and Recreation particiapte in the outdoor activities at the old Smithfield High School, such as soccer, nature trails, etc. and feels the facilities used by the Parks and Recreation should be up-graded to meet their needs. Florine Moore, Smithfield Mayor, stated the Town had approved funding for the library renovation, renovation of the upstairs area for Paul D. Camp Com- munity College and painting and repair of the gym floor. Mrs. Moore stated they left the rest of the renovation of the gym to the discretion of the County. Mrs. Moore continued stating they came urgently on May 21st because the library has a good chance of getting a grant if they have their. application in on time and they are working extremely hard to have it ready and will send it in just as soon as both bodies approve same. Paul Johnson, Director of the Walter C. Rawls Library, stated we are basically second on the priority list, the grant will be pro-rated and approved for a 50~ matching fund. Mr. Johnson estimates the grant will be $314,550 which will be matched by joint 'funding from the County,-Town of Smithfield and the Smithfield Library Association for a total of $629,.100. On motion of Supervisor Ross, the Board voted unanimously to proceed with the design plans and specifications for renovation of Phase I of the old Smith- field High School renovation. u July 14, 1987 // Page 346 Supervisor Bailey informed the Board members there would be a meeting of the Windsor Town Council and the Board members on Thursday, July 23, 1987, at 7:30 P.M, in the Windsor Town Hall to discuss the water and sewer study plans. // Acting County Administrator Byrum informed the Board members there would be a ground breaking at the Carrsville Volunteer Fire Department site Wednes- day morning, July 15, 1987, at 9:00 A.M. and invited all Board members to attend. // John Edwards, Editor of The Times, informed the Board members that the group of musical students from Christopher Newport College really performed well in Isle of Wight, England. Mr. Edwards said they were an outstanding group and did an excellent. job. Everyone in England was very impressed with the students, stated Mr. Edwards. // At 8:45 P.M. Supervisor Ross moved the meeting be adjourned. The vote in favor was unanimous. /~ Henry H, radby, Chairman ~-~ i J~hita L. Byrum, Clerk ,~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF JULY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN PRESENT: Henry H. Bradby, Chairman C. Fred Bailey,. Vice Chairman Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. Thomas L. Ross Richard L. Turner Also attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr., County Attorney Juanita L. Byrum, Acting County Administrator Terry D. Lewis, Planning Director Donald Bernd, Public Works Director Betty Scott, Secretary Chairman Bradby called the meeting to order at 7:08 P.M. The invocation was delivered by Supervisor Ross. // On recommendation of Chairman Bradby and motion of Supervisor Turner, the Board voted unanimously to amend the agenda to discuss Item I, Citizens Comments, following Item V, New Business. // Planning Director, Terry D. Lewis, presented .the following conditional use permit applications for the Board's consideration: 1. The application of Claire B. Scott for a conditional use permit to locate a mobile home for her grandaughter, Connie Northam, on 5 acres of land located at the inter- section of Routes 678 and 677 in Hardy Magisterial District. No one appeared in favor or opposition. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval, said Mr. Lewis.