01-05-1987 Regular MeetingDecember 18, 1986 Page 1.64 Uniform Statewide Building Code-for the January l5, 1987 B©ard of Supervisors meeting. // Chairman Turner recognized Juanita L. Byrum for her 25 plus one year tenure of work with Isle of Wight County and presented her a plaque. // On motion of Supervisor Bradby, the Board voted unanimously to approve the General Fund Bill Register. C/ County Attorney Crook advised the Board members the December 4, 1986 minutes had been reviewed, but had not been retyped for distribution to them. /~ On motion of Supervisor Bailey, the Board voted unanimously to approve the transfer of $1720.00 from 1102-5899, Contingency Fund, to 8111-3009, U. S. Groundwater study. Chairman Turner moved the Board approve the transfer of $4200 from 1102-5899, Contingency Fund, to 14-9401-9999 fire hydrant services. The motion passed unanimously. ~/ Supervisor :Bailey moved the Board go into Executive Session for the pur- pose of discussing with legal counsel and staff members potential litigation. The vote in favor was unanimous, The Boax'd went into Exeuctve Session at 8:35 P.M, and returned to oven session at 8:57 P.M. // At 8:.58 Supervisor Bradby moved the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously. _..__..~ 1 ~ ~ ~~~ t ~` '"R.ichard L. Turner, Chairman W. B. Owen, Clerk REGULAR MEETING OF THE -ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FIFTH DAY OF JANUARY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN PRESENT: Richard L. Turner, Chairman C. Fred. Bailey Henry H. Bradby Joel. C. Bradshaw, Jr. ~J January 5, 1987 Page 165 Also attending: H. Woodrow Crook, Jr.~ County Attorney W. B. Qwen, County Administrator Terry D. Lewis, Planning Director Juanita L, Byrum, Assistant. County Administrator Betty Scott, Secretary Chairman. Turner called th.e meeting to order at 2:07 P,M, The invocation was given by Supervisor Bradshaw.. l/ County Attorney Crook informed: the Board members. that Supervisor-Ross had informed him that he preferred that the Board. proceed with the election of officers for 19.87 at this meeting rather than delaying the election until his return. Chairman Turner turned the meeting over to County Administrator Owen ,who called for nominations for Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors for the year 1987. Chairman Turner nominated Supervisor Ross-for Chairman. Supervisor Bailey nominated Supervisor Bradby for Chairman, Supervisor Bradshaw moved the nominations be closed,. The vote in favor was unanimous. Chairman Turner. cast his-vote for-Supervisor Ross,. Supervisors Bradshaw, Bailey _ and Bradby cast their votes for Supervisor Bradby as Chairman of the Isle of Wigh County Board of Supervisors for the`1987. Supervisor Turner turned the meeting over to the newly elected Chairman Bradby who called for nominations for Vice Chairman. Supervisor $radshaw nominated Supervisor Bailey to. serve as Vice Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors for-1987, Supervisor Turner nominated Supervisor Ross to serve as Vice Chairman, Supervisor Bradshaw moved the nominations be closed, Supervisors Bradshaw, Bradby and Bailey cast their votes .for Supervisor Bailey to serve as Vice Chairman of the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors for the year 1987, Supervisor. Turner cast his vote for Supervisor Ross. to-serve as Vice Chairman. ~~ Tim Garrahan, Soil Conservationist, informed the. Board members the soil survey of the County which was begun in 1973 by the Soil Conservation District and Virginia Tech has finally been published. Mr. Garrahan continued saying members of the survey team walked over nearly every square foot of the County taking soil borings and studying the .topography of the land. Herbert L, Janes, Unit Director, Agricultural Extension Agent, stated "the document was a long time being developed and is a state o.f the art". Mr. Jones feels the document will be very useful, [~ t [J January 5, 1987 Page 166 Pete. Edwards, District. Director of the Isle of Wight Peanut Soil Conservation District, distributed a copy of the document to all the Board members and stated "he feels it is a great tool and many people can learn and progress by lt~~ . Planning Director, Terry D, Lewis, asked the Board to approve the Thomas Park Bill Register in the amount of $83.69, Supervisor Bailey moved the Board approve the Thomas Park Bill Register in the amount of $83.69, The motion carried unanimously. ~/ County Attorney Crook informed the Board. members he had reviewed the con- tract between the Town of Windsor, the County and the Kenneth R. Weeks Engineer- ing Firm for services. Mr. Crook stated he had no problem with the contract with the exception of two typing errors, However, he has not discussed the agreement with Rodham T, Delk, Jr., attorney for the Town of Windsor. Super- visor Bailey stated the Town of Windsor Council has a meeting the second Tues- day night anal the agreement will be discussed. Following discussion, Supervisor Bialey moved the Board approve. the contract of Kenneth R. Weeks Engineering Firm, the Town of Windsor and the County at a cost of $13,850.00 with the money being taken from the Contingency Fund. The vote in favor was unanimous. Per recommendation of County Attorney Crook and on motion of Supervisor Bailey the Board voted unanimously to approve the final payment on land for the Carrsville Volunteer Fire Department Building in the amount of $10,000. County Attorney Crook informed. the Board members the plat .should be ready soon on the Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department Building property. // Regarding the street naming and property numbering project, Planning Director Lewis stated the first phase of the project will be to hold public meetings in different sections of the County to determine if roads there already have a name commonly used. He acknowledged there could be some dissension if there is more than one name used for a highway, or if different. sections of the same highway have different names, because of one of the goals of the project is to have continuity of road names. Mr, Lewis continued stating he plans to hire a new staff member to coordinate the project and do much of the research on road names suggested during the public meetings. Mr. Lewis continued saying the numbering of property will be somewhat easier. A grid based on a street number -every 15Q feet, the minimum street frontage allowed for residential use, t l~ January 5, 1.987 Page 1..67 will be established, Any new subdivision. streets would have to continue the numbering pattern, said Mr. Lewis.. Streets in Smithfield and Windsor have been named and numbered for years and longtime residents could provide substantial opposition to changing their addresses, said Mr, Lewis. A consultant will be hired to draw up a County street map at an approximate cost of $15,000, stated Mr. Lewis, The major expense will be to erect signs at intersections which will. probably cost about $30,000, stated Mr. Lewis. Supervisor Bailey expressed concern regarding the County tax records in the Treasurer and Commissioner of Revenue Offices. Mr, Lewis replied stating the records in the planning departmen building official's office and zoning office would be changed-over ,to the new numbering system at a cost of $8,000 and the County tax records will likely remain based on tax maps used for years; the Treasurer and Commissioner of Revenue have said the tax maps serve them well and the cost of changing the 12,000 parcels in the County to a new number- ing system would be expensive. The billing addresses will be converted when the post offices changes to new addresses, said Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis con- timed saying the final expense will be to notify the property owners of their .new addresses which will cost approximately $6,000. Discussion followed relative to the establishment of a 911 emergency tele- phone number for the Contel customers in the County. Supervisor Bailey moved the Board authorize County Administrator Owen to notify the Continental Tele- phone Company the Board of Supervisors is interested in the emergency B911 three digit dialing system and report back to the Board, The vote in favor was unanimous. Chairman Bradby asked the Board's consideration relative to the street naming and property numbering project. Supervisor Bailey moved the Board authorize Planning Director Lewis to proceed with the street-naming and property numbering program for the County at a cost of $7.1,500.. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board, // At the request of Commissioner of Revenue, Gerald H. Gwaltney, County Attorney Crook presented the following personal property tax refunds .for the Board's consideration: Larry L. and Christian W. White due a refund for personal property taxes paid in 1986 in the amount of $321.75 and Charles W. White due a refund for per- sonal property taxes paid in 1986, 195 and 1984 in the amount of $158.41. f n U January 5, 1987 Page 168 Supervisor Bailey moved the`Board approve the personal property tax re- funds as requested by the Commissioner of Revenue. The vote in favor was un- animous. /~ On motion of Supervisor, the Board voted unanimously to approve the General Fund Bill Register and the checks written during the month of December which did not. appear on the General Fund Bi11 Register. // Per recommendation of County Attorney Crook and on motion of Supervisor Turner, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Board of Supervisors minutes for the December 4, 1986 and December 18, 1986 Board meetings. ~ ~ Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board go into Executive Session, as requested by County Administrator Owen, for the purpose of discussing personnel. matters. The vote in favor was unanimous. The Board went into Executive Session at 2:38 P.M, and returned to open session at 3:1.2 P.M. Upon returning to open session Chairman Bradby read County Administrator Owen's letter of resignation to become effective February 20 or mid-March.. "January 5, 1987 Board of Supervisors Isle of Wight County Isle of Wight; Virginia 23397 Gentlemen: T have decided to. submit my resignation as County Adminst- rator effective the last of February or mid~Ma.rch .1987. I would like to work. with. the-Personnel Committee regarding the details of this. It has been a real honor and privledge far me to have served the Board anal the citizens of our county for the past seven years. There is a special measure of.satisfaction one gains as a result of his efforts being helpful to his community. I trust my record will indicate I have served well, Serving as County Administrat..or has also permitted me to be associated with. many outstanding people in local and state government and associated agencies and the business and industrial community, For this I am very appreciative. My ,interest in local government began before I became a charter member of the Planning Commission in the 1960's and it will continue as T expect to continue my business activities and my residence in Isle of Wiglit County. If I am able to render any services to our county in the .future I will be pleased to do so. I also want to express. my sincere appreciation to all who have given their cooperation and support towards improving county government., .What success we have had has been the result of their efforts. lJ January 5, 1987 I wish the Board of Supervisors and my successor the very best and will. assist in any way I can. toward this end. Yours truly, s/W. B. Owen County Administrator WBO:bas" Page 169 Supervisor Bradshaw moved the Board accept Mr. Owen's resignation effective March 19, 1987. The motion carried unanimously. ~/ At 3:16 P.M, Supervisor Bailey moved the meeting be adjourned, which passed unanimously. Henry H. radby, Chairman W. Owen, Clerk ~:~cscx~c-'cx::::::~'c~ckkx~:~c~x~::::c3t~k4c4c*3c:e#4c3c~hx9cx:c~'c~c9t~~:~Y9c~x::~Y*:r4ck:c3c4c:cx:e°e9cs~~c9c-'c4c~c9c~:~4c9cs::::c9:~c REGULAR MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF JANUARY IN THE YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN PRESENT: Henry H. Bradby, Chairman C. Fred Bailey, Vice Chairman Joel C. Bradshaw, Jr. Thomas L. Ross Richard L. Turner Also attending: Ann Simpson Jones, Acting County Attorney W. B. Owen, County Administrator Terry D. Lewis, Planning Director Donald Bernd, Public Works Director Donald Goodwin, Building Official Juanita L. Byrum, Assistant .County Administrator Betty Scott, Secretary Chairman Bradby called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. The invocation was given by Rev. Vincent L. Thomas. // Chairman Bradby called for a public hearing on the following ordinances: 1. An Ordinance To Amend. The Isle of Wight County Code To Adopt The Building Maintenance Code Donald E. Goodwin, Building Official, stated Section 4-3-1 should be added to Chapter 4, Buildings, Article II State Building Code to be enforced in its entirety by the Building Official and Building Department of Isle of Wight County by active enforcement. Supervisor Bailey expressed concern regarding follow-up of the code. No one appeared in opposition.