June 9th, 2016 Agenda OutlineA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board of Supervisors Isle of Wight County June 9, 2016 1. Call to Order (5:00 p.m.) 2. Closed Meeting 3. Invocation - The Honorable Joel C. Acree/Pledge of Allegiance (6:00 p.m.) 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Citizens’ Comments 6. Consent Agenda A. Resolution to Designate July 2016 as Park and Recreation Month B. Resolution to Transfer Funds from the VDOT Local Funds Capital Account to the Turner Drive Turn Lane Capital Project Account to Provide for the Necessary Design Amendment C. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Insurance Proceeds from VaCorp Risk Management for Repairs to a County Vehicle ($660) D. Resolution to Amend Chapter 2: Financial and Accounting, Article I Central Purchasing of the Isle of Wight County Policy Manual E. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds for the Virginia Circuit Court Records Preservation Program ($20,629) F. April 14, 2016 Budget Work Session Minutes G. April 27, 2016 Budget Work Session Minutes A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence H. May 4, 2016 Budget Work Session Minutes I. May 10, 2016 Special Meeting Minutes J. May 19, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes 7. Regional & Inter-Governmental Reports 8. Appointments 9. County Attorney’s Report A. Resolution to Rescind the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Isle of Wight County, Virginia Amending the County Cash Proffer Policy; Repeal Chapter 3 Community and Economic Development, Article II, Cash Proffers from the Isle of Wight County Policy Manual; and, Recommend the Isle of Wight County, Virginia Planning Commission Make Certain Amendments to the Isle of Wight County Zoning Ordinance B. Motion to Authorize the Chairman to Execute a Deed of Easement to Effectuate the Conveyance of the Sewage Disposal System in the Lawnes Pointe Subdivision to Hampton Roads Sanitation District 10. Public Hearings A. Ordinance to Designate as Exempt from Taxation All Real and Personal Property Owned or Operated by God’s Anointed Touch Ministries B. Resolution to Approve the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) FY2017-2022 Secondary Six-Year Improvement Program (SSYIP) and Construction Priority List 11. County Administrator’s Report A. Refuse & Recycling Center Schedules - Update B. Termination of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence C. Matters for the Board’s Information 1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of March 2016 2. Isle of Wight County Monthly Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Report – Incidents by Zone as of April 2016 3. Isle of Wight Website Statistics/May 2016 4. Boil Water Notice - Rushmere Water System 12. Unfinished/Old Business A. Business License Rate Increase B. Motion to Authorize the Chairman to Execute an Agreement with Motorola to Install an 800 MHz Public Safety Radio System 13. New Business A. Resolution to Utilize the VDOT Local Funds Capital Account to Front-Fund the Preliminary Design on the Shirley Drive Sidewalk (UPC 31665) Project 14. Adjournment