April 21st, 2016 Agenda OutlineA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board of Supervisors Isle of Wight County April 21, 2016 1. Call to Order (5:00 p.m.) 2. Closed Meeting 3. Invocation - The Honorable Rudolph Jefferson/Pledge of Allegiance (6:00 p.m.) 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Citizens’ Comments 6. Consent Agenda A. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for Septic Tank Pump Out Assistance ($3,000) B. Resolution - Recognize April 2016 as National County Government Month C. Resolution - Designate May 2-6, 2016 as National Public Service Recognition Week D. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Insurance Proceeds from VaCorp Risk Management for Repairs to a County Vehicle ($2,052) E. Resolution - Accept and Appropriate Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF) Grant ($206,855) A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence F. Resolution - Designate May 2016 as Business Appreciation Month in Isle of Wight County G. Resolution - Designate May 2016 as Building Safety Month in Isle of Wight County H. Resolution – Authorize Use of Remaining Funds from Fort Boykin Insurance Payout for Other County Parks and Recreation Projects I. Planning Commission Resolution of Appreciation for Lars S. Gordon J. March 7, 2016 Work Session Minutes K. March 15, 2016 Joint Budget Work Session with School Board Minutes L. March 17, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes 7. Regional & Inter-Governmental Reports 8. Appointments 9. Special Presentations/Appearances A. Special Presentation - Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department 50th Anniversary B. Special Presentation - Virginia Fire Services Board Report 10. Public Hearings A. Isle of Wight County Proposed FY2016-17 Operating and Capital Budget B. Application of Accelerated Properties, LLC to change Zoning Classification from Conditional - Limited Industrial (LI), Conditional - General Commercial (GC) and Rural Agricultural Conservation (RAC) to Conditional General Commercial (C-GC) and Amend the Permitted Uses on the Property A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence C. Application of Robert and Sandra Faison for Exceptions to the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Ordinance to Allow Encroachment into the 100-foot- wide-area Resource Protection Area Buffer to Build a Single-Family Home on Lot 25 on Shivers Mill Lane in Carrollton, in the Newport Election District, and to Allow for a Reduction in the Amount of Required Landscaping Mitigation D. Application of Todd and Sally Bristol for a Conditional Use Permit on 3.334 Acres of Land Located at 101 Deer Run Drive in the Windsor Election District to Allow for an Accessory Apartment in the Neighborhood Conservation (NC) Zoning District E. Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Isle of Wight County Code by Amending and Reenacting Appendix B, Zoning: Article III, Use Types; Section 3-7000, Industrial Use Types, in Order to Add a Definition for “Towing Service Storage Yard” F. Resolution to Amend the Comprehensive Plan of Isle of Wight County, Virginia through Changes to the Text and Maps in Chapter 4, “Growth Management and Land Use” in Order to Include the Resource Conservation Land Use in all Appropriate Locations in the Comprehensive Plan G. Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Following Sections of the Isle of Wight County Code by Amending and Reenacting Appendix B, Zoning: Article VIII, Landscaping and Screening Standards in Order to Make Revisions for Clarity of Language, Flexibility of Application, and Enhanced Tree Preservation H. Amend and Reenact Chapter 6, Erosion and Sedimentation Control 11. County Administrator’s Report A. Staff Report - Moody’s Investors Service Affirmation of County Bond Rating B. Staff Report - Quarterly Financial Report for 3rd Quarter of FY2016 A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence C. Matters for the Board’s Information 1. Monthly Reports: Tax Levies & Collections as of March 2016; Cash Position; and, Statement of the Treasurer’s Accountability as of February 2016 2. Isle of Wight County Monthly Fire/Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Report – Incidents by Zone as of March 2016 3. Isle of Wight Website Statistics/March 2016 4. Solid Waste Division Litter Pickup 5. Isle of Wight Extension Report/March 2016 6. Planning Commission 2015 Annual Report 7. Adopt-a-Highway Program Information 12. Unfinished/Old Business Proposed Changes to Convenience Center Operating Hours and Name 13. New Business Motion to Authorize Payment of the Nike Park Stormwater Improvement Project Change Order 14. Adjournment