May 15th, 2014 Agenda Outline A genda BS f oard o upervisors IWC f sle o ight ounty M 15, 2014 ay CO 1(5:00 p.m) . . all to rder CM 2 . losed eeting ITHBBB 6:00 p.m 3 . nvocation – he onorable yron . ailey (.) PA 4 . ledge of llegiance AA 5 . pproval of genda CA 6 . onsent genda th A. Resolution Celebrating 100 Years of the Virginia Cooperative Extension B. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate PEG Capital Fee Funds C. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Department of Criminal Justice Services Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Funds for Law Enforcement D. Resolution to Return Grant Funds for the Zuni Well Relocation Project E. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds to the Benns Church Intersection Improvement Project A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence F. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the Virginia Cooperative Extension Plastic Pesticide Container Recycling Program G. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the Fiscal Year 2013 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program H. Resolution to Elect/Recertify Member Contribution for Virginia Retirement System I. Resolution to Elect/Recertify Employer Contribution Rate for Virginia Retirement System J. Motion to Approve Tax Refund for John and Billie Jo Melting K. Motion to Consent to Vacation of Norsworthy Plat Dated July 10, 2012 L. September 19, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes M. October 17, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes N. November 21, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes RR 7 . egional eports A 8. ppointments SPA / 9. pecial resentationppearances A. Animal Control Adoption Program B. Route 460 Update – VDOT A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence C. Resolution to Recognize the Retirement of Rusty Chase D. Read to Them CC 10 . itizens’ omments PH 11. ublic earings A. Ordinance to Designate as Exempt from Taxation All Real and Personal Property Owned or Operated by Windsor Athletic Association B. Motion to Adopt the Brewers Neck Transportation Corridor Study C. Motion to Authorize Changes to the Benn’s Grant Mixed-Use Development by Amending the Proffer Statement, Master Plan and Neighborhood Plan Book D. Motion to Adopt the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) FY2015-2020 Secondary Six-Year Improvement Program (SSYIP) and Construction Priority List CAR 12. ounty dministrator’s eport A. Resolution to Recognize the Accomplishments of Bria Kelly B. Resolution – Purchasing Policy Amendment C. Resolution – Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Bonds D. Motion to Deny Request to Enter into Funding Agreement for the Monitoring of Streamgages in the Chowan River Basin A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence E. Requests from School Superintendent F. Fire and Rescue Titling and Facility Use Update UOB 13 . nfinished/ld usiness NB 14. ew usiness II 15 . nformational tems A. Tourism Activities B. Charter Transition to Comcast C. Monthly Reports: Delinquent Tax Information and Statement of Treasurer’s Accountability A 16. djournment A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence