December 19, 2013 Full AgendaA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board Of Supervisors Isle Of Wight County December 19, 2013 Call To Order 5:00 P.M. Invocation The Honorable Delores C. Darden Pledge Of Allegiance 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Special Presentation/Appearances A. Special Presentation/Animal Control B. Special Presentation/Financial Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2013 C. Special Presentation/WTRJ Federal Inmate Reduction and Financial Impact D. Special Presentation/Recognition of Constance Rhodes E. Special Presentation/Recognition of JoAnn Hall A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence 3. Consent Agenda A. Resolution to Recognize the Accomplishments of Constance “Connie” Rhodes B. Resolution to Recognize the Contributions of JoAnn W. Hall C. Resolution to Designate Isle of Wight County as a Hybrid Entity for Purposes of HIPAA and Identifying its Health Care Components D. Plan Document Amendment for Flexible Spending Funding Carryover E. Resolution to Deem Certain Property as Surplus F. Appropriation to Carryover Funds Remaining on June 30, 2013 . Resolution to Appropriate Funds from the Unassigned and Assigned Fund Balance for the Completion of Various Carryover Operating and Capital Projects . Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds from Federal and State Governments and Private Organizations for Carryover Grant Programs G. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Incentive Funds from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for Franklin Lumber, LLC H. Citizens’ Broadband Initiative Assistance A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence I. Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funding from HHJV, LLC J. Resolution to Appropriate Bond Proceeds to Construct and Equip the Windsor Middle School Project K. June 20, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes 4. Regional Reports 5. Transportation Matters 6. Citizens’ Comments 7. Board Comments 8. County Attorney’s Report A. Proposed By-Laws and Rules of Procedure B. Attorney General Opinion – Redistricting C. Request from Hope Presbyterian Church/Purchase of Property D. Closed Meeting 9. County Administrator’s Report A. VRS “Hybrid” Employees Sick Leave Policy A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence B. Request to Purchase County Property 10. Appointments 11. Old Business Benns Church Intersection Improvement Project 12. New Business 13. Public Hearings A. The application of Larry Lewis Gray and Margette H. Gray to rezone to Suburban Residential to create a total of two (2) single family residential lots, one (1) for each of the existing single family residences located on the parcel. B. The application of Westmoreland Development Company, applicant and St. Luke’s Village, LLC, owner to amend the proffered conditions and master plan for the St. Luke’s Village mixed use development located on Brewer’s Neck Boulevard in the Newport Election District. C. An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Isle of Wight County Code by Amending and Reenacting Chapter 1, General Provisions D. An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Isle of Wight County Code by Amending and Reenacting Chapter 2, Administration A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence E. Lease of Public Property for Farming Purposes F. Leasing of Public Property 14. Closed Meeting 15. Adjournment