August 16, 2012 Full AgendaA Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Agenda Board Of Supervisors Isle Of Wight County August 16, 2012 Call To Order 5:00 P.M. Invocation The Honorable Al Casteen Pledge Of Allegiance 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Special Presentation/Appearances A. Special Presentation/Animal Control B. Introduction of the 2012 Isle of Wight County Fair Queens C. Special Presentation/Small Business Close-Up D. Special Presentation/School Representative 3. Consent Agenda A. Resolution Declaring September Hunger Action Month A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence B. SWOT Analysis/Economic Development Strategic Plan C. Grant Opportunity for Stormwater Program Development D. Building Lease for the Head Start Program E. May 10, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes F. May 17, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes G. June 28, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes 4. Regional Reports 5. Transportation Matters Update on the Windsor Sidewalk Project 6. Citizens’ Comments 7. Board Comments 8. County Attorney’s Report A. Renewal Agreement/Suffolk Energies T/A Griffin Oil B. By-Laws/Commission on Aging C. Resolution/General Obligation Bonds A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence D. Closed Meeting 9. Parks and Recreation Report Security for the 2012 Isle of Wight County Fair 10. General Services Report A. Implementation Plan for the Upper Nansemond River TMDL B. Sanitary Sewer at Nike Park C. Building, Grounds and Transportation Committee/Recommendation on Sale of County Properties D. Stormwater Management Program Development Update E. Authorization to Hire Part-time, Standby Truck Driver for Refuse Collection F. Authorization to Hire Convenience Center Attendants 11. Emergency Services Report Donation to Emergency Services/Disaster Medical Support Unit . Resolution to Accept Donated Shelter Support Unit Disaster Medical Support Unit from Hampton Roads Planning District Commission A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence 12. County Administrator’s Report A. Top Cops Awards Dinner B. Budget Amendment/Public Schools’ Food Services C. Request by the Commissioner of the Revenue to Fill Staff Vacancy D. Film Documentary on Peanuts 13. Appointments 14. Old Business Reassessment Values/Tax Rate Adjustment 15. New Business 16. Public Hearings A. The application of Joest Properties, LLC, owner, and Joseph W. Stradley and Estelle R. Stradley, applicants, to amend the proffered conditions of approximately 9.76 acres of land located on the south side of Windsor Boulevard (Route 460) in the Carrsville Election District. The request is to amend Zoning Case #ZA-1-98 to allow for additional uses of the properties. B. An ordinance to amend and reenact the Isle of Wight County Code by amending and reenacting Appendix B, Zoning, Article VI (Overlay A Community of Choice, Committed to Excellence Districts) to reduce the minimum visual buffer for structures, vehicular movements and parking areas; to specify the required yard setbacks for structures, vehicular movements and parking areas; and to make several technical amendments; and Section 9-1004 (Temporary Signs) to allow for on-premises and off-premises signs advertising an auction; to make several technical amendments; and to allow for special award signs. C. Proposed Issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the Estimated Amount of $22,000,000 . Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, in a Principal Amount Not to Exceed $22,000,000 D. An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact the Isle of Wight County Code by Amending and Reenacting Chapter 16.1. Water. Section 16.1-2. Additional Rules and Regulations and Section 16.1-9. Amounts- Generally E. An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Chapter 3. Article V. Cruelty to Animals 17. Closed Meeting 18. Adjournment