11-16-2005 Joint Meeting~,~:~ ~? ,...~67 JOINT MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND THE FIRE AND RESCUE ASSOCIATION HELD THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND FIVE 1 PRESENT: Phillip A. Bradshaw, Chairman (Arrived at 6:05 p.m.) Thomas J. Wright, III, Vice-Chairman Thomas R. Ivy Stan D. Clark ABSENT: ~ Henry H. Bradby ALSO PRESENT: Brian Carroll, Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad Randolph Barlow, Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department Chris Edwards, Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department Keith Griffin, Windsor Volunteer Rescue. Squad Scott Brower, Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department Keith Jones, Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department Rudolph Jefferson, Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department Also Attending: Jacob P. Stroman, IV, County Attorney W. Douglas Casket', County Administrator Donald T. Robertson, Assistant County Administrator/Operations Anne F. Seward, Assistant County Administrator/Administration Richard O. Childress, Director of Emergency Management Carey Mills Storm,. Recording Secretary. .. Vice-Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called for staff to explain the purpose of I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency), and whether or not the Fire and Rescue Association endorses it. 1 Richard O. Childress, Director of Emergency Management, explained that an individual's reason for listing LC.E. on a personal cellular phone is to assist emergency response personnel in identifying .that individual who may be unresponsive or incoherent. He stated emergency response personnel or the State. Police could simply scroll through an individual's cellular phone, and identify certain numbers listed under LC.E. to be contacted in an emergency. 1 ~rrr, !~,` .4 ~~~l.J .a Responding to whether or not staff had .discussed the endorsement of LC.E. with the Fire and Rescue Association, the :Board ~ directed staff to ask them. Mr. Barlow commented that LC.E. is yet another tool for - emergency response personnel to utilize in identifying an individual that is unconscious or unresponsive. Responding to Supervisor Ivy's inquiry, Brian Carroll and Keith '~ Griffin advised that they had never used LC.E. during an emergency. Chairman Bradshaw arrived at the meeting. Noting that emergency medical responders hold a disclaimer, Supervisor Ivy agreed that there could be no harm in utilizing LC.E. Supervisor Clark moved the Board endorse the concept of LC.E. The motion was adopted by a vote of (4-0-1) with Supervisors Bradshaw, Clark, Wright and Ivy voting in favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Bradby absent from the meeting. !/ Chairman Bradshaw called for discussion relative to the Capital Item Procurement Policy. Mr. Childress presented a request to have another increase per annum. per the CIP total line item. He stated .the Fire and Rescue Association is seeking to increase its allocation each year. Mr. Brower stated when the CIP was originally developed, it was done for the purpose of equipment purchases. He stated it was suggested at the last meeting of the Fire and Rescue. Association that if buildings were included in another category, some of the yearly caps would be reduced. Chairman Bradshaw agreed .that buildings should be excluded. He stated the Board wants to encourage the members of the Fire and Rescue Association to feel free to address the Board on any. matters of importance. He recalled that the recession that occurred in the I990's resulted in tight f nancial constraints, but that the economy has now recovered from that. He stated if a volunteer organization anticipates needing more. funding one year than another, it should be projected as such on the CIP. Supervisor Ivy agreed that the CIP should look more like a heart rate, rather than a flat line. Chairman Bradshaw expressed his personal concern with volunteer organizations signing notes. He stated it is not the Board's 1 2 1 intention to place a financial burden on the various fire .and .rescue organizations, and that the Board wants to provide them with as much funding as financially possible. He stated that they must first ask for assistance, and that it would assist staff if they were provided as much financial information as possible so that the County has credibility in the bond market. Mr. Carroll also addressed the issue of split payments made by organizations. Chairman Bradshaw suggested that the County buy the equipment, and hold the title to remedy .the split payment issue. He. noted that there would have to be a mutual understanding between the volunteer organizations and the County that makes them feel secure. He stated staff is in the process of developing a more suitable- procurement policy County-wide, to include the school administration and. the Sheriff s Office. He stated that the County can purchase items more cheaply than the volunteer organizations. He recommended that the County also be tasked with handling, all insurance issues for the organizations. He agreed that buildings should be separa~e next. year in the CIP, i.e., include equipment and facilities pages. 1 Supervisor Clark recommended not adhering to a cap. He requested that the volunteer organizations advise the Board of funding that is needed to adequately do their respective jobs. Mr. Brower stated that the volunteer organizations are addressing needs only, not wants, and a good flow of communication is necessary. Supervisor. Wright encouraged the volunteer organizations to attend Board meetings and advise the Board about any unresolved concerns. Mr. Carroll. stated that Mr. Childress had advised him that property and casualty insurance can be dropped for the Isle of Wight Rescue Squad, but that he should carry insurance on building contents. Mr. Brower inquired if the low bidder is always the one to get a contract with the County. He stated there have been instances whereby a volunteer organization can obtain a "good deal." County. Attorney Stroman advised that all equipment must be purchased by bid. J Chairman Bradshaw stated that procurement of items could be designed utilizing performance specifications. Chairman Bradshaw moved the Board direct Assistant County Administrator Seward to review the procurement process with the volunteer organizations, and that Richard Childress assist with scheduling the meetings with Ms. Seward for that purpose. The motion r 3 go~~ 2`3 ~:.-a7tl was adopted by a vote of (4-0-1) with Supervisors Bradshaw, Clark, Wright and Ivy voting in favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Bradby absent from the meeting. // Chairman Bradshaw called for discussion on the request of the Carrollton Volunteer Fire .Department for: a donation of funds saved on part-time salaries by volunteer staffing from FY2005, as supported by .the Fire and Rescue Association. Mr. Childress advised that the 50 hours per week that was allocated was not entirely used, and the Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department would like to have those funds not expended last year. Supervisor Clark moved that the funds in FY2004-OS not expended for paid personnel be allowed to be reallocated for recruitment and retention in the Carrollton- Volunteer Fire Department. The motion was adopted by a vote of (4-0-1) with Supervisors Bradshaw, Clark, Wright and Ivy voting in favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Bradby absent from the meeting. Ms. Seward advised that she would prepare a resolution to that effect for the Board's consideration. Mr. Brower inquired if .those funds .could be used .solely for recruitment and retention. Supervisor Clark recommended that the Fire and Rescue. Association discuss whether or not the funds should be used solely for recruitment and retention, and that the Association's recommendation be brought back to the Board. // Chairman Bradshaw called for consideration of a request for increased staffing relative to additional hours for the .Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad. Mr. Carroll advised the Board that certain response goals have been adopted by the Town, i.e., personnel are`to arrive on scene within. ten (10) minutes, 90% of the time.. He requested that the Board also adopt goals for the County. He advised the Board of a need for two (2) additional 50-hour positions, and that they be full-time instead of part- time. Chairman Bradshaw recommended that the Fire and Rescue Association make recommendations to .the Board regarding additional ~ I .i 4 P~!'B ~~ :. .'!7~~. staffing, to include what positions are needed and how. they will be integrated with existing personnel. D Supervisor Ivy agreed and commented that most of the County's volunteers work elsewhere, and that they would not be available in the event of an emergency. Mr. Carroll advised that the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad is experiencing increased calls during daytime hours. Mr. Childress offered for he and Brian Carroll to discuss the matter further with the Fire and Rescue Association, and return to the Board in January, 2006 regarding a recommendation for full-time positions. Mr. Carroll noted that the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad is currently meeting state standards; however, efforts to hire a person should be initiated now. Supervisor Clark moved to direct staff to work with the Fire .and Rescue Association and the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad. regarding two (2) positions, as needed, not stipulating hours. Mr. Childress is to work out details. and bring back a resolution to the Board. The motion .was adopted by a vote of (4-0-1) with Supervisors Bradshaw, Clark, Wright and Ivy. voting in favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Bradby absent from the meeting. // Chairman Bradshaw called for discussion regarding a County Fire Training and RecruitmentlRetention Coordinator. Chairman Bradshaw recommended that the Association come back with the number of needed personnel; job descriptions; description of to whom they will report; hours that will be worked; supplies; and, where they will be housed, for consideration during next year's budget, U 1 Chairman Bradshaw commented that the Board had already discussed the issue of CIP fiscal year funding limits, and he called for discussion on any other matters. Supervisor Ivy brought up the matter of response time standards. Mr. Brower noted that a County standard for an acceptable amount of time for emergency personnel to have their equipment out the door, specifically as to when the vehicle leaves the building, needs 5 to be established. He inquired what the. Board wants to set as the County's standard so that the volunteer organizations -can begin to fill that requirement. Supervisor Wright noted safety is always the first. priority. He .stated that volunteers are irreplaceable, and he will rely on them, as experts, to establish what the standard should be. Supervisor Ivy stated his expectation is that when a citizen calls 911., that emergency medical personnel will be on the road and responding in a reasonable amount of time. Mr. Carroll recommended that the standard, when set, be adhered to County-wide. Mr. Carroll advised the Board that the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad building continues to be in a state of disrepair, and is in need of a new roof. He specifically advised that there is more water in the building than outside during rainy days, and that the facility. actually contains an indoor-guttering system. Supervisor Clark moved to direct staff to perform an inspection of all volunteer organization buildings, beginning first with the Isle of Wight. Volunteer Rescue Squad, and that a recommendation be brought back to the Board by its January 19, 2005 meeting. The motion was adopted by a .vote of (4-0-1) with Supervisors Bradshaw, Clark, Wright and Ivy voting in favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Bradby absent from the meeting. Chairman Bradshaw noted that the volunteers need to ensure that they make themselves mailable to County staff so that inspections of the buildings can occur, and that other problems can be noted. Chairman Bradshaw recommended that Mr. Childress develop. action issues discussed by the Fire and Rescue Association, followed by a status report at its next meeting. Mr. Carroll- requested the status of the new generator for the Isle of Wight Volunteer Rescue Squad .building. Mr, Childress advised that the generator had been ordered, but was instead shipped to the Gulf states following Hurricane Katrina. He .advised that there are no generators available at this time. // At 6:50 p.m., Supervisor Clark moved the Board adjourn its joint meeting with the Fire and Rescue Association. The motion was adopted by a vote of (4-0-1) with Supervisors Bradshaw, Clark, Wright 6 and Ivy voting in favor of the motion; no Supervisors voting against the motion; and, Supervisor Bradby absent from the meeting. P ' ip A. Bradshaw, Chairman ~. . W. Dougl key, Clerk • s 7