09-05-2019 Work SessionWORK SESSON OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD IN THE ROBERT C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD ROOM OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 17090 MONUMENT CIRCLE, ISLE OF WIGHT, VIRGINIA ON THURSDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND NINETEEN PRESENT: William M. McCarty, Newport District, Chairman Joel C. Acree, Windsor District, Vice -Chairman Don G. Rosie, II, Carrsville District Richard L. Grice, Smithfield District Rudolph Jefferson, Hardy District ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Robert W. Jones, Jr., County Attorney Randy R. Keaton, County Administrator Donald T. Robertson, Assistant County Administrator Amber Johnson, Legal Assistant CALL TO ORDER Chairman McCarty called the work session of the Board of Supervisors to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA/AMENDMENTS Supervisor Rosie moved that the agenda be approved with the addition of the following items: 1.) An update on storm preparation; 2.) the sharing of a document received by Supervisor Grice relative to maintenance at the Blackwater River property; and, 3.) a closed meeting personnel matter. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Acree, Rosie, Grice, Jefferson and McCarty voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. INVOCATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Assistant County Administrator Robertson delivered the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag of the United States of America. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Rusty Jordan, Director of Social Services, reported on the financial sustainability and opportunities associated with continuation of the Companion Program for nine senior County adults. He advised that the Program's primary goal is to provide homecare to clients in the areas of housekeeping, meal preparation and planning, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, running errands and medication reminders. He reviewed the Program's three eligibility criteria; the measures of effectiveness; statement of the Program's ability to sustain the Program; and, the methodology. He advised he will return to the Board with recommendations from the Social Services Board on long-term alternatives. 1 Andrea Clontz, Emergency Management Coordinator, briefed the Board on the Category Two Hurricane Dorian forecast from the National Hurricane Center as of 5:00 p.m. this evening and potential impacts to the County associated with wind, rainfall, coastal erosion and tidal flooding, She advised that plans do not include opening of an emergency shelter at this time. County Administrator Keaton advised that the County issued a State of Emergency this morning and County offices will be closed tomorrow due to the anticipated driving rain, wind and flash flooding in low-lying area. Malina Springer, Principal Planner, reviewed the draft of the County's new Comprehensive Plan entitled Envisioning the Isle with the Board. Chairman McCarty requested Board comments on the Plan be submitted to County Administrator Keaton. Responsive to an inquiry by Supervisor Grice on efforts to date of the Board - appointed Task Force, Ms. Ring advised that the Task Force has enhanced the outreach efforts during the public input process to those segments of the population that were not reached before, as well as instrumental in assisting staff with the draft Plan. County Attorney Jones briefed the Board on staff's recommendations for updates to miscellaneous County ordinances for advertisement at the Board's September 19, 2019 meeting. Supervisor Grice requested that staff ensure that credits are issued to a client by HRSD if it is going to be performing the billing. Supervisor Grice asked Mr. Jennings to check into the County offering a warranty program like that being offered by Virginia Dominion Power on water lines. Following a short break, County Administrator Keaton presented a proposal in the amount of $28,000 to perform an evaluation on Westside Elementary School. He advised the Board that staff would proceed with processing the invoice. County Administrator Keaton advised that the Windsor Town Center is available on October 3, 2019 for the purpose of conducting the Board's Contractor's Forum. Following general discussion, the consensus of the Board was to conduct its contractor's forum at the Windsor Town Center on October 3, 2019 and that 2 speakers be allowed five to six minutes to address the Board; that presentation givers be encouraged to submit their presentations in written form; that no personal attacks will be allowed; that each attendee be provided with the individual Board members' e-mail address; and, that drinks and snacks be available. Supervisor Grice presented a proposal signed by Todd West, Isle of Wight Hunt Club, concerning hunting rights for 533 acres in the southern end of the Black River property for the upcoming hunting season for the performance of the mowing of paths and gas line; trimming of the trees along the paths; grading of the paths following the recent logging operations; maintenance of the gates; establishment and extension of the parking area off Route 620 at the gas line to support the desired parking area; and, that a donation will be made to the Blackwater River property in the amount of $1,500 to assist in the ongoing efforts recommended by the Blackwater River Advisory Board. David Smith, Director of Parks & Recreation, advised that he had also received another unsolicited proposal from a different hunt club for the northern tract of the Blackwater River property. County Attorney Jones advised that after the RFP was closed, one of the parties submitted an unsolicited bid and was advised that there is no plan for the property to be used until such time as the Advisory Board Task Force submitted its recommendations. The County has since received two unsolicited bids. He advised that an IFB would be the route to proceed and that he is in the process of compiling a lease for these properties which can be put out for bid which will be presented for consideration at the Board's September 19. 2019 meeting. County Administrator Keaton referred to information which that been placed at the Board's seats and pertains to the HRTPO and HRTAC regarding regional toll express lanes. CLOSED MEETING County Attorney Jones requested a closed meeting pursuant to Section 2.2- 3711(A)(1) of the Code of Virginia concerning a discussion of the performance of a specific County personnel. Upon motion of Supervisor Grice, the Board entered the closed meeting for the reasons stated by Interim County Attorney Jones, which was adopted unanimously (5-0). Upon motion of Supervisor Jefferson, the Board reconvened into open meeting, which was adopted unanimously (5-0). I Interim County Attorney Jones reminded the Board that in accordance with Section 2-10(G) of the Board's Rules & Procedure, all those who participated in the closed meeting are reminded that all matters discussed in closed meeting are to remain confidential, as provided under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and that i such matters as were discussed in closed meeting should not be acted upon or discussed in public by any participant unless and until a public, formal action of the Board of Supervisors is taken on that particular subject matter. Upon motion of Supervisor Rosie, the following Resolution was adopted: CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712(D) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity . with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors. VOTE AYES: Acree, Grice, Jefferson, McCarty and Rosie NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE: 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 ADJOURNMENT At 9:00 p.m., Chairman McCarty declared the meeting adjourned. A�LYY7 Careyi s Storm, Clerk M William M. McCarty, Chairman