05-04-2016 Budget Work SessionBUDGET WORK SESSION OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD IN THE ROBERT C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD ROOM OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE ON WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN AT 2:00 P.M. PRESENT: Rex W. Alphin, Chairman Rudolph Jefferson, Vice -Chairman Joel C. Acree Richard L. Grice William M. McCarty Also Attending: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney Sanford B. Wanner, Interim County Administrator Michael W. Terry, Director of Budget & Finance Donald T. Robertson, Director of Information Resources and Legislative Affairs Carey Mills Storm, Clerk CALL TO ORDER The budget work session was called to order at 2:00 p.m. and Donald T. Robertson, Director of Information Resources and Legislative Affairs provided a recap of staff's proposed balanced budget in the amount of $71.8 million which focuses on core services and includes a three -cent increase in the real estate tax rate to fund education and replace the County's public safety radio system. The Board directed staff to eliminate a 2% COLA for staff and to review the further cost of covering the health insurance premium increase. It was the Board's desire to retain $350,000 for the school system with the implied understanding any unused school funds are to be placed in a "rainy day" fund. At the suggestion of Supervisor Grice for a separate fund for the Heritage Park concert, Michael W. Terry, Director of Budget and Finance, offered to investigate if a special revenue fund could be established. �l The Board discussed Chairman Alphin's request of $1,500 for the RiverKeeper Program and $15,000 for Smart Beginnings. Following discussion on the need to fund areas related to public safety first, it was the consensus of the Board that these requests for funding be further discussed following a more finalized budget. Supervisor Jefferson presented a request from the Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department for an increase in its operating budget in the amount of 1 $100,000. Following discussion regarding the need for all volunteer departments to follow proper protocol with respect to funding requests, Supervisor Acree offered to discuss the Rushmere Volunteer Fire Department's funding request and that it might not have an appropriate operating budget for the services provided with the Chairman of the Fire & Rescue Association. Following a discussion with Sheriff Mark Marshall regarding the issue of public safety, it was the concensus of the Board that safety is of paramount concern and is at a place of criticality. Understanding of current fiscal budget constraints was noted and the Board was advised that areas of reduction within the Sheriff's Department by his staff are being investigated. The Board discussed a suggestion for reductions in Public Utilities/Non- Departmental of $100,000; Comprehensive Services of $100,000; stormwater capital of $200,000; and, stormwater retro -fit projects of $100,000 and Don Jennings, County Engineer, advised that the majority of his budget is funded by the stormwater fee and no draw on the General Fund is required. The Board was further advised that Comprehensive Services is a mandated program. Following a break, a recommendation to re-examine the number of high- ranking officials in Fire & Rescue and utilization of a third party collection agency within the Department of Emergency Services was discussed, as well as the possibility of doing so could potentially open up citizens to harsh collection methods and the Board discussed considering a subscription in the future based on validation of income. Following a suggestion for a reduction of $220,000 in the Parks and Recreation Department, the Board tasked Interim County Administrator Wanner with providing to the Board at its next meeting two options for a decreased Operating and Capital Budget. One option is to include no increase in the real estate tax rate, but both should include funding for two deputies this year, all cuts recommended by the Board today, possible funding for two non-profit organizations; and, fund $750,000 to the School Division while ensuring that services to the community will not be compromised. Chairman Alphin adjourned the budget work session at 4:00 p.m. Carey Mills Storm, Clerk 9 7 �W5��I�, I( .r 'ilu ,