04-17-2014 Regular MeetingREGULAR) MEETING OP THH ISLH OF WIGHT! COUNTY BOARD! OF SIUFERIVISIORIS HELD THE SEVENTEENTH DAY CF APRIL IN THE YEAR TIWC THOUSAND AND FOURTHEN AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE ROBERT C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD ROC M OFl THD ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY! COURTIH OUSE PRESENT: Byron B. Bailey, Chahiman, Newport District Rex W. Alphin, Vli ce -Chad rim ain, Ca rrsvill e District Dlelcres C. Dlaniden, Windsor District Alain E. Casteen, Smitlhfielld District Rudolph Jefferson, Hardy District A llaci Auending: Mark C. Pcipovich, C ciunty Attcmney Anne F. Steward, Cciunty Administrator Carey) Mills Sltcinm, Cleiik At 5:0101 p.m., the meeting was called tai order. Slupervisor Allphin delivered the inmocaiticn and the Pledge of Allegiance tc the Flaig wars ccnducted. AIAPRlOVAL OA AGENDA Under Fuhlic Hearings, Ccunty Attcmney Popovich requested tlhaill Item (D;, the application cif Frederick A. Carri Property (Industtial to Agniculturail], tle moved up to Idem (A) . Supeniiisciii Alflhin mcved tlhad the aigenda be approved ass amended. The motion was adcpted by ai incite of (5-C) with Supervisors Hanley, Allflhin, C aistleen, Darden and Jeffenscin voting in favor cif the me tion and n c Slupervisots vcling against the mciticin. C ONSENTI AGDNDIA A. Moticin to Appmme Rleuised Planning Commission Hy -Laves E . Fort Bciykin Slhciteline Rlepair Ptojectl — Authoniaation to Exf end Funds C. Resolution to Transfer Capital Funds for Nike Plank Maintenance D. Rlesc lution — Recognition cif Molunteen Aflpneciation Week E. Rlesclution— Rkcogniticin cif Public SenviceAppneciiaticn Week F. Motion — Approval cif Preliminary Slubdivision Plat fcit Founders Point) Ph ase III G. Motion — Appnovall cif Fair Committee Executive Board I H. Mciticn — Authciriize Public Dearing to Consider Tlax Bmemptlion Request bye Windsor Athllelliic Asisciciatlion Slupervisor Darden moved that) the Consent Aglendai be aidoptled as presented. The motion wars aidoptled by a voite of (5-C) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Caisteen, Darden and Jefferson volling in favor of the mcitlion and no Supervisors voting aglaiinstl the motion. REGIONAIJ REPCRTISI Regarding the Haimptcn Rkiaids Planning District l CammiSsicin (HR.PDC)/Haimptlon Roads 'Bra nspertaticin Plainningl Orglainizallicn (HRTIPO), Courit)l Administralloir Steward rieperted that the Governor had aulended the TBAO meeting) and d iscusseid his expectation for the Port that it be fulllyl develcped and become the number cne expctrler in the nallicin. She stalled the Governor hard reminded those present) tlhatl the General Assembly Has created ai funding mechanism fcir transiporlation maulers in the negion and that he had shared his expecllatlicn that prci'ectls will be built within the next 215-30 years vwilh the fcicus being) on the eccncirnic engine for tlhe Pcrt, imprcuingl connectivity and spurring eccincim ii c devel c pm entl. Slhe advised tlhatl updates cin the Route 64 widening pro'ect were received and that) there will be ai public hearing) on tlhatl pricject cin April 3C, 2014. She aidvised tlhatl the HRFIDIC and tlhe TPC had adopted their respective budgels, which included ai 2% increase over the curtientl year; ai 2% increase for personnel and the per- capitai charges remaining all $.810. Rleglar6ng the Western Tidewaiter Regional Jail Authority, Sluflerviiisicir Jefferson reported that the Jail aplreed tic refinance its emistling debt cf 35.2 million and the Jail agreed ncitl to entlerlain the City of Chesapeake's offer to house inmates. He stated that e ffcirts ate sl i 111 underway to gletl Southampton C c unty to become a member of the Jaiii I A ullh c rity which would impaictl the Jaiil's budget positively. He stalled tlhal the Jaiil its all 63% cif bed capacity as cif February) 14, 2014 and the Autlhoi t)l has spent 10.3% of its allocated budget) with a balance cif $1,731,5871.591 as of Februaryl 218, 21C 14. He aidvised tlhatl the County continues to use inmatles from l lh a Jaiil which ail ll ciwied the Cciurityl to erijciyl ai saivings cif 391,215C. He concluded tlhait the Autlhcinity conlliinues to wcirik on As budget). CLOSED MEE BM County Attlorney Fcipcivich requested ai closed meeting pursuant) to Section 2.2-31i 11.A.5 cif the Freedom of Infcirmatlion Act concerning discussion cin ai prcisipective business where no previous annciuncement pais been made of tlhei business' lcicatling its facilities in the community aind under S ecl li c n 2.2-3-11 1.A .1 regarding discussion of a personnel m atller. 2 Sluplervisor Alphin moved tHatl the Bcaaid entler the closed meeting for the reaisons spatted by C runty A Horn eyl PopovicH . The motlion wa s aidcptled by a vale of (5-C) with Supervisors Baiileyl, Alphin, Caisteen, Dairden and Jefferson kiting in favicir of the mcitlion and no'Supervisors vctling aplaiinstl 1He mcition. Supervisor Alphin moved tlhatl the Boaird netlutn to cpen meeting. The mction was adcpted by ai vale of (5-0) wi1H Super-viisors Baiileyl, Alphin, Casteen, Dairden and Jefferson vollingl in favor cif 11He motion and no Supervisors vctling aiglainstl the me tion. Sluperviscit Jefferson moved that l 11he following) Resolullicn be adoptled: C BRTIF ICA T] ON OF C LC SED MEBTIING WIEREA'I, the Board cf Slupeniiscrs Has convened a c]Icsed meetling on tHis date pursuant tic an aiffirmadliivie recorded vole and in accordance wiitH 1he provisions cf the Virgliniai Freedom of Informatlion AO; and, WHEREAT, Slectlion 2.21-37121.1] of the Code of Miitginia requires a certification byl this Board of Superviscits thatl such closed meelliingl was conductled in confcirmity with Virginiai law; NOW, 11HERBFCRB, BB IT RESOI]VEDI tlhatl the Bciard cf SSuperviisots HeneHy certifies that, lb the besill of each member's kr1owledgle, (i] only public business matters laNafully exemplled from open meeting requirements b3i Virgliniai laity were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification rescilulicin applies, and (ii; cinllyl such public business matters as were identified in tH e motion convening tH e closed m ee11i n gl were Heard, discussed of ccinsideted by the Brand of Supeniiscros. ►►ire"I AYES: Bailey, Darden, Wall, Alphin and Caistleen ABSENT DURING MOTB: C ABSENT DURING MBBTING: C APPOINTMENTS Superviscr Jefferson mcived tlhatl Haziel Edwards be reappointed 110 the Blaickwater Regional Librairyt Bciaird. The motion wars adciptled by a vc11e cf (5- 01] with 'Supervisors Baiileyl, Alphin, Casteen, Dairden and Jefferson vcitling in favor cif the mctlion and no Sluperviiscros voting aglaiinsll the mollion. 3 Supervisor Jeffeirscin moved lhatl Hazel Edwards be reappointed to the Sleu th eastem Tide wader C ppcirtunity Prci' ect . The moil hi cin was ad c pled by a vote cf (5 -CI) with Slurlervisors Bailey, Alphin, Castleein, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor cif 11he motion and not Slupeniiscns voting) aigaiiinstl the motion. Supervisor Jefferson mowed that James Ford be reappointed tici the Industrial Development Authority. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5- 0) with Slur ervisorsi Baile yi, A llrlhin, Casteien, Darden and Jefferson vc ding in favor cif the mcition and no Supervisors voting againsl 1he motion. Supervisor Alphin moved that Hannah WIland be app6ntled to the Events Ccmmittlee, replacing Betty Pullley. Thle motion was aidopted by a voille of (5-C) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Canteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor cif 1he mcitlion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Supervisor Alrlfl in mowed that Jane Mairch Ile appaintled replacing Betty Hcrfon. The motion was aidoptled E3j a vote cif (5 -CI) with Supervisors Bailey, Allrlbin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferscin voting in faivair cif the motion and no Supervisors vcitling aglaiinst the motion. SPBCIAL 11RESENTIATIONS The Bciard received a slide pnesenlatlion cif animals currently available for aidoptioin at the Ccunt)y's animal shelter. Cciunty Adminisllraticr Seward presented ai revised Rescilutlion cf the Board of Supervisors of 1he County of lslle of Wight, Miiigliniiai Apprcvingl the Issuance cf Revenue Refunding Bcinds byI 1be Western Tidewater Reglicinall Jail Authority fcin 11he Board's consideration. Chairman Bailey mowed that the foIllowingl Resolution be adopted: RESICLUTION OP MM BCARD OP SUPERIVISICRIS OF THE CCUNTIYI CF ISLE OF WIGHTI, VIRGINIA AFIPRIOVIING THB ISSIUTANCF OF REVBNUE RBFUNDING BONDS BY TBE WESTERN TIDIEWA TBRI RBG IONAL JA III AUTHORITY Tlhe Westlern Tlidewater Rlegliainal Jail Authority (the "Authcirity") was crealbd rlunsuant to Arlicle 3.1, Chapter 3, Title 53.1 of the Cade of Vlirginiai cf 195C, ais a handed, by 1he City cif FrainkEr, Virginia, the County of Isle of Wiigbtl, Mirginia, and the City) Jif Suffclk, Virginia (collectively; the "Member Junisd ictlians") As autlhcrized byI a resolution aidaiplled Ilyl the board Jif directors cif the Authority on April 91, 210114, the Authority praipcises to issue its revenue refunding bonds in an agglreglate principal aimciunt of ur tc 35,2010,00( (1he "2204 Bonds") for the purpose of (a) refunding the Authority's S21,638,CCC Revenue and Refunding Bcnd, S eries 21C I IA and its 33,1131,CICI01 Revenue and Rlefund ingl Bcind, Slerie s 2011B (collectively, the "Refunded Bonds") issued M on Ma}l 1(I, 2011 lb (i) finance or refinance tlhe aicquisilicin, constriuctlicn and equipping of certain capitail impromement's lb the Authority's regional jail facility, (ii; refund the Authority's amenue and Refunding Eond, Series 2101018 and (iiiii) finance 1he costs of issuing) the Refunded Bonds, and (b) paylingl the casts of issuing) the 2014 Bonds; The gloial of 11he Authority in refunding 11he Refunded Bonds is to secure debt) service saivingls for the Authority and the Member Jurisdictions. The financing of the 2014 Bands tequires a "moral obligation" pledgle by each of the Member Ju6sidicllieins tici pay its pros ratlai share of any del:14 service on the 2014 Bonds fen which the Aullheirity's net) revenues are insuffrcienll. Seclicin 4.1(b) of the Amended and Restladled 'Service Agreemenll dadled ars of April 15, 20111 (the "S ervi i ee Agreement tl") , by and among the A u11h cirity and its Member Juriisidicllieins sets forth provisions for acituadlingl the rricirall ciflligallicn pledge. Section 5.91 cif the Service Aglreemenll requires llhe ccinsenll of each of ilhe Member Jurisdictions to tlhei issuance by the Authority of the 2014 Bonds. NOW, THER.EPOR.E, BE IT RBSOUVED by 11he Hoard of Supervisors cif the County) cif Isle cf Wight, Mirginia (the "County"), tlhal: 1. The County heretlyl consents to 11he Autlhcirity's issuance cif llhe 2(14 Elc nd s for 11he purposes described in Rlecil ails B and C above, subject 11c the adoption of similar resolutions by the governing bodies of 11he other Member Jurisdictions. 21. The Ccunty hereby pledges and aigrees tlhad if during) any fiscal ylear the Authority lacks sufficient) funds to paryl scheduled debll service cin the 2(14 Bcnds ciri any citlher bonds issued in acceirdance with 11he Service Agneemenll, or to fulfill any debl1 setviice reserve funding) requiremenlls, the Cciunty1 will pay, subjecll lb the condilliicns ccntaiined in Section 4.1(b) cif the Slerviice Agreement) and the limitlaticns sell forth below, ai portion of such insuffiaiencyl equal lb ills pro ral1a share as detlermined pursuant to Section 3.2 cif the Slervica Agreemenll. Any such payment) will be subject lb 11he apfltoprialicin cf funds by the Berard cif Supervisors cif llhe County and shall ll constillul a ai meraill, non -funding payment) obliglation. In nci event shall the obliiglallien cif the County under Slectlian 4.1(b) of the Service Agreemenll be deemed to ccnstilWu a ai debt within the meaning of the Conslliitlutlion of Mirginiai. 4. This resolullicn shaill )hike effect) immediakly. The molicn was aidoplled 11y1 ai vote cf (5-0) with Sluperviiscirs Bailey, Alphin, Caisteen, Darden and Jefferson voilliingl in favor of the molicin and not Sluperviiscirs votlingl aigainst the mallicn. CITIZENS -1 C MME1NTS 5 Nc ane appeared and spcke. PUBLIC BEARINGS Chairman Badley called for a public hearing) on the follkwingl: A. Frederick A. Carr Property (Rlezcningl frcim Industrial tlo Agricultlurail) County Atllorney Borcmich certified tlhaM the matter hats been properly ad verti sed. S andy Rlobinson, Blanrl represented the applicatlicn. Chairman Haii l ey called Rn penscins tc speak in favor of cir in oppcsitlion to the proposed applicatlicn. No one appeared aind spoke. Chaiirman Baiilled closed the public hearing and called for ccimments by the B card. '.9upervisor Alphin aidvised that the applicant), Frederick A. Carr, is his uncle;; however, he did not feel that his discussing aind voting c n this applicatliicin would be ai ccinflictl of interest. Supervisor Castleen moved that the application be apprcvied as presented. 11he m ctlion was ad opted by a vcite of (5-01) With Supervisors Baiiilley, Alphin, Canteen, Darden and Jefferson votiing in favoii of the mcitlion and no Supervisors votling agpinstl tlhe mcition. B. Proposed BY2015-191 Capital lmprcuements Plain (Rlesclutlion to Adciptl the FY2(15-191 Capitlail lmpnovementls Plain; Ccunty Attorney Plopovich certified that the prciglcised MCI15-19 Capitan Improvements Plan has been properly advcrtineid ficin public heamingl. Donaild T. Rlobertsen, Dfiiecticr cif Informatlion Resources and IJegislatlive Affaiirs, provided an update cin tlhe FY205-19 Capitail lmprcivementls Plain. He advised that revised infcrmaticin hard been plaiced at the Board's seats pricr to the start of the meetlingl. C h airm ain Baiileyl called for persons to speaik in favc n cif or in cppcsiticin tici the proposed Plain. Nci cine appeared aind spcke. Chairman Bailed cllcsed the public hearing) and called for comments by the Board. 101 Supenvisoir A 1phin moved that the following Re solution be aidcipted: RESIOLUTIICN TO AE OPT TFM FY1121C 15-19 CAPITAL IMPRC VEMHNTS ARIC GRAM WHDREAS, in aiccciridaince with Section 15.21-2239 cif the Code of Virgftia, the Isle c f Wight County Planning C cmmissicin Hais prepared and recommended a comprehensive plain fcri the physical develcipment cif the County; and, WHDREASI, for planning purposes, capital improvement] projects ha -me been identified and listed for consideradlicn ailong with their respective ccists in the F"02015- 191 C apil al Imptoivemenl s Pro gram; and, WFIDREASI, the Board of Slupetviseris deems it apprcpriiadle to adept a capital improvements plan in accordance wit the Code of Virglinia. NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESIOLVIFD tlhM the Board of Supervisors of the County c f ]Isle of Wight, Virginia ad aipl s 11h e FY2105-19 15-19 C apitall Imptaivementls Pnogram. The mation wiais adcpted by a'mote of (5 -CI) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Castleen, Earden and Jefferscin vcitling iin favor of the motion avid no Supervisors ucitling aiglainstl the motion. C. Proposed Cperaliingl and Capitlail Budged for FY12104-15 and Rlellated Ord ii n ainces County Afforney Pcipcivich certified tHatl the mafter Has hleen prciperllyl advertisad . County Administraiter Seward went alvei the various meellingls held cin the Operatlingl and C apitail Budgletl, requesting 11Hatl the Hoard conduct ai special meeting cn May 1, 21C 14 all 1 C :CCI ai.m. in the WElert C. Claud, Slr. Board Rcicim. She briefed the Beard regarding the fives (5) ptimairyl gloials for the budget]; the anticipated deficit cif 1-1.S milllisn foci the upcciming year; and, ai three (3) year plan to ballance the budget]. Chairman Baile)] called for persons to speaik in favcr of cit in eppositicn to the prcipcised P11 an. Edmcnd Easter of the Newport District spoke in supparl of the needs cif thle County. He riequested that $.0121 be added to the pnoposed $.12 tax increase dedicated to the school systlem . 7 Albert Burckard cif 123Titlus Point) IJane pleaided with the Board to restcire full funding for the Department of Histiciriie Rescutces fcm the FM210114-15 budget) cyclle and aillcivw citizens tics wank with the community and find aid d ifi cnail funding sources. Brenda Lynn Stallings cif 1502IC1 Fouri Slquare Read, Regent cif the Colonel William Alan Chapter of the NSIDIA.R representing the (S members cif tHiis locail Chapter, requested the Board to keep in mind the consequences asst tufted with not funding their gerieology program. Charlie Broac water, Director of Treasurer of the Western Tidewater Free Clinic, requested the Hoard's continued frnainciall supflcirt for the Clinic. John Springfield cif the Newport District expressed his support fcr the fire and rescue budget; the Operating Budget l and the Capital Impromementls Plan. He criticized the water deal and ccmmentled that he is ncitl in aiglrearrientl with the proffers policy change. Herb DeGrcift cif 15411 Mill Slvwamp Rcad aiddressed the need fcr shaped /consolidate d services and He recommended the establishment of ai committee charged with a 1 i stl of servii cess tlhait can be shared bemw een the Board cf Supervisors, the Slcheol Eciard and the Town of Smithfield. He requested that the Berard fund the Slchool Board to its best) ability. IJannyl Hinson, President) cif the 11 ?50 ]sille cif Wight Courthouse group, urgled the Baard tci find funding far the Isle cif Wight Museum and its staff. Drnest Powell of Stallings Creek Drive, read a lettler addressed tici the Isle cif Wight Historical Society from Daniel Parker DuValll, a decendentl cif Colonel) Josiah Parker, concerning his opposition to the ellimination cif the County's Department cif Historic Resources. Jeremy Bernd; a resident cf the Carrsuilk District, requested tlhall the Board not eliminate Ilaiid staffing at the Carnsvillle Mcilunteer Fire Dlepartme ntl. Jane March of Zuni thanked the Eciard for its funding cif County libraries and offered suggesticins for implementing ceist savings during this light aconomic time. David Johnson, President) cif the Peninsula Museums ficrum, advcicated fcr the Isle cif Wight) County Museum and its staff. Ccnnie Henderson of Carncillton expressed her gradlitude fcr the Board's financial support for the Blaickvwater Reglicinail Library. Andreu Greggory, ai resident) cif the Tc wn of Smithfield, spoke as an advocak for the CASIA prcigraim. Joel BradshlaRm cif Canrsviille expressed his cippcisitlicin tici the $.12 tam increase and spoke in favor cif paiid EMS. Diane Scott) of Cairrcllton shared hen reascins why it is necessary) tlhad library funding and resource personnel not be reduced. Chairman Baiiley closed the public heaningl and cailled for comments byl the Board. FcHciwingl advisement by Ccunty Attorney Popovich that the Code cf hlirginia prohibits the Board frcim taking any formail aiction on the budget fon seven (7] days folllowiing its public hearing), Chaiirman Baiiiley mcved that the Bciard conduct) ai special meeting cin May 1, 21C 114 at 10:0101 ai.m. The mouton was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bailey„ Alphin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in faver of the motion and nci Supervisors vcit lir n gl aigaiinst the mot li c n . Supervisor Caistleen aidvised the Board of the need cif the Deparlment cif Sciciail Services for aidditlicinail funding) in the aimountl cf $45,00(. D. An Ordinance to Amend and Meenaictl the Islet of Wight Cciunty Code by Amending and Reenacting Chapter 14A, Sltlorrr watlen Managlement C ndinance County Attorney Popovich certified that the mauler wars prcpenly advertised for public hea ring. Don Jennings, Bnglineen, represented the proposed aimendmentls to the Sltlormwater Managlementl Ordinance. Chairman Bailei)l called for persicins to speaik in favcm of cin in cppoisiticin tici the prcipcised Allan. Paistlor Danny Glary, Calvairy Baptist Church, spcke in cppoisiitlicn to the proposed sticrmwaller fee being) imposed cin churches. Grey Grad of Smithfield requested thadl churches he exempted from the sticinmwater fee being proposed. Bill Gill, represent ding Benns United Meth c d i st Church, sp c k e in cippositlion to the proposed stermwadlerr fee hieing impcsed on church. Charirman Bailed cicsed the public hearing and carlleid for comments hlyl the Board. Slupervisicii Caistleen micived thadl the Board aiddress this idem at their special meeting on May) 1, 2014 at 1 C I: K ar.m. 11h e motion wars adc ptled by a 9 vote cif (5-C) wi11h Slupervisors Bailey, Alphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferson voting in faivor cf the motion and no Sluperviscirs voilingl against the molicn. COUNTYI ATTORNEW SI REPORT Cc unty Attcainey Popovich c ffered a r1toiposed amendment tc tlhe Board of Slupervisciiis' By-IJaws and Rules cif Procedure. Supervisor Casitleen moved llhatl the aimendmient tc the Bowd cf Supervisors' By-laws and Rulles of Procedure he aidaipted. The molliein wasi aid aipled by a vcite cif (5-0) w itlh Sluperviisems Bailey, A 1phin, Caiste en, Darden and Jefferson vctling in favair of the motion and not Slupervisors vcitling against the mellicn. COUN11Y1 ADIMINISARAITOR' SI REPORIT The Board reiceimed a leglislatiue session update frern Mr. Robertson Yegairding Hcusie Bill 54; HB268, SB51: HB 193; HB 21U; HE 262, SIB 31E; HH 1 C 84, SIB 518; HH 1213'1, SIB 154; Bine of Duty A ctl (IJODIA ); and the bud plet impasse. Tony Wilson bviefed the Board regardind the creafl on of ain energyl conserveficin p call icy at the C cit: rl h c use complex. Sluglerviisot Casteen moved tlhad the following Resoluliein be aidoptled: RESIOLUTION TC ENACT AN BNERIGYI CONSERVATION p OBIC YI WHBREAS, the Hoard of Slupervisors desires its facilities to be utilized in a cosi) effective, energy efficient) mainner; and, WHDREAS, staff has devieloped an Energy Ccinservalliicin Pclicyl to monitor aind gciuern the use cif County facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RHSOIJVEIDI tlhatl the Board of SluglerV sc ns of the County of Isle of Wight, Virglin:iai adepts the fcflowing pcilicyl: 1. Every employee will he expected to contribute to energy) efficiency in cur facilities. Every perscin will be an "enetply saver" and well as an °`energy consumer." 21. All unnecessary) lighting in unciccupied areas will be turned tiff. All l ii gIh is w ii 11 be turned off when empl c glees leave 11he h u ii ll d ing I. Employees will turn on lights only in the areas which they) are working. 3. Extlericr lighilingl will he used duping scheduled aclliiviitlies otherwise extlerior lighting will he minimized and used cinlly for security Xlurploses. 4. Each lllitecWt shaill designate a position tlhaW will be responsible fer the comflllelle aind )lanai) shulldoiwn cf his/her area/building each evening. 11C 5. S-Ipaiceipeiiseinail heaters shall not hle permitted in any areai unless issued byl the Department of General Sleniiices. 6. All windows and doors shall be kept closed when in Heating or cociling seascins. 7. Filter repllaicementl vwiill be scheduled quairterly or mcinthly depending) on the type and use of each system. 8. Desk laimps and other small personail lighting devices shall only use compaictl E uc rescentl light) bulbs. SI. All electlricail equipment nctl directly tied tic each depairtments service tici the public or located !in ai break room (i.e. refrigerators, mucro wanes, headers and coffee peits) must) be remciued from County buildings. 1C. All computers must) be set in hibernation meide; and ncn-essentliall ccmputlers must) be turned off when not in use or prior tc close of business. 11. Proiglraimmaible eniergyl management devices and building aiutlomatlicin systems will be used tet maiintlaiin and effectively contircl all HVAC and seime extietiiar and interior lighting functions. ENER GNI C ONSERVA MC N POLI C NI GUIDBLINESI HEATING SIF A SIGN A VBRAIGE RC OM TF MPF RATURE* C ffrc es ')121 Bntlrylways, Corridors & S-Ita�irways 68 Storage & Unoccupied Areas 6C Break Areas 7( Unoccupied Ilii rri es 6 CI/6 5 deg) B11 d gI. Dependent COOLING 'SIBASON A VERA GE RIOC M Bntrylways, Coirridcirs & SItlairwaiys W Uncccupied Areas W BreaikAreas ill Offices ?i121 Unoccupied Times 78 *All lemperaitune sell points ciperatle cin a 21 degrees deaidband, this keeps the 931stem from constlan11131 rSwiitichingl modes and allows Mie systlemllo be sallisfied within 2 degrees up or down of the temperature setlpoinl. The mcitlion was aidopted by ai vote of (5-0] with Slupervisors Baile}l, Alphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favoti of the meticin and no Slupervii'icrs vollingl agaiinstl the molliicrn. County Admiinisllraitcir Steward presented ai resolution to apprepriatle of $3.9 millllion from the Unassigned Fund Bailance for FY21CI14 for the Beamd's cc nsid erailion. Supervisor Dlard en moved that the Rillowing Rles6lutlion be ad cipted: RF S OLIUTI ON 110 A PIP ROIIRI A TB $ 3.91 MIIJLIC N FRIC M UNA SI SIGNF D FUND EALANCE FORA FYI 2013-14 W BREAS, the Bciard of Supervisors of the County cif Isle cif Wligllt, VAirginiai, has received budgeitlary informailien and projectiicins fer the generaill cperadling fund for FY 21C 13-14; and, WI REAS, there is an immediate need to address an anticifladled cimerispen'ing cif theglenerai] operating fludgletl in the amount of $3,92121,341; and, W MREA SI, the County desires to citltlaiin aullHcrizadliicin to draw from the Unaissigned Bund Bailarice $-3,9212,341 in Birder tici amend the FY 2013-14 operating budget and appropriade funds W meet) the ciuerarlend pro'ection; and, NOW, TBBREFCRE, BB IT RESOBMEE U)i the Bcaiid cif Slupervmiscis of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia, tlhad funds in the aimount cf $3,9221,341 from the Unaissiglned Fund Ealance be aprIncipriated to FY 21C13-14 General Fund. BE IT FURMERI RESOLVED thlat the County Adminislriaticir of Isle of Wight County i9 authorized to make the appropriadle accounting aid .ustments and to dc ail] tH ings necessarY to glime this resolution effect. Mai motion was adcpted by ai meite cif (5-C) with Supervisors Eaiiley, AlIpfiin, Caisleen, Dairden and Jefferson voting in favor cif the mcitlion and ne Sufl ervi sc rs voting ng l aigaii nstl the m eiti c in. Dcri Jennings, Generail Services, briefed the Hoard reglairdingl a prcflcised ncn-residentliail fee credit polic3l pertaining tc stemmwadler managem ent. 12 Supermiscm Caslleen moved thadl the following Rlesiclutlicin he adopted, effective July1 1, 21C 14: RESIOLUTIC N TC ADC PITA NON-RBSIIDIENTIIA.L CREDIT POUICYI AND HSITABIJISH A SITIORMWATER BUND WHEREASI, the Bciard of Supermiscrs of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia (hereafter referried tci ais the Board) will ccintinue to comply With the Code cif Viirigli n i ai and the Isle cif Wight C c u my Sltlormi vwatlen Management Or d ii n ance; a nd, W IERE! SI, amendments la the Code of Virginia iiequirei 1 h e County to acct ais an agent for thle Virginia Department) of Enminoinmentlal Cualityl beginning July 1, 21C 14; and, WHERBAS, Code cif Virginia requires Localities tlhal change ai stcrmvwater management fee to offer ai credil policy for pncperty ciwinersi tlhad properly manage their stc nmwatler ru n ciff; and, WEBRBASI, the Code cif Virginia requires the establishment cif ai sllormvwatler fund to carry) out 1f1e ob'ecllives cif the stlormvwatleir program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT AND ITl IS HEREBY RBSCLVIEU by the Isle of Wight County Bciard cif Supervisors lhatl the Beak hereby adcpls ai Noin- residenliail Sltcnmvwatler Management Fee Credit) Policy, which is attaichled hereto as Bxhi h ii tl A; and BE IT FURT1HERl RESOIJVIEDI that the Board hereby establishes a Stairmvwatler Fund for Fiscal Year 201344 vwitlh 1lhe adoption cif an operating fludglet in the amount) of 1 1,378,462; and FB IT FURTIHEM RESOLMED that the County Administraticin of Isle of Wight County is authorized to make the appropriiak aiccciuntling aid'ustlments and to do all things necessary 11oi give this resolutlicin effect). The moiticin was adapted by ai voile cif (5 -CI) wilh Slupervisors Baiileyl, Alphin, Canteen, Darden and Jefferson malting in favor of 11he mcticin aind no Sluglerviscirs mcilhing against the mcticin. Jarr ie Olimer, Transpc rtaflicin Planner, presented 11he draift MDC)'l FWIC I_`I-21C1 Sleccndary Six-Ylear Tnansflcirlation lmproivemeinls Plan. Supermiscr Alphin moved tlhad staff be authcinized to advertise a puflllic hearing fc r May 15, 2014 c n the VIDOTI FY2 C 15-2CI Secondary Slix-Yeah Tlransportadlicin Improvements Bllan. The molicin was aidoplled by ai voile cif (5- C ) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, C aisteen, Darden ain d Jefferscin vc ding in favair cif the mclion and not Sluplenviiscns vollingl against the mcilliicin. 13 Judy H. Wllinsllcm, Dlirectcr cif Tourism, briefed the Hciard reglariding a County branding proposal. County Administrator Sleward advised that the two (21) proposals selected by the Board wciuld be placed on the Countyl's website fan public vctlei and the winning proposal returned to the Board. Maitthew Smolnik, Assistanll Uirecicr of Planning and Zcining, provided and overview cf the Henns Grant mixed use devellcpmentl proffer amendment. Supervisor Darden moved thail stlaiff be authorized to advertise a public heariing cin the Berns Graintl Mixed Use Development Fhoffer Amendment far the May 11 5, 21C 14 mcellingl. The mcticin wars adciptled byl ai vcitle cif (5-C) with Sluperviisars Bailey, Alphin, Castleen, Dlaken wind Jefferson uctling in favor cf diel micitlion aind no Supervisors voting) aglainsl the motlion. OLD BUSINESISI 11Here wais no old business ciffered fcr discussion by the Eciard. NEW BUSINESS 11here wiais nci new business eiffered fcr discussion by the Board. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS C ciuntyj A d m inistlratcr Seward maid e reference to the folk wing items which were included in the He iard's aige nd a for its info nmatlion: Transperiatlion Matters Updaite; Rleseiluticn of Appreciaticin Fllainning Commissiicn fcr Members Harold Blythe and James Minton, Jr.; Rlesclution of Appreciaiticn BZA fon Rludolph Boone; Monthly Fkpeirls: and a Delinquent Tam Information Report and Statement of Treasurer's A cccuntlahlility. All S :C C p.m., Chairman Hailey moved tlhaW the Board aid'ounn its meeting. 11h e motion was adc rItled by ai vote cf (5-C) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey), Haill, Alphin wind Caisteen voting in faman cif the motion and nci Supervisors vcitling aiglainstl tlhe mcitlion. Caney ]ls Silo , Clerk 14 frY/? 0 .. a--