03-20-2014 Regular MeetingREGULAR MEETING OP THD ISIIB OF WIGHT CCUNTYI BOARD OF SUPERIVI SIO RSI HED THD TWENTIIBTIH DAY CE MARCH IN TIHE VEARI TIWO THOUSAND ANDI BOURTEEN AT 5:(t F.M. IN T1HE ROHHRTI C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD RCOM OF THE ISIIJE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTIHIOUSIH PRESENT: Byrcn B. Eaii1ey, Chairman, Newport Distlrict Rlex W. Alphin, Vice-Chaiirmain, Cainsvillle District Delores C. Darden, Windsor District Alain H. Caistleen, SIrn itlhfield Uistlrict Rludcilph Jeffer-scini, Hamdy District Also A ttlendingl: Marr C. Pcip c mi ch, County A ttlorn ey Anne F. Slewaird, Caunty Administraocm Caffrey Mills S tcxm, Clerk At 5:CIC1 p.m., tlhe meeting was, called tci cirdeir. Slupervisor Jefferson delivered A 11 legiance tc the Flag was con d u ctleid . Idem 1: Approval of the Agenda the invocaillion aind the Pledge of Slupeniiscir Alphin moved tfiW the aglendai he aflflrcived a9 presented. The motion was aidcptled by ai vote of (5-0] with Supervisors Baiile)l, Alphin, C astleen, D acid en wind Jefferson vc ding in favc r of the mciti c n and no Sluperuisicrs voting against the mctlicn. i/ Item 2: Consent) Aglendai A. Resolutliicn tci Accefltl and Appropriate Pre-Hcispitlall Information Bridge Graint ($6,519) B. Rlesolutlicn tc Accept and Apprarltiiatle Ikicail Emergencyl Main agement Berformance Grant ($21,1501) C. Rlescilutlion - National C ciunityl Government) Mc nth Dl. Rescilution — Accept and Apprcpriatle Bort Bcrylkliin E airn VACoRPI Insurain ce Slett;lementl (S 15,751) B. Mctlion — Apprcivail of Memcrandumi cif Understainding with the 'flown of Windsor for VIDOTI Slid ewailk Planning) Funding 1 F. Mcition — 11ax Appiievail Refund to Ame nicain Hi feline Medicail )transport (I 1 C, 81 1) G. Mcticin — Apprcival of Wlet;lands Board By -Bows H. Aprii 115, 21C113 E ud glet Work Session Minutes I. April 221, 21C 13 Bud glet )Mork Sessicin Minutes J. Aflrill 215, 21C44 Slfleciail Meeting Minutes K. Aprill 2151, 21C 13 Budget) Work Slessicn Minutes L. May 6, 2013 Budget Wcitk S ession Minul les M. May 13, 20131 Budget Work Session Minutes N. May 20, 21C 13 Budget Wctk Session Minutest O. May 23, 21C113 Special Meetiingl Minutes Supervisor Caisteen moved that the Ccinsenll Agenda be adcrptled, ais presented. The motlicn was adcixlted 1:1)l a vote of (5-C) vwitH Slupenviscirs Baiiley, A1pHiin, Castleen, Dairden and Jefferson vcting in favor of the mctlion and no Superviiscrs voting agaiinsl the motion. I1 em 3: Rlegli cin ail Rlep ctrl s Slupermiscit Darden reported on llcicaill4ies being rielieued cif obligations and liabilities to imfllementl rehabillitlatlicn plans, as well as regulatory liaibility from well vuiealfieir overf cows. She aduised tHadt the Hampton Rcads area will pairtner with Neletspurg and Richrricind to accelerate the resurgence cif mainufaicluting in the region. S upervi sc n L airden neipcirted thad the Haimptc n Roads Trainsportadli c n Orglainiaation hard received a iiepert ftcim the C cimmic nvweailth Trainsportaticin Bciaird; had discussed the impact from tollls; aind, the Rkiutle 46( prci'eat with respect to permitting issues and alltlernafliivie rcutes. Supervisor Damden reported tHat the Haimptev Roads Militlairy wind Federal Facilities Allliaince members hard discussed legislative priorities for the coming year. 'Supervisor Jefferson reported tlhadl the Westlem 'flidewater Regional Jaiiil is currently al 63% cif its bed capaicity with 59`%i of its budget expended tici dale. He aidvised that the Jaiill Has receiiued ai 15CC,CICICI Line cf Credit) frcirri the BanR of Wiindscin and the Authoirity pais authorized Davenflart and Company tc emaimine the potlentliall to nefinaince its dept. He advised that) Seutlharn Elkin County has been provided information pertaining) tc the ccist aisscciaded with joining the Authority. He further aidviised that tlhci City of ChesapleaRe hats not responded to the Authority's proposaill to house some of their inmates. Idem 4: Closed Meeting County Atllcrney Popovich requested ai cllcsed meetliingl pursuant lei Section 2.2-3711.A.5 cf the Code of Virginia concerning ai discussion rciglaird ingl a prcisp ectlive business where rice previous ainnounciement has been maide of the business' interest in loicadlingl in the ccrnmunity; punsuant to Section 2.2-3111.1 concernirgl ai personnel maitter; under Slectlion 2.21- YAI LAA regarding coinsultadlicn with legaill counsel requiring the prevision cif llegail advice regarding) Board invcIlvement in plersonnel maulers; under Section 21.21-3711.-)1 concenningl ceinsultladicn with leglal counsel) requiring the provision cif legaill advice regairding public invocations; under Slect;icin 21.21- 37111.7 concerning consultation with legal counsel requiring the pneivisiien cif llegail advice regarding ai breach of contlraict; under Sectlicn 21.2-3111.7 ccir.cerning ccinsulltlaiticin with leglail counsel requiring the pncvisiicin of legal aiduice regarding) stormwaier management fees; and, under Section 2.21- 3711.A.1 ccneerning a personnel mattler. Supervisor Alpfl in moved than the Bciard ender the closed meeting) far tlhci reasons startled pyl the County Atllcrney. The motion was adopted byi ai vote cif (5-C) with Sluflervisors Baiilley, Alphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferson voting in faivor cif the motion and no Supervisors voting agaiinst the motion. Supervisor Caisticen mowed tlhaW the Eciaird return to ciflen meetliingl. 11ha motion was aidoptled by a vote of (5-C) vwithl Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Casteen, Damden and Jefferson valingl in favor cif the motion and nc Supervisors voting aiglainstl the motion. Supervisor Alphin mcmed tlhadl thle failllo wing) Resolutliicn be aidoptled: C E RTIIFIICA UGN OP CLOSED MEBIMG WIMREA SI, the Board of Slupervisors pais convene d ai c loised m eetling c n this datle pursuant) to an aiffirmadlive recorded moitle and in accordance with the provisions cif the Virgliniai Freedom of Informiatlion Act; and, WHEREA SI, Slecticin 2.2-3112A c f the Code c f M irginiai requires a certifcadlicn byl this Elciard of Supervisors tlhadl such closed meetling vwas cora d u cted in conformity with Virginia law; N NOWII, TBEREFCRBI, BB IT RE SOLVED that) the Board of ',1-1uglerviiscrs herebyl certifies that), tla the best) cif each member's knovwlledgei, (i) only public business maulers lawfulllyl ewml=ltled from open meeting requirements byl Mirginiai law were diiscussed in the closed meeting tici which) This cerlificatlion iiescilluticn applies, and (ii) only such public business maulers as were ideritlified in the motion c cinvening the clic sed meeting were heard, discussed or considered byl 11He Bciard of Supe rviscns. MME AYE',; -I: Baiileyl, Darden, H aill, A 1phin aind Ce Steen NAYISI: 01 ABSIENT DURING VOTE: C ABSENT DURING MEEITIN G : C Item 9: Allpciintments Supervisor Castleen moved that Cindy Taylor be appciinted tci fill tlHe unempired Herm of James A. Minton, Jr. representing the Smithfield District cin the Planning) Commission. The molliien was aidciptled by a vete of (5-0) with Slupervisors Bailey), Allphin, Castleen, Darden and Jeffersoin Mcitingl in favor cif the mcition and no Supervisors voiding against the motion. Supervisor harden mciued that l Supervisor Casteen be reappointed to serve cin the Seiciall Services Bciard. The mcitlion was, adcilltled by a vcitle of (5- 0; with Sluperuiscrs Bailey), Alin, Castleeri, Darden and Jefferson Melling) in favor cif the motion and no Supervisors voiding aiplaiinstl the motion. Chairman Bailey) meived tHatl Debra Thurston be reappointed tici the Slociiail Services Berard reflresenlingl the Newperl District. The mcitlion Was edeptled by a vatle cif (5-0`, with Slupervisers Bailey, Allphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferson voiding in faiwr of the motion and not Slurjervisorsi voting aigainstl the moil ricin. h Item 6: Special Present aI i cin/A ppeairainces The Board received a snide pnesenlation cif animals currently aivaillable for aidopticn at the County's animail shelter. M! Item 7: Citizens' Cc mmentls Aubert Burckard, on behalf of the Carrcilhon Civic League and the Isle of Wight Civic Associat,icn, extended an invitadicn tc the Board to attend a public forum cin sitormvwatler management) cin April 14, 21C ]I 3 adl The Slmithfield Center. Chuck L awiienc e, civwnem of Captain Chuck-ai-Mucks in Rescue, s r1ciRe against a stcmmwaiter management) fee. Rcidgler Slnciuglnass cif the Windsor District) spoke in oppositiicn to ai slormvwatler mainaigementl fele ais they aipp lyl to Cciunty churches. Bnian Largenil of the Newport District spoke in cippositicin tc ai sllorrrivwEder mainaigementl fee being levied aigainsitl County churches. Dee Hess, representing) Canrci111on Baptist) Church, spokes in ciflpositicin to churches and places of worship in the Cc unty being charged a stlorrn water managgemenl fee. Charlles Mercer, representing Cenlral Hill Baiptlisl Church, requested tlhall all churches and fllaices cf worship in llhe County be granted a vwaiiuer from the stc rmwawer management fee. Dainiel Bailbe, representing Church cif the Gcicd Sheflflaird, requested ail] churches and places of worship in 11he Ccunty be grainted a waiver from the stc rmwater mainaglement fee. Bi ll l Gill, representing B enns Untitled Methodist Church, requested ail] churches aind plaices of worship in 1he County be granted a waiiuer from the sticirmwailbr mainaiglement fee. Willy Bdvwards, representing Unicin Bethel AME Church„ requested that County churches be exempted from the stormwater mainaglement fee. FJonnie Hunch, Harvest Fellacivwship Baptist Church, spoke in opposilicin to a stlormvwater management) fee being levied aigainstl County churches. Charlesi Totllen cif Southside Vinyard Church, spoke in cpposiitlion lc a stcmmwailbr manaigemenl fee being levied aglaiinsll Ccunty churches. James Auvil, a member cif Calvary Laplistl Church, requested that County churches aind houses cif wcrship be exempted fncim a stcErnwailler mans agement) fele. Dlainnyl Gray, Callvairy Baptist Church, requested that County chunches an d houses cif we nsh ip b e e xemptled frcim a stlorm w ate r man aigem entl fee. 5 William Moore of Smithfield aiddressed the Berard reOtdiinig the County's revenue plan and sflcke in fa -mem of an exemption frcim the stlorrr wader management) fele for C c unty chunches wind other re ligious be dies. David Biber, member of Calvary Baptist Church, spcike in favor of County churches being exempt) from a stormwatleii management fee. Naw Jcih n scan cif the Windsor E i stlri cll spoke in favor cif an exem pl li c n for Ccuntyl churches frcim the slcmmwaTeii manaigementl fee. Joshua Wcicc s, Slmilhfielld Gieaol Spring Church cif 11he Naizairene, requested that the stormwatlen management fee be waived or reclaissifieid fcin C ciunty churches. Kevin Payne, Liberty Hope Cemmunityl Flellowship, requested the Eciard to waiime the sticiiimwatler management fee fcn County churches. Joseph Edwairds, owner of Bakeside Mobile Hcime Villaigle, iiequested ai credit) for the maintenance he has penfcnmed in the paist on his retention ponds. FA Item 8: Public Hearings Following cerliificaiticn cif proper advertisement by County Attorney Peipovich, Chairman Bailey opened up the public hearing related 1e tfie ceinveylaince of land W the Industliiiial Development Authority (Gniffn Property and IDA) and called fcm those to speak in favor of or in cipposiitlic n to the prollcised ccnmeyance. No one appeeired and spcike and the puh]lic hearing was cllcised. Slufl ervisc ii Caste en m eiveid 1 h atl the Chairman b e aullhe rized tc execute the Deed cin behalf cif the Beamd to effectuate the conveyance cif the Criffn Farm to the Industrial Development Authority for use ars part cif the Shirley T. Holland Intenmoidail Plank. '11he mctlicin wars adcipted by ai vcitle of (5-C) Wilh Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor cif the motion avid ne Slupervisors meitingl aigaiinst the molicin. Chairman Bailley ciflened up the fluh'Hc hearing) concerning a flroposed change in Zoning) for the Alan Vl. Meineffe property (Industiiiial to Agricull urail) . Matt Slmolnik, Assistant Director cif Planning and Zoning, provided a Pcivweffloiint presentation and advised lhatl the Planning) Commission unanirnousllyl recommended approval of the application to The Board. 6 No one appeased and spoke and the puhllic hearing was closed. 'Supervisor Castleen moved thadl the appldcatlion be appnoved. 11he motion was adcifltled by ai vale of (5-01) with Sluperm iscirs Bailey), A ]flhin, Casteen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor cif the mclion and rice Supervisors acting against the mcition. Chairman Baiileyl ciflened up llhe public hearing regarding amended pnoffened conditions for the Vincent property. Mr. Slmolnik provided ai brief cmermievw cif the property and advised that the Planning) Commissicin recommends the Beard approve the applicallicn ais submitted. Blliotll Cohen spoke in favor and cautioned the Bciard that there vwilll hle cllhers requesting mairiances if this is approved and all citizens should be treaded equally. Rlespcinsi,vie tc Mr. C c hen's cc mmentls, Mr. Sm c llnik advised that if theme was ai commercial caisih proffer associatled with Mr. Cohen's re12oning applicatlicn, he would ailsc need tai nequesl ai variance, as would any either appFcants who hard a proffered len foot) paithwayl. Beverly H. Wlailldup, Director cif Planning) and Zoning, addiesised the Board regarding the pc1icyl that the Board adcipted several mentlhs aigc concerning) caish proffers riecogni2ied tlhadl commercia] development does paryl for itself; therefore, the County dales not expect cash proffers frcim commericii ail entities. The public hearing was closed. Slupervisicir Alphin mcved Shad the applicallicn be appneived. The rricitlion was adopted byl a dote cif (5-0; with Supervisors Bailey, Alphin, C aislleen, Darden and Jefferson voiding in favc r cif the mct:ic n and nei SSupervisciiis volhing aigaiinstl the meticn. Chairman Bailey opened uxl the public hearing regarding a change in aching for the Ncrsworthy property. Ted Miller, Kimley Hcirne & Assciciales, deferred any cemmentl and requested time to ainsvwen any questions al the end of the public hearing. Albert Burckard, on behallf of the Isle of Wliglhl County{ Historical Slcciety, relayed the Hiistlorica] Society's desire to suggest names for the slreetls within that development). 7 The public hlearingl was closed and llraiffic related to that prcjectl vwas discussed tIN the Bcaiid will' respect le its proximity along the coniidcr. Slurlervisor Darden moved that the change in ociningl be autlllcrized for the Ncirswc rtHy1 property. The mi c tlion was ad ciptled by ai vc tle of (5-C) vwitli Supervisors Badley, Alphin, C aisteen, Darden and Jefferson votlingl in famoir of the molion and no !9upervisors uctling against the mclhicin. Chairman Bailey opened up the public hearing an an exceptlion to the C BPA Ordinance for the He Ithof f prc perty . Kim Hummel, Environmental Planner, represented the aippliceit:icin and advised that the Planning C cin m i ssion reccm m ended denial cif the e emcepti c n Hyl unanimcusi kite. James Hciltlhciff, applicant, sitartled llHatl he has consideratlle cost) associated with this prciflerty already and he cinly has 3.(13 acres cif usaHlle land cut cif 1he entire tlen (1C1) acres. Supervisor A1pHin mcimed tlhat the aplplicatlion be denied. The motion was accepted by ai vate of (4-1) with SIupeniiscirs Alphin, Cassteen, Darden and Jefferson volling in favcrr cif the mctlion; not Supervisor mating against the molicn; and Chairman Haiilley abstaining from vollingl cn llle matter. Chairman Bailey cpened up the public hearing cn an Ordinance Amendment to thle Zcning Ordinance. No cine appeared and spoke and Chairman Baileys c1cised thle public heating. 'Supervisor Jefferscn mci-vied tlhad 1He foilllcivwingl Ordinance be adcpted: AN O RDINANCH TIO AMEND AND REENACT THD ISLE OA WIGHT CCUNTIYII CODE BY AMENDING AND REENACTING APPENDIX H, 21ONING , ARfTI C HE SI I THROUGH XI OF THE aONING ORDINANCE TO REMOVD REFERENCDSI TIO THE I1BIVELOPNIDNT REVIIEWI COMMITTHEI AND TC AMENDS THE EXCHPTION ANIS SITE I1DVEDOPMENTI REVIHWI PROCESS, TO UPDATH TIRE 210NING ORDINANCE! WITH STATE COUB REGARDING THE D DFINITIION OF CEMETERIES AND THD PE RC EINTA GE CF CANOPY COVIERAG EI FOR C DMETERIDSI, TO CIJARIFY THE PUBLIC NOTICE PROCEEURDSI IROR1 CERTAIN APPLICA TIC N TYPES, TC CLARIFY A C C E J SORIY BUILDING SI A'ISOCIATED WITH HOME OCCUPATIONS, TO DELETE DUIILICATIE REQUIRDMENTSI CF THD PARKING DOT LANDSCAPING SECTION'S, TO INCBUDE CERTAIN RH'IIDIENTIAL USES UNDERI LIGHTING R.BQUIREMENT'I, AND TIO MAKE TECHNICAL AMENDMDNTS. WHEREAS, the Board cif Slupeniisems of Isle of Wight l County, Vliirginia, has the legislative authority to make reasonable changles to the ciridinancesi that govern thea orderly growth and development cif bile cif Wight County; and WHEREAS, the Isle of Wight County) Board cif Supervisors is ailsci concerned about) the cempatlibility of uses cin public and privatle lands wiilhin Isle cif 'Night County and seeks to aillllcivw f exibillity in the administration cif the ordinance regulations while protecting the health, safety, and glenerail welfare cif present) and future residents and businesses of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED b3l tlhci Isle of Wight County Elcard cif Supervisors 1Hatl Appendix B, Zcning, Sectiacin 1-11C21, Public nelificatlicn for amendment) aipplicatliicns, use permits, plan arrendmentls and vairiiances,, cif the lsle of Wight Cciuntyl Cccle be amended and reeanacted as follows: Slec. 1-1C21. Public nctifcatlion for amendments, ccnditicinail 21eningl, ccn6tionaal cr special use permits, variances, manufactured hcimie family member reasaidences, and preliminary) site plans. A. Publication of notice...... The zoning aidministlratc i, upon acceptance of any applicatliicin, sihaall cause ai novice cif the public Reaming 1c be publlished. Public newspaper notice cf the time and rl ll ace cif such Hearing, tlglether with ai summary) describing the proposed aipplicaaticin shall be published in at least one (1) newsraper cif gleneral circullatl on in Isle of Wight County once each week fcn two (21) successive weeks in accordance with flection 15.2-2121CI4(A) of the C e d e cif Virginias (195C ), as amnendcd. B. Written notice to ad'oining property owners. 1. Marl amendments. In the case cf proposed map aimendments, 11he acining admiinistlratler shalll send vwrittlen nctlice to adjoiningl property owners, whetlher separated by streets, raiilmads or other Eights -of -way, of the time, daft, rllace and nature of the public hearing), at )least ten (1() dayls. 2. Ccndit:icnail use permits. a. Before an applicatliein for a conditlicnal. use may be heard by the planning ccimmissiein, a completle and accurate list) cif the naimes and aaddresses of the owners of all the lands adjoining and within a radius of two hundred (21CC) feet) of the prciperty aaffectled by such application shall be prepared byl the aeningl administratciii. b. The zioning administlraticr shall send, by maul, tci each owner shown cin said list, at least ten (1C) days befcire 11He date set fcn a hearing upon such applicatlien, a notice addressed to such owners generaallyl, identlifying the property affected thereby, and settling fcirth the conditlicnal use requested and 11He date, hour and place fixed byl the planning commission for the hearing thereon. 1lhis 9 provision shall likewise appllyl to aryl applicatlion for the extlensicin of ai tlempcinaryl conditional use. C. Posting of signs. In addition to nolliice of public hearings ais required by the apf1licaib1e statues cif the Commonwealltlh of Virginia, the appllicant for amendments, conditional aciningl, ccirditionall or sipec:iail use permits, variances, manufactured home family member residences and preliminary) site plans shall erect) cn or immediately aid'acent to such property a sigh circ sighs as specified herein gpiving public notice of the atoning aictlicn required. 21. Me sign must meet the folllcmingl criteria: ai. The wording, size and ccicir of such sigh shall be as specified by the zcining administrator and approved by the board cf supervisoni. U. One (1) sigln shaill be erected sci ais to be visible and legible to each aibutlliing public street). Where the property has extlensiue rciaid frontage, one (1) sign shallll be erected for eaich fivie hundred (5CC) feel cif frontage. When ai property has no frcintaige di.rieclly cn a puh11lic street, it shall be posted ad'acent to the nearest public street) from whl rich future aiccess is contemf lasted. c. Such sighs shalll be erected not less than seven (71) calendar days before any) public hearing cif which 1lheyl give notice and remcived byl the appllicantl within two (21) days after the finail public hearing before the aclliicn cif the board of supervuiscmis on said applicatlicin. 3. Sluch signs shalll be required fcm each public hearing atl which the aplflllicatlion is ccinsidered. It shall be unlaiwful fcm any) person to Full down, writes on, cull or c 11h enwise injure or deface such pub 1 is notice, which will constitute i vicilation of this ordinance. a. The applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance or rep l aic emend of signs obliterated cin d estrciyled during 1 he f c sting) periicid . b. The 21oning acminisllratcr may require the aflfllicaint tc deflcisiitl Wirth the county a cash bond eglual tc the replacement vallue cif the siigln(s). DI. The additional requirements fcm public notice and posting cin the property is for the benefit) cif the public tc idefltify the location of the property in quest i c n only and to have advanced knowledge of a hearing and is not a legal requirement) cif nctlice and Ifia failure to comply with the provisions herein shall flot defeat the acticin of the board of superviiiscirs ccncerriirigl the aipplicadicin. The only legal notice requinements shalll be those provided 1131 the stadlulles of the Ccmmonwealllh of Mirigliniai. (71-745, 3-20- 14.) NOW, THBREFORE, BE IT FURTHBR ORDAMDI byl the Isle cif Wight County Board cif Slupervisors that l Apflendix B, Zoning, Slectic n 21- 10 110012, Definitions, cf the Isle of Wight County Code be aimended and reenacted as follcws: Sea. 240C22. Definitions. When used in this ordinance tlhe fcllcwingl terms shall have ai meaning as ascribed herein: Abutlingl.) Haiviinigl ai common border with, cr being separakd from such ccimmciri border by night)-cif-wayl, alley) cr easement). Access, pedestlrian.\ The right) to cross between public and privatle property, ail l awing) pe id estlriani s tic i ent en and leave property. Accesis, vehicular.) A means cf vehiculani approach air entlryl to cr exitl frcim property, from a street or highway. Accessary building).) A subordiinadle building customarily incidental to wind lccalled ulcin the same loll occupied bN the matin building). Whcn an aiccesscryl building) is attached to the princiipail bui116ngl in a substantial manner, as by ai wail] cr roof, such accessory building) shall be considered a Hart of the principail building. Accessory use. A use customarily incidentlaill and subardinatle to. and on thea same ]ctl as a principal use. Administrator.\ Slee "zoning) adrE inistlrailbir." Alley).\ A right) -of -way that prauides secondary service access for vehicles tle the snide or near c f abutting prciflerties. Afteratlion.\ Any) changle or rearrianglemenl cif supporting membuts of an emistling buill6ng, such ais beaming walls, columns, beams, girders cr interior pairliticirs, ais '%Hell ais any chaingle in dcieirs ar windows or any enlargement tici or diminution of ai building or stliiuctlure, whether horizontlailly ar vertically, or moving cif a building or structure from one localliicin tic another. Altlernate discharge sewaige systlemA Any de -mice cr sylstlem which results in ai point) source surface discharge of treated sewage with flews less tlhain or equal lo cine thousand (1,000] gall ll cini s 11 er day cin ai yearly a veiiiage. These systems ane regulated by the Virgliiniai Dlellartment of Health and under a general Virginia Pollution Discharge Eliminailicin System (VPDIDSI) permit issued by the Virginia Department cf Environmental Quality (DEQ)'. A m end or a me ndmc Yit. Any repeal, m a6 fi catlion cr aidditli an tc a regulalliicr; ainy neva reglulailicin: aryl change in the number, shape, boundary) or aneai of a zone cr aoningl district; or any repeal an abolition of any) marl, part therecif or addillicin lheretlo. Amenity space.\ Slpaice devcitled tici such uses as unccivered open spaice for public en'oyment consisting) cif such things as; but neit limited ta: green areas, gairc ens, mail 11 s, pll ail ais, walks, Il as hways, pro menaid es, arcades, 11 awni s, fountains, decorative plantings, paissive cr aictlive recreatlionaill ameais. Such space shaill rat include parking cin maneuvering ameais fcr vehicles. Area devoted tic this purpose shall be easily and readily accessible to the public or reisidentls cf the development. In areas where pedestrian wailkways are shovvin 111 cin an apprcived and adopted mastler plan such airea within the percentage required for amenity space as is necessairy shaill be devoted lo the prcivisicn cif pedestrian wailhwayls cr path's for general public use. Anchon stcire.\ A store that acts as the ma'or retailer aind brings in the majority of business within a shopping center, mall or similair commercial complem. Antlenna.\ A device in which the surface is used to capture an incomiingl and/or tlnansmill an outgoing raidio-frequency siglnal. Antennas shall include the fcillcivwingl types: 1. Om n ii c hiec tai c anal (or "whip ") aintlen na—A n antenna that receives a n d trainsmits signals lin ai 360 -degree pattern. 21. Directional (or "panel") antennar—An antlennai that receloves and trainsmits signails in ai directional pattlern typically) encompassing ain airc c f one hundred twenty (1201) degrees. 3. Dish (cir parabcilic) aintlenna—A bowl shaped demiice, less than two (21) meters in diameter, than receives and transmits siglnals in ai specific diiiecl icinail pattern. Arcade.\ A covered passagle having an arched rcicif. Atlliic.\ The area betwleen roof framing and the ceiling) of the rooms below that iisi not habitlable, but mayl used for storage or mechanical equipment. Improvement) tloi habitable status shaillll maike it a story. Autlomobile.\ See "maitcr vehicle." Automobile wrecking yard. Automobile wrecking yard shall mean any lcitl or plaice which is exposed tic the weather and upon which more than two (2) vehicles of ainy kind thadl are incapable cif being operated and which itl wciulld nctl be economicaillly practical tci maike cperartlive, are placed, located air found for a period exceeding thirty (30) dayls. The mcmementl or rearraingementl of such mehiclles within ain existing )cit or facility shaill nctl render this definition inapplicable. (See also scrap and sailmaige services in section 3-M0.) Basle density.\ The maximum numbers of dvwellingl units permitted outlriglhlt by ai particular land -use classifIcatlion. Base flood/one hundred (100) ylear flood.\ A Eccid tlhadl, cin the average, is likellyl to occur once emeryl one hundred (100; years (i.e., thaw has a one percent) (1%] chance of c ccurring each ylear, altlhciugh the E cied may occur iir any year). Basement.\ That porticin of a buildingl that is par11y1 or completlely below grade. A baisement shaill be counted as a story if ills ceiling is oven six (6) feet) above the averaigle level) of the finished ground surface ad'oining the exterior walls of such storyl, cit if ill is used for business or dvwellingl purposes. Billbciand.\ flee "sign, billbcard." Block.\ Tha& piicperty abutting cine (1) side cif ai street) and lyingl between the lwci (2; nearest) intlensecllingl streets or the nearest intersecting street and 121 iiailrcad right -cif -way, river, air between ainy cf the foiregaingl and any other man-made eir naftra]I blantjer to the continuity of development). Board of supetiviscns.� Civetningl body cif Isle cif Wight CciLrtyl. Also referred to as the board. Board cif acning appeals.\ The board arIpeinted tloi review appeals made blyl inCividuails with regard to deciciions of the zoning administlraitcn in the interpretlaiticin of this ordinance. The board cif zcning aflpeals its ailsci authorized tc grant) vairiarices from preivisicris of the zoning) ordiriance in r airticulati circumstances. Bteezeway.� A structure for the principal purpose cif ccinnecting the main blui]Idiingl or buildings cin a property with citlher matin buildings cii accessciryl builld iingls. bluffer or bufferyard. A natlurail open space or landscaped areai intended to sepairadle wind protect l aid .acentl or contiguous uses cn properties, including land uses abutting h ii glh ]ly traveled highway ccirnidors, from noise, lights, gill acre, poll ll u taintls or c tlher fl citle nt hi ail nuisances. Building.\ A structure with ai roof designed to be used as ai plaice cf eiccupaincyl, storage, or shelter. Building, floor area.\ The tlotlail numbed of square feet) aireai in a building, amcluding uncovered steps, aind uncciveiied porches, but including) the basement) and the tictail floor area cif aiccessicryl buildings cn the same lot). Building, height).) The height) cif a building) is the mean verticaa distance from the averaige estaiblished grade in front) of the lcitl or from the average natlurall graide atl the building line, if higher, measured tai the following: to the roof line, to the aiveraige height of tlhe tcp of the ccitniee of flat rcicifs, tic the deck line of ai mansard tcof;, to the middle height) cif the highest) gable or dormer in ai pitched em hipfl ed naof, a)4ce pt l that, if ai building is l oicaftid on a tenraiae, the height above the street) grade may be increased by the height of the terrace. On a cornet lcitl, the height is the mean verticaill distance from the a ivenaige n atlurail graide at t Ih a building line, ii f higher, cin the street of greatest widtlh, cii if two (21) or more such streets are of the saime width, from the highest cif such grades. Buildingl line.\ A line parallel to the front) prciperty bine cif ai 51ard beyond which the foundatlion wall aind/or ainyl enclosed porch, vestibule, cin citlher enclosed portion cif ai building sha31 not project, except as provided tint subsection 5-20100.11, sur plementlairy density and d imensiicir al requiremer ts. Building), main.\ See "principail building cr structure." Building) cfficiail, superintendent cif builldiing inspectlieins.1 Me perscin designated ais the cifficiail respoinsiblle for enfcticing aind administering ail] requirements cf the Unifcitm Statewide Buillding Code in Isle cif Wight County, 'Mirginia. Bulk tieglClaticrisA Controls that) establish the maximum si2ie cif buildings aind structures cin ai lot) cin paircell avid the buildable airea within which the structure may be placed, including lot) coveraigle, height, setbacks, density, floeir airea radio, open spaces radio, wind lar d scape radio. 113 Calliper.\ A measurement, in diaimetler, cf plaint) madlenial size. Alli plaint mafetial requiring a caliper measurement shaill hle measured using diameter adl bneasll height (DBH), which its defined as fours and one-half (4'/,) feet above the ground on the uphill side cif 11he tree or plain)). Camping side.\ Any f ll c tl of groiund within a campground used or intended for cccupatlion by the caimpingl unit. Camping unitO A tient, tient trailer, campiing trailer, pickufl camfler, mcticri home, recteadicnal vehicle cin any other commonly used temporaryl shelllet device used as temporary living quarters or shelter during periods cf recrealicri, vacation,, leisure time or travmel. To quailiify as ai camping unit, vmehicul an and m cab i le unills shall be eligible to be cunientlly licensed an d reglii stlered by a glc uernm enllal body] and shad hie legal to travel c n Virgl i n: a highways wilhout speciail permits for size, weight ciii dither neascins. C ainopy.\ A rocif-like clitlructlure of ai permanent nailbre vwhichl may be freestanding ori project from ai wail) cif ai build ingl or its supports. Canopy ccveiiagei.) The percent) cf a fiNed land area camered by the crown of an i n d imi d u al p lanl exceeding five (5) feet) in height) and measured fi fl een (15) years from the date of installladlicin. Or the percent cif ai fixed land areal ccvered by the outermost limits of the crown of ai cluster of fllants exceeding five (5) feet) in h6 ghtl, which create cine (1) conlli ri u cu s area of cc meiiage, meaisured fifteen (15) years from the dadle cif installation. Carperl.) A permanent rocifed structure not more than seventy -fine percent) (ill5%] encicised by waillls and attaiched to the main building for the purpose cif providing shelter fcin one (1) air move motor vehicles. Cellar.) Slee "baisement." Certificate of occupancy.\ A document issued byl the building effcial allowing the occupancy cit use cf a structure and cerlifyingl tlhal the stlructlune avid/cm site has been constructed and is to hie used in compliance with all applicable plans, codes and citdinances. ChanneD A natural or artificial wadletcciurse with ai definite bed and banks 1 o confine and conduct continuously or p eri cid a cally flowing w ater. Chi ld.\ Any natural person under eighteen (18) years cif age. Chord.\ A line seglmenll jaunting) any two (2) paint's cif a circlle. Circuladlicn area.Y Mail portion of the vehicle accommodation area used for access to parking cn ]caiding ameas or citlher facilities on the lctl. Essentially, drivevwayls avid ctlher maneuvering areas (citlher than parking aiiisles) comprise the cinculailkri area. Co-kcatlion.\ The use of ai single lcicaticn structure and/ori site by mcine than one (1) wireless communications service provider. Coa istail h i glh h aiziard area (C HHAI) .\ The part i c n of a coastlail floodplain having special flood hazards 11hat is subject to high velc city waters, including hurricane waive waish. Tlhe amea is designated cin the flood insurance rate map (FIRM) as zcne VI -30, MB or VI (V -zones). 14 Combinaticin use.\ A use consisting of a cemHinadliicin of one (1) circ mere lctls and two (2] or more principal uses separatlellyl lisped in llhe district tegu ll anti cans. Commercial vehicle.\ A vmehicle designed to Have more than tlAci (21) rear wheels an ai single axle. This shall nol1 apply tc pickup Hcidyl type trucks, passenglen van type vehicles, ct lb vehicles essential for ain agricultural use aissociiakd with the premises. Ccimmunity impacil ,11atement.\ A dccumenll requited by Ilhe ccunty which outlines the impaictl ai proposed devell cip m entl will havae cin environmental ar d cultlural resicurces, and cciuriq services, including, but not lirritled to schools, fire and rescue, and p u Irl 11 is ul i lilli es. C an6tlionaill use. A ccinditlionail use is ai use that, Hecaiuse cif special requirementls cir cHaraictlerisllics, may) He allowed in a particulair zcningl disttiictl cnlyl aiften reviews and reccmmendatlicin by the planning commission and the glranllingl cif conditlionall use approval by the hound cif supervisors imposing) such ccinditlions as necessary) tici make the use ccimpalifllei with Ohm uses penmittled in the same acme cir vicinity. Dleck.\ A structlure, willhoull ai tocf cr waillls, directly aidjacentl tlo a principail building), which hail ain average elematlion of thirty (3C1) inches cit glreaatler from finished glraide. Devmelopmenl.\ Any) main -made changle to improved cit urimpnoved read eisitalle, including1, but nol1 lirnitled lo, Uuildings or either stlructlutes, the placement l of manufaclluted hcimes, streetls, and otlhen paving, ullililies, f lling, glraiding, exicavadlicn, mining, dredging, drilling) cifleralicins, or storage cif equiiflment or mallenials. Displays lot).\ An eiulldeieir area where acliiue nighttime sales acclivity{ occurs and where accurate color petcepl li c n of merchandise by customers is required. Tc qualify as a diisxllay )kill, one (1; cif the fc llowing specific uses musl1 occur: motlor vehicle sales, boats salles, recreational vehicle sales, gardening or nutseryl sailes. Any) other use must ale approved as displa)l loll uses by thea Zoning adrE inistra ir. Ilriplline.� A vierticail pro'ectiein tet the grciund surface from Ilhe furthest laterail extlenl of a Ilree's ]leaf canopy. Ilnivmeway.\ A rciadway providing access for vmehic➢es lb ai parking sflaica, garaige, dwelling, cir citlher structure. A driveway serves only one (1) cit twc (21) lots. Ell welling.\ A building), cir portion thereof, designed or used exclusivellyl far relsidenlliail ciccuflancyi, including singlle-family dwellings, Iwo-faimiiayl dwellings, and mulllifamily dwellingls, bull dc net include, Hcitels, motlells, fleardiingl and toomingl houses, bed and breakfast) eslablishmenlls, and the like. D wellling unit).\ One (1) or more racims physically arrainged sici ais lb creatle ain indeflendenll housekeeping) eslAhlishmenll for occupancy by one (1) faimilly with tailells aind faiciilitlies for cocking) and slleepingl separates from any) olheri dwell ling unit. 15 Harthcraift cerlified constructicin.� An envinonmenttaillyl-fniendlyl, nesidenttial building prciglram developed by the !louthfaice Hnerglyl Institute which requires certifed builders tci meet) guidelines fcr energy efficienayl, water conservation, and otlhen envinonmentlal practices on single- farnilyl and nu. arnilyl unit) construction. Sim1ar to the JIBED certification prciglnam, but focused specifically on residential development. Barth ttcirie.� A color scheme that draNws frcim ai callcit palette of browns, tans, grays, greens, and scime reds. The coheirs in an earth tone scheme are rutted and flat) in an emulation of the natlunal coders found in dirt, moss] trees, and rocks. Many earth tomes originate from clay earth pligmenls, such ais umber, ochre, and siennai. Collcrs such as orange and blue are not considered earth tones because they are not found natlurally on pieces of hand even thouglh ltheyl cain be fecund within nature. Dlevalicin.1 A verliicall distance abcive cn belcmi ai fired reference point). Envircinmentlal aissessmentl.\ An anailysis of tlhe beneficial eir delrimentail effects of a devellcpmenll on the nodunail resources and characteristics of the prciplerty, including resources such as, but nett limited to wetlands, floirai and fauna, and either ec cisylsttems. Equipment enclosure.\ A small building, cabinet, or vault) used to house and prcittectl electronic cir mechanical equipment. Associated equipment may i n alude, but is not l i m fitted ttc , air condilti omens and eme agency ge n erattors. Faicade.) Thadl pcirticin of anyl extericir elevation of the building eNtending from grade Ic flop of the parapet, wall, cii eaves and the entire width of 11he building ellevattion. Family.\ An individual, or twci (2; or more persons related 1:131 blood, marriage cit adcflttion, or a group of not more ilhan four (4; unrelated persons, ocaupylingl ai single-family dwelling. F1 c e d .\ A gleno rail a in d temporary) condittie n cif partial cr cc mp ll elte inundatticn of normally dry land areas fnom: 1. The ovenflow cif inland cir 1 yid ail waders; 2. The unusual and tiaplid accumulation er runoff cif surface wagers from any source; 3. Mudslides (i.e., mudflews] which are praNimakly caused by flcicidiingl wind are akin to ai river of liquid and flcivwingl mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas, as when earth is carried UN a current cif wadter and deposited along the path cif the cunientl. A ftc d may be furthers defined as the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a laike or other beady cif wader ais ai result cif eresiicn cin undermining caused by waves er currents of wadler emccieding anticipated cycHi caa levels er suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in ai naflurad beady cf water accompanied by a severe storm, er by an unanticipated force of nature, such as ai flash flood or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding. 16 Fllccd hazard aeine.\ The delineaticir of special flood hazard areas intci insurance risk and rate claissifrcations cin the flood insurance radle map (HIRM) published by the Fe d erail Emeiiglency Management Agency (FHMAI) wind vvhliich include the folllciwing zones and criteria: 1. Zone A:..... Areas sub'ect to inundation by the 1010 -year f ccid where detaiiled analylses halve net been performed and base flcieid ellevadlicns arae nodi shown. 2. Zcini e AH: ..... A peas subject tic inundadli cin byl the 1 C CI -yearn flood ais determined by detailed methods with base flood elevadlicins shown wuitlhin each anew. 3. 21cne VIE: ..... Areas ailcing coastal reglieins subject tc additional haizards aissoc i akd with storm waive and tidail actli cn as well ars inundadliicr by the 100 -year flood. 4. 21cne X: ..... Areas ]e called above the 1 C C -yeiar flood boundary and having modenatle eir minimal f cic d hazards. Flood insurance rak map (F1RM).� An oiffcial map cif ai ccmmuniityl on which is shown Ucitlh the special haiaaird areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. Flood insurance stludy.\ An exanninatlion, ev ailuation and determination cif flood haaamds and, if apprcpriatle, correspcindiing water surfaice eleivadlicins, mudslide hazards a ndi eir f cicd -related enosi cin hazards. Floodplaiin.\ A iielativelyl f all eir low land area adj6ning a river, stream em wallercciurse which is subject tici partial or completle inundalicn; ain area subject to the unusuaill and rapid accumulation or nu noff cif surface water from any) seiurca. Flocs-prcine area.\ Aryl land aaieai susceptible tic being) inundaded byl water fie m amyl source ( see d of nitlioin of fl o tiding] . Flcicidfroof.\ A construction method designed tici ensure lhatl a:Il palls cif a slrucllure cr facility leicadled below the liaise flood ellevatlion acre watertight with waills impermeable to the paissaige cif water avid wilh stlriuctlural corripcnentls having the capability) of witlhslandingl hydnostaitlic and hydiiedynamiic ]cads ani d the effects e f buoyancyl. Fllcicidwayl.l The channel of a riven cr cither watlereourse and the adjacent land areas riequired to carryl and discharge the 100-ylea i Ecicd withcttl increasing the water surface ellevatlion of that f cicid more than cine (1) fcictl atl ainy point. F1ccir aireai.\ The square feet cf fccr space within the outlsida lines of vwaills, incIludiing the total cif ail] space en all fcieirs cif a buillding. Flccin area shailll net include porches, garages, cn unfinished space in ai basement cin attic. Floor aireai ratio (IHAR).�'11he totail floor areal cif all buildings cm structures c n a lot divided b 3 the net d evellcipable area of the )cit. Fcoticandle.\ A unit of measure fon illuminance. A unit of illuminance cn a surfaice that is euerylvwherie one (1; food from ai uniform p6nt sciurce cif Hight cif one (1' candle and equal Iei cine (1 ] lumen per squame foot. 11 Frontlaigle.\ The lineait measurement) in feet) of 1he front) property line abutllii n g a stlreet. Functicinaillyl dependent use. A use which cannctl perform its intended plurpose unless it is llcicatled or carried out in close proximity tc water. The Herm inclludes enlyl dcickingl facilities, florl facilities that are necessiairyl for the lciaiding and unloading) of cargo cr passengers, and ship building and ship replair facilities, but does not include long-term storage air related m anufacl u ring facilities. Garage, privaite.\ An accessory) building which its designed or used for the sticiragle of mehiclles owned and used by the occupants cif the building to which it is aiccessciryl and which is ncitl ciperalled ais a sepairale commercial enterplrise. Gaaebci.\ A detached, covered freestanding, cipen-air or screened accessory) structure desiiglned fer recreational use only and noit for habillatlicin. Glare.\ The sensation produced by a briglhl source within the u:isuail field that is sufficiently brighter than the level le which the eyes are aidapted to cause annoyance, d ii scc mfort, or loss in visual performance and visibi 1 ity1; blinding light. Green rc c f.l' The roof cif a buiading which is partially or completely ccvemed with vegletlaition wind sciil or citlher growing medium planted diver ai waterplrcicif membrane. Habillable f ccr.\ Any flocri usable f6ii living) plurpoises, which includes working, sleeping, eallingl, cooking, cin recrealliicin, em any combination tlhereof. A floor used only for stleraigle is not a habitable f cicir. Historic landmairk/area.o Any structlure tlhall is: 1. Lisped individually in the Nalicnail Megistlet cif Hisllcric Places (a listing maintained by the Department of Interior) air preliminatiillyl determined by the Slecretlairy of llhe Intericr as meetling the requirements fcir i n d imii d u ail listing cin the National Megist er; z . Cerl ified cin preliminarily determined by the S; ecretlairy c f the lntericir as conlribullingl to the historical significance cif a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined byl the Secretary lei qualify as ai registered historic d i stliii ct: 3. lndiividuaillyl lisled cin ai state inventory of historic places in stales with hisllairic pteservatlion prciglrarrs which have been aipprcved byl the Sacretlaryl cif the Intetiicir; air 4. In d i v ii d u silly listed cin a lc cal invents ry cif historic places in communities wilh historic preserviatlicn programs that haue been carlified anther as llistled Kiri the county's comprehensive plan. Home gamden.\ An accessory use in a residential district fc n the production of vegetlaibleis, fruits and flowers glenerallly for use cr consumiptlion, cin both, by the c eeupantls cif the pnemise s. Impervious surfaice.\ A surface composed cif any) material that significantly iimfledes ciii prevents natural infiltration of water inlet the soil. W. Impervious surfaces may) include, but acre nctl limited to; buildings, roofs, streets, parikingl areeis, and any conctetle, asphaift, or compacted gravel surface. ]ntelligpiatl siting.\ The praictlice of building Illaicementl which gives higlh consideratlion to envircnmentlall aisllectlsi such ais scllar orientation, seasonail shaiding, pre-maiilingl winds, etc., in order to aillow for increased energlyl efficiency. Junkylard.1 Junkyard shall mean any eistlabllishment cit pllaice cif business whicih its maintained, ciperated, cr used for sticidngl, keepingl, buyingl, or sellingl .unk, cir fct the maiintenance cr cixleradl on cf an automobile wrecking yard. Fot purposes of this definitiicr, Munk" shall mean cilld or scrap copper, brass, rope, raigs, batteries, paper, trash,, rubben, debris, waste, cir junked, d ii smi antlled, cir wrecked autcim ct ii ll es, or parts tlhereic f, iron., steel, and oillhen Gild or sctap ferrous cir ncinferrcus matleriail. (Sete ailsoi "scrap and salvage ser�iiices" in section 3-717.) Klicsk.\ A freestanding structure uflcin which temporary informatticn and/ciri flastlers, novices, and announcements area posted. Commercial trap saicti c n s d c n cit ttaike p 11 aloe here. Llandsicape.\ An expanse cf naturall scenery) cr the aiddittion or pneser'Viation cf lavwns suppllemeritled by, shrubs, trees, Illanlsi of dither naturall and decorative features to )land. Landsicape surface ratios (LSR).\ A meaisure, expressed ais a percentaige, cif 11he area to be landscaped cin ai site determined by dividing the )landscaped ateai of the site 1:131 the total pre'ect area. LEFD certified.\ Leaidership in energy and envircinmental design (IJEED) certification prcigtam administered byl the U..9. Green Bluildingl C c uncil, which requires designers 1 c meet guidell i.nes Rai energy efficiency, water ccnsetmattion, wind other envircinmentlall practices. Light trespass.\ Bight frcm an artificial light) source that is intruding onto adjacent ptcpertiieis and is ai nuisance. Livesticick.� Swine, sheep, catlll e, p ciu ltry or c 1 h er anima;] s c r fci wl which are being] produced primarily fcit food, fiber, cin food products fot human ccnsumpllicn. Loaidingl and unlciaidingl anew.\ The arieai on a llctl desiglnaded for bulk pickup wind deliveries cif merchandise and magterials directly related tci the use cin said loll. Lott.\ A pmicell of land intended tc be sepairately owned, develcifled, or otherwise used ais ai unit), established by plat, subdimision ct as citherwise permitlled Hyl ll arw. Lott, corner.\ A )cit abutting on two (2) or moire streets at their initensecllian. Lot, delatlh cif. Tlhe shortest) horizontal distance between the front) and rear loll lines. Lctl, double frcinttaigla.\ An intericir leit halving fnonitage on twc (2� streets. 151 Lot, f aig.V A loll not fnontliingl on cin abutting ai public ick wayl or having) limited frontage necessary) fcin access and where access to the public roadway) is essentially limited to a narrow private right) -cif -way. Lott, intleticr.� A lot) otlhen than ai corner loll. Latl, tlhrough.\ A lot having) ills front and rear yards each abutting on a st reed. Bet area.\ The lotlal hctizcntail area in squame feet) within the lot) Maines cif a lot) exellud ing d esiglnatled future public tights -of -way. flat coveraigO A measure cif intensity cif land use that) represents the fertion of a site than is impeniicius (i.e., does not abscirb water]. This pcirtiein includes, buil is not limited to, all areas cowered by builldings, parked structures, dni-mevways, rciaids, sidewalks, and any area of concrete or aisphailt. Ect line.\ A line dividing) one (1) licit ficin another lot) ari from a street) cir alley). Llctl line; front).\ Cn an interior lot, the lot Mine abuttlingl a Stlreet or riglht- cif-way,; cr, en a corner lot, the sheirter lol line abutting a street) eir tight -of - way; ear, cin a through lot), the lot) line abutting the street cit riglht-of-wary providing the pnimairyl access to the lot). ]Jct line, rear.1 The lot) line located opposite the front ;line. Lot line, side. Any boundary of a loll, which) is not a front lett )line or ai near licit linea. hot) cif record.\ A lot) which has been leglailly recorded in the cleiik's office cif the Circuit Court cif Isle cif Wight C ciunq. Lot widtlh.� The hori2icintail distance between the side lot) lines, measured al tlhe taquired front) setback Mine. Low impactl development (L ]I I) A A site design apple arch to managing stleirmvwaler runoff which emphasizes eenseiimation and use cif cin -site natural features to protect) waiter quallity. This approach implements small-scaile hydiicicglic controls tic replicate tlhe pie-deuelopmentl hyldrologliic patterns of watanshed s through inf ltralliingl, filtering, stloriingl, emaporalliirigl, and detaining runoff close to its source. Luminary.\ A lighting Extlute assembly or source of arlificiall illumination including, Elul not llimitled lb, bulbs, lamps, reflectors, refraicticts, and housing asse ciated with them. Manufactured home.\ Manufactured [home_ means a stlructure constructed to federail stlaindainds, transportable in one (1) cit more sections;, which, in the traveling mcide, is eight (8) feet) or moire in width and is forty (40) feet) or more in length, or when erected on siitle, is three hundred twenty (321C) or more square feet), and which is builltl cin ai permanent chassis and designed tc be used as ai dwelling with or without a permanent) fcundadlion wfieri connected tic the required utilitliies, and includes the plumbing, healing, air cenditiciningl, and electrical systems contained tlhetein. 2C Mean seai level.) Nailicinail Gecdetlic Vlerliical Daum (NGVDI) of 1912191, tici which aill elevadhicins on the FIRM (flood insurance radle map] and within the flood insurance study) are referenced. Mixed-use structure.) A building) er olheii structure ccintlaiiningl a combination cif two (21) or more different fltincipa] uses. Motor vehicle. Any) sielf-propelled mehiclle designed priniairily for trainspertatlion cif persons of gleicids ailong public stiieetsi or alleys, cr either puhllic ways. Net developable area. The )land deemed suitable fm development) "d1hin ai gjiven area or parcel. It is cailculatled by sulItltaycting the sensitive envircnmentlall areas within the acrea or parcel lhatl should Ue Xnctlectled from development and the estlimakd right-of-way require menils and existing) negliicinad tlrainsmiission linea eaisemenis wind rights-cf-way from the totail gross airea. 11he result is the net devellciplaible area, which provides a teailiistic measure cif land holding) capacity for an areal cr parcel in the county. Refer to siect:icin 54CICICI, net developable ameai, for additionall informadlicn on net d evelcipah111 a are ai. New consiructicin.\ I1cn the flurposes of determining insurance rattles, structlurus for which the "stairt of conslruclicin" commenced on or after the effective date cif an initial FIRM (flood insurance rade map) on after December 31, 19114, whichever is latter, and includes anyl su H sequentl improvements tic such structures. For floodplain management l purfloses, "new ccnstlriuctlion" means structlures fcr which The "start cif ccnstlructlion" ccivrrienced cin ciri after the effective dadle cf ai flocidplaiin mianaiglementl regulation adopted by a community and includes any) subsequent improvements to such structures. Nonconforming) actlivityl or use.) The otherwise legal use of a building cir stlruclure cit cif ai tltaicl of land that does not conform to the use neiglulladlions of this ordinance for the district in which it is locafled, either adl the effective dadle of this cadinance cin as ai result cf subsequent aimenc]mentls to the ordinances. Ncnconfonmingl building) cir stlructlure.\ An otherwise legal huEding cr structure that does not conform with the yard, height, maiximum density{ or other Hund regulations, cr is designed cr intended for ai use lhatl does ncitl ccn form tic the use reglu l adli e n s, of this cirdinan ce for the disc riot) in which it ii s located, either at the effective ladle cif this ordinance or as result cif subsequent) aim end mentis. Ncinconformingl loll.) An citlherwise legladly plattied lost ilhatl dcies ncit conkrm tici the minimum area or width requirements for the district in which it is located either at the effective date i cif this ordinance or as ai resulltl of subsequent aimen d m ent s to this ordinance. Ncinccnfoirming site. An otherwise legail site for which existing) improvements do not conform to the loin ccivieraige, bufferylard, llandscaif:ingl, xlark:ingl wind cither site requitemenls sell forth in the zoning em special civerlayl distract in which it is located either all the effeclliue date of this ordinance cir as ai resull of suhlsequentl amendments to this ordinance. 211 Office park.\ A large tract) cif laind tthadl has been planned, developed, aind operated as an integradted facility fen a number cif seplaradle office buildings and supportingl ancil'.lary uses with special attenliein pliiven to cincullailiein, patkinpl, utility needs, aiesrtlheitics, and ccirripailibilRy. Official zoning maip.� The map cin maps, together with all subsequent) amendments thereto, which are adopted byl reference as a pall cif this crdinance and which) delineadte the zoning district) boundaries. Open spaice.) An aneai tthadl is intended to provide light and aiir, and is designed, depending) upon the pairticullar sitluallicin, fear enviirionmentlal, scenic car recreatlionall purposes. Open space may include, but need net be lira itted to, lawns, decoradtiave plainttings, wa]Nwayls, acltiue and paissiNe recreation arciais, playgrounds, fciunttaiiaras, swimming pools, wooded aireas, and watercourses. Open space shall not be deemed ilea include structures, dnimeways, parking lots car ctther Surfaces designed cr intended for vehicular tlraiffic. Open space, cemmcin.\ Open spaice tflW is aiccessible to all occupants e f a particular d eve l c p menl I and is ncit restricted to use by occupants of ain indiuidual lel cr structure. Open space ratio (O SIRI`, .\ A measure, expressed ais ai percentage, cif site oapen space determined by diuiding the greass cyen spaice area cif ai )teat), parcel car tract) cif land by Thle total area cif that lot), parcel or traact of land. Barking area aiisl e.� Thad portion of the parking area consisting cif lar es prc N yi d ing access tci parking ap aaces. Parking area, 11 cit or stru ctlure.\ An oaff-sire etl arc ai fen pack i n gl or leading and unllcading, whether required em permitted by this ordinance, including driveways, access ways, aaisles, and maneuveningl areeis, but not including any public cm privade street tightl-cif-wayl. Parking space.\ A portion cif the parking) area set aside fcr )lie parking of one (1) vehicle. Padici.) A level surfaced areal, directly aad'aacent to ai pnincipail building, without walls or a roof intended fot outdoor llcunglingl, dining, and the like, which has an amcriage elevaCcn of less than thirty (30) inches fnoam finished graide. Permeablle matterials.\ A variety) cif prcaductl aalttennattives to ttraidiTlieinal, impervious surface makriails which aillow felt the infilttradtican oaf sttormwatter thrcauglhl the soil lei mcite nail urailllyl reduce runc ff vc lumes and filter pollulantls. lncreased infilttraticn occurs either through the paving material itsellf, or lhrcuglhl void spaces between individuail paving blocks (aillsca canted pavers). Materials may include, but are not limited tto: pervious concrete, pervious aasphlaltl, block and concrete modulan pamers, and glrid pavers. Permit, building.\ An cifficiaal document) cit certifrcatlioin permit that is issued by The building) cffcial wind which autthotiacsi the ccinstlrivattion, alternation, enlargement), conversion, reconstruction, remodeling, rehaibilitadtiacin, erection, demclition, moving ori nepaiir of ai building) or stlruclure. This permit sficulld ncit be ai substlitutle feat ai zoning permit). Permil, conditional use.\ A perrn4 issued fly] the county board cif superviso=rs authorizing the cipetatlion of a use under certai==n conditlicns aind standards. Perritt, special use.\ A permil issued by the county board cif superuiiscns authcmizing a use not citlhervwiise provided for in this cirdinance as ai permitted cr conditli c n al use. Permit, zcining.\ A permit issued by llhe z=o=ning] administrator that] autlhcmizes the recipienll tci maike use cif pro=perty in aiccordancie with the requirements of this ordinance. Phaise I aitchecicglicall stludy.\ A survey of archaecillagliicall riesciurces undertaken in accordance with the SlecretlaiDl of the Intlerior's Standards and Guidelines (4F FR, 44=1421) as may be amended and the Guidelines for Conducting Cultlurail Resource Survey in Virginia prepared by the Virginia Department] c f Hisllcir ic Rlesciurces, ais mayl be amend ed. Photometric plan.\ A diaiglraim ccnsistling cif lines sho=wing the ralail:ive illlurr inatlicn in foot) candles frcm ai liglhll so=urce cin group cif l=ight] sciutces. Fainning ccmmission.� The Isle cif Wliglhll County Planning Commission. Pcmch.1 A prcjectlion ftcm ai maiin wail] or a building which can be cc vened , wil h a roof, cin uncovered. The prci' ectlion may] or may ncll use co=lumns cir citlhen ground suppo=rts fcir sllrucluraill purposes=. Pcrtablle cn demand sticitage unitls.\ Also kdcvwn ais ai POD, a laitga container used Rai temporairy sticirage. A POD is hauled to the property„ loaded with 4ems, hauled fro=m the preperiy and stlored in a sticiiiage yard. Pcultryl.\ Ilcmeislsic fcivwl norma=lly] raiised cin a farm such ais chickens, ducks, geese and tunkeyls. Prelimina=ry] and finall site develcipmentl plain.\ S4e development plans prepared by ai certified cr ]icensied engineer, sunveylcir, architect or landscape airchitecll, that) is required Rai development proposals outlined in section 7- 2GU4, pre] iminary and final site development pllan requireimentls. Principal building) ct stlructure.\ A building or stlructlure in which the primary) or main use cif the property cin which the building is lccaited is conduclled and distlingluiished from an aiccesscryl or seccindairyl building] or structlure on the same premises. Principal use.\ A use which represents the primairyl cr main use of the land c r structure which ii s distinguished fro=m an accessory use on the saime prumises. Prciffer.\ A ccnditlion valuntair:ily offered byl the applicainll and owner for ai rezoning tlhatl limUs cir qualifies how the property in question will be used cil d evel c ped. Publia wader and sewer system.1 A wader or sewer system owned and operated by a municipaility or county, or owned and openatled by a pri-Matte :ind:ividuail cit ai corplcratlion approved by the governing bo=dy and prciperilyl 'licensed by t lh a sl lade cc rporat iein commission or o1 her applicable agency, and subject tci spleciiail reglulatlicns as herein sett fo=rth. 213 Public way. Any sidewailk, street), ailleyl, highway or other public thoroughfare. Rlectealliicin, actlive.\ Leisure activities, usually organized and performed with others, ciflen requiring equipment and ecinstlriuetted facillitlies, taking place atl prescribed plaices, sines, cn fields. The term active recneattiicri inclludes, but is ncitl limited to, swimming), tennis, and olthen courl glaimes, basebaill and cillhen field sperls, glolf and playground activities. Recreaticn, passives.\ Rlecreaticin tthal irimclmes existing natural resources and has a minimal impact. Sluch recrealliicn does not require develciprnientl cf the site nein ainy altternatlion cif existing topogtaphyl. Much passive recreattion shall include, but not be limited led ttc , h i ki ngl, picnicking, and bird watching. Recreational vehicle.\ A vehicle designed to be self-propelled cir peinmanently towable; and not designed for use as ai permanent) dwelling but as ttemporaiDl living quartets for necreatticnal camping), ltnamel, or seascinail use. Redevelcipment.) The process of using land that contains cir previously ac r twined development. Required open space.\ Any space required in any) frond, side cin rear yard. Residential plot) plain.) A plan submitted foci the ccnstnuctlion or llcicaitiicri of all new single-family detached dwellings cin two-faimily dwelllingsi cin ain exiii suing or platted 1 cit). This plan sh aill m eel the requirements cf sectti c n 71- 20C22, reECclenlial ploll pllain. Riglhl-of-wary.) A stliiip cif hand occupied cr intended to be occupied b31 a street, crcisswailk, railroad, electric tnansmissien lune, oil cin glass pipelines, vaatter mann, sanillaryl cir storm sewer matin, shade )bees, cit either speciial use. Road.1 Slee "street." Satlell ll itte d ii ssh antlenni as.\ See "antten n ai." Scsteening.� The acs cf misuaillyl shielding) cit obscuring one (1) aibuttling on nearby structure cn use from ancither by fencing, walls, berms, or required g lainllesd uegeltatticin. Screen matteniaiD Materials that hayse been outlined in article WE for the screening of services s1 ructu nese, equipment, and/ot c utd coir stcra g e )lairds. Seasonal shasding.� The praclice cf using plant maiteriaill to capitalize on scIlar energy and light far heattingl and inleriicit lighting purposes. An emample would be using deciduous trees neaii wui nd c vws to shade aft ern e on sun in the summer, but allow afternoon sun for heat) and light through in 11he winter. Slervice buildingl.\ A building used tci hciuse statticriaryl cir mcvablae sesrvice equ ii fl rri ent and me chap i call equipment fct 1 h e maintten anc e a in d functii c in cif cinsite machinery. SlellbacU The required minimum hciiiizontal distance between the building line and the related front, side, or rear property line. A setback is meant) from a street not a d niveivway. Slelback Mine.\ A line within a )cit parallel to ai corresponding )cit line, which is the bciundairy cif anyl specified front), side, cn rear yairsd, or the 24 boundary) of any public night -cif -way whetlhlen aicgluincd in fee; eaisemientl, cin ctlhlerwise, or a bine citherwise estlablished to glovenn the lccaN icri cf buildings, stlnuatunes or uses. Where nci minimum frond, side, cin near yards acre specified, the setback line shailll be cctlerminous with the corresponding) 11ct1 line. Shopping centlen.1 A grouping of anchitlectlurailly unified and relaited retail estlabHshmentls which) are planned, devellcifled, owned, and mainaged ais a singlle cpanatling unit, and which share iiritlerconnectled walkways and parking ateas. The estlaibliishmentls ccntlained within a shciflping center are related to each either and the market area served in tleiims cif size, type, locaition, and m atk et cirri entlatlion. Slhiiub.\ A relailli-,Aely lciw grciwingl, woody) plaint typified by1 having semenal permanent stems instleaid of ai single thunk. Slhnub, deciduous.\ Any sihnub which sheds its fciliaige during ai parliiculan season of the year. Slhnub, evergreen.\ Any) shrub) which retlaiins its foliaige threuglhoutl the entire yeari. Siigr..\ Any) device, fixture, pllaicard, cn stlnuctlure that uses any) color, farm, graphic, illumination, symbol, cm writing to advertise, announce the purpcso of, call attenticn to, cm identify the purpc se of ai person ciii entity, cir tic communicable infoitnatlion of ainy kind to the public. Slign, animatle d .1 Any sigh that uses move rr entl or change of ll ightling tci depict) action cir to creatle a sfleciail effect) or scene. This shaill not include a vamiablle messaige sign. Sign, banner. Any sign cif I iglhtwleight faibric or similar mateinial that is mounded tici a pole ciii ai buiGlding by one (1] or more of its edgles. Nationail flaigs, state, cin municipal flags, ori the officiall Haig of any instAution oii business shall not be considered bainners. Sign, beacon.\ Any light with one (1; ciii incite beams directed intci the admeisphete or directed ail one (1) or mcine pc intls neil cn the saime zc ne )cit as the light source; also, ainy light with one (1) or more beams thadl tetatle cit move. Sign, billbciard.\ An tiff -premises sign waned by{ a flerscn, corflcination, cir cipher entity that engaiges in the business c f selling the advertising sp aice on tlhait sign. Sign, canopy.\ Any sign tlhadl is painted cin, printed cin, part cif cin ctlherwilse atllached to cin disiplaiyed cn an awning, cainopy, or other fabric, fllaistliie, on atlnucturail prcitleetive cover ciuer ai door, entrance, windeiw, cn ciutld c e r sc nvice aneai. No such sighs shall l pre j ectl verticaillyl ablcime cin below, cm hori21ontlailly beylcind the phylsicall 6mensieins cif such cainopy. Sign, commercial messagle.\ Any) wendingl, 11cig1e, cin others nepnesentlatlion that), directly er indirectly, naimes, advertises, cin caillls- atllentlion to ai business, prcductl, service, ciY ether commcricial acliuity. Sign, dinecticnaiD On-pnemises signage desiglned to gluide vehiiculam and/ori pedestrian traffic by issuing words such as "Entlraince," "Exit," w "Paiiking," "One -Way," or similar instructions, and related indic"Acir graphics such as arrows, which may] include the identification cif the Eu;ilding or use but may naitl include any advertising or commercial message or llcigci. Sign, faicaide.\ Any sigh attached to any pairt of a building, as contlraislled to a freestanding sigh, and projecting) nci further than six (E) inches frcim the building wall it is attached lta. Slee ailsoi: "sign, wall." Sign, flaig.1 Any fabric or Hunting containing distinctive acillcirs, patllernsi, cir symbols, used to ccmmunicatle a messages cir draiw attention to ai deveacipmenl, business, land use, cir other similair entity. Sign, freestanding. A sigh that is attached tai, erected on, or supported hly scime structure (such as ai pole, malstl, frame, cin c1heir structure) than is nct itself an intlegral part cf cir atllached ttc ai building or structures whcsie principal functliicin is something) dither than the support of ai sign. Sign, internally illuminalled.� A sign where the source cf the illumination is inside the sigh and light emanalles through the message cif the sign, ralther tlhain being reflected diff the surface cif the sign from an external sciurce. A sign thal consists cif air ccntaiins tuhles that) (i) arae filled with neon or scime other gals Iliad glcivws when an electric currient passes through it and (ii) are intended to form or constitute ail] cr part cif the message cif the sign, rather tlhain merely providing illumination to other parts cf the sign that contain the mesisaige, shad11 ailsci be considered an internally illuminated sign. Sign,, marqueei.1 A roof -like structure of a permanent nature which prcectls frcm the wall cif ai building cr its suppcirts and may overhaing tthe public way. Sign, nonccnforming.\ Any sign tlhaft does not conform to )the requirements of this ord ii nance. Slign, ciff-priemisesi.\ A sign thlall draws attentlicin W cr communicates informalticn about l ai Eusiness, service, commcidity, acccmimccation, atttraict,,icin than draws atllention to a cause or advocates or prciclaims a politicall, relligious, or cilHer nonccimmercial message, or other enterprise or activity that exists cr is ccnductled, scld, offered, maiinlained, or prc mi d ed ait a localli cin oil IH et tH an the 1 cit cin whic H tH a sign is l cical led. Slign, cin -premises.\ A sigh than drawws attlenticn to or communicates infcirmatlion about ai hlusiness, service, ccimmciCty, accommodation, attlraclicn, or otlhen enterprise or activity tthait exists cir its ccnducted, scild, offered, maiintlained, air prcvided cin the lot where the sign is ]cicalled. Sign, pennant).\ Any liglhtwei glhltl plastic, fahlric, or other materiall, whether cr not containing ai message cif any kind, suspended frcrn or supperted by ai rope, wire, air string, usuailly in series, designed to mcive iiri the wind. SI i gn, pcirtaH le.\ Any sign ncitl permanently atllaic h ed to the ground or other permanent structure, or ai sign desiglned to be transported, including, but not limited l los, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels, 2IE sligns converted tici "A" cin "T" frames; menu aind sandwich board siglns, balloons used as signs, umbrelllas used for admertisingl, and sighs attached to cin painte e cin vehicles pairked and visible from the public riiglht-of-way, unless said mehicle is used in the ncnmal dayl-doff-daffy ciperallieins cif the business; such Nehiclleis shall be parked oinlyl in ai designawd parking space. Slign, prci'ecting.� A sigh citlher tlhain a facades, canicpyl, em marquee sign which is wholly err partially dependent upcn ai building) for support aind that projects more than sig (6] inches from such building). S ign, special event).\ A sign for the purposes cif circuses, fairs, aarn:ivails, feslivails, and cipher types cf srleciail events that (i) run for nctl loinglen than 11wo (2) weeps, (ii) are intended air liikely to attract substantial cnowcsi, and (iii] arae unlike the customary air usual activities generally associated with the pnoiperty where the siflec:iail event its to be lecawd. Sign, suspended.\ A sign that l is suspended from the underside cif ai horizontal plaine surface aind is suppcirted byl such surface. Slign, tempemaryl.\ A sign that is used in cainnectliicn with a chiciurrisrtaince, situation, cir eNentl that is designed, intended, cr empectled tic take place or to be completed within ai neaisonablyl short or definite flericd aflen the erecticin cif such sigln; or, is intlended to remain ciri the ilcicaitlicr where it is erected or plaiced. If a sigh display areai is permanent) but the message displayed its sub'ectl to periodic chaingles, that sign shall not be regairded as tempairairy. Sign, wally Any) sign attlached pairaillel W, but within six (6) inches of ai waill, painted on the wall surfaice cif, or eneicled and confined within the limits of an outside wailll of any) building cr structure, which is supported byl such wall or b u ii )ding, aind which d i sp lays only one (1; sign surface. See ailsci: "sign, faicaide." Sign, wincciw.\ Any sign, pictures, symbol; ciri coimbinalicin tHeiiecif designed W communicak iinformadlicin about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale, or service, thad is placed inside a windcw air docir cin upein the wiindew panes cin glass and is miisible from the exterior of the window cii door. Simplified site plan.\ A plan submiittled for ai chainge ciri expansion of ai commercial, civic, ciffice or industrial use ciri ain exisllingl site and meets the requiirements of sectiain 7-2101013. Site development) plain, preliminary/final. A plan, to scale, showing uses and citlructlures prcipcised for ai parcel of land aisi required by the regullatliens pertaining tci site plans in this ordinance. Includes lest liners, streets, building) sites, reserved open space, buildingls, majcir laindscape feawres, both naillurail anc m ainmaid e„ wind any other nequ ii rierri ends oulll i n ed by airticle VIII. Sllope.1 The degree cif deviaticn of a surfaice frcim the Hemizcirtal, usually exflnessed as a percentage. S1cifle shall be measured as the vertical rise or fall tc horiaontall distlaince cif terrain measured perpleniCcular lice the cenleur lines at hcriacintail intervals cif more than ten (11 CI) feet). 27 S-lolar oriecntladlicin.\ The praicfte cif using buillding placemientl and design to capillalize on solar energlyl and light) for heading and interior lighting) purpccses. Specified anatomical area. Sluch areas include less than completlely and opaque covered human glenitalls, puhlic reglicin, buttocks, female breasts belcvw a fl6ntl immeidiadely ahoive the tap cf the aireola, and human maile glenitlalls in ai discernibly tlurglid state, even if completely and cipaquely cowered. SIfleciified sexual actliviity.\ Such activity inclludes human genitals in ai state of sexuail stimulation or arousal, an acct of human masturbation, sexivail intlercciurse or sc dcimy, and fondling or c ther erotic touching of hurrian genitlails,pubic region, buttlocks cr femaile breastsi. Sltlairt cif constlructicn.\ The date the building permit was issued, promiided the actual start cif construction, repair, neconstructlicin, rehabilitladliicin, aid6tlion,, placement cr other improvement) was within one hundred eighty (11 8C) days of the permit) claw. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent) construction of a structure cin ai sidle, such ais the pouring of slab or fccctingls, the instlaillladliicin of pipes, the constructhicin cf columns, ori any work beyond the state of excavation; or the placement) of a manufactured home cin ai foundat i c n . Permanent c c n stru ctlion does not include land pnepairal Iii con, siu ah as clearing, glraidingl and filling); ncii does it include the incstlacllladlicin cf streets acndjor wailkways; noon does it include emcavatlion for a baisementl, fcccctlings, piers, cir foundaiticns cir the erection of tlemperaryl forms; nor does it include the instlaillladlicn cn the property cif accessory) buildings, such as garages or sheds root occupied ais dwelling units cit nct pall of the main structure. For ac suhlstlaintliail improvement), the actuall start of construction means the first alteration on any) wall, ceiling, floor, cr otlhur structural part ccf a building, whether cin not the ailteradlicin affects the external d:imensicins cif the buildingl. Slcraigle.\ The keeping), either indoors or cutdocrs, of equipment), vehicles, cr supplies used in the conduct cif a trade, hlusiness, cr prafcssion. Stcrmwatler manaigc rr entl.\ Rai quantitative ccintlrcl, a system of'Megetlatlive and structural measures thall contlro'l the increased vcilume and rate of surface runoff caused by manmaide changes to the land; and for qualitative contlrall, ai sylstlem cf'megetallime, stiuctlurail, and other mcaisures that reduce cr eliminate pollutlaints that might) otherwise be carried hlyl surface runoff. Sllorrn wader management) practice, nonstructural.) A stcrmwatet management technique that utilizes the ecc logical and en mironmental aspect cif a site cr area fon the cccllectlion, conveyance, channeling, Holding, retaining, detaining), infiltration, diverting, treading or filtering) of surface water, and/or runoff. SItlormvwatler mainaglement practice, structurall.\ A stlormwatlen rrianaglementl technique tlhall utilizes ai mainmacde facility aindicr apparadlus for the collection, ccv,vieyance, channeling, hcclding„ retaining, detaining, infltratlicin, diverting, treading or filtering of surface wadlur, and/ct runciff. Story.) That plcirticv cf a building, other than the basement, included betvwuen the surface of any) flocir and the surface of the floor next) above it. if thutu is no floor aibove it, the space betwleen the farce and the ceiling next) ab civci it. W Sltory, haillf.\ A spaice under ai sloping ncof, which hats the lune cif intersectcn of roof decking and wall ncitl moire than three (3) feat) aibcue the loip flocir level), and in which space more than two-thirds (13) of the Ecoir area is finished off for use other than storage. Sltteel.) A publlic cit primate tlhcneugWare used, or intended to be used, for paissaige or ttavel by mcitcir vehicles. A street serves three (3) or mcirie ]Icts. The wand "street" shall include the vwcrds "rciaid", and "hiighvwa3l". Sltliieel, arleriail.\ A street speciificailllyl designed to mcive high viclumes of tlnaffic from c c llectlor streets tlhreiuglh the county and nc tl designed to serve abutting lots except indirectly through intersecllingl streets. Arterial streets shall include all L.S. Highvways, state primaries with c n e-, tivwe - or three -digit numbers, anc anyl other street which the subdivision argent determines is functionally equivalent to these tlransportaiticin department classifications. Street, calllector.\ A relatlive]31 llcvw-speed, lcvw-volume sheet thadl ptaivides circulation within and between neiglhbcrhoods. Ccllecticm streets usually serve shcrt tnips and are intended far collecting tlrifls frcim ]cicail streets and distributing) them tic the arterial netvwcmk. They) ailsei form ai seacindaryl netlwcmk of cross county cannectiviity. Street), public.\ A public street cin stlnect with respect to which an offers cif dedicaiticin pais been maide and improvements completled which are consistent with the Isle cif Wight County Slubdivisicin Ciidinance aind the necuiremenlls of the Virginia Dleflairtmenl cif Ttainsportadliicn or a street) em pertiein tlherecif which is inclluded in the stlalle primary) or secondary road sylstlem. Sltlrucilure.\ Anything ccnstlructed or etecllec, the use of which requires permanent to cad i cin cin the ground, or atllachmentl to something having ai permanent 1 c cation on the ground. A m cin gl other things, structures include buildings, m c b i le and manufactured hcimes, wail ll s, fenc eci, signs, piens, and swimming) pools, etc. Slublciivision.� Me division on nesiublcivision of a loll, tltaict, cin parcel cif land b3i any means iiritici twc (2) or more lois, tracts, parcells or citlher divisions cif laind including changes in existing) lad) lines for the purpcise, whether immediate ar futlure, cif lease, transfer of ownership or building) of lctl devielopment. The Herm subdivision shall ailso mean the faIllovwing: 1. Any demelopmeritl of ai parcel of land which involves instlallalicn cif sanitary) sewers, water mains, gals matins cr pipes, or ollhen appiicipriadle facilities for the use, whether immeciiadle cn future, of the owners cr occupants cif the land, air of the building abutting tlhemecin. 2. Any development cif a parcel cf land involving) mb (2) cn more principail structures cn involving) shopping centers, mulliplle cvwelling pro' ectls and the like which require the installation c f streets ain di c r alleys, even tlhc ugh the s1 reeds and alleys mayl be not c edicated to public use and the parcel may be divided fcn purposes of ccn-,Aeyance transfer or saile. M, 3. Any development) cf a paircel of land involving twlei (2) cin more principail structures car involving) shopping tenders, multiple dowelling pro. eci s and the like which require 11h a installation cf streets e in d i cir ailleyls, even though the streets and alleyls may) not be dedicated to public use and the parcel may net be dedicated to publl is use and the parcel mays not be divided for purposes cif conveyiance, )transfer oar saile. 4. The Herm "subdivision" includes resubdivision, and asa appropriate in this ordinance, shaill refer to the process cif subdiiN iding the land can tici the land subdivided. Substantial daimaige.\ Daimage of any) cirigliin sustained by a strauctlutia whereby the ccstl cif restciring the structure to its before damaged acindiitlicn wcu11d equal or exceed fifty percent (5013/ci) cif the maiiiketl value of the silruclure before the daimaged occurred. Stu b s1 antlial improvem entl.\ Damage of any origin su stlaii n ed by a structure, the ccistl of which equaills cr exceeds fifty percent) (5(%) cif the market vailue of the sl rucllure either bl efcre the imprcvemenll or repair is started cr, if the structure hats been d amaigled , and is being) restored, before the d alma ge ciccu rred. For 1 h e purfl c isles of 11h i s definition, "su b stlaanllii al i mpre vem entl" is considered to occur when the first) altleraticin of any wall, ceiling), floor or tither stlructlurail part cif the building commences, whether or not thall altlerat:icin aiffects the external dimensions cf the slruclure. The Herm does nctl, hcivwever, include either any pro'ectl for iimprovementl of ai structure Wcempl)i withexislling sitlaite cr lccaill health, sanitary) cir safety code specifrcalliicns cm aryl ailleratlion cif ai "historic structure," provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure's ccnlinued designation as a "historic stlructure." Tcvwer.\ Any structure that is intended fcir transmitting cm receivingl television, rad i c , telephone, digitail, cr other er similar c c m municatlions or is used to sufperl ai communicaticin antlennai can otheri similar demice. ' lractl.\ Slee "llcitl." Traffic impact anailysiis (T]A;.\ An analMsis cif the effecl of llraiffc gleneralled by a devellcipment cin the capacity; cperalliens, and saifety of the public street and highway system. Tree, deciduous.\ Any) tree which sheds its foliage during ai particular seasoin of the yeair. Tlrea, everglreen.� Anyi tree which netaiins its fclliaige throughout) the entire year. Tree, hleritlaigle.\ Any) tree or shrub which has been designalled byl ordinance cf the Isle of Wight) Cciuntyl Bciand cif Supervisors as having nolable historic cr cu ltu ria;) significance to any sit a car which hats been sca designated in accordance wilh an ordinaance aadopted pursuant) to Section 15.21-503 of the Code cif Mliiglinia, as aamended. Tree, m allure.) Any d eci d ueaus cir evergreen tree with as minimum diameter of fourteen (14) inches when measured four and cnei-haalf (4'/z) feel above ground level. 30 11ree, significantl.� Any deciduous or evergreen tree with ai minimum diameter cif twenty-twci (22] inched when measured Run and cine -half (4%2) feet) above ground lemel. Trip gleneraoliicin.\ The number of )trip ends eaiused, attracted, produced, em otherwise genenatleid by a specific land use, aictlivity, cir cevelcipment in acccirdaince with the latesl edition cif the Rip Generation Manuail; published by the Institute of Tlransipcirlartlion Englineens. Ulse.\ Tlhe purpose cir activiityl, feir which a pierce cif land or its HLfldings is designed, arranged or intlenced, cir for which) it is ciccupied or maiintaiined. Use, p ermitlled.\ A use, which may be lawfully established in a part i culair district c r districts, pi cavi d ed it coinfc nms with ail ll negu lao c nsi, requirements, and standards cif this ctclinance. Utliliityj faicility.\ Any aihove cir belcivw ground structure cm facility (cther than fl u ii )dings, unless such buildings are used as stloraigle incidental to the e operao icin of such structures cr facilities) civwned by ai glcuernmenta:l entity, ai nonprofit) erganiaalion, a corflciration, or any entity defined as ai public utility for any purpose and used in ceinnecllien with the production, geneiratlion, lransmissicin, delivery), ccllectlioin, or stloraige of water, sewaige, electricity, gas oil, or electlrcimaignetlic signails. Variance.\ A waiver cif the dimensionail and numeric requirements of llhis ordinance apprcived by the board of aoningl appeals in aiccordance with section 1-1 of 19 of this ord inane e. Vlideo amcaide.\ Slee "commeiiciaill in&cm amusement" lisped under coimmencial use types. Vlehiclle.\ Slee "rrctlor mehiclle." Vlehicle moving area. Any) airea cin a site where vehicles park or drive. Watlercourse.\ Any natural or artificial sllreaim„ river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, ccinduiit, culvert, drain, watlerwary, glullly, raivine, cir wash, in and including any areai aid'acenll thereto which is subject) to inuncatliein by wader. Wooded area.\ An area of ceinlhiglucus wocidee vegetation where trees are al a dFinsity cf at leaistl one (1; six-inch er greater diameter at breast height (DBH) tree per three hundred twenty-five ( 3215) squame feet cf land and where the branches and le ave s form ai ccintiguc us canopy. Meniscapingl.\ Site design and/cm glardenirigl techniques which may include the use of native and/or drought) tic lerant planus to create a landscape cir envirenmentl which does nerd require any fcirm of supplements. iniiglafion after twlertyj-fcun ('14) meinths from the lime of iirstlallaglion. Yard.\ An open sp ace on l lh a same lot with ai building) or sl rucl lure, unoccupied and unobstructed frcm the ground up, except as otlherwiise permitted in l h i s c ndin ance. Yard, c cine r side.\ A side yard aid j e in i ng ai public cm private s1 reed. Ylard, frcnt.\ A ylard expending) ailong the full width cif the front) lot bine hetwleen the side lot Mines and from the frcntl Toil line to the frcntl building Line ne in depth. 31 Yand, interior snide.) A side yeird, which is locaded immediately aid'acent to ancitlher loll or to an aillley sepanatling such yand from another llcitl. Ylamd, rear.\ A )lard extending ailong llhe full length of the llcstl and lying between the rear lot line and the nuarestl bine of the building). Blear yand depth shall be measured at right) angllles to the rear line cif the lot). Yllaid, siide.\ A yard lying between the side dine of the loin and the neared) line of the building and extending frcm the frcint yard tici the ream yard, or in tlhe absences of eitlhleii cif such front or reeir yards, to the front em rear llcitl lines. Aide )lard width shad) be measured atl tiiglhtl angles tics side lines of the loll. Zeno lot line.\ The locat:icin of a abiucture cin a llcitl in such a manner that nine (l; cif the structure's sides resl directly on ai ]cit) line. Zoning aidmiristlrafor.\ The person designated as the official resipensible fcn enfercingl and administering ail ll requirements of the lslle of Wlight County Zoning Ordinance, or his duly aulhesrized designee. Zoning, base distlrictl.1 Those base underlying zoning) districts ether than special civerlay districts setl forth in article IVII. Zoning, planned d evel cip m entl d i stlri ctl.\ Iland ane as cif minimum size, as specified by distltiictl regulations, to be planned and developed using a ccimmein maistlet zoning plan, aind contlaiiniingl cne (1] or more uses and appurtenant) common areas. Zoning, sf eciasl ever] ay distlrictl.\ A d i stti ctl, which is placed c ver 1 h e existing baise zoning and impesies aiddilliicinail restrictions and includes all those d i stlti ctls listed as special civet] ay zoning districts ictls in art i cle IV. Zoning, underlying distlrictl.\ See "zoning, base district)." (71-71-05; 8 -2101 -CSI; 11-4-09; Ord. Na. 21C13 -1-C, 4-18-13, 3-2C-14.) NOW, TMRBFCRE, BE IT FURIIHERI ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County Board of Supervisors that Appendix B, Aoningl, S -lection 3- 40CC, Civic Use Types, of the Isle cif Wight County Cede Hes amended and reenacted as fcsllows: Sec. 3-40100. Civic use t)lpes. Administlradliive service.\ Gcsvernmentlal officials providing aidministlratlive, clerical or public contact) services thadl deal directllyl with the citizen. T31piicall uses include fedenal, state and county ciffices. Ad u lltl carie centler.\ A facility that provides care to aidultls during part cif the day only and which includes perscnail supervisicn c f the adults and praimotlus social, physical, and emciticnail well-being tlhmugh compankinshiif, self- education and leisure lime actliuitlies. Assisted liNling facilisty.\ Any congregate residential setting that) pnevidesi perscnail and Health care services, twenty -four-hour supervision, meals, housekeeping and assistance (scheduled or unscheduled) fan the maintenance, 371 eir care c f fe ur (4) or mere aid ults who ane aged, infirm c n 6 sab] ed and who are cared for in a primanilyl residential settling. Residents are pnimar1y in glood health and are in need cif residential caire rather than medical treatment. C emeteryl.\ A p1l aic e used for interment c f Human on animal rem mins, including a burial park for earth interments, ai mauscileum for vault) or crypt) interments,, or a ecimbiniwiein thereof. Cemetery, animal.\ A pamcel of ]land cin portion tlhenecif, buildings, and/cir structures used for the interring cif animail remains. C emetlery, church.\ A paaicel of ]and c t portion tlherecif, buildings, air.d/cn structures, ci wned and ciperated by a church, used for the intatring cif human remains. Cemetery, privatle.1 A plarcel of land cit portion tlhere c f, buildings, and/cin stiuctures, pnimatlelly owned and operaMed, used for the interring of human remains. Cemeteryl, public.) A pamcel of land or plcirtiicin tlherecif, buildings, avid/cin structures, owned and operated 1:131 the cciunty, staNb, or federeill government, used for the iintleniingl cif human remains. Child care Gentler.\ A child day program cHered W twle (2) eir mcine children under the age cif thirteen (13) in ai faicIity that is ncitl the residencie of the prcivider c n of any of the children in care. Child care instlitlutliicn.\ Any institution maintained fan the purpcsie of tecuiving children fer full -dime care, maintenance, prcitlectlion and guidance separated from thein parents cir guardians. This shlail] not include primary or seccindary educatlional facilities or summer camps. Club.\ A use promicing meeting, or sciciail facilities for social cllubs, fnaternailiscrotal organizations, lodge, and similar orglani2iaficins avid associatliens, primarily for use by members and guests. Rleeneadiicvail facilities, unless c1liervwise specificailllyl cited in this sectlicin, may be provided for members and guests as an accessory) use. This definition excludes hunt) clubs and dance haills, which are defined separately. Community cenkt.l' A place, structure, cit otlhen facility) used fcin promiidingl civic and/cir recreatlionai] preglrams generally open to 1He public and desiglned tici aiccommicidaW and sense significant) segments of the community. This use can also be referred to as ai cenventlion cit civic Gender. Correctlienal faicility.1 A publicly or privately operated use prcvidingl Hcusingl and cane for individuals ])egad])) confined, designed to isolate those inch viduails frc m the cc m munity. Crisis Gentler.\ A facility providing temporary protectliiue sanctuary far uictlims cif crime or abuse, and home]essness including) emergency Heusingl during crisis intervention for individuals, such as victims cif rape, child abuse, cin physical beadings. Cultural sermiec.\ A library), museum, cir simiilair public cin quasi -public use cl isplaying, preserving and exhibiting objects cf ccimmunity and culturail 33 interest in cine (1) er more of the arts cn sciences. Such uses shaill include; but are ncit limited to, libraries, museums, art gallleries, and airt centers. Bducartlieinal facility, college/university.\ An educadlienal iinstlituttiein authcniaed by the Commonvwealtlrl of Virginia tle awiatd assciciate, baccailaureWe eir higher de ghees. Educationall faicility, primary/seccndairyl.1 A public, priva0e or parochial sichocil offering instruction ad the ellementairyl, junicin and/or senior high schocl levels in the branches cif learningl and sttudyl required to be tlauglht in the publia schools of the Ummonvwealtlh of Virginia. Hailfuway house.\ An establishment providing a icccimmcidaficns, rehab iIitlatlion, couriseliirgl, wind suflervision to persons suffering frern alcohol or drug addiction cir similar disorders, and/cm tlo persons re-entleningl society after beiingl mleasied from a cerrecticinail faicility or citlher institution. Life cane faicility.\ A residential facility primarily) for the centinuingl came of the elderly, providing for tlransitlionail housing fnogressingl from independent living in various dwelll:ing units, with or without) kitchen facilities, and culminating in nursing hcime-type cane, where all reladed users are located cm the same lctl. Sluch faicility may include other services integrall to the personal and therapeutic caire of the residents. Modular claissroom.\ Wrtable, prefabricated buildings which ane constructed eiff site and used ars temporary) facilities in relation to expainding ed ucafi c nal foci ll hies. Nursing) home.\ A facility whcise pnimaryl functlicn is to provide nursim9l and heailtlh-related services fcir the tlreatlmentl and inpadlientl came of two (2) or mcre unrelated iind:ividuails, including) faciFtlies kncivwn ars convailascent he m es, skilled nursing faicilities or skilled care facilities, intermediate care facilities, extended care faicilities and nursing eir nursing cane faiciilities. A hcisfliice is also included in tthis use. Emcluded from this use tyjpe is anyl facility providing surglii cal e r emergency medical services and faici l i6ea pteividingl care for alcoholism, drug addiction, menttaill disease, on communicable d ii sease . Park and ride facillity.\ A publicllyl owned, short-tteim parking) faiciFty fell commuters. Posit eifEce.\ Postal services directly available tc the ccinsumer cperatted byl the Uniitled Sltatles Postal Service. Public aissembly.� Facilities owned and operated by a gcivernmientl cir quasi-glomernment agency) accommodalingl public assembllyl for spcirts, amusements, eir enttcrtaiinmcnt purposes. Typical uses include auditoriums, sflcirts auditorium, ccinvention facilities, fainglroundss, wind incidenttall sailes and exhibitiein faicilities. Public maintenance and service facility.) A government owned cn cpenatled facility supporting) maintenance, repair, vehicular cit equipment) ser- ,viv cing, material storage, and similar activities. 34 Public park and recreational airea.\ Government) owned and operated park), picnic area, playgne und, i nd cic n em outdoor athletic facility., game preserve and open space. Public saifety seruice.\ Facility for the conduct) of saifety and emergency services for 1He primary benefit) of the public, wHetlher publicly air privately owned and ciperatled, includiing pellice and firepretlection services; emergency medical and ambulance services, and Heliccipter landing) sites. Rleligliicius aissembly.\ A use providing regular eirgainiiaed religious worship and rellaftid incidentlail activities williin air cut cf a structure including aiccessoDl uses, such as day care facilities, but nest) including educalicral facilities, primairy and secondary. Rehaibildtlatlion service.\ A use preividiingl recuperaN ive or similair services for persons requiring) rehab ilitlatlion assistance as a result) cif phlylsicall, mental illness, alcoholism, detention, drug addiction, or similar c oindi tic ns for only pail cif a twenty-four-hc ur daryl. Utility service/ma'or.1 A service of a regional nature which nctmally entails the eenstructlion cif new buildings cri structures such as generating plant,i ane sources, ekdrical switching facilities and stations or substatlions, cc m m u n i ql waisllewatler treatment p ll antis, and water supply and p r oducl i cin in excess cf fifty thciusand (50,000; gaillllcins per day. Included in this definition are also electric, glass and ether utility tlnansmissicin lines of a reglienal nature 1 hat) are ncitl otherwise reviewed and apprc ived byl the V irigli n ii ai S tatle Corfleratlion Commission. Utility service/minciri.1 A seniice whlich is necessary to support deve:lopmentl within the immediate vicinity and involve only minor structures. Included in 1111 i s use type are c istlributlion lines and small l facilities than acre underground cr overheard, such) ais transformers, relay and beester devices, remote switicliingl slatlions, well waiter, avid sewer pump slaticins. (7- 7-05; 5-22-1-101; Ord. No. 2012 -1C -C, 10-18-12, 3-20-14.) NOW, TBBRBFCR.BI, BE IT FURTHBR ORDAINED by the Isle of W iglhtl C ciunty Board cf Supervisors ll iat Appendix B, Zoning, Sleeticin 4- 3CIC15, Density bonus for cluster demelopment in the Rurail Residential (RRI) Dlii s tEii ctl, cf the Isle cif Wight County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 4-3005. Density bonus kir cluster development in the Rural Resiidantliail (RR) District. A. General desicriptlicin. ..... Cluster development in the Ruta] Residential (RR) District) is encouraged to protect rural charaicter and to preserve open spaice and prciduclime fairm and timber lands while permitting ll:imitled cevelcipmentl in rurail areas of the cciuntyj. It is intended to encourage inncmallive and creative design cif residential demeilopmerit; tc preserve aigricull u ral lands and enhance the rural at m oisph ere and u;i suail ch ainacl er cif thle cciurty; and, to encouraige a more efficient use of land and services in ord en to re duce constlru ctlioin cc ,itis, reflect) change si in 1 hi a tlechnc logy] cif 35 land devellcipmenl wind minimizes maiintenance costs of setmice delivmeryl and utlilityl sylstlems. B. Applicaibility. ..... The fcillowing provisions esitlaibliisrh minimum performance sllaindairds associated with tlhnee (3) eipl is nail density increases which may be exercised byi landowners in the RRI District at the gime cf neaoning of the prcip erty. The densi tyl optli c n s avrailab le shall be one (1) dwelling unit) per ten (IC) aicres, but may be increased to one (1) dowelling unillpeir eighl (8) aicres cr cne (1; dwelling per five (5) atones, if certaiin demelopmentl standards ane met) ais ccind itions cif density increase. These develcipment standards are c utllined in suh'seiclliein D. C. Geneiial standards...... The folllciwing general standards shaill apply tic all clustlet demelopmentls in the RR Dlistlnict: 1. The applicant shailll have legaill cin equitable tlitlle tci the property cn sihalll otherwise havre ai legailllyl decumentled financial inlletest in the real property, which is the subject of the aippEcatlion. 21. The proposed develcipmenll shall contaiin a minimum of twenty (210) contiguous acres leicaftd within the RR District). 3. All lets created through the aicl of subdivision shailll be served b3i no mere than, one (1) point of aiccess to ain existlingl public head. The internal stteell setviiingl the sruhldimision shailll be constructed in accordance with the applicahle minimum standairds cif and dedicaWd to tihe Mirgliiniai Department) of Tlransportatic n. 4. In nci case shall nesidentiail slructunes he lcicatled within one hundred (100) feet of an existing public road right) -cif -way. Fifty (5C) feel) of the eine-h undre d -foot) bufferylatd between 1 he l ctsr and the public road right) -c f -wary shall be landscaped tici maiinllaiin or enhance the rurall image er left in a narllurall setlliingl, as prescribed in section 8-1002. `I. Dedicaticn cif aiddillieinail public toad right-cf-way aid'acenll to an existing public rciaid felt futlure widening) when the highway level of setviiice in the area necessritlatles widening) shaill be ai condition of development) at each of the three (3) optional densities contained in subsecllicin B. cif this sectio n. 11. Density eiplliicins. 1. The baste density c f one (1) dwell i n gl unit peri ten (IC) aicnesr may be permitted provided: a. C lustlening art a density cif cine (1) dwelling unit) per ten (1 () actesi sci than no more than fifty percent (50'%i) cif the tclail base site airea is to be included in 1he subdivision, including lots, toad right) -cif way), and ether required puhllic iimpnovemenlls. b. Fifty percent) (500K) cif the site shall he penmanen111y1 established lin eipan spaice including) fairm or feresit use and riesllrictled from further development. R c. The minimum lot shall be forty thousaind (401,000) square feel) aind the maximum lot) size shaill be five (5) acres, prciwided the heaatlh depairtmentl stlandardsi for use of cin -side septic systems are met). 2. The base density may be increased to cine (1; dwelling unit) per eight) (8) aicre s if the following conditions are met: a. Clustleringl apt ai density c cine (1) dowelling unit per eight) (8; aicres sci thadl no more than forty percent (4C%) c f the hlaise site area is included in the subdivisicin, including) lots, road tights-of-vwayl and cthler required public rimpnevements. b. S-lixty percent (6C%) cif the site shaill be permanently established in cpen spaice including farm cin feresitl use aind is restrictled frcim further development. a. The minimum lc tl size shaill ble fcirty tlhc usaind (40,000; sic uare feet and the maximum ]cit size shaill to three and cine -half (3.5] acnes in size, provided the health department) stlaindards for on -side septic sy stems ai a met. 3. The base density may be increased to one (1; dwelling unit per five (5) acres provided: a. Clustering) at a density cif crie (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres she that no more tlhain thirty percent) (30%x) of the baise suite areal is tci be included in the subdivisicn, including ]cits, iiiiglhtici--ef--vwayl and either riequ4ed public improvements. b. Aleve rityl percent) (7 C %; cif the site shaill remain in ripen spaice including farm c n forest) use aind r estlrict led from further d evelapmentl. c. The minimum laid size shall be forty tlhousaind (40,OOC) squam feet) and the maiximum ]cit size shall be cine and cine-hailf (1.5) acnes, provided the health department standards for cin -side septic systems are mel. H. Open spaiae requirementls...... Rleglairdlless of which of the three (3) density options is exercised, the follllciwiingl stlaindard-s shall apxlly tici any open spaice which may be included witlik and made part cif the clustlen develcipmentl and sci desiglnatled on the subdivisicin plarll: 1. All open spaces shaill he preserved fcn their intended purplose. 2. There shaill be established a nonprofit assciciatlion, c cirplorad i c n, t rust) or fciundatlion cif aill individuaills or cotycratlions ewning the resideintliail prcperty within the development) tci iinsune the sadlisfactloryl maintenance cif any) required cpen sgaice. 3. When the develcipmentl is to aidministlen open space or otlheri facilities thrciuglh ain associatlion, nonflroifitl cciriporalion, trust cir fciundadlicin, said orglaini2iatliein shaill ccrform tici the fallowing requirements: ai. The property owner eir develciper must establish the cinganiaadliicin prior to the sale cif any leitls within the subdivisicn. 31 h'. Membership in the orgainizatlicn shall be mandatory for ailll residential propert) owners, present) or future, within the sued ii -mission. c. The organiaaiticn shall manage ailll common and cifen spaices, and recreaiticinail and culllurail facilities, shall provide for the maintenance, aidminisllratic n and opeiraiti cin of said ll aind and improvements and any either land within the development and shall se cure ad equal e liahlii lity insuraince on the laind. d. The organization shall ccinform to the Property Owners Association Act, Ceide of Virginia, effective July 1, 2004, as amended, and/or to any) other laiws and regulations of the Commenwealtlh cf Virginia as may) he aipplicahlle. 11he foregoing standards for open space shall nc tl apply) tci any residue acreage of the parent tlraictl cif land which is not inclluded as part cif the cluster develeipmertl as Toils or the required cpen spaice. (17-C 5, 3-20-14.) NOW, THEREFORE, EB I11 FURTHER ORDAINED h31 the )rile of Wight County E oaird cif S,lupervisoris tlhaM Appendix B, Zcning, 5lectlicn 4- 11002, Permitted Uses, of the Isle cif Wight County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 4-11 CIC 21. Permitted uses. The k1lowing uses are permitted b)l right) sub'ectl to all either appllicahlle requirements contained in this ordinance. Ars asstme sk (*) indicates aidditicinal, modified or mane stringent stlaindamds which acre listed in sectien 5-50100, supplementaryl use regulalliscin Is, for tlhc se specific users. A. Agricultural uses: Agriculture Assembly and repair cif farm equipment) ' Forestry operallicn • Forestry, silvicultlurasl B. Civic uses: *' Adult came center *' Child care center Park and ride facility " Publia m aiintenancei and service facility) Public sasfety seniice * Ulis:lity serviceimiincir C. Office uses: General office L aibciratic ryl D. Commercial] uses: Agricultural service • Commerc,ial assemhlyl and repair cf ail] equipment normaill])l used in agriicull urail, sillvicultutail, and horticultural cperaillicin Business or trade schcic 1 C ar wash * Commercial indciciri sports and recrea�liicn * Constructliicn cfficei, tlemperary Contlraictaii ciffce aind staraigle facility Equipmentsales and rental 1' Garden center Laiundryl Lawn and gairden services " Miniwairehouse Motlor vmehicle/outldoor storage Mcitcit vehicle/renlail Mcticr vehicle repair serviceima'or Retail sales Truck stcip B. Ind u stlti ail uses: * C c risitructlion yamd Convenience center Custom mainufaictluring Industry, Hype I * Recylcling centeritransferi stladlicn Warehousing and 6stlributlion F. Miscellaneous uses: * Amateur radici tower (�-ill-C 5: Ord . No. 2012-1 C -C, 10-18-1'z, 3-210-14 .) NOW, THBRENORE, BE IT FURITHDR ORDAINED UM tlhe Isle cif Wight) County Board cif Supervisors that Appendix BI, Zoning, Slecticin 5- 39 1CC 1, Prohibitled Uses, cif the Isle of Wight County Code be amended and reenacted as foilllcmis: Sec. 5-1001. Prcihibitled users. Me fallowing usies are specificaillyl excluded frcim ailll d i stlricts: A. Unless otthervwise expressly permittled, the use cif a recreaNicnal vehicle as a temporary or permainent resid ence. B. Ulnless associaWed with ai banafide agricultural use, the use of a mcticir vehicle permanently parked an a lot as a stltuctlure in which, cut cf which, cit from which any gocids are sc ld cit stored, anyl services are flerfarmed, air other business is conducted. C. Use cif shipping containers ars a residence or to support a residential, ciffice, civiiic or commerciail use. D. Storage of mctct vehicles that ane neiitther licensed nor operaiticnal cutsiide cif a substantially enclosed sttuctluie, which visually sarciens such vehicles from public tights -of -way and adjoining properties. Ncitl licensed, for purposes cf this section, shall mean nctl hauiingl all cif the following: cunientl decail, state inspection stickier, and license plates. (74-05, 3-2C-14.] NOW, 1BHEREPIORE, BB IT FURTHEM ORDAINED by the )Isle cf Wight County Bciard of Sluperviiscts that Appendix B, acningl, Section 5- 400C, Net Devell capable Areai, cif the Isle cif Wight C cru my Code be aim ended and reariaicted ais follows: Slec. 94GGG. Net developable as ear. A. Purpose. The comptehensive plan establlishes an overall gloial "tor preserva and improme envircinmentlail quality of tthe county uttiili2lingl measutas which plrottectl Isle of 'Wiglhtl's natural resciurces and environmentally sensitive lands and waders", consistent with both the Virginia Clean Water Act and the Federal Clean Water Act. In land demelopmentl, cine (1 ] effective wary towards accomplishing this gciail is la establish envi ronmen tail perform since star d acids to establish tlhc su it ah ii it ity cf land fcr development. Virginia's enabling stalutles fcr planning and acn:ingl suppert enmironmentlaill perfcirmance sttandaiids as a raWiicinail baisis for utilizing the develcpmentl suitaibilityl process. This process provides i a more logical appiicaich to define aind aillocatle land h pill d ing caipacit i es and densities to individual properties biased uflcn the lland and its underlying phylsicail, environmental, and glec1c gical inf uenc es. B. Applicability ...... .Me net demelopaible area shailll be used for deterrn iningl the density and building coverage cif d evel cpm ent perm ittled on a particullair parcel or area. This aplproaich shall apply to all farms cif land develc r rr ent, with the exception of the fc llovwingl: 1. The RAC zcin i ng district. M 21. Single-family Notts subdivided and appiicved for development prior to the ad c ption cif th i si ordinance. 3. Single-family ]citls sHcwn cin ai pneliminaryl subdivisiicn plait in compliance with the previsions cif subsection 1-1014.B. C. Net d eve] capable area call culatic ns. 1. The percentage cited below of the dotal aiieai of envinonmenl ally sensitii,ve areas shall be nerriciued frcm the dotal aicrieaige of a parcel cr aireai in carder to derive the net develcpaible aaieai: a. I d ail we1111 ands: 0 ne hundred percent) (1 C C %) . b. 11 CICI-yeair EccdpIaiins: One hundred percent) (1010 c. Resource prottectticn areas, including the required 100 -foot) buffer: One Hundred percent (1001%). d. NonAidall vwetlland: Fifty percantl (50%). e. ',91opes in excess of fifteen percent) (15'%0) but less than c equail tic thirty percent) (3010/u): Fifty percent (30`%). f. S-Ilopes in excess of thirty percent) (30`%x): One Hundred percent (100(%i). Where envinonmenttaillyl sensitive areas cverllap, the more restrictive envircnmenlailly sensitive aireai shall be used. In no case shailll civetilaip be counted twice in 11]e calcu 1 ad i c n cif net deuelopaib l e are ai. 2. In additicn to the ablcve features cif ai site, the 11citail area cif the easements car rights-of-way assciciated with ai 1 `10KV11 cit greater power transmission line cr regionall Blas transmisskn. linea shaill be removed froim 11He total acreage in order to derive the net devellcpable aireai. 3. Twenty percent (21C%1 shall be subtracted frcm the caa culatted net developable acreage W aillcvw for existing or planned public or primate street riglhts-of-vwayl, unless it cain be demonstrated to the satisfaicticn of the zoning aidministnatlor tlhatl the propcsied street riigHtts-cf-Way) in ai development cin subdivision will be less than twerit)l percent) (21C%; cif the calculated netl acreage. 4. Rlequired open space shall be cialculatled using gross acticaige. 5. All calculation of necreatlicnail space and landscaping requirements shaillll Ee based on the net devellcipaible area. E. No lcilt shall be designed, apprcued cr emplcyled for use in which an airea more 11Hain )thirty percent (301%x) of the prescribed minimum loll airea is comprised of one (1) or more cif the environmentally sensitive areas cited in [paragraph] 1., abciue. This shall not apply to lots speuif cally created exclusively to preserve and maintain environmen tail] y sensilliiNe areas, as approved by the zcningl aidmin istlrator. D. F xarri p le cif cailcu ll ail ii n gl net deuelopaib ] e areal. The following exarq ll e is provided for illustlnative purpcises in calculating the net demelopable aiieai 41 in a typical subdivision, altlhougl1i this approach applies ttci ailll forms of devel c p m ent not speci ficail lyl exempted. Illlustrattion aissumpltlions: honing district): Sluburb'an Bstlatles (SE) Maximum density allowed: 2 units net acre lGrcss acres: ICC acres IfIllocidr1laiins: I acres Resource prc tlectlion are a: 4 acres Sllcifles > 150/a but < 30`%i: 5 acres 1'.--sllcirles > 300/a: 121 acres IPower line ROW: 3 acres Ccmpullatlion of property's environmentally serisAivei features: �Ficcdrlaiins: 1 acres x 11 CIC% =A acres FRescurce prc tec tlion area: 4 acres X 1 C C % = 4 acres FSlcpes > I -'Pa but < 30`%x: 5 acres x 5C1% = 2.5 acres FS,cipes > 300/(1: 2 acres x 1CIM = 2 acres [P—Cwer line ROW: 3 acres x 1 CIM = 3 acres 11O11AL = 18.5 aicres Compulation of netl developable arrea for SE property: IGnoss acreage cif property: 1 CICI acres Mess deduction for praperty features: - 18.5 acres A uailaH 11 e acres: 811.5 acres Mess street) riglltts-cif-way (21C% cif net developable): - 16.3 aicres �Tcllail net devellciflable aicres: 65.2 acres Development capacity of SE property unills per acre x 65.21 net developable acres = 130 units (i1-71-05.1 3-20-14.) NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT FURFHERI ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County Bciard of Slupermiscros thlall Appendix B, Aciningl, Section 5- -`10021, Supplemental Use Rlegluladlions for Residential Use Types, of the ]ale of VNiglht Cciunty Coce be amended and neenactled as follows: Slec. 5-5C012. Supplementary use regulations for residential use types. A. AccessoDl apartment. ..... It its the specific purpcise and intent) to allow accessory) apartments through conversion of existing) larger residentlia] slrucllures and in the ccristlructlion cf new slructlures. Sluch uses acre tte prcmide the opportunity and encouragement to meetl the sfecial housing 42 needs o f' dingle pence n s and couples c f low- and mod eradle-i n corne, both lh yciungl and cilld, as well ais relatives of families residing) in the ccunty. It is furthermore the indent and purpose of aiccessoDI apartments tc alllcm the macre efficient use cif the cciunt)J's existing housings stock, in a manner consisterA with the land use ob'ectlives identified in the comprehensive plan and to provide ailtlernadliive housing cippertunities while prcitlectling and preseryingj prcperty values and community character. To help achie'Me these glcials and purposes, the following standards acre sell forth ais conditions for such accessary uses: 1. Rlesidential accessary) apartment...... Where ailllcwed as a permitiled cin ai conditional use in the underlying zcning dislrictl, the fcllowingl shaill apply: ai. Lc cation. i. An accessary) apartment may be located either in ai primary) dwelling unill or in ain accessory) stlructlure on the saime llctl an parcel as the primary) dwelling. ii. The owner of the residential dwelling unil shailll cccupy at leaistl one (1) cif the dwelling units cin the premises. U. Minimum llclt size. The minimum ]ati si2iie required for an accessary] aipairtmenll is one hundred fifty percent) (15013/ci) of 1he minimum lot size required for the 21011ingl district) in which the use is llcicated. c. Setback requirements. An aiccessicirYl apartment shall] meed the setback requirements of the underlying) zonings disitrictl for the primary dwelling. d. Apartment size. i. Minimum f1cem airea: Three hundred (30101) squame feet). ii. Maximum floor area: The maximum f cion airea cif an accasscryl apartment in a primary) dwelling shall not exceed ane thousand (1,CICICI) square feet) or thirty percent) (3C%) cif the liiNiing area cif the primary) dwellingl, exclludingl garages, breezeways, etc., whichever is less. The maximum f7cicir airea of an accasscry apairtment in an accessory) building) shall ncitl exceed fifty percent) (50'%i) of the f cicin area of the accessory) building. e. Maximum number cif becircicirris. No more than two (21) bedrooms aire permitted in an accessory apartment. f. Maximum number of accessory aparlmentls. No mare than ane (1) aiccessciryl apartment) is permitlled per parcel. gl. Hxtlerior appearaince. If an aiccessarYl apartment) is located in the primary dwelling, the ap airtment entry shall be 1 c c atled an the side or rear of the unit, and its design shall be such thad the appearance of the dwelling will remain as a single-family residential structure. No aiccessciryl apartment shaill be attached to a primary) dwelling by open wailkwayls, breezeways, padlicis, decks, etc. H. Water and sewer service. Approval cif the water supply aind sewaigle disposaal shall] He obtained fnoim the Isle cf Wight County Department cif Heailth or the Department] cf Hubllic Utilities. ii. Parking. One (1) parking] space shailll be required in adcition to the required parking for the primary] dwelling. 2. Commercial accessory aflartmentl...... Wlhete a111owed ais a plermittled or a coinditicinail use in the Lrderlyling coning dii-strict, the following shall aTIxl ll y : a. Locatiein. A commercial accessciryl apartment maq be lccatlec either above cin attached to the rear cif a commercial unit]. In no case shall an aiccesscry apartment) be ailllcivwed in an accessory) stnuctute. b. Minimum loll size. The minimum llcitl size for a commercial unit) with an accessory) apartment) shailll meed the minimum square foctagle required fon the zoning district in which the use is located. c. Setback requirements. A commercial accessory apartment) sihaill meet the setlbaick requirements cif the underlying zcining district fcit a primary) commercial use. d. Ma)gimum f cici area. i. The maximum floor area of an accessory) apairtment located aibcve a ccimmercial unit) shallll noit exceed Efty percent] (500/(1) cif the entire unit. ii. The maximum floor area cif an accessary aparimentl lacatlec to the rear of a commercial unit shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the entire unit. e. Maximum number cif bedreicims. No moire than two (21) bedrooms are perm Ali& in an aicceassc ry apartment. f. Maximum number of accessory) apartments. No more tlhaan cine (1) aiccesscryl apartment) is permittled per commercial use. gl. Emtlerior appearance. i. The entry tic the apartment shailll be lcicakd cin the side or rear of the ccrnmerciail unit], and the building cesigln shall maintain its commercial character and appearances. ii. Nci accessory) apartment) shall be attlached to a commercial unit by open walkways, breezeways, pathos; decks, etic. H. Wlatler and sewer service. Applroival cf the waiter supply and sewage displcisail shall be obtained fnoim the Isle cif Wight County Department cif Health or the department) of public utilities. Parking. Parking) fcit the aiflartmentl must be lcicatled tic the near or side of the commercial unit. Each apart m entl must be pravided tlwci (2) parking spaices in addition to what) is rcquinec for thea commercial use. B. Community recreation. 1. Except) in the caise cif a plainned development), community recreatlicinall faicililies shall) be developed solely) kir the neincommeteiail use of 1IHei residents and glu est s of the regi d entliall development. 2. A condilicinail use permit shah))) be required fort 1He commeraiail or nonc om m erciail use e f ai corri munity recreational fac i ll ity by the glen erial public. The board cif supervii sic rs, following a recommendation by the planning commissicin, may vary arieai wind setbaick requirementls for existing facilities, provided that altlernatiue methods of protecting adjoining properliies are required ars conditions of the conditlicnal use permit. 3. Community recreational faicilifies may) be owned aind operated by a homeowner's aissociaticin eir ai private ciri public entity. 4. All outdoor recreational plaryfrellds, grounds and facilities and assciciatled fencers eir enclosures shailll conform tie the required freintl and corner side )lard building selpaicks of the underlyingl zoning district. 5. Mecreatlionail structures for indcicr recreiawiciri shaill meet) the required setlbaicks of the under)))ling zoning district for ai primary) use. E. Pedestrian aiccess to community rectealliicnal areas shlaill be provided throughout the entire development. I Hntriaincesi fe r vehicular access must) be provided in aiccord ance with requirements cif the Vliitgliniai Department) cif Tnainsportatlicin, aind shall be located at leaistl fifteen (15) feel frcim ainy recreaiticinail use cin the lot) aind from extlericir lot) lines. 8. Vlehicullair pairking shall be in accordance with the requirements of this cirdinaince and Shaill ncitl be designed ais tic require er encourage cars to back intici ai street. ai. A reductic n cif up tici twenty-five percent (215`%a) may) be granted administratively if the demelopmenl contains bike patlhsi aind a Mike pairking areal. This reductlion dcies not appllyl tici the requirements for employee viehicullar parking, cin to ainy community recreatknal foci lity opo n tic the gen erail public. 51. A landscaped buffer shall be promked for all) community recreat"Icriail uses yin accordance with the requirements for civic use types Kiri articIle VIII. ai. Tctl lolls developed separatlell)l from other recreational areas may be exempt) from laindscaping neauirementsi. ]I C. Liglhtling sbaill be instailled in acccrdaince with article XII aind shall hie arranged to shine iinwand so that it doles ncitl tef ectl onto ad'aicentl properties or impaih the saife movement) of traffic. C. Condominium. 1. Ccindorninium develciflmenis shall be regullatled by use in acccirdance with) the underlying) zc in:i ng district. 21. A cc n d elm i nium development maryl be developed in accordance with the townhouse cin multifaimily standards as found in the supplemenlaryl 4_`I use regulations, except that a townhouse condominium demelopmentl shaill not be permitted lo deed ainy portion of the land with the townhouse unit. 3. Any subdivision of land vwilhiin a cendcrn inium develcipmentl shall comply wiitlh the Isle cif Wight County Slubdivisicn Ordinance and ctlher county regulallioins as mi ay by applicable. D. Dwelling), multifamily conversion...... Where allowed in the underlying zoning district, ai single-family residence in existence ais cf July 1, 19917, mi ay He ccin verted to a m u It ifaimi l yl dwelling containing laining not moire 11h an four (4) dowelling units in acccrdance vwilhl the foilllcivwingl: 1. Minimum aireai and sietback requirements. ai. Conversions into two (2; dwelling units shall require ad l least cine hundred fifty percent) (15C%1 cif the miniimium loll size in the district) in which ill is l cccated. H. Conversions into three (3) dwelling units shaill require at least) two hundred percent (21C%) of the minimum lot) seize in the district) in which it is llcicatled. c. Conversions into four (4) dowelling units shaill require ad l least two hundred fifty percent l (215CO/c) cif the minimum lot) size in the district in which it is 11 cicaited. d. 11he cirigliinail single-family residence shall meet) the minimum se11h aic k re qui nem enl s of the underlying my ii ng c istlrict. 2. Minimum floor area. ..... 11he originaill single-family residence shall) contlaiin all least two 111ousanc (2,OOCl) square feet cf floor area. 3. Wader and sewer seruice sewaige disposail shalll Department of Health Public U1lillitlies. . ..... Approval of hl e obtained frc im the or the Isle cf Wliglhll E. Dwelling, two-family duplex. the wiader siupplyl aind Isle of Wliglhll County County Deparl m entl cf 1. Minimum )cit size. ..... A twci-faimily duplex dowelling) unit) shall he allowed cvlyl on lolls having) at least cne hundred fifty percent) (150%) cif the minimum lad) size in the disllrict :in which ill is llcicatled. 21. Yard setback ...... All setbacks and ollhet requirements in the district) in which it is lcicadled shaill apply, except) that the side yairc ailong a common wall separating the twci (2) units shall be zero (C) feet. 3. Wader wind sewer service sewage di sp osail shall 1 Department) of Health Puhllic Ulililies. . ..... A pprovail of hle cttlaiined frcim the or the Isle cf Wliglhll the walleri suplplyl and Isle cf Wight County Ccunty Eepartment of F. Faimilyl day care home (serving six (6) tc twelve (121) children)...... 11h1e following must be satisfied prior tlo the issuaince cif a zoning permit) fcr a famiilyl day care hcime serviinigl sN (() through twlelve (12) children: 1. The zoning administrator shall send writllen notlificaficv by certified letter to 11he last) known address cf each adjacent prcip erty ciwner advising) of the proposed faimillyl day care home. 21. If riei writtleni oibjecticin from aryl property owner so nclified is received within thirty (3C) days of the dale cif sending) the notificafion letter and 11he 210ningl aidministraticir determines that the family daffy care hem e ctlherwii se complies with the zcr ing ordinance, the zoning administrator may issue ai zoning permit) for the family day care ham e. 3. If written ob'cictlien from any) property owner sc nailliified is received w i th i n thirty( ( 3Q days of sending the nodi frcad li c n 11 etter, 1 h en the zoning administrator may not issue a zoning permit unless and until sLch time as ai condilliicnail use permit fer the family day care home is appre'med by the bciard cf supermiscm with a recommendaticin by the pl 11 sinning corn m ission. G. Guest house. 1. Lccatliicn...... A guest hciuse shaill he locadled in an accessory) structure in the rear yard cf the primary) structure. ai. The owner cf the lot) or parcel must occupy the primary dwell ling. U. A guest) hoiuse shall ncitl be permitted as ain accessory structure pri cr 1 e 1 h e c c nstructlion and occupancy of the primary) dwelling. 21. Occupancy. ai. No such quarters shat 11 be occupied by 11h e same guest) or glu acts fe r more than three (3; ccnsecutlive months in ainyi twelve-month period. H. N c such quarters shaill be rented, le aisc d , or otherwise m aide aivailahlle for compensation cif any) kind. 3. Minimum lot size...... Tlhe minimum lot) size for a primary) dwelling witlh ai guest house shaill be one hundred fifty percent (15C%] cif the minimum lot) size required for the zoning d i.stlrict in which the use is locate d. 4. Setback requirementls. ..... A guest hoiuse shall meet) the required sellhacks of the underlying zoning d;istlrictl for the primary) dwelling). 5. Maximum floor area...... The mamimum floor area of a guest house shaill not exceed thirty percent (3C%; of the floor area cif the plrimaryl dwelling), excludingl garages, breezeways, patios, decks, etc. E. Maximum number cif hedriccros...... Nc more tlhain twlc (21) hledracims are peimiittled in ai guest house. i . Maximum number of gluestl hciuses...... Tlhere shaill be no moire tlhain cine (1) guest) house permitted per residentliall lot) or paircell. 8. Hxtlerior appearance...... The design cif a gluestl house shall maintain and enhance the charactler and exterior appearance of the primary) dwelling). 4? 91. Wladler and sewer service. ..... Approval of the wallet supply) and sewaige disposal shall) he cihltlaiined frcm the Isle cf Wight County Heallh Depairtmentl or the Isle cif Wight County Deparlmentl of Public Utli l itlie s. H. Home occupadicn, Tlype I and Type Il. 1. Indent. ..... These provisions acre aidoptled in recognitlicn tlhal certain sm aill-scailed commercial activities mayl be appropni adle in ccnj u nctlion with residential uses. The charactleii and scaile c f such ccimrr. erciaa aictliivitlies mush) be subordinate and incidental tlo the pnincipall use c thu premises for dwelling) purposes, aind must be consislentl with lhle predominant) iiesidentliaill character cif the property aindkin surrounding neighhcnhood. In addition, these pncvisicins acre intended to limit the size of such home occupalkrs tlo not create ain unfair ccmpetlitliva advantage over businesses locadled in commerc:iaillly zoned areas. 2. Types of hcime occupat:icnsi...... Rlecogni2ling the diveriglentl needs of the developing) areas of the county from the rurail areas of the countyj, two ('21) levels or types cif home cccupatlions have been estlaiblisHed. Type I hcime occupations afford the greatest degree cif prctectliciri tic sunioundingl residents in tlhcise uveas that ane developing wind becciming more suhlurban in nadlure. In ccnllrasit, Tylpe II home occupa6cins have been eslahllished llc reccglnize the giieader spaces between residents as well as the types of activities tlhadl acre similaii to these associated Witfi tha more traditional agricultural and forestry related actiNiitlies found in the rural areas. 3. Uses kin home occupation: Type I...... Tylpe I home occupalicns are allowed in 1He folllowingl zoning d:istriclls: VC, NC, SIB, SR, UR, PD- R, PD -MH, and PIS -MX. Me following its a representative lisping) of uses which may hle conducted as Tlylpe I He m e c ccupatlicins within the limits estla b ll ii shed in this sectio ri, he w eN er, uses not listed bele w require a specific le the r cif confirm adlicin from the zoning) adminisllraticiii: • Art, hlaindicrafl, music, writing, phctcglraiphy, or similar studios • C c mF idler and intlernetl related services • Direct siailes piicductl distribution as long ais prcductls are directly delivuried to the cu sticim er • Dressmaker, seamstress, tailor • Babysitting) (up to five (5) children) • Hain cutting and styling • Home typing) or coimpuler services • Mail-crder salles for delivery directly to the customen • Ncn-piiincipal offices of phylsiician, denllistl, veterinarian, insurance aiglentl, read estatle or similain professicn • Offices of aiccoiuntaintl, architect, engineer, surveyor, land planner, lawyer, income taix pneparer, minister, priest), iiaibfli, members of a religious order, psychotherapist, counselor, perscinail consultant) or similar professicinaa • Preparallicn cif fcicc for ciff-prerricies catering • Talephone sales and order -flaking • Tutor 4. Uses fen Hcm e e ccupation Type 1I...... Type ll home occupations ane allowed in the foilllciwiingl zcriiingl districts: RAC and RR. The fcllovwing is a represenitladlive listing cif uses that may) Ele conducted as Type Il hcime occupations within the limits established in this sectlicn, hciwiever, uses not listed below require ai specific letter cif e onfirmi adli en frc m the aciningl administrator: • All Hype I uses • Cc ntnactor Nusine sses • Glazier's cin painter shop • Heating, plumbingl, or air conditioning seniices • Repair of smaill apflliainces, small engines and limited machining cf smaill parts, c ffrce machines, camerais, aind simiilair smaill items • Wcicid working and furniture repair 5. Uses tlhadl are probitIited ais Hcme occufladlicins...... The following uses shawl be prohibileid ais home eiccupaticns: • Vehicle cin boast reflaiir on painting • Dquipment cin veHficile rentall • Seafood or basil) sales • Furniture sailer • Furi erail director, in cirl u aryl cir undertaker • DaticinatcrYl or taxidermy) sficp • Medical cin dentail clinic • Primate clubs • Reslaunantls • Animall he sg itails • Commercial staples • C c m m ercial kenne ] s 4S • Antique shcps • Gun shcig s, sale c f fire arms, glunsmiths • Bed and breakfast fast) • Fcoune-teller, including) a claiiruaiyaintl, ai practitioner cif paillrn istlryl, a phreneillegliistl, ai faiiitlh healer, ai stair anailystl, a handwriting analyst l whe attlempts to predict) tlhe future cin any) either pleracn who attempts to predict tlhe future • Tattic c parllcins 6. Genera] stlandaitds for ail] home ciccupatlions. ai. The maximum floor airea devctled to hcime occupaticns shall not exceed twenty-five percent) (25%) of tlhe finished floor airea of the dwel ll ing unitl. b. More than nine (1) home c ccupatlion may be permitted provided the total fl ciem areal used Rai all home occupations is not exceed ed. c. Nc dwellingl air structure shall be altered, ciccupied, or used in ai mariner, which vwc u l d cause the premises to differ frc m a character consistent with ai residential use. 11he use of coheirs, materials, construction, lighting, eir either meains inconsistent with ai resi d entlial use shaill be prc hibitled . d. There shall be no c utside st aragle cif goods, products, equipment, excluding m site n mehic] es, or other materials associated with the home occupaf c n. No tic -m i c, explosive, flammable, read i c iaictive, cir other fal21airdous materials used in ccinjunctlien with tlhe hcme occuflatlicin shaill be used, sold, an stated cin the side. e. The type and volume cif traffic gleneraited by a Meme occuplation shaill] be consistent) with the traffic gleneraticin chairaictleristics cif other dwellings in the area. f. Off street parking shailll be provided ais appropriate for the specific naft re of the hcme occup ati cin. gl. The home occuplatien shall nal inmellve the cemmerciail deliueryl cif maiteri a] s or products tc cin from t Ih e premises. 11h i s excludes deliueryl by the United Stades Pcistlaill Senviice, Federal Express (FFDEX), United Pairce] Service (UPSI) or similar delivery) services custic rnairily Rand in residential aireais. H. The hcime ciccuplatien shall not increase demand cin wader, sewer, cit glatbaige ccllectlien services tai the extent) that the ccrabiined demand for the dwelling and home occupation is significantly mcire than is nermail to the use of the property for residential flurploses. No equipment cr process shall be used in a hcme ciccupatlion which creates niei-se in excess cif siixty ((Q dB(A) measured at the property line, cii vibration, gllate, noxious fumes, cit electrical interference detectable tici the norm ail senses off the p riern i saes eir tlhriauglh common walls. In the case of electrical interference, no 50 equipment cir process shaill He used which creaks visual or audible intlerfeience in any) radici cit telemiision receivers ciff the premises cir through common waillls. No activity in conjunction with a Haeme occupation shaill be conducted that adversely impacts or disturbs aid j o i nii ngl prc perty owners. k. Sign;i are permitted in accordance with arliicle IX of tlhis cirdinance. Only cine (1) sign shall be permitted regardless cif the number cif home occupaticins, and must) be setback tlen (101) feet) from the road as reassured from the freflt property line. I Specific stlandards for Type I home occupadliicvs. ai. Home oc cupao i cans shaill be cc v fi n ed tic tlhe primary) dwelling. 110 conduct) a homes occupation in an aiccessciry building, ai conditlicinail use permit) must) be cttlaiined frcm the board of supermiscrs pursuant to section 1-1017, except) in the RAC and RR ocning districts provided tHad the tlotall floor area devoted to the home occupadliicr in the accessory) structure aind dwelling unit) does not exceed thirty percent (30%) cif tlhe finished floor area of the dwellingl unit. b. No one citlher t IH an permanent residents cif the dwellling shaill II e en gage d or empl oiyed in su ch c c cup) attic n. c. There shall be nci display cn storage cf gcicds cr products visible from the public riglhtl-of-way or aid'aicentl property. d. Ilesscns in the applied arts shall be permitted, prcivided the claiss size for any lesson does nail exceed five (5) stluderitls at any cine (1) time. e. Hxceptl in tlhe RAC and RR districts, no commercial vehiclles shaill be parked air stored cin the premises assciciatled with the hcime occupatlicn. 8. Specific standards for Type Il home ciccupatlions. ai. St eagle of glcicids cr products shaila ncitl exceed ten percent) (1C%) cif the finished f cion area devoted to the home cccupatlicin. H. Orie (1) petscv who is not a permanent) resident) cif the dowelling ma y be engaged c r emp Toyed in the h cim a oc cupad Iii cin. c. An accesscry building cit structure may be used tc conduct) ai hcimie occupadlicin in the RAC and RRI atoning districts, prc vided that tlhe total f ccn area devcitled to the hcime occuplaficin in the accessscry structure and dowelling unit does not exceed thirty percent) (30'Ya) of the f nished floor area c f the dwelling unit. I. Kennel, privates...... A primate kennel shaill be locatled f fty (50) feet from any) property zcned other than RAC cr RM. 51 J. Manufactured home, Class A...... A manufactured hcime, Class A may be permain entlly ll cicatled cin ai loll cir parcel as permitted byl the and erayling district, except) in planned development) manufactured hoime parks. For the purfleses of this section, the folllcming shall applly : 1. The manufactured hoime is the cinllyl residential structure located on the loll cir parcel; 21. The manufactured home Hais ai width of riiinetleein (15) cr more feet); 3. The pitch cif tlhe Home's rcicif has a m i r. amum uerticail rise of cine (1) facitl for each five (5) feet cif heviacintlail run., and tlhei roof its finished with ai type cif shingle tlhal I is cc m m c n lly used in stlain d acrd residential construction; 4. The extlericiii siding consists of materials comparable in ccmpoisiticin, appearaince, wind usability tici the exterior siding commonly used in standard ticsidenflail ccinstlructlion; 5. The manufactured harne is constructed cin ai permanent) faulting) tlhadl meets the requirements of the Il uilding code. The foundal ii c n Wall shall] be a continuous, maisc nryl foundad ricin, unpierced excefltl for required 'mentilailicin and access and shall be installed pricir tlo occupancy; and E . The tongue, aixlles, transporting llightls, and dowing apparalus are removed after pl'laicementl c the lot and before ciccupancy. K. Manufactured Hcime, Class B. 1. A manufactured home, Class B may be permanently llcicated cn a lot) or pamcel as permitted by the underlying) aoningl district, except) in plainned devellciflmentl manufactured home parrs. 21. For the purposes cif this sectlicn, the follavwing shall aplplly: ai. The manufactured Hcime is the cinllyl residential structure loicadled an the Icitl or pairce1. b. The manufactured Holme is constructed on a permainentl foctling tlhadl meets the requirements of the building) code. Skirting may be permitted around the perimeter of the foundation. c. The tcngue, axles, tlranspcirtingl lights, and tcWingl apparatus are removed after placement) on the lot) and befcire ciccupancy. IJ. Manufactured Hoime, family member residence. ..... A rriainufaictured flame, Class BI, lcicatled on the same lot) or Marcel as a primary) dwelling) maty be aille wed as an accessory use in accordaince with the provisions cif the underlying zc n i ng district. For the purposes of this section, the following shailll apply: 1. 11he main ufactured home shall be occupied sole llyl by ai specified faimily member or mem berci, related to the occupants of the primary) residence c n the prc p erty. 52 ai. The owner of the loll) cr parcel must) occupy) the primary) dwelling). b. A faimily member mainufaictlured home shailll not be permitted priori to the construction aind occuflancy of the primary) dwelling. c. The manufactured hcime shall be removed not later than ninety (SIC) days aiften nci longer being occupied by the specified occupaints. 2. The minimum lot) size for a primary residence with a faimily memHeii mainufaictured hcime shall be cine Hundred Efty percent (15C%) cif the minimum squame fucillaige required by the underlM ing zoning district. 3. Where public sewer is rich) amaiilaHle, the Isle of Wight) County Hleailllh Depairtmentl shaill approve sewaige disposal for ailll faimily member mainufaictlured homes. 4. Only) cne (1) faimily member mainufaictlured home is aillcwed per parcel. 5. No family member mainufaiclured Home shall be alllowed on a lot) with another manufaictum d Home, Class E. E . A zoning) permit) shaill ncitl be issued manufaictlured hcmesi completed: until the fcialowin gfor ai family member procedure pais been ai. The zoning aidministraticn is tc Send writllen notlificadlicn by certified )letter to the laistl known address of each aidjacent property owner advising them cif the prciflcised family member manufactured Home and informing them that the permit may be issued if vwritllen comments are not received within tHirty (3C) days. The prciflerty shall alsci be posted with ai sign pursuant) to seetlicn 1-1021 for no Mess tlhan fourteen (14) days prior to the expiration of the thirty -d ay period. hl. if the zoning adminislnalcin receives no writtlen objeclicin from any property civwnen sci notified within to irty (30) days of the dadle cif sending the noti ficail i cin letter, and the zoning aidmini straticm determines tlHatl the prcpcised manufaictlured hcime otherwise ccmplies with the zoning ordinance, wind the requirements fcm sewage disposal, the zoning ad m i nistlrakx may issue ai zoining permit for the faimillyl member mainufaictlured home. c. if the zc r ii ng administration receives vwriffen cibjectiion from any property o wnen so notified within thirty (30) days of the dailb cif sending the e ncitlificatlion letter, then the zoning aidministratic n may ncitl issue ai zoning permit unless and until such time as ai coinditicinail use permit f6i the prcipcised mainufactuiied home fer ai faimily member is apprcvied by the Hcard of supervisors With ai iieccimmendaiticin Hyl the planning) ccimmissicin. M. Mainufactlured hcime, tlemifcrary residence. ..... A manufactured home, Claiss B maty be ail]cwed ais a temporary re-sidence during the constlructlicn, repair, on rencivatlion of ai permanent) residential structure cn a single licit cm parcel subject to the following: 53 1. All permits for tlemporairy residences, while repaairiing a permanent residence shall ll expire within one (1) yeair after the date cif issuance. No extension shailll Ile considered unless substantial censlnucticiri Has been initiated on the permanent l residence. One (1) extension ncitl exceeding ninety (SC) days may be granted by the zoning administlratcin if iitl is determined that such addiitlionall time is iiegCwd to reaisonaiplly complete the eenstructlion, repaiir eir renovaticin cif the permanent resiidence. 2. All permits issued fair tlempeirairy residence while ce n stlru ctling ai new replacement) residence shall expire within twci (21 years aflen the lade of issuance. No extension shall be ccinsidered unless substaritiail construction has been initiated on IIHe replaacemeritl residence. One (1) extension neit exceeding ninety (SIC) dayls may be granted by the 211Cniingl aidministlratlor if it is determined tlhatl such aidditicinail time is required to reason aibly comp l elle the construction, repaai n eir renovat li cin of the replacement resiidence. 3. Aill temporary manufaictlured hcimes must) be removed at leaistl thirty (3C) days after as finaill cerlificatle cif occupancy] has been issued. 4. Only) ene (1) tlempcirairyl manufactured home its aillcmed per paaicel. N. Mulltlifaimillyl dwellling. 1. Districts permittled. ..... Multifamily apartments acre permitted as indicated in the zoning district regulatkns. The k1lowing standards for such apartment uses are intended to supplement), aand in scime cases, supersede those outlined in the schedule of zone reglulatlieins d :i strict reglu ll atlii c n s. 21. D unsity cc ntnol s for m ultlifaimi IN apartment d eve] eipm ent. aa. Ilcitl aarea and dimensions. i. Minimum l cit anew: Fifteen thousand (115, C C C) square feet. (Note: Multli fame ily dwellings lings lc catleid on less than three (3) ceintigucwi acnes shaill ebtlaain ai ccinditlionall use permit.) ii. Minimum fnonl aige: One hundred (1 C C) feeit in continuous ftiontlaige. iii. Minimum ]cit depth: One hundred ( ICC) feet. iiv. Minimum setbacks: Frond: Thirty (3C) feet. Side: Flifleen (15) feet). Rear: ' lvwerityl (20) feet). 3. Buffers and special selbaack requirements: a. All structures, including aaccesscry structures, sihaill be )located a minimum of seventy (7C) feet from the tiiglHtl-cif-way cif an exisitingl slneetl which ahlutls or bonders the development). An aadditionail 54 twenty -foot setback frcm emistling arteriaill streets shaill be iiequineid for any structure which exceeds twci (2) stories. b. Building setbacks frit ]cats adjacent) to singllle-faimily resiidentliaill districts cin property used for single- fam ii ly dwellings shall He at least fifty (50] feet. No active recreational areas, parking, or refuse ccintlaiiners shciuld be locartled within this setbaick aiieai. c. Whenevmer the principail entraince to ai multifamily structure, or the entrance to the indi-midual dwelling units therein, falces cin and opens directly cintci the side cin near yard perticin cif ai building, the yard width shall not be less than the frcint ylarc nequitarrientl. No parking shaill be permitted within the slide or reap yard space required under this pltiovisicn. d. The near yard setback may be reduced to twlenty (20) feet) frcm service drives, dnivevwaryl aiisl es, Parking areas, and allleiys. e. The minimium distlaince between mulltlifamilly structures shlaill be fifty ( 501) feet. 4. Maximum density:..... Fourteen (14) dwelling units pier acne. 5. Building) ccveragei:..... The maximum )cit coverage for pinincipail and accesisiciryl buildings shall] be forty plercentl (401%) cif the ticfai] tlnact area. E. Open space: ai. A minimum of forty-fvie percent (451/a) cif the tlotall site aiieai shaill be m aiintlaiine d as open space. This required ripen space shall ncitl be devctled to service driveways, off-street parking, or hooding spaices. H. It is further provided that twenty-five percent) (2-'0/(1) cf the above - referenced open space be suitlablle frit usable recreaficinail space. c. Hatch such recnead i cn ail sp aice shall He at 11 e ast fifty (50) feet in the leaistl dimension with ai minimum aireai cf five thousand (5„ CIC C ) square feet. 1. [Multifamily apartments:] ..... Multifamily apt artme nts shaill He provided with central wader anc public sevweraige systems censtlructed in accordance with cciunty standards and specifrcatlicns Rai such systems and be approved by aill'.l apprapriatle agencies. 8. [Private streets:] ..... Prvadle streets shaill meet the design, material and const ruct i cin standards established by the V i r gi n i ai DIep1 artmentl cf 'Bra n spc rtatlion. A maintenance plain shall ] be prepared anc submitted ais part of the site devielopmerit plan apprcivail process. 91. [Farking standards.] ..... Parking standards and aiis]e widths shaill be aiccordance with article X cf this ordinance. IG.IJancscaping: ..... For the plurplose cf landscaping, mulltlifamily dwellings shall be treated as ai commercial use type and required to submit) ai landscaping Allain meeting a]] cf tlhe guidelines and sp eci frcad Iii cin s cif article VIII pertaining to such use types. _`I5 11. ILig1hting: ] ..... Lighllingl shlaill be installed in accordance vwi1H arlicle X1 (cutdocir lighting negluhiemenlls and resttieticins) and shalll be arranged lic shine invwaird sc that itl doles not reflect) onto aid'acenl properties cir impair tH a safe m ovemenl of tlraiffi c. 121. Sitle plain approival:..... Title plans shalll be required foil ail] multifaimily developmenlls yin accordance witH the provisions of this ordinance. 13. Managlementl cif ccmmein and cipen spaices in mulllifaimil31 and condominium deveilcipmentls: ai. All common and ciflen spaces shailll be preserved for their intended purpose as expressed cin 1IHe aippremed site fllain. b. A mainagementl sftucture consislliingl cif ai nonprofit aisscciadicin, carporailiein, trust), er foundaCcn fcir ailll owners cif residenflail prcperty within the devellcpmentl sHaill He esllahllished to insure the maii ntlenaince c f open space and c ther foci ll itlies. c. The miainaglementl slrucllure shailll be esllablished prior to the sale cf any property. d. MeimHersfl ip in the management) stlructlure shalll be maridalloryl for ailll residential] property downers, present) ciri future, within the development. e. THe mainaigementl structure shad] manaige all common and open spaices, tecteallicnal and cultlurad faicilitlies, and private stlrieets, and shalll promide for the maiiirtlenance, adminislltatlion and oxlerallicn of said land and imprc uemenlls, and secure ad equal le liability insurance on the land. f. 11He manaigemenll stlriucture and ci iglanization shall comply with the Condciminium Act, C cid e cf Virginia (1950), ais amended. 14. A rchil ectu tal 1 reatlmen tl: ..... The fol 1 c owing archil lecl lu tall tlreaitm ends shladl be ineorpcitalled intici all multifamily developmentls: a. Dleuelopmeintls shailll possess architectural variety) but enhance an cimetaill cohesivie residentliall character. This charaictler shawl be achiamed through the creative use of design elements such ais bailccnies and cryl)enlaces, articulation cf doors and windows, varied sculptlutal cir tlexturail relief cif faicaides, and archil 1ec11utall c rinaments, ,viairied rcic flInes e r e tH er app u r1 ena noes such ais ll ightling fixl lu re s and /c t fl lanl li n gls, and where applicable varied placerrienl of front entryways. b. Pedestlriain paitHwaysi shlall be used to bink aill buildings, glreensflaices, and recreational aireas within the devellcipmenil. Buildings shalll He kinked tci sidewalks and to eaich citlher as aipproprialle. These walkways sHaill be landscaped and lightled. c. Open spaice aireais shalll be considered an crganiaingl element) of the sile plain. Courtyairds cri greens shailll be utilized within the development. In such instances, resiidenlliial buildings shall fronll cin 11Hese open spaces. O. Temporary emergency housing. 5E I . lntlenll:..... These regulatlions acre adeplled in recciglniitlion that tlemporairyl em erglency housing options may be necessitated by fine, flood, c n other unfcmesee n and sudden aids of ordure. 21. Temporairyl emetglency housing, used under a declanied disaster: ai. Temporary) emiergencyl housing may be placed on property when ai disastler hats beer declared by the bcaird cif supervisors, 11he Governor c f the C ernmonwealtlh cif Minginiai, cir the Piiesidentl cif the United S1latles in aiccordaince with applicable stale and fedenail law. H. A zoning permit) shailll he ciptaiined before llemporairyl emergency hciusiing can he placed on the property. c. A11 zciningl requirementls, including setlbaick requirementls, mam he waived as delletmined to be necessairyl by the ociningl aidminislrator. d. ' the penicid for temporary placement cif such stnuctlures shaill he no moire than twelvie (121) mcntlhs, unless an emtlensicin is specifically aiullhorized by the hoard cif supervisors for an additional period cif lime kl be sett byl the board. e. No acllicn under these provisions shall autlhcinize permanientl imprcivemenlls cr estlablishingl a use in violation of this ordinance cr any citlher law. 3. 'lempciraryl emergency Musingl, used during reccnctlructlion cir reg ll aiceme ntl of an uninhabitable dwelling) lost cir d estlrc yled by fire, flocid, or citlher unforeseen and sudden molls cif nature. ai. The Zciniingl aidmiinistralcir may) aiullhori21e 11he emergency use cf ai temporary emerglency housing on ai lcill, if the building) official cerliifies tlhadl the permanent dwelling on the ]cit is uninhabitable. h. Only one (1) ilemporairyl emergency hciusing unit sihaill he permitted on any )cit of record. It shaill he lcicatled cin the same lot) as the desirciyled dwelling, and must) be occupied cnlyl by the person, persons, or family, whose dwellingl was desitrcyed. a. The lemporaryl emerglency hciusiingl shailll me& all setback and yard requinemenils for the distlricll in which i l is located. ltl shall be anchoted and stabilized in aiccondance with the provisions of the Miiiginiai Unifc nm S-Itla tewide Bu ii )ding Code. d. A cine time extlension of up W ninety (91C) additli cnal d ary s may ba glranl led by the zoning aid mi n i stltatlor if subsi lantlial recon stlru ctlion cif Ilia dastlrciyed dwelling) has occurried, and work has, and its continuing tici progress. The ilempcinairyl emergency housing must be removed within thirty (3CI) days aifter ai EnaJ ceriificalle cif occupancy has been issued for the recunstlnuctled dwelling. P. Tcvwnhouse . ..... Townhciusess are permitlled as indica0ed in zoning disllrictl(s) regulaticn(s). The following standards for tlownihcuse demelopmenll acre intended to supplement), and in some caises, supersede those oullllined in the disilrictl neguladlicins: 1. Density requirements: 5 it a. Minimum parcel arrear. Piifteen thousand (15,CICIC) square feel). (Note: Tcivwnhouse develcpmentls llccated cin ]less than three (3) cantligucius aictes shall l cbtaiin a cc nd itlionall us ce petimiitl.) 2. Townhouse d eve l c p m ends : ai. Each parcel utilized for tc vwnhouse deve lopmenl l shall ll have ai minimum frontlagle c f atl leaistl two hundned (21CICI) feet) upcn a publliic sired and shall have a minimum depth cif not less tlhain hmo hundred (2 C C) ketl. b. The maximum permitlled density shalll not exceed the density permitted in the zoning district far the total ilraict aneai of the tlownhou se development. c. The llcitail of all building) meas shall not exceed forty percent (40"/ci) of the gross slate acreage of the Ibwnhouse devielopmentl. 3. 'llcwnhouse kits: ai. The loll widllh, measured all the building line, for iindiiviidual tlownhouse dwelling units shalll be nc less Than twenty (2C) feet. H. The lcI width of end units cif tbwnhciuse stltuctlures shall be aid eglu al e to ptovi d e the required side )lards. c. There shall be no mere than one (1) 1lciwnhouse dwelling unit) c n a tlownhcuse loll. d. lndiiuiiduail tbwnhciuse kits shailll ccritaiin nci less than one tlhciusaind five hundned (1,5(C) square feed, except l l that) end units shall l contain not) less than 1lhree thousand fve hundred (3, 5C CI) sq u are feel). 4. Ylarid requirementls: ai. Frcnt yards...... The front yard cf a tbwnhciuse lcill which ftontls on ai public cin private slreed shailll He twenty-fve (215) feet). b. Side yards...... Slide )lards shailll be required only for end unit) llctsi cf ai Wwnhciuse structlute. Under no condilliicin shalll a side yard adj aicentl to a f u b l i c or pnivatle stneell, or aid j acentl to the Property line of tlhe tlownhciuse development be less than the requited minimum frcrt )lard. c. Rem )lards. ..... A rear )lard cf twenty-five (215) feet) shall be flncvided far each 1lcwnhcusie loll. 5. Building coverage:..... 11he maximum lot) coverage for principle and accessory buildings shalll be forty percent (40%i) of 11he tcIail lraict areas. 6. Building requirementls aind relatlionship: a. Dwelling units peri townhouse structure and length cif slltucllure...... N c more than eight) (8) dwelling units shalll be contained in a W wnhouse stlnuctlure. The maximum length of any 1lcwnhciuse structure shall not exceed twlc hundred (21CC) feet). b. 'let b ac k between buildings . ..... The minimum distance between anyl two (21) unaffaehed ticiwwnhouse sbiuctlures shalll be fcrty (4Q feed. The setlbaick shall be increaised to sixty (60) feet if the townhouse structlutes are farce to face. Me point) cif meaisurement shall be the exteriot walls cif the sbiuctlures and does nicit include balconies or other amchitecturail features. In the cment that the stlructunes acre contained within a townhouse cluster, the above distances may be reduced t c twenty-five (251 feet) avid fcirty (4 C) feed, respectively. c. Distance tc serwiice areais. ..... Nci Wwinhouse stliiuctlure shall be clloser than b4enty (21C1) feed to any) interior driveway err cllciser than fifteen (15) feet tic ain3l off-street) patkingl aneai excluding ai glaitage or parking space intended to serve an individuail tciwwnhouse unit. 71. [Minimum linable aireai:] ..... Indiividual tlowwnheiuse units shalll ccntain all least) nines hundred (900) squaire feet) of limaible flc c ii airea, exelusiue cif gavages, cairporls, basements, attics, open perches, pathics, eir hlriee2iieways. 8. Requirements fc it tc winhouse cluster: ai. All lctis within a townhouse cluster shalll frcintl on a public way. A public wary intended for pedastlrian circulatlien shalll Have a minimum width of fine (5) feet. b. A111 public ways cit c1her common facilities within ai townhouse cluster shaill be maintained by the property cwwnets within the tlowwnheuse cluster. 91. Utilities—Water and sewwagle systems: ai. 'flowwnhouses shall He provided with centlrial water and public seweraigle systems constructed in aicccndance with stlaindands and speci ficatlions for such systems and be approved by aill appnopriaild aigencies including the Isle of Wiglhtl County Department) of Public Utilities and 1He Hampton Rloaids Sainitlation District. b. Alll utilities shall be ]ccaited underground. 10. [Plrivatle stneetls:] ..... Etimatle stteetls Shaill meet the design, matleriail and construction standards established by the Vlirginiai Department of Tlrainsportatiic n. A maintenance plan shalll be f nef aired and submittled ais part of the site development plan appromail prcicess. 11. [Pankingl standards:] ..... PairRiingl standards and aiisile widths shalll be in acccndan cel with article A, vehicle f arking and landscaping. 12. Open spaice:..... A minimum of fcirty percent (4o%; cif the lost), paircell, eir tract cif land upcv which the townhouse development) is lecail& shall be maiintlained in ccimmcin cipen space areas. 13. Landscaping):..... For the purpcae of lain dscaipingl, townhouses silaill be tlreatled ars ai commercial use type and required to submit ai )landscaping) plan meeting sill cif the guidelines and speci ficad i cin s of article VIII pert aining to such u se types. 5S 14 . L ightling:..... Lighting shall be installed in accordance with article Xl and shailll be ainainged to shine inward so that it does not reflect) entoi adjacent prcperties air impaiii the saife movement) cif tlraiffic. 15. Site pllarn apprcival:..... Mite plans shall be requited for all ticwnhouse devellcipments in accordance with the ptaivisicns cif this caidinanee. 16. Mainaglement cif common and eipen spacers in townhouses and condominium developments: ai. All ccimmon and cipen spaces shalll He preserved for tlhein intended purpose as expressed cin the site plan. hl. A management) slrucllure consislingl cif a nonprcifit aissociiatlicn, cairpotarticin, trust, air foundation fet ailll owners of residential pYreiperty within the d evell cpm entl shall be established to insure the maintenance of open space and ether facilities. c. The management structure shaill be estlaHlished priori to IIHe salle cif any prciperty. d. Membership in the management sttuctlune shailll be mandaticiryl far ailll residential prciflerty ciwners, present at future, within the devellciflmenl . e. 11he management) stltuctlute shall manage all common and cipen spaces, tecreartlionall and cultural facilities, and privalle stlneets, and shall piieiviide for the maintenance, administtatlion and cperalliein of said )land and impromementls, and sieicute aidequato liabillIty insurance c n the land. f. The management stltu ctlure and cingan i aatlion shall comply with the e Ccindciminium Act, Cade cif Virglii n ii ai (1 S15 C ), as amended. 17. Architleclutall treatment: ..... The following architlectlurail tlteallmentsi shall be incorfletatled inW all tlewnhouse developments: a. Tlownhousei iieiws cif mcite than six (6; units shall be clustered and employ sufficient variet)) cf setbacks to amend mcnclbncus facaidus and bulky maisses. The fnonll setback cif each townhouse unit) shaillll be varied at least) twc (2`, feet frcim the adjacent unit: emeryl third unit shailll vary all least four (4) feet) fneim the adjaicent unit. b. Dleuelenmentls shall posses c,i amcli tlectutal variety but enhance an civerarll ccihesive ac h i eve d tlhrcu g li tesidenliail character. This chatactler shalll be the cneal ime use cif design elements such as bailccries and orAernaces, arrticulag iein married scullptlurail or textlurail relief of cnnamenis, vamied rociflines cit other llightling fixtures and/or plantings, and placement cif front entlr)lwaryls. of d oicirs and wii n d c wsi, facades, and amchitlectutall appurtenances such as where aflfllicaible vanied ci. Townhcusies may frontl ontlo ciflen spaices. In tlhis iinstlaince, a privallu shared dnimeway in the team cif tesidentiail build iir. gs shall be utilized. A minimum of eighty flercent (WYi) frcritl yard soft 6( landscaping shalll be planted. Garages shall not protlrude beyond the farthest) waill cf the residential Huilding on the same side. d. In instances where frcnt entryways are placed in the fricinl yard of a W wnhoiuse, garages shall not protlrude fomiaird Ileyond the frcntl dccr of the housingl unill. e. Pedestlriain pathways shall be used to link all Huilldings, green spaices, wind recreational ameais within IIHe development. Buildings aHall be linked tc sidewalks and to each other as approipriale. These walkways shall be llandscaiped and liglHteid. (il-M5, 3-20- 14.) Na W, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by llhe Isle of Wiglhll County E ciard of Sluperviscirs that Appendix BII, Zoning, Slectlicn 5- 5M, 3, Slupplemental Use Rleglu latlions for Civic Use Types, of Hier Isle of )Miglhll County Cade lle arriended and reenacted as fcillci ws: Sec. 5-5003. Supplementary) use regulaiticnsi for civic use types. A. Ad u It care center. 1. Proof that ailll required local, state, cir federail licenses, permitls, and other doc u m enlls n ecessairy far 11he cip erallii cn c f an aid ul t care cenller shaillll be provided tai the zoning administlratlor prior 11ci thle issuance of ai aciningl penmiitl. 21. THe aoningl aidministraticir shall be notified of any license expiralicn, suspension, revocallicin or denial within three (3) days cf such even)). Failure to do so shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the proivisiicns c Ibis zoning ordinance. 3. Where piicvided fair in the zoning distlrict(s) reglulallion(s) as ai condillicnail use, ain aidult day) care cenller may) be permitted by the be and of superviscirs with a recommend anion by the planning commissicn upcin ai Ending c the following criteria: a. ThaN the adult) caire cenl er will not create excessive 1 raffic, insufficient parking, num H er of individuals being carred for, nc ;i sie, or tyjpe of pHylsical activity; and L. Thal) tHere is ample iindacm and culldcor spaice, free frcm Hazard, appropriawely equipped with considerations given to the physical wind menllal conditions of the persons attending the aidull care center. 4. A conditlicnal use permill shalll ncll be required fcn an adult) caire center tlhall is cperakd by ai religious crgainizaficin, in buildingls on stlructlures cin property reglularlly used ars a place of worship, or on aidjacentl leased property. B. C emeteryl. 61 1. Any burial fllotl on land aibutling a public or private street shall comply with the regluireid front) yard selback cif the underlying zoning districtl and twenty-five (25) feet) from all property bines. 21. Arrangements f6 perpletluail maintenance cif the cemelleryl shall be in compliance with aill applicable governmental laws and regulatory) nequirements and shaill be approved by the cciunty aittcirneyi ais to fcrm. 3. Cemeteries and distlaince from wells. All cemeteries shall meet) the requirements sett forth below unless otherwise exempted byl the department) cif health. Well Class Oistance from Cemetery) Class 3A or deep well IMinimurn 5C1 feet Class 3B well Minimum SCI feet Class 3C cr a shailloiw well IMinimurri Rt feet Class 4 well Minimum 11 CIC feetl 4. Landscaping shall be diistlnibuted aicncssi the aireai developed ase ai cemetery to provide ai minimum cif ten percent) (1013/ci) cancpyl ccmerage air shaidingl wilhin twenty (20; years. The pncpaiseid location far a cemetery shaill be ccimpadliible with adjacent land uses, existing cr proposed highways, and anyl ollhet elements or facticirs deemed tic affect the public healtlh, safety, and vwelfarei of the inhabitants of such district. C. Child care c ender. 1. Proof thait sill required local, state, cir fed erail 11 icenses, permits, and other ftcuments necessaryl fcr the ciperadlicin of a chii:ld care center shaill be provided tici the zcining administrator pricer to 11he issuance cif ai Mining) permit). 21. The zoning adminisllraticin shall be notified cf any license expiradlioin, suspension, revocadlicn or deniail within three (3) dayls of such event). Failure to do so shall be deemed willful nonccmpliance with the pr cavi si c n si cif 1 h i s zoning ordinance. 3. Where pnaivided kir in the zciniingl 6stlrict(s) regulations) as a conditional use, ai child cane center may be peirmittled by the bound cf supervisors with a Yiecommendaflicin by the planning) commisisiicin upon a finding cif the following criteria: ai. Thad the child care cenleii vwillll ncitl create excessive lraif fic, insufficient) parking, number cif individuals being cared fon, noise, or type of physical activity; H. Thad) there is ample indoor and ciutldacin play space, free from hazard, appropriately equipped, and reaidilyl accessible for thee agle and number of children attlen d i n gl 1 h e child day c aaie center; ain d c. MW the area of the property upon which the child care center is located contains nee less than cine ilhousand (1,UQ square feet) per child to be caired far in the child care center. 62 4. A conditional use permit) shall nat be required for ai chilld cane center thait is cferaNed by ai religious organization, in buildings or structures cin pnoperty reglulairly used as ai place cif worship, cr on aidjaicent leased pnaiperty. . D. Child cane instillation. 1. Sethaicks aidjaicent to siinglle-family residentliall districts or property used for singlle-family dwellingls shall be at least) sixty ((C) feet). No active recneaticnail ateas, refuse ccntlaiinets, parking cin vehicular aiccess, etc., should be located within this setback area. 2. Perimeter laindscapingl shat] ll he in aiccc ndanec with use typasi as specified in article VIlI, and fencingl shall be required. 3. Entrances for vehicular access must he ptcvided in accordance with requiremenisi of the Virginias Department of Trainspertation, and shalll Ha lcicatled at leash sixty (60; feet) from exitlerior llcitl lines. 4. Vehicular pankingl shall] he in accordance with the requirements cif this crdinaince. _`I . Lighti n gl shall be installed in accordance with article XII (culldoon liglhting requitemenis and restrictions) aind shailll he arrangled tic shine inward so that it doles nctl reflect crtc ad'acent pnoiperties cr impair the safe mcimementl cif traffic. H. Community center. 1. Pedestrian access aindieir bike paths shalll be provided to aid'aicenl residentliall develcipments. A dike parking areia shall also he xlnovided. .I. Entltainces for vefl iculan access mush be provided in accordance with requirements cif the M i ngli n i ai Dlep artm enl cif Ttainsportail i cn, and shl aill be ]coasted at least fifteen (15) feet frcim any reeteaiticnail use cin the lot) and from exterior lot) lines. 3. Mehicullair parking shall be in accordance with the tegluiremenlls cif this ordinance and shall] ncitl be desiglned ais to requires er encourage cars to baick into ai street). 4. IJightling shall He insllailled in aicccitdance with airticlle X] (ciutldocir lighllingl requirements aind restrictions) aind shall be arraingled to shine inward sc than it doers not reflad onllai adj accent properties of iirrpair the saife movement cif traiff c. F. Ed ucatli cnal facility, primary) secondary...... Facilities in the RAC and VC enlarged vwithlcutl ai conditional use permit) provided thadl aill ether site glllan requitemients are met. G. Mcdulan classrecim . ..... Modular classtccm unit(s) shall only hle allowed cn a temporary) basis, not tc exceed twlelve (12) mainllhs, cin the site cif ain existingl primary)/seccndaryl, ccillegle/university, cr religious assembly educational facility. 1. No mere than three (3) units shalll be aillewed cin a single sile without approval of a cainditicinail use permit. 63 2. The placement cif the modular classroom unit(s) shall meet) all cif the required building) setbacks for lhle underlyling zoning district. In addition, all modular classroom unit(s) shaill be setbacks at leash thirty-five (35) feet) frcm the front) or primary entrance cif the permainent educalkn facilityj. 3. The existing pairking on the site shall meet the requirements of article X, including spaces necessary to sense users of the modular classroom unit(s). 4. ENterior lighllingl cif the modular cllaissrocim unit(s) shailll be shielded and shall halve zero (() spi l ll c mer canto aid' aicenl l prope rt ii es. 5. if exislingl landscaping cin the site doles not meel 1he requirements cf article V11I, aid d itionail l andscarl ing shall be required to attlai n tlhl e minimum buffer and frontaige zone landscafling requirements of the site. Boundatlion zone planting is not required fcn modular classroom cnitls vwflich ave in plaice less thain twelve (12) months. 6. Modular clas statim unit deli gln and install art icin shall 1 meet all applicable federail, stlatle and local building code regulations. 1. Modular claissrocims which require placement) llcinger than twelve (12] m e nth s or construction of aid dil lii c n a l parking shalll require a conditional use permit). H. Nursing) Home...... Buildings in existence as of the date cif aidoptlicin of Ibis ordinance may) be expanded cin enlarged without a ccnditicinail use permit provided that all other site plan requirements are melt. 1. Public maintenance and service facility ...... Qulside storage of materials shall be completlellyl screened frcm public view, including vehicullair stciraigle areas. J. Public park wind recreaiticinail area. 1. All oulldoor recneadlicinal playfie➢ds, grounds and faciliitlies and assciciated fences cm enclosures shalll conform tc the required ficin)) and comer side yard building setbacks of the underlying) zoning district. 2. Recreational structures for indcicin recreation shailll meet the required setbacks cif the underlying zoning district far ai primary use. 3. Pedestrian access shall be promided whenever practicable to aid .acent residential Mcpertiies. 4. Entrances for vehiculair access must) be provided in aiccordanca With requirements cif the Mirglinia Department) of Tiiansportailiicin, wind stlaill be located at leash fifteen (15) feet from any recreational use cin the lot wind )twenty-five (25; feel) frcim aryl exterior lot) lines. 5. Mehicullar parking shall be in accordance with the requitemenlls cif this ordinance and shailll not be designed ais tici require cr encourage cars to back into ai sl nc el . 6 . IJightling shalll be instailled in accordance with article XI (outldc c n lighting) requirements and resstlriicllicns) and sHaill be arnaingled to shine inward sci that it does riot reflect) andel aid. aicentl ptopertiies or impair the saife mcivement cif traffic. I A111 public swimming p cicill s shall confc rm to the following minimum requirements: ai. Setback requirements: Seventy-five (75; feet frcim any) property line. i. Additional setback requirements: 1. Setback adjacent to residential Zone: One hundred twenty- five (125) feed. 2. Sletlback adjacent) to nailrciaid right) -of -way, publicly Flciiintl: Twenty -f ve (2 5) feet). b. Any buildings erected on the site of any such pool shall) comply with the yard requirements of the zone in whicH the Floc] its lc catled . 8. A public water supply) shailll be available and shall be used far tlhe pool. Use of a privaile supply of vwaderi for the pecil may be granted by ccn6tlionall use permit) prcivided that) it will not aidversellyl affect) the waiter su F pllyl cif the community. 9. Perimeter landscaping shall be in accordance with article VIII and fencing shall l be required ad j aicentl to ai resi d entli al zein e. 10. SIFT ecii ail cc nd itlions deemed necessaiDy tic saife glu and the general ccimmunity interest) and welfare, such as provisions for off-street parking, aidditicinail fencing) or plartling eir c1her landscaiFing, additlionail setbaick from prorlerty lines, locafion and arrangement of lighting and other reasonable requirements, including) a showing of financiail tespcnsibility by the appllicantl, may be required by tlhe board of supervisors with ai recommendation from the planning coimmissicin as ai requisite to the granting cif a conditional use when ar1r1licable. K. Religious assembly. 1. Rleligious facilities in the RAC and VC districts in existence ais of the daite cif this cirdinance may be expanded air enlargled vwilficutl ai conditicnail use permit provided that ail] either site plain requirements are met). 21. Religious assembly) may ciccupy emistling civic or commercial facilities in the RAC, VC, GC and PD -MX distlrictls as a principal, accessory c t tlempciraryl use prcivided that the existing site imprcivements, particularly parking), are adequadle to acccimmcdaft the demands cf the use and provided that the use is allowed under the conditional zoning) of thle property, if applicable. Any new ecinstlructliein, expansion, or enlargement shall eibtain ai conditlionall use permit in accordance with this citdinance. L. Utility seruice, minair...... All new customer utliilitlies, seruices, including), but ncitl limitled ta, all wires, cable -s, piFles, conduits and appurtenant) equipment, carrying) cit used in ccnnecticin with the furnishing cif electric 65 power, telephone, telegraph, cable televisions, petrcileum, glass, steam, watleri cin sewer systems, shall, after the effective daite of this cndinance be placed below the surface of the ground; prcimid ed, that: 1. Equipment such as electric distribution transformers, triansmissicn '-33KV and above, svwitchgean, metier fedestlails and tlellephone pedestals, which are normally instlailled abci�ie glrciund and in accciidance with accepted utility practices for underground 6stributlicn systems may be so installed; 2. Metiers, sermicei ccinnecticins and similar equipment normally atllached to the outside wail] cif the premisas it series may continue to be sei installed; 3. O'menhead utilities senmices existing as of October 29, 1974, maty be repaired, replaced or increased in capacity; and reileicaded parallel and adjacent to preexisting state rciaids; 4. Tlemponaryl overhead faicilities required for constlructliicin purposes will be permitted; 5. Whenever relocation cif utility facilities is compellled by any construction undertaken by an)l unit) cif gleveiinmentl, the provisions of this section mayl be waived by the bomid cif supervisors or its aigent; 6. Overhead farm and industrial custicmer utlility seruicesi and wiring which is cin property owned and/or occupied by the users thereof will be p erm ittled ; 7. Undergnciund utilities will rict be required in those amens of the cciuntyl zcned rural agriculltlunal ccnsiervatlien districts under the accruing ord finance of Isle of Wight County; 8. Underground ut li ll itlies w111 not be required in i nd a stlri ail parks which would be de pined ais subdivisions bN the subdivision emdinanice cif Isile of Wlightl Cciunty if coined to an indusitriail use under tlhe zeningl cirdinance cif Isle cif Wight County; S. Overhead utilities seirmiices rriaiy be extlerided within ai subdivision where the averaige lot size (excllu6ng the cnigliinal parcel) is greater tlhain fives (5) acres and may further be extended in an)i case where such emtlensi cin would be pairaill l el and adjacent to public roads existing as October 21S, 19174. Utilities services along roads not existing ais cif Octiciber 29, 1914, and iriternail to a subdivision where the aNieraige Jet size (excluding the originail parcel) is five (5) acres or less must be undengrciund. Cverhead utilitie-s services may be extended along or aicross citlheir public rcad s ais authorized by the ac ning aidministliatlor. 10. All imprcmemerits herein required shaill be in acccirdance with accepted standards of utility practice fer underground constlructiein. M. Utility services, major. 1. Public utility buildings in any permitted residential 210ne shailll have the exterior appearance cif residential buildings. Landscaping shaill be provided in aicccrdaince with article VIII. 21. Nethling Herein shall require a conditional use permit) for refair of ai wailer well sci Icing) as thle design capacity cif IIHe repaired well its not increased; nor shalll a conditlicnal use permit be required fcn replacement of ai well which is worn out or has become less productive, sci king) as: ai. The replacement) welll is no macre than cine -fourth ('/) of a mile in distance from the well being replaced; U. Thle replaced well is abandoned in accoirdaince with reglulations administered and enfetced byl Vlirginiai Department cf Bnminonmentlal Quallity or cipher applicable agency; c. '11H e replacement well] shall draw wader from the lower ci etla ceous aiquifer (Potomac Group) cin llyl; d. The owner of the well) demonstrates to the zoning administlrailbr that) the replacement well will provide not more wader than the well being replaced by providing the zainingl administratlor board withl thle initial producticin tests cif the well being) replaced and the initial produclhicin tests cif the replacement well; and e. The average sta�liic water level cif the lower cretaceous aquifer, ais determined from the average of all monitoring and observatlicn wells of the Virginia Department) of Bnmiironmentlail Quality, hats not dropped mere l h ain fifty percent) (5C%' from the most r ecenl avieraige stlao is waiter leve,. (Measured froim the most recent) ameraige statue wader level to the top cif the aiquifer.) Prcvided, further, tbal ;if the owner blas macre than one (1) well designed cin capable of producing) fifty thousand (50,0(CI) galllcins cm mciie per dayl located in Isle cif Wight County, Vlinginiia, the cwner shalll provide the zoning aidministlral em wil Ihl the name, ll c caN Iii c n aind initial production testis of such ctlher wells of said design or capacity. 3. The disscllutlion cr abandonment) cif ai public wader ciystlem previously approved by the Virginia Depart m entl cif Health and/ c r the county shaill require cihltlaiiiningl a canditlional use permit fnoim the board of supervisors, aifter reccmmendatkin from the planning ccmmisisiicin. (7- 714I5; 5-211-10; Crd. No. 2102-2-C, 2-16-12, 3-20-14.) NOW, -11HEREIHORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Isle cf Wight) County Board of SlLpermiscm tlhadl Appendix B, Zoning, Sleeticin 6- 1CCI4, Affected Development), of the Isle of Wight) County Code be aimended aind reenacted ais fc1lows: Slec. E-1004. Affectled development. A. Rleviaw required...... All proposed development actiuiitlies lcicatled within the Highway Corridor Cmerllay District shlaill be reviewed and approved by tlrle zeroing aidmin;istradlor, or if applicable, by lhle Board of Sluiperviisers following ai recommendallioin byl the Nanning Ccimmissicn in accordance 67 vwilh the regulations contained herein and part 21 cf arlicle V1I (development review). Any) changed shaill ailse receive such apprcivail before proceeding). B. Development actlivity permitted within the district ...... .Mere shall be no expainsioin or enlargement) of the existing) condition cif the hands, uses on structures, cr change in use as defined in sectic n 5-1003, change in use, vwilhin the Highway Ccrriidor Cverllay District from the date cif einaictmentl cif this airs i cle henceforth, except as provided for by 1 h i s section air by dither secl Iii c r s cif this article. C. Development activity prohibited within the district ...... .Mese regulations aite supple imentlaryl tci the permitiled uses aind requirements Rai the aflflnopriadle underlying) zor ingl district as contained in the Isle of Wight) County Zoning) Ordinance. Uses prohibited in the underlying zoning district) are adsoi ptchibitled in the Highway Ccrridor Overlay) )district). (71- 71-C15; 8 -20 -CSI; Cnd. No. 21C1124 -C, 8-16-12, 3-21C1-14.) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County E curd of !lupervisons that Aflpendix H, Zoning, Section 6- 1 C C 5, Exemptions to the Highway Corriidcir Overpay District Rlequiremenrts, of the Isle of 'Wight County Ccide be aimended wind reenacted as faillllcwis: Sec. E40105. Blxempllicrs tla the Highvwaryl Ccitridor Overpay Distlricl requirements. A. Single-family dvwellingls. The construcl i cin of detaic h ed single-family dvwullings cin iiridividuail lctls or flaireeps within the Highway Ccinridcr Overlay Distlricl which are not lccatled within a residentliall suhld:ivision are exempt from this sectliain. Pair the putycise of this section, a subdivisicin shaill ecnsist of ai minimum of five (5] lcitls all pllatted ait the saime time. Alga. consllruct;icin of detlaiched dingle -family dwellings on llcitls air parcels within a nesidenti ail subdivision aite ememptl if the subdivision plat wars ll egail "N recorded prior to aidopt ion of this section. B. Agricultural stltuctlures. The coinslrucliciri cf bona fide aglniauptutial structures required fcn on -premises farming) cperatliicins involving the cultivation of crops or the raising and keeping) cf livestock and the preparation of laind fcir culltlivaticn cif crops are exempt from this section. C. Fcnestryl operations. Timbering or siilvicultutial aictlivillies is permitted upon any ]ct, parcel, cn lnactl of land llcicaled within the district except) that cllear- cuttling in any district) olher than lands zoned RAC, shall not occur vwiithlin at least fifty (50) feel from anyl cif the arleriail niglhts-cif vwary as designatled in section 6-1((3. 11 Nan cc nfcirming sitles developed cin pl atlled prior to Nove mi der 5, 195 21. Exemptlicns, whetlheri parliail cit tlolal, frcrn Highway Corriideir Overlay District) site desigln provisions may be granted by the Bciaaid of Supervisions following) a tiecommeridatlion by the Planning Ccmmission if it can be suffrcienllyl demcinstltated that such requirements will creak an W. undue hardship upon an existing situation. In such caises„ the Bcard cif Supervisors may require the establishment cif shared parking and access easements H etwe en aidj ascend nonconfc nmi n gl properties or c ther consisl entl provisions 11oi accomplish the purpose and intent of the district. 1. A one -lime exemption may be glrainl ed by the zoning administlral cir for the expansion of an existing develciped property to enlargle the tolail square footlagle of the principle Huiillding by not more than twenty-f'me percent (250/a) of tlhe totlail floor areai; Heweveri, in nci case shaill such an expansion exceed twenty-five Hundred (2,15(Q square feed. Any subsequent future expansion cif flcicir areai will require compliance with lbe standards cf 111is distiriictl. 21. A cine -time exemplliicn may) be granted by the zoning a idministraticit for ai single aiccessciryl building) of no gneader than fine hundred (50101) square feet. Any subsequent) future expansion cif floor airieai will require ccrrpliance witlh the standards of this district. (71-7- 05; 8-20-0191; Ord. No. 20124-C, 8-16-12, 3-21x1-14.; NOW;, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Isle of Wiglht County Bciard cif Supervisors that Appendix B., Zoning, Slectlicn 6- RCI, - 1 CCqi, Permitted Activity in the Miinamum Miisuail L uffer, of 1He Isle of Wigfit County Code be aimended and reenacted ais &Jlowsi: Sec. E-1007. Permitted aictivity in the minimum visual Huffer. A. Within the minimum visuail Huffer there shall be nci development, clearing, grading, ciri construction activity with the fallowing exceptions: 1. Roadway or dnimeway access to the portion of the site not in the minimum visual Huffer is permitted provided that it is approximately perpendicular to the airteriaa public right -cif -way; 21. Water, sanitary sewer, storm draiinaige, elecllnicail, telephone, natlurail caHlle, and ullillity service lines may He instlallled beilcm the surfaice cif the glrc and all right angles prcivided that the nalurail uegellaitlion is preserved and protected to the glreatlesl extent pnaclicahlle, and fronllagle zone )landscaping paints requirements are met). Where such existing eir proposed utility easements substlandailly reduce the area devoted to landscaping in the Huffer belcvw the frontage zones landsiciapiinigl pciintls requiiremenls, an additional amount cf landscaping Heyond the fifty (50) feet) mayl He required; 3. Slidewailks, or ctlher pedestrian and bicycle paths desipped to prcivide ccntlinuous ccnnectlion aillcing the rciaid corridor may) He permitted, provided thad tlheyl can be consiruclled without l makriaillyl reducing llhe screening and uisuail softening capacity of the required landscaping; 4. Sligns area permitted in acccindance with article IX; 5. Cleaning for sight) distances is permitted adl the entlrances and exAs to any development as needed to preiviiide far neaisonaHle traffic safety, in (Si accordance with accepted tlraiffic engineering ptacllices recommended c required by Ilhe Virginia Ilepairtmentl cif Transportaficin; E. Me trimming of existing limbs or brainches cif presenied trees is permittled, when apprciNied byl the 21ciningl administvatlor. B. The fcillowing cases anlliicipatle those silluadlicns where the Board cif Slupervisots k1lowing a reccirrirriendaiticn by Ilhe Planning Commission may deletirn ine tHatl Ifie minimum visual buffer vecluirements maiy be reduced or vemcived: 1. Views and vistais of existing buildings which heiglhllen the visuail experience serve as ii mgt ctrl anti p c intls of sp adli ail identi fi catlic n c r contain vailue ais important h istlotiiicaill rescurces; 21. Views and vistais cif existing natural llandscapeAcipcigtaphical feadlures cif a particular area cif the district which c crrie spcin d tici certain high paints aifford ing pancitiarrde views, views inmollving settllementl clusllers, views cif water, tidal and ncinitlidaill wetlands, ttitutatyl streams, and ctlher elements cif 1He plhlylsicaill llaindscape; 1. Views and vi stla s to em i suing recread li cin ails open space areas, whether natutiail or manmaide, which serve tai contribute tici the civevall visual envitcnment. SucH uses include, but are nail limited tci, golf courses„ stalle cm local parrs, equesllrian cenllets, and cerrideties, etc. 4. Views and visnas which glive the observer ain awareness of a lcicail:icin's inherent chairaictler related tici views of farmlaind, pastlures, and water acllivitlies, such as docks civ other maritime actlivitlies. C. Wficitie a propcised development) intlenids to further enhance or protlectl the existing visuail environment), 1He Board of Slupendsors may) exurriptl, vwHc IM cm partially, the propcised develciplmenll from the required minimum vi su ail buffer. Examples include the fol) cwingl: 1. A propcised development which byl virtue of the characlleristics of ills stlrucllures indicates innovadlicn cif design, a unique telaticinship wiitH the side, represenlls a focail point) and establishes ai particular identlify ingl element) for the county; 21. A prcposed develcipmentl which exhibitls innovative cit uri icue uses of site landscaping, cit vwhicli combines in the use cf the site, cpen recreational areas such as described above. (7-7-05; 8-21C1-09; Ord. Ne. 2012-8-C, 8-1 E -12, 3-21C -14.)) NOW, THEREFORE, BB IIT FURTI EM ORD A INBDI by the Isle cif Wight C c untyl Bcianid of Slupeniiscrs thadl Appendix B, Zcning, Slectliien (- RIO, Architectural and Development Guidellines for A111 Nonresidenfal Uses, cif IIHe Isle cif Wight) Cciunty Ccide be amended and reenacted as follows: 701 Slec. 6-10C1. Architectlurail and devielopmentl gluidelines fan alll ncnresidenttial. uses. The compatible tell adtiicvsihip of architecture along highways within the Highwiaiy Corridor Overlay) District is cif critical public concern for any structures cn site imprcivementts. The plunpose and intent) of these architectural guidelines and develcipment standards is ncitl tc stifle iinncivadtive architecture or development, but tc assure respect) for wind to reduces incompatible and adverse impaictts on the miisual experience from the Highway. A. Architlectlutall guidelines ...... .1h1e architectural design cf structures and their materials and cc Tors shah))) be visually harmcnicius with 1lhe cvenall appearance, history, and culttura] henitlaigle cif Isle of Wight) County, with nadlurai] landforms and existtingl vegletation. Slpecific ccins;ideraN iciri shall be gliven to complatlibility with adjaicentl properties where such prci'ectts demicinstlnate the cciunty's character. Design and arcKittectlurail featlures will demonstrate ccnsisttency with the following) prc m i sions: 1. A shopping center, office ccimir)ex or similar group of buildings ,shall be arranged in such ai manner tc minimize the iimipad cf vehicle parking) aireas alcingl the arteriail with buildings frcintting the arleriail, wind painking being lccated kwards tthe center cif the devmelopment aiway frcm the arterial. Parking) in the side and rear cif such sites shall be encouraigled. 2. Stucco, nadtura] wocd. siding), brick, shone, decoradlive block, cementittous siding cin other mailerials with similar texture and appearance are considered apprcpriadle to county charaictter wind shaill be provided cin all exterior eilcmaillicns. Vinyl siding, flat cr ccirruglalci meta] and concrete block shall not be used for extleiiicin siding material on any building, except) tlhad viniyll siding may be used as trim maderiail. The exterior covering material shaill extend to the ground, except) thadl when ai solid brick cin maisonryl perimeter foundation is used, exterior covering material need ncit extend below the tarp cif the foundadliicin. 3. Avoidance cf long monotonous facade d esiglns including, but ncitl limited to, those charaicteriaed by unrelieved repetition cf shafle or form or by unbroken exttenisuicn of line shall be avc:ided. Thirty percent (30�%i) of the square focittaige of the front) wail] areal of the wallls frionlingl cin a stlreet shall be sett back or ciffset aql leash ten (10; feet) from the remaining portion cif the wail] areai fronting) cin a street. 4. No building faicaide (whetlher front, side or rear) will consist of archittectlurai] materials inferiicn in quaility, appearance, or detaiill to any) other facade cif the same building. The intent) cif this requirement) is not to preclude the use of different madternais cin different) builld:ingsi' faicaides (which would be aicceptlaible J representative cif glocid airchittectlurail desigln), but rather to preclude the use of inferiicr maitlerialls cin slides which farce aid'oining property 'Al aind thus, might) adversely impaictl existing cin future development) causing a su b stanl i ail deprecial hi cin e f property vailues. 5. Not less than sixteen percent (16(%x) cif the tcitail area cif any faicaide visible from ai fludllic way (excluding work areas) shall ccinsist of vwind civws and doors. 6. Ilargle work area doors or open rayls shaill not cipen k wand cr face the highway. I Healing, venfilallingl, and air ccrditioning equilpment, duct) work, air ccmfliiessors and either fixed operating machinery) shlall be eitH et screened frcim view eir local ed so that such items are n c t viisible from the fl ighvwayl. Utility metiers, aboveground tanks, satellite dishes, antennais, etc., shall be similanlly tlreakd. 8. The exterior of the fecundation wallas shaill be of brick of masonry) ccnstrucllicin, except) when the extericr wall matbrial exlends to the glround in accordance with subsection E40110.A.22. 9. Celcrs cif paints and stains shall be natlure-blending) with gleneraillyl no more llhain 1Hree (3) colors per building. 'Semiitlransparenl stlaiins are recommended for applicatlion cin natural wood finishes. 10. Entlrylwiays and landings visible from public areas sHeiuld be cci'�iered by ai neoif that is an integrated and compatible component 10 the tocf and architectural treatment cif the mann structure. 11. Fencing along the highway right) -cif -way is discouraged, but if used, such fencing shall be landscaped to minimize visibility from the higlhwayl or be c f a style which pis Harmonious with the rural, aiglricultlurail and histcricail character of the county. Chain link fences shalll be prcflib;itled. B. Dlevelopmeritl standards...... Pteposed development within the district) should provide for visuail compallibility and hainmony with surrounding natlurail landfcirms and vegletlatlion; be protective cif views and vistas from the arterial highways within the 6stlrict; and provide ccntiriuiityl of site desigln within the prcipcsed development. 'these objectives include the felllovwiingl stlaindards: 1. Earles moving, filll, glradiirigl, clearing cif property, and 1He removal cif )hetes and vegletlaiticin shall be the minimum necessary tici provide for 1 H e use. In parl i cular, activities tlhal I could cause 6 sru p1 i cin of natural vwatlencciu rses or disfiguration c f nalluraill land forms are prc hibilled. 2. Ftoposed devellcpmienll shall be ',Icicatled and configured in ai visually hatmciniicius manner vwilh the tleniain and vegletatlion of the parcel and surrcundirgl paircels. Structures shall nett impede scenic views fnoim the main highway or from existing structures and the naluna;'I environment. 3. Structures shall not dominate, by excessive or inappropriafle Height cit mass, any glenerail develcipmenll, aid_'acent building, cir natural landscape in an incompalliblle manner. 72 4 . Architectural ll ightling shat 1 be recessed under riccif overhain gls cir gleneratted Reim conceailed source, lova-level bight) fixtures. 5. Lighting shall] be instailled in accordance with article XI (ciultdeor fighting requirements and restrictions] and shall] be arranged ttci sWne inward so that it does not reflect cntici ad7aicent Xltoiperlies or impair the safe movemientl of traffic. 6. Velliculat mcimement and parking areas requiring fine (5) spaices or more shall be pavmed with concrete, asflhalt, or eilhet simillar material. Vlehicular mcivement and parking aireas requiring less thain five (5) spaces may Ile surfaced with gravel or cilheri similar material butl must) be servied by paived entrances meetling Virginia Department of Transrlcirlation standards. Uncrelle curb and glutlleri cir other slleirmwadleit mainaigementl struclure ais approved by the zcining adminisllratcr shaill be insttallled around the perimeter cif all drivewayls and paaikingl areas. Dlraiinaige shall] be desiglncd sc ais not to interfere with pedestrian tlraiffc. 7. Outldoot sllcra gle and display areas shat] 1 be as permitted byl the underlying) zoning districts in the side and rear Mairds only, provided 1hat) all outdoor sloraige and display areais shall be uisuailly screened from public rights-of-way, initernail roadways, and ad j aic entl property using the screening) zones standards k u n d in article V111. 8. Braiding areas shall be permitted crillyl in the sides cit rear yards and shaill l be visually screened from public rights-of-way), and adjacent property using the screening 2110ne sitandards found in article VIII. SI. Largle ttraish receptacles, dumpslets and recycling) bins, must) be complettellyl screened from view of the street) and any) aidjoiiningl llctl using the screening zone standards found in art ii cle V1111. 10. Screening, when required, shall be insttailllled in aiccordance vwillh llhe screening zone standards cif article V]II and shall be depiated on the land scab ing p lain. 11. c ile demelopmentl should include stlreellscape improvements. These iimiptcvemenlls are considered as those architectural cir functtionai] facilities or sttruclures tthal ciccur en sille bull are net part cif the buillding and thaNl encciutage and facilitaite human interaction with the built envircinment. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: decorative light fixtures, fountains, sculptures, benches and tablets, plaintters, retaining walls, pedestrian and bicylcle padlhs, bicycle parking structures, tlraish tecepttaicles and encllcsures, vender ateais, and fences. The following sltreellscape impromemenits ate teglu iced: a. A cuslleM112ed entrance at the enttDy sprees) intersecting) the arteriai] cx collector which feawres ai waltetfalll, sculpture, monument, siignaigle, ornaimenttail landscaping, sgeciailty paueme nt, enhanced fence wall dettaii ll s, cit boulevard median. F -AK b. Slidewailhs, cm otlhen pedestrian and bicycle path's, including picnic and nest) arreas, ais appropniadle. These imprcvemeriticli shaill be designed to be ccnsistlentl with all necluitements listed above, and sha111 be neviewed for aesthetic functionality ain d com p adli b i l ity with county c H airaictler. 12.11a the greatest extent possible, stlormvwaten managlement stlructlunes and facilities shailll be placed outside cif the landscapingl Zcnes identified ii n airticl a VIIII. When p laicemeint c f stormwater manaiglemeint structures and faiciilitlies in ai landscaping zone is d emonstlrad ed as unaivc i d abl le blyl the applicant, and approved blyl the Boand of Supetiviscirs, fclllo wingl a recornmendatlicn by the Planning C cimmissicin, avid is ncitl prohibited elsewhere in this ordinance, such structure cin facility shall be landscaped in a natlutiailized pattlern utilizing nadliiue species and the landscaping points requitied for the aneai enccmpaissed by the sticrimwadleti manaigementl stnuctlutie or faiciillity shall be disbursed throughout the remaining areal of the lar d scoping tic n e. 13. Crime prevention thrc ug H environmental d esigln (CPTIED) principles should be inccirploradled into site design to maximize public safety through effective design of buildings, parking lots and public spaices. Principles incllude territoriality, surveillanae, and access control. (1-745; F -210 -OS; Cid. No. 2012-8-C, 8-1(-125 3-2101-14.) NOW, THHREIORE, BE 1711 FURTHHRI ORDAINED by t IH e Isle of Wight County Board cif Supervisors that Appendix B, zoning), 'Section 6- 1015, Exceptions, cif the Isle c f Wight C cit my Cc d e be amended and reenacted as fc flows: Sac. 6-10115. Exceptions. A. A request) for an exception tici the requirements of the Higlhway Ccrridot Ovenllay Distnictl shailll be made in writing la the zoning administradlor for consideration by the Hcord cif Supervisors k4lowing ai reccmmenda&in by the Planning Ccimimission in aicccirdaince with secticn 7-2100101 [pairt 21 cif article VIII] (development review). Tlhe nequestl shall be aiccompaniied by thane dcicumentls determined by the zcning administlnaticir to be necessaryl for the Bamd of Superviscr's considenatlion cif the request). B. Tlhe Boand cif Superviscirs in formulating a decisicn shall consider the follciwing: 1. Such exception shall be no less beneficial tic the tiesidents cm occupants of the development, ais well as neighboring prciflerty, that would be obtained under the applicable regulation; 21. That the excep tlion is t ea iscinab it e because cif the high 1 evell c f design and constlructicin that will be incoirpctiated in the development; 74 3. Than the emception will riesult in design and construction that is in accordance with accepted engineering) and building standards. C. Any perscin or pensons . ciintlly er severailly aiggrieved by a decisicin cif the board of supervisors may present) to the circuit court cif the County cif Isle of Wight ai petition specifying the grounds cin which aiggriieved within thirty (3C) days after the frnail decision of tlhe board of supervisors. Costs shailll neat be ailllowed against the board cif supervisors, unless it shall appear to the court tlhatl it acted in bad faith cin with maillice in making the decision app earl e d th erefnoim. (7-1-05; 81 -20 -CS; Cid. No. 2012-8-C, 8-1(- 1211 -1(- 121, 3-20-14.) NOW, THEREFORE, BD 111 FURTHERI CRDAINED by the Isle cif Wight Cciunty Board cif Slupervisors that Appendix B, Zcining, Slectiein 6- 21003, Affected E evc k pmeintl, cif the Isle of Wight County Code be amended and neenaictled as foll1civws: Slec. 6-2M. 3. Affectled development). A. Review required...... All proposed development activities located within the Newpert Dlevelcpmentl Slermice Ovenlaryl District shall be reviewed and approved by the zoning aidministlratcn wind, if applicable the Board cif Slupermisicrs following a recommendation by the Planningl Commission, in accordance with the neguladkns contained herein and part 21 cif article V11I1 [section 'A-2000 etl seq.] (development review). Any changes made to t h e plan, aiften initial appnovall by the wining) administrator must) receive ad d itlionail approval by tlhe zc ming) aidministlratc n. B. Eevellepmentl aictlivity permitted within the district...... There shaill be nc expansicin en enlargement cif the existing conditiein of the lands, uses or structures, or chaingle in use as defined in section 5-1003, chaingle in use within the Newport Uevellcpmentl Slervice Overlay District from the date cf enaictlment of this sectio henceforth, exicept as pncivided for by this section cin by otlheri sectkns cif this ordinance. C. Development activity prcflibitled within the diistlricl...... These negulatiens are supplementary to the permitted uses and requirements for the appropriate underillying zoning) districts. Uses prohibited in the underlying) zoning di-stricts are also prohibited in the Newpcirt Development) Survicie Overlay Dlisitnictl (i1-71-05; 8-21C-09, 3-20-14.) NOW, THBREFORB, BE IT FUMHE1R ORDAINED by the Islle cif Wight County Board of Sluperviiiscns thadl Appendix B, Acningl, Section 6- 2004, Dxemptlions to tlhe Newipert Development) Serviicei Overlay Dlisilrictl Rlequinurrientls, of the Isle cif Wight) County Ccde be amended and reenaictled as follows: i15 Sec. 6-20014. Exeimpticins to the Neiwpcirt Dlevielopmenitl Scrviicei Overlay D iatiiiict requirements. A. Single-family dwellings ...... The construction of detached single-familyl dwellings on iin6viduaill lats or parcels within the Newport Dllevelcpment Service Cverlay District) which are ncitl llcicatled within a residential subdivision are exempt) from this section. For purpose cif this section, ai residential subdivisiicn shall consist) of a minimum of five (5) lots aill platted at the same time. Consiructicin cif detaiched single-family) I'Dings cin 11citls or parcels within a residential subdivision arae exempt if the subdivision plat wars legaillllyl recorded flnicr to adciptlion of this sectkn. B. Agricultural structures . ..... The conslrucllicn cif bonai fide agricultural structures required for on-pnemises farming) operations invcilvingl the cultivation of crops cr the noising and keeping of livestock and the preparation cif land for cultivailkin cf crcips are exempt from the requirements of this district). C. Foriestlryl operations . ..... Timbering cin silvi cultlura l actii m itlies its permitted upon any ]ctl, parcel, or tlraict of llaind locaWd within the district except) that clean -cutting in any district, citlher than lands zcinied RAC, shall not ciccur within at least fifty (50) feel) frc m any c f the arterial rights-cif-vwayl: 1. United 9tlatics Highway Rloule 11; 2. United States Highway Rloutle 101; 3. United Jtlaites Highway Route 32 and 2158. D. N cincen forming sites developed cn platted prior to Novembeii 5, 1992...... Hxemptlions, whether partial or Hotta)), from Newpcirt Development Slenke Overlay District site design pmvisiians may tle grainled byl the Board cif Supervisors following a reccimmendaflicn by the Alainningl Commission in accordance with section 7-21000 et seq. 11part 2 cif article M11] (development remiew) if it can be sufficien111y1 demonstlraded tlhail such negluiPerri ents will create an undue hairdsl1ip upon an emistling sitluallicn. In such cosec, the Board cif S upetiviii sc m may require the esi ab lishment cif shared parking) and access eaiserrents between a&aicent nonconforming properties cir other consistent provi sui c ns to accomplish tlhei purpose and intent) of the dislnictl. 1. A one -lime exemption may be granted by the zoning ad m imistlrad or fair the expansion of an existing developed pticiperty tici enlarge the total) square Rictlaigle of the principle building by not mcine than twenty-five percent) (251Ya) of the lotail f.cicir area; however, in no caise shaill such ari expansion exceed twenty-five hundred (21,5CC) square feel. Any) subsequent future expan si cin cif f1 c cir area will require compliance with the standards of this district. 21. A cne-time exemption mayl be granted by 111e zcniing aidminiisitlti"Acin for ai single aiccessiciryl building) of not greater tlhain five hundred (`O() square feet. Any subsequent future expansion of floors areal will require camp 11 iaince with the standards cif 1 h i s district ('A-7-05; 5; 8-2IC - 05; Ord. No. 210124-C, 8-16-121, 3-2IC-14.) 716 NOW, THBREFCRB, BE IT FURTHEM ORDAINED by the Isle cif Wight County Board of Supervisors tlhad Appendix B, 2leiningl, Section 6- 200(, Permitted Activity in the minimum Visual Buffer, of the Isle cif Wight) County Code be aimend ed aind reenacted ais follows: Sac. 6-21006. Permitiled activity in the minimum visual) buffer. A. Within the minimum visual buffer there shall be no development, clearing, grading, or construction activity with the k1lowing exceptions: 1. Rloadvwa)l ar dniueway access to the pertioin of the site not in the minimum visual buffer is permitted provided tlha& it is apprcximatlelyl perpendicular to the arterial fubllic right)-cf-vway; 21. Water. sianitlaryl sewer, sperm drainaige, electrical,tlellephone, natlurad cable, wind utility service lines may be installed bcicvw the surface cif the grciunid at tight angles, prcivided that l the natural vegetation is preserved and pnollecled to the greatest extent practicable, and frointagle zone landscaping p6nis requirements are met); 3. Sidewalks, pedestrian pathways and bicycle paiths desiiglned to premide ccintinuous ccnnectlion aillcnigl the rciaid ccirridor mays be permitted, provided thaw they] can be constructed without matler;iaillyl reducing the screening) and visual scifiening capacity cif the rieglu;iried landscaping; 4. Signs are permitted in accordance with arliicle IX; 5. Clearing for sight) distances is permitiled all the entrances and emi is to any development as needed tici pnaivide for rieasonaflk tlnaffrc safety, in aieccrdaince with aicceptled traffic engineering pnactkes recommended or requited byl the Virginia Department cif Trainsportaitic n; E. The trimming of existing limbs or branches cif presenied tlnaes is permitlled wihen aipprcived by the zciningl aidministnartlor; 1. When, in the cipinion cif the zoning adminisllraticir, the aidd:ition cif p 11 ainti n gls and earthen berms e r masa cin ryl wail 11 s vwou l d b eti ler achieve the purposes c this d7istlricl in lieu of the landscaping nequinementls cif the frontage zone. B. The fcllovwing caiseis anticipate tlhcise situations wihere the Board cif Slupenvisars folkwing a recommendadlion Hyl the Planning Commission may) determine that the minimum visual buffer reigluiiremenis mayl be reduced cin removed: 1. Views and vistas of existing buildings which heighten the visuall experuience, serve as impcirtant points of spatial identification or con laiin vallue as impcirtaintl hisllcricail resources; 2. 'Miews aind uistlas of existing nawral landscape/tloipographicail feaMures of a part ii culari area of the district which correspond to certain high pc intls affording painoraimic views, views inmoiluing existing paUerns cif develcipment, miews of wader, tidail and nonllidail wetlands, tlnibutaryl sitlreams, and other elements cif the plhylsica;l landscape; 7 3. Vliew s and v ii sitlais to existing recreaCcinali eipen space areas, whether n atlura 1 air manmaide, which serve 1 ei contribute to tlhe ciueraill visual environment). Such uses include, but are not limited W, golf courses, stale cin leicail parks, equestrian centers, cemeteries; 4. Views and vistas which give the observer an awareness of a loicallicin's inherent character related tici views of farmlaind, pastures, and water activities, such as docks cin other maritime actlimities. C. Whare a propcised development intends to further enhances or protect the existing visual environment, the Beatid of Sluperviiscirsi may) exempt, whoillyl air partially, the prciflcised develciplmentl from the required minimum visuaa buffer. Examples include the fcillowing: 1. A proposed development, which E131 virtue cif the characteristics of its structures indicates inncivaliein of design, a unique reladliicnshiip with the site, represents a focal paint) and estaHflishes a particular identifying element fc in the e county; 2. A proposed development which exhibits inncivialime or unique uses cif site landscaping), cir which ccmH:ines in the use of the site, oglen tiacreatlionail areas such as desaribed above. (7-1-015; 8 -20 -CS; Ord. No. 210112-8-C, x-16-121, 3-20-14.) NOW, TBBREBORE, BE IT FURIBBR ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County Bcard of Supervisors that) Appendim B, Zoning, flection 6- 20CIS1, Dlemelopmentl Standards, of the Isle cf Wight County Code he aimended and reenacted as folloiws: Sec. (-2009. D evelcipment stlaindards. Prcipesed devcllciplmentl within the district shall provide kir visual compatibility aind harmony with surroundingl natlurail land forms and vegetation; be prollectliue of views and uistais from arterial h�ighwaylsi within the 6stlr�ictl; and provide continuity cf site design within the proposed development. 11hese objectives include the following standards: A. Earth mcviiingl, fill, glraidingl, clearing of property, and the remevaa of trees and vegetadliier shaill be the minimum necessary to promiide for the use. In particular, aict�ivitlies that cciuld cause disruption of natlunal watercourses air disfiguration of natlurail land forms are Prohibited. B. Proposed development shaill be llc catled and conf guyed in ai visuallly harmonious manner with the terrain and vegetation cif the parcel and surrounding paircels. 'Structures shall not impede scenic views from the highway cir frcm existing) structures and the nadlurail environment). C. Structures shall nctl dominate, by excessive or inaflflnopriaite he:ghtl or mass, any general development, adjacent) building, or natural landscape in an incompatible manner. F. IJiglhting shall be insladled in aiccordance with article XII and shall He ainiangled to shine inwamd so that) it does neit reflect onto adjacent properties c r impaiir the saife movement) c f traffic. G. All vehicular movement and parking areas shaill be paived with ccncretle, aisphaltl, or either similar material. 1. Parking shall be leicaMed to the side cit ream cif a structure, unless llhe zoning administrator determines this requirement l tici be infeaisible due to unique side cenditlions. H. Concrete curb and gutter on other stlormwiatler management) structures as approved by the e zoning ad m inistral cir shall be installed around the perimeter cif ailll driveways and pairking aneas. Ma:inaige shalll be designed so ais not tc interfere with pedestrian and bicycle tlraiffic. 1. Tc the greatest) extent pcissible; stctmwMer manaiglement structures and facilities shalll He placed cut -side cif the landscarl ingl zones identified in article VII11. When placement) of stcrmwatler management structures and faicilillies in a landscaping zcine is demonsiratled as unavoidable by the appliicanl, and approved by the Boaird cif Supervisors folllcmingl a reccimimendation byl the Planning Ccimmissiein, and is not prcliibitled elsewhere in this ordinaince, such stnuctlure c n fait ility shaill be landscaped in ai naturalized pattern utilizing native species and the )landscaping points required far llhe weal encempaissed by the stlormwatler management) structure or faicillity shall be disbursed tlhrc u glh eiul 1 h e temaii n ii ng area cif the landscaping zcine. J. Crime prementliein through envircinmentall design (CPTED) principles should be incorflcitated inibi site design 10 maximize publlic safety 1hrciuglh effective design of buildings, (larking lcitls and public spaces. Princiflles include tleniiticiriaility, surveillance, wind access ccntltieil. A. A shcpping center, ciffice complex er similam group of buildings shaill be arranged in such ai manner to minimize the impaict cif vehicle parking areas ailong the arterial with buildings fronting the arletial, and pamking being located in the center cif llhe demelopmentl away from the rciaidway. L. Ccimmunity and public spaices. 1. Each ncinneisidentliail estlaiblishmentl subject) tci these standards shailll contribute to the establishment er enhancement) of community and public spaices by prcviding all least) two (21) cif the fcillowing within the development: a. Panic /seatlingl aneas; b. Pedestrian plaaai vwithl benches; c. Open spaice (this is ncitl cailculatled in open space i ratio required for the loll); d. Kiosk/public message board airea; e. Wales feature; 79 f. Sculpture or public art; cit g. C tlhe r such amenities, ais may be de terry ine d by the zoning aidministtrakr, that creates such ccimmunity and public spaces. 2. Any such areas shall have direct) access to the public sidewalk network and such features shalll not be conslructted cif materials that are inferiors W the principall buildings and site design. M. Connecting) uses. 1. Pedestrian pathways and bicycle pathways shailll be provided connecting buildings within a development) including) cutpancels and tici adjacent) deivelcipmentls and neighbcphocds. 2. Integlratled and consistent) site desigln shall be prcivided between oulparcel buildings and matin buildings within a deNielopment including landscape amenities and architectural design. 3. Slide devellcpmentl Ishaill include streettscape improvements. 1lhese improvements are considered as those architectural or functional facilities cm structures tlhaNl ciccur cin-sile but arae not part cif the buildingl wind that encouraigle and facilitate human interaictticin with the builltl environment. Examples include, but are not liirr itted to, the following: decorative dight fixtures, fcunitaiins, sculptures, benches and tables, planters, retaining vwallls, pedestrian and bicycle paths, bic3icle (larking structuress, tlnaish receptacles and enclosures, a designaded vending) machine areal, and fences. The following slrecttscarle improvements ane required: ai. A cu stic milled entrance at the enlryl street intersecting the arterial or collector which features ai watterfall, scullptlure, mcinument, special landscaping), specialty pavement, anhanced fence wall details, or bciullevard median. Thase improvements shaill be designed ttci be consistent) with ailll requirements aisted above, and shall be reviewed for function and compatibility with district character. N. Sidewalks. 1. Sidewalks, no less than len (10; feet in width, shall be provided ailongl the full length of the building aileingl ainy facaide featuring ai customer entrance, ain d ail c ing any facade abutting xl uhl ] is parking areas. Sidewalks shailll prciNiice weather protection features such as awning e r arcades within fifteen (15] feet cif all customer entrances, flairaillel ttci the building and at least six (6) feet) deefl ever the sidewalk. O. Pedestrian and bile pallhways. 1. The purpose cif this system :is to provide fear ncinvehicClar ttraiffic along mar or carrid cps and between major destinaticins, with emflhaisis en ecinnectting residential areas to schoclls, recreation areas, and activity centers. 0 21. fledestlrian and bike pathways shall include the following: a. Provide connectliicins for, within and between developments fcm pe d estlrian and hl ike t raiffic. hl. Provide facilities to stole or lock blicyclles adl appropriade shies. Including), but ncitl limited tci schools, recreation areas, ciffice pairks, public institutions, and activity center focuses. c. Develop the propcised bike pathway system in a mainner thatl links to existing and props sed neiglhbonccicids, park hands, conservation areas, scenic landscapes and histcmic/cultlunaa sides in accordance w itlh the gciails and objectives of the comprehensive plan. P. Pedestrian walkways fat sficippingl centers and retlaiil establishments wiitlh a square foioitlaige greater than twenty-five tficiusand (215,0010). 1. Ccntlinucus internal pedestrian walkways, no )less than eight) (8) feet in width, shall 1 be promii d ed ficin the public sidewalk or ri glhlt- of-wary tic thle principal custcimer entrance of all princiflail buildings on the site. At a minimum, wailk wayls shaill connect) focal points cif pedestlr;ian activity such) as, bull not limited tic, transit) stops, street crossings, building and store entry pciintls, and shall feature aidjoiiningl laindscapes aireas tlhadl include trees, shrubs, beds, ground covers, cir other such materials for no less than f fty percent (50`%a) cf its llengtlh. 2. Cressvwaiks adl busy inlersecticiris, between majcm pedestrian destinations, between shopr1 ing centers and tlheiii parking, shall l employ techniques tla signal a pedestrian zone both to the motor vehicle and the pedestlr�ian. These techniques include: a. Crosswalks that are sliglhtllyl raised; b. The use of durable, low maintenance surface madlenials such as pavers, bricks, or scared concrete to enhance pedestrian safety and comfcirt thad are s:istlinguishablle fncm driving) surfaces; and c. Bulb -out) cciiiners tlhladl reduce the length of the cressvwalk for the ped est rian . Q. Screening. 1. Mecflanicail equipmientl, including), but not limited to heading, uentlilatingl, and air ccin6tlioning equipment), dual) wcrk, aiir compressors, utility metiers, aiHomeground Clanks, satellite dishes, antennais, whether glrouns-level cir raciftop, shall be shlielded anc screeneid frcm view of adjacent) prciperties and public rights-cf- wary and designed to be perceived as an �intleglraill part of the building. Screening can most) often be accomplishes througlhl increased pairapetl heights or mansard roof parapet) sesigln. 21. Giiaund-level equipment immediatelly ad'aicent tc the building) should be screened with walls matching the building). 3. Areas fcit delivery) aineai doors, cipen bayls cin truck parking shailll ncitl be visible from abutting streets. 4. Outdoor stlairaigle shall be a9 permitlled by the underlying aciningl district in the side aind rear yards only, prcuided that all outdoor stcragle areas shaill ble visually screened from public rights -cif -w' -q, internail roadway, and aid .acentl property. Outdoor sticnagle shaill include the parking of ail) ccimmiercial vehicles. 5. Nci areas for outdoor storage, tlraish collection cr carnpaictlicin, �ihaill be lccaited within twenty (210) feetl of ainy public street), publllic sidewalk, cr internal pedestrian way). They shaill be screened fnoim adjacent properl ices aind public rights-of-way byl ai maiscinryl waill designed tic be ecmpaitible with the principal building tlhatl itl serves. If the waste stloraigle area is moire than crie hundred (10101) feet) aiway from the prciflerty line, it may be screened by ai maiscinry wall, dense evergreen planting air airchitectluraill feature. 6. Ucading aneas shall be completely screened from view with berms, buildings, aind/or durable architectural waills to match the building in which it serves. Loading aneas shall) be permitted only in the side and rear ylairds and shaill be visually screened from pubic riglht s-of-way1, and adjacent property, except tlhatl suitable provisions for access W loading areas may be aillciwed . M. Sligna are permitted in accordance with airticlle IN. (7-1-015; 21-13-0171, 3- 20-114.) - 20-ll4.) NOW, '11HEREFORE, BE 111 FURTBBR ORDAINED byl the Isle cif Wight County Board cif Supervisors that Appendix B, Zcning, Slectlicri 6- 21011, Bxceptlions, of the Isle of Wight County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 6-21C111. Exceptions. A. A request fon an exceptlion to tlhe regluinements cif the Newport Develcipmentl Semiice Overlay District) shaill be maide in writing to the zciningl administlraticr fcr consideration by the Board cif Sluperviscirs fcillow,ing a recommendation by the Planning Commission in accordance with section 'A-2000 (d eve 1 cpm entl review). The request) shaill ba accompanied by thcise documents determined blyl the zoning administlradlor to be necessary far the Hciard cf Supervisors ceinsideraWiicn cif the request). B. The Bcaird of Slupermiscits in formulading ai deeisicin shall ecnsider the felft wing): 1. Such exception shall) be nei less beneficial to 11he residents ciii occupants cif the develcipment, ais welll as neighboring property, that wound be cibtlained under the applicable reglulaillicn; 21. Thadl the exception is reascnaible because of the high level cif design and cc n stru ctlion that will be i n cc rporad led in the d evel cpm entl; 3. '111hat the exception will result in design and cc instlru ctli cin thadl ii s in accordance with accepted englineering and building standards. C. Any penscn cit perscins jcintllyl or severally aggrieved Hyl ai decisicri cif the Heard cif supervisors may present) tc the circuit court of the County of Isle cif Wight a petlitlicn specifying the glrounds on which aglglrieued within thirty (30) dayls aflen the finail decision cif the board cif supervisors. Ccistls shall not be allowed aglaiinstl the Hoard of supervisors, unless ill shall appear tc the court thaN it acted in Haid faith or with mailice in making the decision appealed therefrom. (1-745; 8-20491, 3-20-14.) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHBR ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County Bcard of Supervisors tha& Appendix B, 21oningl, flection 7- 20CIil, Preliminary Site Development Plan Rleview Procedures and Approval Authority, of the Isle cif Wight) Cciunt)l Cce be amiended and reenacted as fc111c vws: Sec. i1-2007. Preliminary site deveilcpmentl plan review piicceidures and apprcvail a ul h cirity. A. 11He Board of Slupervisons, fclllcvwingl a recommendation from the Planiningl Commissicin shai111 have apprcivail authority over preliminary) site development plans if either of the fell lovwi n gl conditlic ns are present: 1. The appll icantl is requesting ai waiver fnc m th e acin ii n gl crdinan ce; cir 21. There acne unresolved Tissues betwleen 1he applicant, ad.acent property owners, or any deparlmentlall neuiewing aigency. If either one of the abcive conditions are met, the site devellcpment plans shailll be reviewed !in accordance with subsection 7-2007.C. B. if sile development plains do nct qualify fon review blyl the Planning Commission and Board cif Supervisors unden subsection 7-21CG71.A., then they may be considened and reviewed administlral ively by the 2cningl aidministnatcr cr the aciningl administrator's designee as provided under 9u bl s ect Iii c n 'A -2007.U. C. Planning Ccmmission aind Board of Supervisors review 1. If Planning Commission and Bciard cif Supervisors review is required,, fifteen (15 full sine copies and cine (1) "eleven ( 111 ) x seventeen (171" ccip)l of the preliminary site development) plain aind aissioc4ed application documents as required b)l the county, including, blul ncl limAed tc, traffic impact) studies, waiter quality impaict assessments, colored building elevadlicins, and other documents referenced on the accompanying site plan checklist provided by the Ccunty shall be submittled to the planning and acining department. An initial determinallicn shall be maide as tc whether the preliminary 'site develcpmentl plain is complete. In the event) it is not complete, it shall be tietlurned 11c the aipplicanll with ai vwritllen description of the deficiencies willhin ten (10) cailendat dayls cif 11he submit11a1 date. 21. Once ai preliiminairy silt develciflmenll plain is delletmined to be complete, the plain shall be dislributled to othet reviewing agencies fare nevieiw, and shall be reviewed by the zoning aidministrator cir the zoning aidministrallor's designee. Final teceimmendalicins for consideration 1131 the Planning Coimmissicn shaill be fcrwamded to the develcper in wEitiing willhin thirty (3C) calendar days of 11he submitfai1 date cif a complete plan, unless the developer aiglrees to an extlensiicn cif thlall pericid . When all) reviewing agencies recommend flteliminaryl apr1toival cif a side demelopmenl plan the zoning administlrallor shall then schedule such plain kin remiiew byl the Planning Commission atl their neat regular meeting. The planning and zoning d eparl muritl shall ll prepane a composite report cirri 11he propcised sile develcpmentl plan which shalll include neview ccimmentls Hyl ether agencies. The Plainningl Commission shailll coinsideri the ccmpositle report and the site devielopment plan and shalll reccimmend 11he granting cif preliimiinaryl approval] lb the Beiaird of Sluperviiscros cr, recommend denylingl preliminairyl appiieval to the Board of Supervisors, ciii defer action c f the apfl licalli cin . 3. Once 11he plan Has been scheduled for review by the Planning Commissiicn and subsequent) review by 11He Board of Supervisors, itl shalll be the responsibility of the applicant tci posh cin the prciflerty for which the applicaiticn is filed all leaist cine (1) sign, pneimided Hyl the county, prci'miding notice tci the public 1lhatl a proposed piieliminaryl sile d eve] c pmentl plain is on file in the d epairtme nt of planning and zoning and is available for public view. Such posl li n gl shail ll con forma in ail] respects lei the posllingl requirements for riezoningl and condillicinal usei permit aflf licalliens, which are sett cut in section 1-10121 cif this ordinance. 4. The Planning Ccmmission shalll aid on and then send a recommendation tic the Blciaird cif '"Supervisors for the preliminary) site development plan within cine hundred (l CCI) cailendain days cif submission. If nci action hats been tlaken by the Planning Commission on ai site development) plain within one hundiied (100) daiys cif submission, llhe sUe devekpmentl plain shall be deemed approved. A site develeipmentl plan shall nctl be considered tci have been formally submi ittled to the Plann ing Cc mmissicin until the first) public meeting is Held for tlhatl plarticullar a site demelopmentl plain. The coning Administtallor cit their designee shalll rictlify the applicainll in wrilliingl cif the Planning Commission's findings within ten (K) calendar darys of the Planning Commission meetling. Much nolice sihailll stalle any actions, chainges, conditlicins, cm addiitionai] iinformafl n tlhart shailll He requited prior to securing final sile development plain apptcval. 5. Folllcvwingl a necommendalicn ficin the Planning Commission, the zoniingl aidministlralor shall schedule such pllan for Yievieivw by the Bciaird of Supervisems all their nexl regular meeting). The planniing and zeroing) M. department shaill prepare a composite report cin the propcsed sile development plan which shall 1 incll ud e review comments by c itlher agencks. The Board cif S-luperviscrs shall consider 1he composite report and the side development plain and shall grant preliminary approval, deny) preliminary) aipprcivail, cin defer aicticin on the appll icatlion. 6. When ai preliminary site development plan its disappromed, the Board of Supervisors shall direct) the zoning a&r inislratcr tc sell cul in writing the reaiseins kir the disapproval and shaill ailso glenerailly identify 1he corrections or mcidificadlieins that will permit) apprcivail cf the plain. D. Administrative review by the zcringl aidministlraticir. 11. Fifteen (15] full size copies and one (1) "eleven (11 1) >I sevenleen (171)" cciflyl cif the preliminary) site demelopmentl plan and as,liciciatled aipplicadliicin dcicumerits ais required by the county, including, but not limited to, traffic impaictl studies, water quallity impaict aissessmentls,. An initliiail determinaticin shall be maide as dci whether the preliminary) site dcNielopmentl plain is complete. In the event) it is ncl complete, it shall be returned tic the applicant with a writllen descriptiein of the deficiencies within ten (10; cailendair days of the submittlail date. 2. Once a preliminary) site develeipmeritl plan is detlermined to ba ccimp fete, The plan shaill ll be d i stlrii butted to ether reviewing agencies for review, and shaill be reviewed by the zoning krninistlrader cn the zcriiing adminislratcin's designee. Me planning and zoning) department shall ferwaird ailll commends to the developer in writing within thirty (3() cailendar dayls of the submittal date cif a carnrIlete plan, unless the de,meloper aigrees to an exlensicin of thaw period. No Allain shaill be approved undil all staff comments and other agency commends are satisfied. 3. Once a preliminary site development plan is determined to be cemplete, it shall be the responsibility cif the applicant) to post) cin the preperty fer which the aipplicarticn is filed art leasl cine (11) sigh, provided by 11he county, providing notice to the public l lh aitl a proposed preliminary) site development plan is on file in the department cif planning) and zoning) and is aivaillaible for public view. Such posting ,ihaill c cin form in ail] respects to the posting requirements for rete ning and cenditionail use permit applicadlions, which are set out in sectlicin 1- 1C1211 of this ordinaince. 4. In the case cif disaippromail, the zoning administlrawr shall sett cut) in writing the reasons for the disapprcivail and shall ailsci generally identify the corrections cin modifications tlhart will permit approval cif the plan. Upon disapprovall cif a preliminary she development plan, the applicant) shall halve a right) cf appeal to the planning ccimrriission within ten (10) business days of receipt) cif 1he written notice of disapproval. The caise will be presented all the next reglullarly scheduled planning cammission public hearing. The planning ccmm:ission vwilll :11 make a recommendalicin to the Hciard of supervisors tci either uphold cm reverse the decision of the zciniingl aidministlnatlor. The decisicin cf the board of supervisors will He fnal. (1-71-05, 3-20-14.) NOW, THBREFCRB, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Isle of Wighltl County Bciard of Sluperviisciris thad Appcndix B, Aciningl, Section 71- 2008, Final Slitle Eevellcipment Plain Review Prccedurics wind Appricval Autlhcirity, cf the Isle cf Wight County Code be aimended and reenacted as fc 110WEI : Slec. 7-2C08. Final site de uelopmen t plan revievw prc c ed u ries and approvail aiullhcrity. A. The zoning administrator shaill halve approvaill authority oven fnail site develc p rri entl plains, unle ss: 1. The Hoard cif Slupervisons, at its discretion, may requite that lHe finail site development plan for a site tHat wars previcuslyl granted prelimiinairyl approvail by the Bciaird cif Sluperwisons also be suHmittled to the Ecord cif Slupleruiscirs for review cif its compatibility with the preliminairyl site development plain approvaill. 21. THe zcningl aidministrailbr cihaill submit ai frnail site development) plain to the board cif superviiscns fcillowingl ai recommendation from the planning ccimimissicin fcr its review and aclicn if the 2cning aidministlrator determines tlhadl the mall site deuelopmentl plan uairiiies ,I Hstlainlliaillyl frcim the approved preliiminairy side develcpmentl plan. B. The frnail site develcpmentl pilau Alaill reflect) all tlhcise elements approved cn the pneliminaryl site plain. In addition, it shall include all rates, staWmentls and stipulations required to be plaiced cin the final site development) plain by lavw cir ais a condition of apprcivad. 1. In thle caise of a planned development, the frail Mite development) plain shall conform to the approved maisler development plain and shailil include ail] cf the elements required on a preiliminiaryl side development plain. C. The final site development shailll be suHmitlled lci the deparlment of planning) wind zoning) vwitflini six (6) mcntlhs cf prelliminairy site development plain approvaill cm 1he applicant mush file ai new applliicat:icin fain preliminary site devellcipmentlplain approvaill. D. Upon suHmit11a1 cif the final site development plain, the zicningl aidministlratlor shailll redistribute the plain to all deipairtmerts/aiglenicies included in the preliiminairy site development plan review. The plain shall be revievw& for conformity wilh the approved preliminary site plan and with a1J olheri applicaHlle provisions cf this cirdinance and rellaaled cirdinances, and otlhen regulations and policies applicable to the site. D. Me applicant shall be notified of the plain's aipprcivail sub ectl tic the gcsting cf the required surety, payment of any ciutstlaindingl fees and any 0 cither conditions cif approvail within forty -fine (45) days of the plain's sL hlm ittlall . F. In the caise cif disapprcimal, the zoning a6rinistlratot shall sett out in writing the reasons for the disapproval and shaill ailso generailly identify the coniecttieins or meidifrcatliens thadl will permit apprcival cif the plan. Upon disapproval of ai final site development plan, the applicant) shall have ai right cif aippeail to the planning commission within lien (101) business days of receipt of the written notice of disapproval. Me case will. be presented at the next reglulairly scheduled planning ccimmission meelingl. The planning ccimimission will make a necommendalicin to the boamd of supervisors to either uphold eir reverse the decisicin cif the zoning administtrattor. The decision cif the heiaird cif supervisors will he final. (71-7- 05, 3-20-14.) NOW, 11HERE1HORE, EB l'B FURTHER CMAINED by the Dile cif Wight C ciunty Board cif Supervisors that Appendix B, Zoning, Slecl icn 8- 110102, Landscape Plan, cf the Isle of Wight Cciunty Code he amended aind reenacitted as follows: Stec. 8-1 C C 21. Land scape plan. A. Landscape pilain required. 1. A llaindscape plain shailll be prepared for any devellcpment prci-ect required to provide landscaping cn any similar site treatment by this cirdinance. Such landscaping plaris shawl he in acccindance with the purflcsie statted in seiclicn 8-1001 and integlraited into the eivieriall site or deuelopmentl plan Rin which approvail is being sought pursuant to this ordinance. 2. No new parking aireas shailll hereafter he ccnstlriucied cin used unless landscaping) its pnoivided ais required by the provisions of this arlicle. B. Ccintents cif landscape plan...... A landscape plain shailll be submitted to the zoning aid mii n istlrat er for review and shall l include clearly l aibel ed plains, drawings, photographs and/cr narratives depicting or presenting the following, unless deemed unnecessary hlyl 1 h e zoning adminisi rawr such ais in the case c f a simplified site plan: 1. Landscape plains shall he prepamed an&or certified hlyl ai site design professional licensed hlyl the Commonvweailtlh c f Virginias. 2. Location and identification by size and naime, both ccirrimcin and h'olanical, cif all mature, herilaige, cin significant) trees as defined in section 2-11002, on the site. In wcicded aireais, the deliiriekiicin cif the emistting megetadtiein on the site prior tc land disturbing activities assciciatted with the develcipmentl and )the proposed limits cif clearing of such a re iais m aiy be sh c vwn in lieu of i n 6 c atting individual trees. Ho weuer, any mature, herittagle, cri significant ttrec within wooded areas tte be cleared shall he individually locaited and ideritif ed by size and naimei, bosh bottan icaa aind common, aind j usttific attiein prc'miid ed ais tci need for re m c'mail. J. Location,, dimensions and area of aill required landscaping zicnes and elements. 4. Location of ancais proflcised to he fenced, walled, or cithlerwise screened tlhrc ugh the use of a itch iitlectutail, cir eairlhen fcitms, cin any) o1 her lasndscap ing methods including notes arid details to describe fully the methods, dimensions, and mad erial s proposed. 5. IJcicatlion, heiglht, width cir caliper (whichever is mcine appmpriaite alt planting dime], type aind naime (common and tIcitlanicail), of ail] landscaping) madteriails includingl materials 1te be retained cin -site and seascinail replaicements pnoposed fcsr instaillatticn. All new materials shaill be presented in a "planting schedulle" providing the aifbiemenlicined informattiiein aind proposed quantities to he installed, ailoing with the laindscaping points values associated with each installation, ais specified in section 81-10Cl4. 6. Apprcipniate detlaids and notes indicating the mellheids to he utilli2ed to protect trees wind fllaint maiteriasls nernaiiningl cin site frcm daimagle, both during and after devekl pment of the site. 7. Notations stating the tespcinsible party for the perpetual maintenance of all landscaping feeitunes to be preservied cm installed cin the site in acccindance wilh t[le requirements cif this articles. 8. A schedule or ttah ll e of the calculation of the landscaping p e i nts and l andscap ing credits for each landscaping zone, wind the ll aindscap ing) plan in Hotta], teased cin the vailuas sett by this article. 9. A certified cainopy coverage plan illustlriatingl the pre-- ectted flark�ingl areal caincipy coverage aind including cailculaitic n of the cancipyl coverage percentage. (i1-7-05, 3-20-14.) NC W, THEREFORE;, EB 1111 FURTHER CREAMED hyl the Isle c f Wight) Cciunty Board cif Supervisors that Appendix B, Zoning, Slecticn 8- 1Q05, Dandscaple 21cines, cif the Isle of Wight) Ccunty Cade he aimended and reenacted as folll c ws: Slec. 8-1CC15. Daindscafling zones. A. The landscaping zones which may) ripply lies any ]cit or plarcell being developed are the frontage zone, buffer zcne, parking) zone, foundation zc ne, wind screening zone, except) thait in the caise of single-family residential lct de'melopment, the whole site is treated as ai single zone and regulated by subsecttis c n 8-10C 15.D . B. In the case of cimerlappi n g zones, the fell lowis ngl hierarchy of aplp it icattion shall apply: 1. Frontage zcne; 2. Buffer zone; 3. Parking zones; 4. Fclundatlion zone; J. Screening zone. C. Zcine requirements. 1. Frontage zcne...... The fnontlalgle wine is all landscaping aneal locaWd allcingl the enthe fiionlAge of the parcel with a width equal] to the width of the required friend setlbalck for the parcel, as defined by the underlying ze n i ngl d i stlrli ct I. Filon.lalge Zone 1.25 Flaintsi per Linear Flaioll for Under 50 foclt Setbacks 1.79 Paints peer Linear Rilcit far 5CI foal oil C iieaileu SeR acks IMM // ` Fuontage a. Thene are two (21) fnelntlalge zcine classificadliens. Rurail frontagle zone applies to ail] pneperties which aiie outlside cf the designated deuelopmentl service distltiicts and Milllaigle centers of the county cclmpiiefiensive plan. A. In the rural fnenllage zone, pneiperllies with a front) setback of less than fifty (5O feet are tiequined to install] ai minimum of 1.215 rlc intls of 11alndscalping F er linear fool elf lot) fnelntaige. Prows alga Zor a -)Aural Lesr Than 90 Font Setback 1.25 Points per Linear Foot oil Frontage - Example: 100 Limiar Fect = 125 Points -711 7lepth oil Setbaak I — (25) Fm; II E aciduowi SI nubi n I Point = A Ila ince (1) Niddium is ecidumi'I'netis x 20 Points = 60 N inu Total = 125 PaintF B. In the rLral frontagle 210ne, properties with a frcintl sietlback cif fifty (5C) feet or greater are required to iinsitalll a minimum cif 1.75 points of landscaping per linear focitl cif loll frontaige. C. In the rural frontage zone, eighty percent (800/6) c f landscaping pciintls are required to be non-eirnaimentail species of trees. No more than fifty percent) (50°/1) cif trees may be evergreen species. Natlive species are encouraged. ii. Development frontage zone applies to all properties which are within the designatled deNielopment service districts and village tenders of the county comprehensive plan. A. In the develcprrientl frontage zclne, properties with a front) setback cif less than fifty (50] feet) are required to installl ai minimum cif 1.25 points of landseapingl per lineam felon) of lot frontage. B. In the devellcipmentl frontage 21cne, properties with al frcintl sietlbaick of fifty (5C1) feet ciri grieal& are required tcl install a minimum cif 1.75 pciintls of laindscaiping per linear foot of loll frcintlaigle. Franitage Gor e - Developlment Service Cistricts 0c -Fs 1I1ian 50 Foot Setback 1.19 Rmn li- Fer Linear Foot of Frontage - Exatttple: 100 Linean Feet = 115 Points C epth of setbauk Potential Multi-P•ludal Pad or'. idem Ik Et•etgtKmn Flint s 1 a int% = G' 11 a ints J Point = I( N c ints I Point = M 11 a ints Pointll = •1 1 ointJ _._... _ Pa inu = CO F oinU lb i1 179 Points 21. Huffer zone...... 11he buffer zone its a contlinucius llaindscaiping screen, ten (10; feet wke, required ailong ail l side and rear ylards. Required landscaping point sl are bailed cin the parcel use type, als identified in article Ill of this ordinance, as detaiiled below. SCI Buffer Zone Aciinits Eased cin Uses Type per fico Squaue Feel Buffer Zone One (1) pedestrian break cif at )leash) six (() feet in width is required for every ffty (5 0) 11ineat feet) in the buffer zone, except that breaks which acre used for plaicement cif a surfaiced walkway,, pathway), cit tlraii] are required tc He the width cif the trail plus an addiitlionail tWo (21) feet) on either side of the wailkwaiy, pathway, cin trail. H. lnstaillailicin of a]l required paints must) He distlunsied in ai glenenailly even pattern tlhrouglhcutl the buffer zone area, except) in caises cif concentrated nuisaince, such as liglhts or noise, which require heavier screening in a parti culan 1 eicail it c n . c. Required duffer zone lily use tyjpe. i. Agricultural] use types. A. Agricultural use types are not required tici instlalll Huffer zcne land scarfing). ai. Rlesideniliiail use types. A. Residentliail use tylpes acne not requited to instlailll buffer 2110ne laindsicaping, unless citlherwise speicified in this or6naince. Single-family residenfal uses are required tci instlalll paircel or ;Icitl land scapingl in accordance with subsectic n 8-10(5.F. ii i i. Civic use types. A. Civic use types are required to instlaillll a miniirrILM cf folrty- f ve (45) points cif land soaping) per five hundred (-110() square feet of Huffer zone. 911 Civic Use Biti'l it 45 Points pen 900 Squt re Feet T— + + 10I -Mt JA I hlmimum 1 it nlapo, �-i-- - ----- - --- - it Peder1rian Hank - 4 Iloot roan (LI Stnall Fva rvn ev Tme x 19 F oinu 10 Points (IO) N-Ietlium Evcraacen Shtubs x! Writs- '-( Poinu (19)SmallrlenieLIOU115Ihrib:i i I Point= 19 Points Total •15 Poinu iu. Office and commercial use types. A. Cffce and commercial use types are required to install a minimum of si Nty ((C) flclintls cif land scapingl per five hundred (5010] square feed of buffer zcine, except tlhadl uses which include a curb -side service restaurant cin drive-tlhru facility, or tlhatl cpenatle betwleen the hcluns of IC A p.m. and 5:00 a.m. and/cir moire than twelve (12) hours per dayl shaill be deemed office and commerciaill intense use types for the purpose of landscapingl and sliall be required tlel insitlailll ai minimum of ninety (90] points of landscaping per five hundred (5010] slaluaLre feet of buffer zclnei. Cammucial Use Typo 60 Points per i'OIU Squ ane Feet � N." -1, rlrtn,.. f ai. 1 edes uian E real- - 6 No s min. (13) ?tedium r.•.rergraen Shni t s :1 3 Ilia ints -'_ l Poinn - (14) 1 Gallon Grouadcovars x .! Poutti 12 Poinu —G ) SmaII Evengreen'laces x I( f nine -?0 Poinu (4)Sma11 Ceaiduetis Shrubs x I Point=<I Pe um Thu 1 = (10 Paint. (l ammerci� l Use Tyr c 90 Naints pea HO Square Feet Necstrinn Break - 6 foot min. — (24) Pim 1Gnoundcovers :1 .19 Pointr = 6 Poinu --- (7 ) Small Ornamental freer r 7 Poinu = 14 Points (12) Medium Evengncen Shtmb,- ? 2 Pc int: - 24 Poin [s- - 116) 9 mall Dacidtious Shaul s x 1 ( aint = 16 Pointy - C.) , tedium L•, eraireen Two r 20 Points 40 Points llblal 90 Points B. In tH a case cif ai m alstlen- p lainned ce m m elrc i ail eir clffice park, the required buffer acine points shalll he reduced by fifty percent (500A) for interior lett lines which are platted as part of the overall park. No reduction shaill be allowed ailong secticins of loll lines which are adjacent) to prcperties net 9121 part of the master -p l sinned park or in buffer zc ines aid' aiaent tici the exterior blcrders of the park, except) ais noted bellcivw. i. In the case cif ai master -p l a nnc d commercial or office park which hl ais installed buffer zone landscaping around the park as a whole, in aicccrdaince with section 4 -1710 0 5,1 h e required buffer zc ne points per lcitl shall l be zeros (0) ailong secticns cif loll lines which) contain existing buffer zcine landscaping in accordaince with section 4-1'0015 C. In the case c f ai commercial cin office use q p e which :i s immediatlellyl aidjacerit to ancither ccimmerciiail and office use type, the minimum required puffer acine points per lot) shall] be reduced by fifty percent (501A) ailong ariyl shared sectiicns cif the )cit lines. 'm. Industlrial use types. A. Industlrial use types are required 11ci install a minimum of one hundred twenty (120) points cif landscaiping per five hundred (5C C) square feet) cif buffer zone. lndiis'Prial Use BOTCH 110 Pointy per 500 Square fleet 10 Fait L MML :fir '6'`;�. ' Pe(loWan Ilneak - 6 )bot n in — (3^) Small Creryr(en £hnil s n 1 llontl 1' Points (1.1) i •ladium 111eriduour Shndra x 2 Pointe 28 Points - 12) Medium ti rt idunus l rces e 3 ( Point 40 Paints — (2) Srnall Lr eryreen •rider n In Pinimi 20 Points 1•ntal 1'( ))aims H. In the case cif ai master-plainned industrial or ccimmerce park, the required bluffer zone points per lot shaill be reduced by fifty percent) (501%) fci i inllericir loll lined which are p ll atted as part of tlh e overall l park. No reducti cin shall be ailllcowed allcingl sectlions of lest lines which are ad'aicentl to properties not part cif the master -planned park cr in buffer zones adjaicent tc the extlerieir borders of the park except as ncitled below. 1. In the case of a master -planned industrial or acimmerce park which has instaillcd buffer zone landscaping) around the park as ai whole, in acccidance with section 4-19CICI5; the required buffer zone points per loll shall be zero (0) ailong sections of lletl lines which ccntlaiin existing buffat zone landscaping in aicccrdarice with section 4-1 SIC C 5 vi. Miscelllainecius use types. a, A. Miscellaneous use tylpes are required to iinsitlailll a minimum cif cine hundiied tlwenty (120`, pciints cif laindscaping per five Hundred (500) square feet of duffer Wine. B. The aeiningl aidministnaticir may administlraitively waiiiue up to tHirty (30) points of landscaping per five hundred (5CC) Square feet) for the Huffer zone of less intlense miscellaineous uses, With ai writtlen request, incllud ing justif catlicin, from the applicantl. 1. Waiver requests glrealen than thirty (30) flciiints per fine Hundred (5CIC) square feet) shaill be considered by the Bciard of Supervisors fcIllowing ai recommendation by the Pllanning Commission. 3. Parking zcine...... The (larking zone its a continuous perimetem duffer, tlen (10) feet in width, surriciun d ingl the entline pmikingl area, whish includes parking) spacers and any) directly aidjaicent sidewalks, leia6ngl zones, drive aisles, and ingress/egress driveways. Barking 21onci 6CI Hair .N er 500 Square Ries of Zone Area Harking Zone ai. Parking) zones shall install a minimum cif sixty (60) rjoiintls of landscaping per five hundred (5(C) squares feet) of total parking zoine area. i. All llandscaiping points must) be installed wi:tflin tlhc bcundanies of the parking zone, except tlhal twenty percent) (21C%I of pc intls shall be distlniibuted on interior laindscapingl isllainds and medians, if applicable. ii. A minimum of twenty percent) (210%) e f points shall be shrubs. iii. Shrubs shall be a minimum of twenty -fours (24; inches in height all the time cif installation. ;v. Parkingl Zone landscapingl sHaill be distributed aicross the parking area sci that the cumulaitlive effect) shall be to prciv:ide a minimum of thirty percent) (3C%] cainopy coverage er shading c the parking acine within fifteen (15) years. SI4 U. Included within the total required points for the parking zone shall be one (1) large d ecii d u c u s tree per twci thciusaind (21, CIC C) square feet of parking zcine. The paiikingl zone area cailcullaNicn shall include parking spaices aind aryl directly adjaicentl sadewailks, loaidingl zones; drive aiisles, and ingnessyeglness driveways. c. Haich parkingl spaice above the minimum pankingl spaice nequiremeritls oftlhiis ordinance shall neiquine an additliona1 tlen (101) landscaping points per spaice, tici tle installed in the parking zcine. i. Each spaice above the minimum nequirements of this ordinance shailil be surfaced in permeable materials aind shalll not bei impervi e u s m awrials as defined in section 2-1 C C 21 iii. IJandscaping credits, ais specified iin section 8-11 CCA, shalll rict He applicable to any landscaping points accumulafled for parking spaices abcve the minimum parking space requirements cf this cindinance. d. Landscaping islands ai minimum of nine (9) feet wide and eighteen and ones-hailf (18.5) feet long ane nequired at the end cif each paaikingl tow. Islands at the end of a dciullle now of parking are required to be ai minimum of nine (9; feet wide by tlhirty-seven (37) feet long. i. Addilicnail landscaping) islands, ai minimum cf nine (9) feet) wide by eighteen and cine -half (181.5) feet) Icing), are rewired every eight) (8) linear spaices tci break up long roxNa cif parking. Islainds inserted into a double row of parking are nequired to be a minimum cf nine (9) feet wide by thirty-seven (37) feet) long. Pallllling Islands. d Ir din. with l ederirim sva It ova y, nedi:ut is a mininntn of 15 feet it width, imchol-s a prdesuilin wilktrny n mininmm of i iict in t idth Island un t duul Ir rna a f parking, 171 liet by n Icrt f ladinii. miuunum 5 1L111 is, "idth I:laoc t>rt ri smlde n1 %11 of Iii$ utg. Ikl 5 tart I s (1 ia•t :' Ii ❑mum of 8 p duq, 11si res I enset tsl:u+tls :l' I1 .11 / ' Ilion-, el'.1 raws of p+trl'ntg bene am madtans e. Parking) lots shalll include not mcine than Run (4) consecutive tows cif parking (net more than t"Ic (2) double rows of parkingl) withciutl all least one (1) landscaping mediain, a minimum of Eve (5) feet) vwidei, connecting landscaping islainds to break up langle parking areas. f. Larigle parking llcitls shalll be divided into smailller parking fields of net more tlhain one hundred (1CIC1) spaces using) )landscaping mediansi 95 which) are ai minimum of fifteen (15) feet wide and including a pedestrian walkway which is at least) five (5) feet l wide. g. Any p airking area th W is adjacent to ai rc a d on of h eii right)-cf-vwayi shall prcivide an aidditiicral sixty (6Q paints per five hundred (4 00) square feet) of area between the parking area and the road cir rightl- of-wa)). h. Where ai parking amai is ailtered or expanded to increase the size to twenty (20) or mere vehicle parking spaces and is used regularly for at least five (5) days ai week, landscaping for the entire paaking area shad ll be provided, ncit only for the extent cif the a ltlerail i on c n exipainsion. 4. Foundait:icin acme...... The foundation zone is ai continuous area six (E) feel in vwidllh arcund the enlliine perimeter of the huillding. Foundallion Zcne 4 0 Pe inis par 150 S quare Feet of Zcine Arm Forma sitiar PEE Ld2lcrie ai. Foundailicin zones shailll install a minimum of fcirty-five (45) pciiints cf landscaping) pen cine hundred fifty (150) squiare feet cif totail foundation zone area. b. Ilandscapiing shaill be insllailled as a continuous bed arc und all sides cif the structure, except) that required perpendicular aiccess breahIs shall be aillcvwed. c. Landscaping) pciints may be reduced by fifty percent (500/u) cin aryl side cf ai structure which is malt) visible from an exisliingl or prcipciscd public right)-cif-vwayl. 5. Screening aeine...... .Me screening zone is ai continuous pllainting area required arcund a;l l sena i ce sl rue) lures, equipment, and/or outdoc it stloraige yards fair the purpose of reducirigl the impact cif the structure or use visuaillly and acousticaillyl. M Screening Gone 8 F10ir is per 10 Linear Feet cll Perimeleo Screening zone I Alaeu to be Avaess M easured Iloint Outaa[limitsof I All Slidas a. 'Screening zones shall instlailll ai minimum of eight (8) points of ]landscaping per lien (10] linear feet) of perimeter ]length. Scree ning 8 Points Ptlr 1(I I incau Fact Area Requiting Sdteerung 8 foot by IG Boot 48 llineau Feat/ 10 LJtneaa fact 49 4 8 x II Points =1 38.4 round to neore-it whole 311 Points ., ...... (18) Small Deciduous Sl rube x I Pr int - 18 Paints IS) Mal ium Ecergm I Shrubs a 1 Poitis _ ION int! (•I I Large 5*aSram Shrubs x ] Poisu - 12 cirlr ]lou-•10points 7 Extra H. In the screening] zone, scilid and semiisc lid perimeter features such as fences, berms, waills, cir c1her nonorglanic &]emends shall noit He inclluded in the callculatlion of landscaping points. c. Thle perimeter area cif service structures, equipment, and/or ciutldcicr slloiraigle yards shallll be determined by measurement cif the complete cutlside perimeter cif the structure or equipment, including) any fencing], and including the distance acrcissi accassi pciiintls or entDlwaNs. d. IJandscaf;ing shad]] He installed as a continuous screen around ailll sides cif siervice structures, equipment, and/or culdcor storage yairdsi, except tlhalt required access and entry breaks shaill be allowed, provided that the points associated with the perimeter area cif such breaks are incoirperated into the rest) cf the Iscreeniingl zane. e. Plants musl be installed no rricre 1lhain len (10) feet from title Hase of sierv:ice stlructlures, equipment], aind/or ciutdocir slairaigle )jmdsi. If service structuress, equipment, and/cr outdoor sitoraige yards are enclosed by a fences, wall, Herm, or other perimeter feature, the required screening points/ shailll be installed within ter./ (1C1) feet cif the base of such perimeter feature. f. At the time of installation, plant height shalll be a minimum of fifty percent (50(X1) cif the tcitall heiglhll of tlhe structure or equipment Heing screene d. 91 D. Sliingllle-family residential. 1. Single-family residential llcitls shall be treated as a single zone meeting) the requirements of this section and shall nctl be requited ilci meet the individual frcntaige, buffer, pairking, fc u n d atlion, and screening 2 one regulations unless 9peciifcallyl requited byl an aidopted maister plain. �. Singllle-family residential lolls shailll install, at ai minimum, the landscaping) points as required by section 8 -KC( 3. Rlequ ii ted laindscap ing points shalll be installed before ii sisuaince of ai certii fii cate of cicc up aincy. (i1 -71-C 5; Ord. No. 20111-2I 1-C , 11-17-11; Ord. No. 2013-1-C, 5-16-13, 3-20-14.] NC WI, TUBRE F C RE, BE IT FURTHER C RDIAINED by the 1911e cf Wight County Board cf Slupervisors thaw Appendix B, Zcning, Secllicn 91- 10113, Dxcepllicns, cif the kale of Wight County C cede be amended and reenaicted es follows: Sec. 91-1 C 13. Exceptions. A. A request fc t an exceptii c r lo the requirements of article IN, signs, shall l be made in vwritlingl to the zoning aidministradlor for consideration byl the Bc atd of Supervisors fol ll civwing ai rec c m m endation by the Planning Ccimmis9ion in accordance with section i1-2000 (development) review). The request shailll be aiccompanied by those documents determined by the aciningl a rrinisllratcir to be necessairy for the Bcaird of Sluperuiscr'si ccinsiderallicn cif the requesl. B. The Bcaird of Slupervisors in formulaNingl ai decision shall consider the fc llowing: 1. Sluch exception shalll be of not less benefit tc thei reskentls or occupants cf the development, ais well as l lh a neighbciri ngl prc p erty, than that which would be oibtaiined under the applicaible negulaticin; 2. Such exception is reasonable because cif the high level cif design and ccinstlnuctlion that 1AM be inccirpleraleid in the development; and 3. Such exception will result) in design and construction thafl is in acccirdance with accepted engineering and building stland ands. C. Applicants shalll be informed in writing cf 1he outcome cif the Board of Supervisors and llhe process for appeaill, should the requcst be denied. D. Any pension cin perscin a ; oin111y cr severailllyl aiggrieved by a decision of the bciaird cif superviscirs may) present) to the Circuit Court of the County cif 191le of Wlighl a pellitlion specifying) the grounds on which aiggrieved Within thirty (3C1) days after the final decisuicn of the board cif sullenimits. (741- (15; 11-4-C9, 3-20-14.) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURUIERI ORDAINED by the Isle of Wiglhl County Bcard of Supervisors that Appendix B, 21oningl, Slecticin 101- 100, Number of Parking Spaces Rlegluiired, cif 1he Isles of Wighl Cctrty Code be arrended and reenacted ais fcillovws: Sec. R-1001. Number cf parking) spaces required. A. Development) in ail] zoning districts shall compll31 with aill] of the following requirements and xlrcivide The number of off-street vehicle parking spaces required in section IC -1010, unless citlherwi se approved in accordance w iitlh section ICI -I0102. B. Allll off-slneiet (larking sflaices negluined 110 serve buildings or a use erected cin estabUshed after the effectiiue daite of this ordinance shall be located cin the saime zoning lot) as the building or use served, except ais mayl be cthervwise permitted under section 10-101018, satlelFte parkliingl areas. C. Where fractional spaices result), the parking or lauding spaces required shall be construed to be the next higlhestl whole number. D. Parking spaices required on an employee cn person basis shall be baised on the maximum number cif employees/persons on duty or residing), eir both, cin the premised at any time, cn 11he occupancy load of the builldiingl/use, whichever :is gneaWer. Overlaplpingl demiand for parking sflaices at shift ahainges shall be considered. E. No enlanglerrient cf ai building, structure or use shalll be maide in such a wary as to reduce the number of existing pairking or loading spaces below the minimum number required unless promisions are made elsewhere, as permitted by 11his ordinance, to replace any required spaices which maryl have been removed. A dditii c n al Il arking cin loading spaces cihail] be provided to accommad atle any additional demand cneaWd by such enlargement. (7-�-05, 3-2101-14.) NOW, TIHHERBFCRE, BB IT FIURTHERI CRDIAINED by the Isle cif Wight) County Board of Supervisors that Appendiixi B., 21cning, Section 1 C- 21002, Slides Affected, of the Isle of Wight County C cede be amended and reanaicted as folloiws: Sec. 10-2CO2. S Titles affe cl ed. No new parking) areas shaill hereafter be constructed cin used unless landscaping) is provided as required by Article VIIII. (71-7145, 3-20-]I4.) NOW, THEREFORE, HBI I-1 BURTHBR ORDAINED byl The Isle cf Wight County Board cif Supermiscins that Appendix B, Zoning, Section 1C1- 210013, Peri mel er Land ,icap ing E uffer, of the bile cif W i ghtl County Code be aimended and neenacl ed as follows: Tlhis section i,<i deleted in its entirety. (3-2C1-14) NOW, THERHFCRH, BE IT FURTHERI ORDAINED by the Islle cf Wigl1t County Board of Supervisors thait Appendim H, 21ciningl, ',Section lI C- 2003, Ilaindscagling of Expanded Ncin ccinforming Pankingl Areas, cif the Isle cif Wiighltl CCLrity Code bei amended aind reenacted ais fc4lows: Slec. 10-2M. Laindscaipiirigl of exparided ncinconfemmingl parking) areais. WHere a parking areai is altered cr expainded tici inc reaise the size tc t"lenty (21C) cir rricire vehicular parking) spaices, interior landscaping for the erit:ire pairking aireai shaill be provided and ncitl merellyl tici the extent l cif its ailteradlien or expansiciri. (74145, 3-21(-14.) NOWT, THEREFORE, BE IT IlURTMRl ORDAINED by the Isle of Wight County Bcard cif 'Supervisors thlad Appendix B, Zoning, Slectiien 10- M4, 0 - 2C C4, Intlericir Ilaindscaiping, of the Isle of Wight) County Code be aimeri d ed and reenacted ais follows: This section is deleted in its entirety. (3-20-14) NOW, TIHEREFORE, HH IT FURTHER ORDAINED b3l the Isle of Wight County Berard of Sluperuiscirs that Appendix B, Zoning, Section 10- 21CIG5, Intlerior Landscaping, cf 1He Isle cif Wight) County Code he amended and reenacted ais fc4lows: T1His section is deleted in its entirety. (3-21-.14) NOW, MMREFORE„ BE ITB FURTHER ORDAINED U31 1he Isle cif Wight County Bcard cif Supervisems that Appendix B, Zoning, Section 1C1 - 1C 10, Taible cif Use Types and Pairkingl Requirements, of the Isle cif Wight Cciunty Cede He amended and reenacted ars follllcivws: 'Sec. 1C -1C 1C1. 'ladle cif use types and parking requirementls. USE �IHARKINC REQUIREMENTI lAgniculturail Use Typed lAgticulture �Nc requirement Aquaculture Nei requirement) lCommerciiail feedlot) INc requirement) Farm amp loyee H c u sing iNc requirement) lFaimem's market 1 sp aic e I er 1 C C sq. ft., 5 spaiceis minimum Forestry cperadlicin Nei requirement) lCreenheuse, privates Nor requirement) 100 Illivestock aucticn market) See schedulle B Stat1le, commercial 1 sip aice per employee on maj c n shift, plus 1 sp aice fe r every) 4 animals stabled ISIA[lle, privadlei INo requirement) ISaNNmiIII No requirement) lWayside stand 1 sp ace p er 10 o sql. ft., 3 spaice s min i mum lResidentia] Use Tylp es lAcces,scry apartment 1 additlionall spaice Community recne adlicin See sched u 11 B Condern inium 21 spaices per 1 h edr corm unit 21.215 spaces per 2 be d room unit 21.5 spaces per 3 bed room unit 1 vii is itlon space for every] 3 units Dlwel 11 ing, m u ltlifaimi ly conversion 2 spaces per 1 bedroom unit 21.215 spaces per 2 bedroom unit) 21.5 spaces per 3 bedroom unit) Dwelling, single-family) �21 spaces per dwellling IDwelfing, tWoi-faimilyl �21 spaces per dwelling unit) Family day cane homes 1 space per nonresident employee" Group Heime 21 spaces per dwelling G u esti hou se 1 add it ionail sp aic e Ocime occupation No requirement Human care facility 'lee schedule B iNenriel, privade No requirement Manufactured home, Class A 21 spaces per dwelling Manufactured home, Class H 21 spaces p er d well 11 ing Manufactured home, Class C 21 spaces per dwell 11 ing Manufactured home, emengencyl residence 21 spaices per dwelling Manufactured home, family memh'et residence 1 additional space Mainufaictlured home p airk 121 spaces p er d we] 11 ing Manufactured home subdimision 21 spaces p er d we] 11 ing Manufactured home, temporary residence 21 spaces per dwelling (can be converted for penmanentl dwelling)) Multlifaimiil�l dv�ellingl 21 spaces per 1 hledreicm unit 21.215 spaces per 21 p edriecim u n ii t 21.5 spaces per 3 bedtioioim unit) 1 uisillor space for every) 3 units Tcivwnhouse 2l spaces per 1 hledreem unit) 21.215 spaces per 21 pedrocim unit) 21.5 spaces per 3 bedneom unit) 1 m i sitlor sp aice fair every) 3 units Cis is Use Types A d m ii ni ii stlratlive service 3 spaces per ]J00 sq. ft, plus 1 space pelt vehicle hlaised at facility Adult caire centeti 1 space per 3 residents, plus 1 space each employee cin major shift Assisted liming) facility 1 space per 3 residents, plus 1 space each employee cin mai"or shift ICemetery Slee schedule B Child carie institution 1 space per employee cin major shift, plus 1 space per 2 C children, plus 1 space for eaich meihicle associated with facility Child carie ceritler 1 space pets employee cin major shift, plus 1 space per 21G children, plus 1 space for eacihl vehicle asscciadled with facillity Club 1 space per 3 persons basted on maNiimum oiccupaincyl iCcimrriunity ceritler 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Cc rnectlional facility Slee schedule B Crisis center 1 space per 2 persons of residential oiccupaincyl �Culltutail service 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Dducational facility, Slee schedule B college/university Dducationall facility/ Slee schedule H, but nci less ilhan 1 space per primarylisecondaryl empllciylee cin ma'cri sihlifi, plus 1 space per 4 sl lu d entls in t he 11'" a in d 12t" grade s Halfway house 1 space per 2 persons of residential eccupaincyl Life caire facility 1 space pen 3 residenitls, plus 1 space each empllciylee on maj c n shift Nunsingl home 1 space per 3 residents, plus 1 space each emplcylee on majcx shift �Pairk and ride faicillity INci requitement Pcistl office See Schedule A IPubliic assembly 1 space per 4 seats or similair aic cc mmodalli on s 1012 10 1prcvided Public maiiintlenanice and service faicii lity See schedule A Public pairk and recreafionall airea See schedule B Public safety service 3 spaices per vehicles based atl faiciility lRefigious assembly 1 spaice per 4 seatl.ci in principle place cif vucirship WEAilitaficn seivi ��—] Rlehlaibilillatlicnservice 1 spaice per 3 nesidentls, plus 1 space each employee on maj air shift lUfifityservice, mai'or See schedule B lUtlility seniice, mincin INci requirement) Office Use Types Fiinainciail institution 1 spaice per 3C sq. ft., plus required staiching sip) aices lGenerail ciff ce 1 space per 2 5C sq. ft. 11aibonailtory 1 sr ace p er 1.51 employe es on ma j cir shift, plus 1 per company vehicle Medical office " spaices per pnactliticiner, cir 1 space per 210101 sq. f1., whichever is giieaWer �Commerciail Use Types Adult entleirlainment esltablishmentl 11 space per 200 sq. ft. lAgIricultutial service flee schedule A Antique shcp 1 spaice per 400 sq. ft. Bed and breakfast) 1 spaice per guest rccm, plus 2 spaices fen ciwner'si unit Boarding hcuse 1 spaice per sleeping room Business support service 1 spaice per 21501 sq. ft. Business cir traide school 'Elee schedule B, but no less than 1 space per 4 sttud entls Campground 1 spaice per campsiitte, plus spaces required for cither uses Car wash 1 space per employee cin majcir shift, plus required stlaicRiingl spaices Commercial indoor amusement 1 spaice per 3 perscns based on mamimum occupancy loaid Ccimmerci ad indoor entterl aiinmenl l 1 spaice per 4 seails cir simi ll air aiccommc datticins, plus 1 space per 21 employees on ma j c r shift. ICcrnmercia1 ]n d c c r S poirl s and Rlecneafi cin 10 • Bowling alley 3 spaces pen alley, plus 1 spaice per emplciyee c ma. or shift • Swimming pool 1 space pen 100 sq. ft. cif wader sunfaice • Tennis and sim ilan cciu r1 4 spaices pen cc urt glarri es • Other rind cicm sports 1 spaice per 3 persons based cin maximum occupancy, plus 1 space per employee on major shift �Ccmmevciail Outdoor Hntlertainmenti!;-lpcirts Recreadlion • Miniature golf 1. 5 spaices per hassle • C tH er ciut d cicir 1 spaice per 3 p erscins b aised cin maximum entertainment) sports occupancy, plus 1 space pen employee cin mai'or recneadlicin shift Commercial ciutldacm pool 1 spaice per 1(C sq. ft. of water surface, aind/or 4 and tennis foci ll ity spaces per court Constlructlii cin c ffice, Nc requirement demi p cr aryl Construction sailes and See schedule A service Contlraicticin office and See schedule A storage facility Convenience stlote 1 spaice per 2 C C sq. ft. fcn tlhe first 1,0100 sq. ft. p lust 1 spaice for each ad d itlionall 17 5 sq. ft. Crematorium 1 spaice per 4 seams in mann chapel, plus 1 spaice fer 21 employees cin major shift, plus 1 spaice per compainy vehicle 1Bquipment sales and rentail 1,9ee schedule A Fleai market 1 splaice per ICC sq. ft. of sales aireai aiccessihllle tlo the public Funeral hcime 1 space per 4 sMa s in matin chapel, flus 1 spaice per 2 employees cin mar or shift, plus 1 spaice per company vehicles G and en center flee schedule A Gaisciline staficin 1 spaice per employee„ plus 1 spaces pen 200 sq. f1. of building airea, pilus required shacking spaice Golf course 5Cl spaces per 9 holes;, plus spaces as required for cther uses �Gcilf driiuingl nanigle 11.2 spaces for each dniming tee H oispit al 1 spaice p er 2 bed s, p 11 us 1 sp aic e pe r empl ciyee on mai'or shift, including doctcins *ispilail, special) carie 1 spaice p er 2 bed s, p 11 us 1 sp aice pe r empl c yae on 1(14 105 Imajci shift, including) doctors Hcitlel/meitelimcIct 1 space per guest a icecimmodaticin, pllu,i 4 spaieesi lodge/�inri per 5C1 gluestl rcams, plus spaices as nec,uined for citlher uses. Kennel, ccimmerciiail1 siflaice per SCC sel. ft. lBaiundryl 1 spaice per 3CIC sq. ft. Manufaictluned hcme sales Sete schedule B �Mairinai See schedule B Medical clinic 3 spaces per eixam�inaficn air treatment room, plug 1 space per employee on majcit shiifl including doctors Miniwairehouse 1 spaice for each empllcyleie, pilus 21 spaces far the fusll 1010 sllorage spaces, plus 1 fcir each additional 1CC stotaige units cin portion thereof Mc itlor vehicle See sched a Ile A dealership/new Mctot vehic l e See schedule A dealership/used IMcitor vehicle/rental See schedulle A Mcitcm vehicle i repair 21 spaices filer service hay, plus 1 space per service, majoir employee on major shift Mciticn vehficle/repair 1 space per 210101 square feet, plus 21 spaces per service, minor service b ay, p lus 1 spaice per a mp loyee c n ma' cin shift Mciticin vehicle/outdoor See schedule A storage Mattie vehicle pairtsisupplyl, flee schedule A retail Pavan shop 11 splace per 30101 sgl. ft. Personal impraivern 1 space per 30101 sq. ft. service �Penscnal service III space per 3C101 sq. ft. Real esitatle effrce, 1 space per 3010 sq. ft. tlem p oirary Recneatlicnal vehicle wiles See schedule A and service *stauraint, Drive -yin Fast Food • With seats 1 space per 4 seat's, Flus 1 spaice per 4 employees cin m ar or sh ii f1, pl u s re qlu ii tied stacking spaicie • Without seadls l sp ace fl er E Cl sq. ft., plus re qui red starch ii n gl spaice 105 Restaurant, general 1 spaice per 4 seats, flus 1 spaicei pen 2 employees cin major shift IRIetail sales See schedule A Shopping center 4.4 spaices f er 1, o o C sq. ft. IStudic, fine arts See schedulle B ITnucR sitc p See schedulle B IMeterinary hospital/ clinic 1 spaice fler 3GC sql. ft. Ind ustriail Use Type s A pattloir c i I iiuestloick ptocessingl See schedule A Asphalt) plant) ISce schedule B lConstruction yard See schedule A Convenience center See requiiied stacking spaces Custom man u factluring See sched u I1 e A Industry, 1l3lpe l See sched u 11 e A lndustlry,llylpe lI See schedule A *dustry, Tlylpe 11I See schedule A �Tlaindfilll, industrial See schedulle B Fluaindfifl, nubble See schedulle B F11aindfl'.11, sainitairyl ISee schedulle B Meati f aick ii n gl I l sp aice per employee on ma j cir shi fl [Rescurce extraction 1 sflaice fler employee on majcir shift Saraf and sailvaigei sen6cei See schedulle A lTnansfei stallion I See schedule B Wanelicusingl and distribution See schedulle A IMiscellaneomi Use Types Altlernadle dischaiigle sewagle system No requirement) lArnagleut radio ticwer INci requirement A,Oiaficin facility, ccmmerciaill See schedulle B IA-viialicin facility, glenerail I See schedule B IANIalicin facility, private I See schedule B lCommunication t owes 1.2 sfl aices per dower Hunt club See schedule B Parking facility, surf ace/stlii u ctlure No requirement 106 Shooting range, eutdacr See schedule B Schedule A This schedule setts forth minimum parking requirements for uses with elements having different) functions er operatting characteristics within a single cveriall use. lFuncticn of Blementl lRequirement 10ffice e r aidmi n ii stlral i v e aicttivity 1 sp aic a per 3 0( sq. fl. Indoor sailer, display or service areai 1 spaice per 5(ICI sal. fl. Meter vehicle service bay 121 spacers per service bay Out door saile s, d i splay eir se rvice areal 1 sipac e per 21, C CIG sal. ft. lGereiial equipment) se rvi cing or m ainufact u ring 1 spaice p er 1, CIC C sal. ft. Indocin or ciuttdc c n storagle or vwareHousiin gl 1 sipaee fler 5,C CIG sq. ft. Scheduler B Specific requirements shall be dettenmined by the zoning aidminiistlnatcin liaised on nequirementts for similar uses, location c f the flroposed use, expectted demaind and tlraiffic gleneratted by the proposed use, and apprcpriatte tlnaffic engineering and planning criteria and informadticin. Lettermiinadticins cif requirements may be appeailed to the board of ociningl appeails. (7-i1-05, 3-21G 14.) NOW, THBRBFORFI, BE IT FURTHEM ORDAINED by the Isle cif Wight County Board of Supervisors tlhait Appendim L, Acning, Section 11- 1002;, Applicability, of the Isle of Wight Cciunty Cede be amiended and reenaicted ais follows: Alec. 11-10021. App lica bililly. A. The proivisicins of this section shaill apply to all new land uses, deuelopmentls, and buildings. This shall includes ci-Mic, effice, single- faim i llyl attaiched cin multti fame i ly residential uses, cornmerc i ail, ii nd u stri al, and m iscellaneous uses, in accordance with art icle 11I, sections 3-3C C C, 3- 40009 3-500(, 34COIOl, 3-IiC00, and 3-800(, unless citlherwiise designated in this ordinance. The pneivisicins in this article do not pertain to ]ightting within residential subdivisicins, ars tthe)l are governed by the cciunty's subdivisicin ordinance. B. The proivisiicins of this section shall apply to ail] building additions or modifications of twenty-five percent) (2150/c) cir more in tlerms cif flc cin areal, and parking) spaces; either with a singlle addition on with cumu:lattime aid d it:i cans sub se quentt to the effective d able of this provision. C. PYovisiicns cf this seclliicin shaill allsci apply to the cumulative additicin cir replacement) of twenty-five percent (250A) cir more cf the existing lighting fixtures not attlached tci ai building on the site. U. Abandoned uses. if ai property cir use with ncinconkrmingl lighting is ncitl in use for mane than two (2; years, any new use shall be deemed to be ai changes in use and sill requirements of this article shall apply. (742-05, 3- 20-14.) '11he motion wars aidc ptled by a vette of (5-0) with Supervisors B a i1ley, A 1pfl in, Casteien, Dairden and Jefferson vc4ing in favor cif the mcition and nc Supervisors vcitling against Ifle motion. Chaiirmain Bailey opened up the public hearing) on the Ordinance A m endmenl l fc r Sleipl i s Taink Pu m p Out. Ms. Hummel addressed the Board reglaaidingl the proposed revisions to tlhe Sleptlic Plump -Out) Ordinance. Alberl Burckand recommended that the revisions be tlablled untill the Stade takes act i cin . Chairman Bailey closed the public hearing wind Supervisor A llphin mcived 11hatl the amended Ordinance be apprcved as draifted to relaiin the fiue- year purrip-out) requirement) for most septic sMstlems; W aillow inspections in lieu of pump -cut; and tci exiempt frcm pump cut tlhcse septic systems equipped with effluent) filters. The motion was aidopted by ai vole cif (5-0) vwitlh Superviiscns Bailley, Alphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferson voting in favor of the motion and nc Slupervisors meting aigainstl the mcition. Idem 91: Cciunty Admiiriistlradlor's Rexlcirl A proposed Resolulliicn to Amend Chapter 2: Financial and Accounting, Article 1, cif the County Flolicy Manuail (Flurchaising Authority) was presented by County Adminiistlrator Slewaird for adepticn. Chairman Bailey) mowed that the following Resolution be aidoptled : RE SI O LUTIIC N TO AMEND CHAPITBR 21: FINANCIAL AND A CC OUN TIN G, A R1TIC IJE 1, OF THE C OUNTIYI PO LICYI MAINUAIJ WHEREAS, the County has established ai C entlraill Purchasing Flo] icy as part of Chapter 21: Financial aind Accounting, Article 1, of the County Pcilicy Mainuail: and WHEREAS, the Board of Slur erviisc ns desires to aime rid Chapter 2: Financial and Accounting, Artic ]e 1, of the County Policy Manual to provide the County Purchasing Agent) with the authcmity W maike purchases as Icing ais such Purchases are fully funded tlhrieugh the current) Fiscaill Year 11udgletl. NOW, THBREFCRE, BE IT RESOBMED that Chapter 2: Financial aind Accounting, Article 1, of the County Pclicyl Manual is Hereby aimended as fcilllcNNs: Chaptle in 2: Klin aincia 1 a nd Aecaiuntlin g AMU CLE l Central Purchasing (Adopted Dec cmiher 4, 1975; Revise dAprh 6, 2000; Revised June Is, 2003; Revised Gctoberi 16, 2603,; Revised Gctoter 2i, 2004; Revised Gciober 2, 2006, Revised June 1), 2008, Til euised AT r;il 15, � G 16, Revised May � 71 2010, hletidsed Decemtler 26, 201Z Revised Md?ch � 0, � 614) Hectlion 1.0 Cour .�inistlratcm as Purchasing Agent The Bciaird cif Slupervisors of Isle cif Wight County, Virginia, Hereby employs and designates the County Administnaticai ais the County Purchasing Aglent fen the County of Isle cif Wight), N44gliniia to periform the duties heneinaifter prcivided. The County Administrator may delegaite such dullies as he deems necessaryl, provided that the perscin or persons tc whom duties are delegatled is subject) to his direct supervisiicn. The Ccunty Purchasing aAgentl shall serve as the pnincipal purchasing official for the County, aind shaill'I have the duties and perfcnm such functions ais assigned. The E ciard of Supervisors cif Isle of Wight County, Virginia, d e es hereby authciriziei, the County Purchasing Aglentl shall,nder- the n„ro,�.,n,,.,, -of th Board of Supe n,isor-n of isle of Wight County, to purchase eir ccntractl Rn all supplies, matlerialls, equipmientl, aind ccnilraictlual services required by any defartmentl or agency cif 11he Ccuntyl glcvernmentl as long as such purchases arae fully funded through the then currie nit Fiscaill Year budget). In aid d iti c n, the Purchasing Agent shaill Have the authority tici aidoptl apprepriatle regulations ccinsuistlentl with this Ilcilicyl. The motlien was aidoptled Hyl a vote cf (5-0] with Supenvisers Badley, Alphin, Caistleen, Darden and Jefferson vollingl in fa-vicr cif the mollien aind no Slur erviiiscis vollingl aigaiinstl the mollien. A pnoposed Rescilutlion to Amend Chapter 2: Financiall wind Accounting, Articles Vl, VIII aind XI cif the C cunty Policy Manual wars presented by Chlarles A. Meek, Assistant) to the County Administlrailbr, fcn ad epticin. 109 Supervisor Caistleen mcimed that the fc1lowing Resolulliicn be aidcpted with the exce ptlion of a changle on Pagle 21 Chan gli n gl "will" tic "'should": RESOLUTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 2: BINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING, ARTICIJESI Vl, VIII„ ANIS XII CF THE COUNTY POIACY MANUAL WIEREAS, the Isle cif Wight County Bciard of Slupen6scins (the "'Bcand"), has aidopteid, as part cif the County Policy Manuall, Chapter 21: Financia] and Accounting to prcvide for the implementation of sciunid fscall policies and management cf the Cciunty's finances; and, WHEREAS, is recommended ft -A atl 1 he Board am end Chapter 2, Art ii Iles VII, VIII, and XI of the County Policy Manuail as prcvided far in Atllaichment A — "County of Isle cf Wight Financial Plclicies" which ane heriellyl incorflanated by reference and made a part cf lhis Resoluticin. NOW, THEREFCRF, BE IT RESIOLVED that the Isle of Wliglhl Cciunityl Bloard of Supervisors hereb3l aimends Chapler 21, Arlicles VII, VIII, and NI of the County Pollicy Manual ais prescriihled in Attlachmentl A. BE IT FIURTH IRI REJOLVEDI tlhad the County Administrator is heneb31 authorized to make such necessary and apflrcipriate remisiicins to the Ccunty Policy Manual in corder to effectuate the pclicy changes sett forth in Atllaichment A. The motion vias aidoptled 1131 a vote cf (5-0) with Superviiiscns Bailey, Alphin, Casleen, Darden and Jefferson vollingl in favcir cif the mollicn and no Sluflerviiiscns vollingl aigaiinstl the motiicn. A prcpcised Resolution to Rleturn Grant l Funds and Slusflend the PACE Program was presented by County Administrator Seward for adoption. Supervisor Darden moved that the fcillowing Res6lutlion be adapted: RESOLUTION TC RBTURN GRAN11 FLTNUS AND SUSFIEND THE PACE PRIC GRAM WIEREAS, the County hats Veen notified of its mosit recent award by the Virginia I1eparlment cf Agriculture and Ccnsumer Serivmiices (VEAC'S) in the airnount of $1491,6781.46 for the Purchase cif Agriculltlurail and Forestall Conservatlii en Easements (PACE) Flnogram; ari d , V4UREAS, currently, the C c unt31 hats 52711,668.10 in pre micus stale funding which is sett to expire; and, 110 WHBRBASI, duel to the lack cif availability cf Cciunty maWhlingl funds, th a Ptogram sh ciu ll d be suspended u ntli 11 such time when funding becc im es amaiilahl 11 e. NOW TIHHREFIORE BE ITl REISICLVBD that tlhe Bciatid cif Sluperviiscirs of the County of Isle of Wight, Vlirginia release the funds pnevicusly tieceived from tlltle Mirginia Department cif Agriculture and Consumer Services Purchase of Agricultural and Forestal Conservation Basements (PACE) Prograim and suspend the C c untyj's PA C D Plrogltiam until such dime thadl local) discnetiicnairyl funding) becomes avai11able. The matiion wars aidcflted by a melte of (54) with Supervisors Bailey, Alphiin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferscn vciting in favor of the miction and no Supervisors vcitiing against the motion. A Resolutlien to Enact) ai Slccial Media Policy was presentled byl Donald TI. Rloflertson, Direction of Information Resources and Legislladiime Affairs, for aidoption. Superviiiscir Jeffensein mowed thadl the following Rlesolutiioin be aidoflted: RESOLUTIICN TC ENACTI ASOCIAL MEDIA POLICY WHEREA SI, tib e County uses social me d ii ai as a means c f communicating with the flublic relative tc a vairietyj cif public issues; and WHEREASI, the Board cif Slupervuiscirs desires to menitlor and gleivern the content and conduct of participants in the Cciunty's seiciall media forums. NOW, TBBREFORE, BE IT RESIOLVIED tlhaM the Board cif Slupenmiscins of the County of Isle cif Wight), Mingliniai aidcptis the fallcivwing policyl: Isle cif Wight County's social media focus is to network and nellay information to cciunty nesidentis, businesses and visitors. We encciunagle individuaills to pcistl questicins, commends, and concerns. We invite individuals tic express their tlhcuglhtls whether they) ate supperiime, dissenting or critical; hoiweven, these commends shoulld be apflroipriak and cnitlicism should be ccnstructiiive. Our social media sides ane for enline discussion only and they shculld not be used as ai public forum. We reccigniae the iintlernet is ai 24/7 medium, and your commends ane welcome at any) Clime; he wemer, given the need to manage limited staff resources, we generally only mcniticr comments and pcistlings during) reglulati business hours. Once flcistied, Isle of Wight County reserves tike right) to delete submissiicns tlhadl contain: 111 Flalsci Information Obscene language or sexual ccintlenl Porn c glnapfl sic Imagles Pctsonall attacks cf any kind C cimments cm content that pnaimaites, fcistlens, or perfletluates discrimination en the hlaisis cif race, creed, ccIor, aigle, religion, gender, mairitlall status, genetics, status with negaird to public assistance, national origin, physical circ intellectual disability er sexual orientation Spam, advertising) cir include links to otlhen sites Tlhreatle n in gl c r sland ercu s cc mmenlls aboutl a ny petscn or organization C c mm ent s thlatl ane clearly c ff topic and/or disruptive Commends supporting illlegaill activity Aromoticin cif particulat seiimices, pinoductls, or political cirganiaations Sluppairl cf or opposition to political candidates, political) organizaN ices cn balllotl propositions Infringc menti on copyrights or tltadematks Persc nailly i d entlifiahl ll e medical information Information that may compromise the safety, security of proceeding of public sylstems or any cniminail or civil investigations Violations cif 11He Social Med iia Policy can Ecsult in the user being) banned fnom the Caiunty" s social meadia side s. Comments used cn tflese sines Have no ref ectlion cn county staff er emplleyees. Administnaticlis on Ifiese sites mayl report or remove information listed in the above policy. THe motion was adopted byl a vcitle cf (5-0] with Superviiscirs Badley, Alphin, C aisteen, Darden and Jeffersc n voting in fa -mem cif the motion and no S upervii scrs voting ag aiinst thle motion. A prorIcised Resolution cif the Elciaird cf Slupervisors of Isle of Wlighltl County, Virginia Estlapllishing ai Pcilicyl for the Devielopmentl of 1hle Facilities Identified in the Bedestdan and Bicylcle Flacilities Mastler Plan was ptesentac by Richard Rludnicki, Planner, for a d option. Sluperuiscit Castleen moved thadl the following Rlesciluticn be adopted: RHS OIJUTION OF THE BCARD OF SUPERIVISICRS OF ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY, VIRIGIMA ESTABLISHING A PCIJIICY FOR THE DBVEIJOFIMENT 011 TUE FACILITIES IDENTIFIED IN TUB FBDESTRIAN AND BICYCIIE IJACIIIITIIHS MASTER PIJAN 112 WHEREAS, 1he Isle cif Wight County Board cif Supervisors Has ad oplled ai cciuntyvwi de Pedestrian and Bicycll a Paicii litlii es Master Plll ain w H i ch identifies the locallicn and type of bike and pedestrian facilities to be constructed; and WHEREAS, the Board understands that providing) for the ccnsbiuetlion of these facilities by beth the County and Development community, wHlere appliiceible, enhances the quaility of life of tlhe citizens of Isle of Wight) County; and WHEREAS, the Board recognizes 1He importance cif developing) policy intended to prcimcitle the overall Bike and Pedestrian vision of tlHe County;, thereby encouraigingl ai ncin-motori2ued tlrainsportaticin netwlork fcn the community and supporting public HeailtH and safety consistent with the gloalls and ob'ectlives cif the Isle of Wight Ceunty Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Hoard recognizes the importance of the policy while being) fiscally responsible to 1He citizens of Isle of Wight County; and WHEREAS, the Beiard recognizes the rclei of the development ccimmunity in t IH e i mfl lementlatlion of the Pede s1 rian and Bicycle Faicii ll itliesi Maistler Plan in ccn uncllicin with ail] types cf development) as an impeirlarit means cif completing the construction cif these facilities in a neasonaible timeframe and at reascnaible cash to all pairties, while being flexible to eaicb development situation; NC WI, 11HEREFIORE;, BFI 1 TI RESOUVIED THAT in an effort tai flromolle the health, public saifety, and mobility of the Ceiunty and remain fecusied en the implementatlien of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Masten Plain, 1He Berard cif Sluperviscins of Isle of Wight County hereby adopts ai policy for development of the facilities identified in the Bedestdain and Bicycle Faiciilitlies Master Plan, ais follcivws: I. Purpcise: This policy is intended tici establish an implementation strategy that clearly eullines the requirements fair creating a quality non-mictlorized tlrainsportatlien netv"lerk ais a priority of fullure development in Isle cf Wliigh1tl Cciunty in accordance with the gloals and objectives of the Isle of Wight) County C ompreH ensive Flan as fell lc vas: • Ensure that new developments (both commenciail and residential) are safer for wailkingl and bic)lclingl, and lhatl tEle ren -motorized transportation and reaneatliein facilities identified in the plan are constlrucled during develgjrrent prci'ectls. 113 • County staiff should require future developers to ccinstlructl the public greenway, f edestlrii ain, wind bicycle facilities thaill ane i d entli feed in the plan as pairt of thleir deve11cipmentts. • ]he County should acct tici codify specific requirements for pedestrian and bicycle a iccommcidadlicins in the Zoning Ordinance to include, sidewalks on both sides of tciaidw ays. • As an aidvisoryl bcard tlo the Board cif Supervisors, the Planning Commission's respcnsibilitliies include pnovidiingl recommendations to the Board of Superviisicirs in achieving the County'si vision for the location of pedestrian aind bicycles faicilities. The Lciaird cif Supervisors cif Isle of Wight County, through the cneaflon and appointment) of ai Bike and Iledestnian Commitllee (BPC , the aidoptlion of the Pedestrian and &cycle Faicillities Masher Plain ais a supplement to the Comprehensive Phan in 200E aimenided 22ICIC9, and appiicival of ai Ilesigln Slpecificadl ons Manuail in 21CC91, has sett Rirth a mechanism fcr citizen involvement in the process of establishing priorities for faicilities lcicaflcin wind constlructlicn specificadliicinis to be followed in the creation, enhancement) wind prctlectlicin cif Mike and pedestrian faiailitties and gtaenway ccrriidcns throughout) the Cciunty. 'lhisi policyl will serve to carr)cutl and further define sill aspects of implementlaticn and funding fcir the creation cif ai countywide nen-motorized tlnainspcirl aitlion network in Isle of Wight County. II. Applicability: Me folllciwingl prcject types sha111 be reviewed far compliance with the facilities identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Faicilities Masten Pllain. A. Any riew develcipmentl pro'ectl which requires any of the fcilllciwingl actions for aippncvail: i. Ccndificinad Use Permit (CUP) ii. Slpeciail Use Permit (SUP) iii. Rezoning iv. Preliminary Site Plain B. Any existing development project) which require -9 ainy cif the following actions fcin approval: i. Conditlicnal Use Bermit (CUP; ii. Speciail Use Permit) (SUP) iii. Rezoning iv. Prel i m inairy S it a Plain C. Any Slubdivisicn of 5 or mcre lots, will construct bicycle and pedestrian faicilitties ais required by the Isle of Wight Couinity Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, regardless of this policy). 114 11I. Requirements: A. AU applicants shalll dedicate aind reccrd an easement) as needed fcm the implementation of the specif callly designated facildilies fat 11he site in quesllicin, prior tci the issuance of a aeiningl Permit) fcn ilhe prejectl. B. The applicant) will construct the bicycle and pedestrian faiciillitlies identified for the site in acccindance with the requirements cif the Aciningl Ordinance. i. If the applicant doles nctl wish to construct the pedestrian faicilities, as iiequined by the Aciningl Ondinance, they shall pay into the Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Fund (PIBFF) the aimoiunt cif ane hundred and twlentyj flercert (1'21C%) of the engineering estimade, as aipfneved by the County, for construction of the designated facilities on their site by the Ccunty. 11his flaymenl shall Ile made fnien to the issuance of a Zoning) Plenmiitl foci 1he flnoject; eir, ii. The applicant) shlaill fay int ei the PBFB the amount) of eighty percent (8C%) c f the engineering estimate, based cin on-siitle censtnuction c f the facility, as appreive ' 1131 the County, which) will then be used tici fund off-site ecnslructiicr cif bike aind pedestrian facilities as identified in the Pedestrian and Bicylcle Facilities Masten Plan. This pa31mi ent shall be made prior to the issuance of ai Acning Permit for the project. Me allocation cif said funds and the location cif the facil ii tyl tc be dein stnu cued shall ll be determined at the discretion c f the County. C. In the event than development activity is scheduled to occur on a piieiperty where the pedestrian and bicycle facilities halve already been ccnstnuctled (in acccndaince with this pellicy), the affllicantl shalll contribute their prei raita shaire cif the real cost cf the project tc the PBFF. IVI. Pedestrian and Bicycle Baicillitlies Fund (PBFF) A. The Pedestrian aind Bicycle Facilities Fund (PBBF) shall be ai C apital Project Fund tc hold funds tied to Hike aind pedestrian facilities construction capital flrojects as identlifred in the Capital Improivemenl Alain (CIP). B. Funds frcim the PBBF shall be allocated every) year tlhrcuglh the ncirmal CIP prc cess as fcill lows: i. Fon funds contributed tlhtouglh Section 3(B)(i) of this policy 11he faicility in questiicri will be builltl during the next) budget) cycle. ii. For funds ccintnibuted tlhreuglh Section 3(B)(ii) of this policy) the construction of facill itlies will be triggered by funds aidequate for the conslrudlicin cif five hundred (500) feet) of new faici11itlieci or ai distlaince (shorter or lcnger) which ailIa ws for the facilit31 tc come to a neascinable tlenminus (such ais a property line), as idenlified by 11he Pedestrian aind Bic31cle Facillitlies Maislleii Plan. Those facilities include buil ane 115 nctl limited to sidewalks, multi use patlhs, designated bike lanes, and widened shciu;lders. With lhei exceplliicn cif B(i] above. C. If thle PHFF dcicis not contain sufficient funds to implement the designaled amount) of facilities those funds shall be retained aind rolled cimer intci the next budget cycle, repeating if necessary), unlill such time ais sufficient) funds are aivaiii 1l able. D. Me allocation cif FIBFIF funds shall be considered cin an annual basis. A tieglular nepart cif the fund shall be genenatled by the Isle of Wliglhl C ciunty Hudgletl aind Flinance Department. This repairt will be distnibulled fcin consideradliicin by the Bile and Pedestrian Ummittee, with fltcjects beingl identified in the Isle cif Wight) Ccunty Parks aind Mccreatlion Deflartmenll budget, and project management) administered by Isle cif Wight County General Services Department. All prcjectls shall be pricinitiaed according tc the following hierarchy: i. Funds shall be allocated tici prcj ecus immediaitely ad'acent to emistling facilities civer projects which & nat connect) to an eN isfing facility. ii. Funds shall be allocated to pro'ectls inside a Development Service District (DSD] pricer to prcjectls outside ai 13151D. iii. Funds shailll be aillcicatled tici prcjectls according to the project pricinitiaaticn completed by the Hikes and Pedestrian Committee ( see attlaiched] . iv. 11h i s fund can be used W levenaige ad d itiona l construction funds ais long ais the proposed fnoject falls cin the Pedestrian and Bicycle Flaciliitlies Maslen Plan, and the flnoposed pro j ectl has been aylpnoved byl the Hike and Fled estlrian C rr m ittlee. v. Perpetual maintenance of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Flaicilities ccnstltiucted 11h rough normal development aictlivity aind the requ ii r emen is cif this fl c 1 i cy should be ccvsiidered in future budgel cycles. V. C c nstlnuctlion S1laindards A. Sidewalks — Slidewallks shaill be constructed within residentliall suhldiwisions as required byl the Isle of Wight C runty Subdivision Ord inaince, llheyl shalll be located within the public night c f way, wind constructed in accordance wiiitltl MDOT sl andards. H. Multi -Use Fatlhs — Multi -Use flatlhs shall be constructed as required by the Bicycle and Pedestriain F aic i ll ities Master Plan, they shl aill bei l crated within an eaisemew dedicated to the Cciuntyl ais nequiired by this policy, and constructed 116 in accordance wish the Isle of Wight County Bike and Pedestrian Facility Dlesign Slpecif cations Manual. Ther mcilliicin was aidopled by ai volle cif (5 -CI) with Slupeniiscins Baiileyl, Alphin, Caistleen, Darden and Jefferson viclingl in favor of the mcllicin and not Slufleniiiscrs volliingl aigaiinstl the moilicin. Fraink A. Hailtcim, Iliireclloir of Generail Slervices, briefed the Board nelladlive tlo relief efforts for churches and aireai businesses with nespect to the 5lticrmwater Manaiglemenil Program. Supervisor Allphin moved lhatl staff be dimcted tc advise what) the fiscal impact would be if churches and 5013(c) cirglaniaatlions were exempted from the stlormwatler manaiglemenll fee. 'the motion was aidoptleid by a vale cif (5-01) with Slupervuiscrs Bailey; Allphin, Castleen, Darden and Jeffemscin Mating in favor cif the mciticin and no Supervisors venting aiglainstl the motion. Responsive 11ei ai request for ai sipeciiail meeting cin April 3, 2014, Supervisor harden mcived Iliad the Board conduct a special meeting on April 31 2014 at l CI:CICI a.rri. 11e discuss the prcipcised Fiscal Year 21CIll 4-2C115 Operating and Capital Budgets and the proposcc Sltlormwaticr Otdinaince. The mcitlion was ad eipted by a mcitle cf (5-0) with Supet viscus Bailey), A llphliin, Castleen, Darden and aefferscn voting in favor cf the mcitlion and not Slupervisots'mc hing aigainstl the mcticn. I1cinaild T. ]Rktertson, Director cf Informadlicin Reisources and Leglisladiue Affairs addressed the prcpcised Fiscal Year 2015-19 Capitail Improvements Plain. Supemvisor Ca -Steen iiequcistled thaw the County's contribution cf 1215,0010 Rin eight (8) years fciii the Smithfield baillfield project be included in the FYI2015-19 Capital Impromements Plain and mci-med that) the Berard authuri21e staff to advertise a public hearing) for April 17, 2 CI 14 on the FY21CI 115-19 Capital Imprcivementls Blain. The rricitlion wars adopted by a vette cif (5-01) with Supervisors Baileyj, Alphin, Caisiteen, Damden and Jefferson voting) in faucet of the motion and nci Slupervisors voting aigaiinsitl the meitiic n. Michaic 1 W. 'Berry, Directc r of Budget and Binaince, prc uided ai quarterly financial report. h Idem 10: New Business 'Bhere was no new business ciffered fcm discussion by the Bciard . 11I Rem 11: Informatlionail Rems The faillcsvwingl inforrratlienal Litems were identlified by Ceunty Administlrastor S-lewaird as being included in the Board's agenda: B21A, Planning Commission, Wetlands Annual Rleperts; Budglet Callendair; Joint) Routle 4(CI Trainspertation Committee; Trash Flickup; Charter Ceimmunicadliicirs Digital Migradlicn; and, Deliinquentl Tax lnformallien and SltlaWmentl of Rcaisurer's Accountlahliility Supervisor Caistleen advised thwd he has received ccimflaiintls from clitli2lens in reglairds tics insufficienll notice from Charter Ummunications cif ai $6 charge per television for digitlall migratlion and mcimed that staff hle directed tlo coniespond with Charter Coimmunicaficins to register ai ccmplaiint. The motion was aidoptled by a vote of (5-C) with Slupervisors Hanley, Alphin, Castleen, Darden and Jefferscin voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against) the motion. h Rem 121: Closed Meeting Ccunty Attcmneyl Popovich nequested a cllcised meeting putsuanI to Section 2.2-3A 11.A.7 of the Code cf Mirgjiniia concerning consult"dion with leglail counsel requiring the previsicsn of legail admice reiglauidiingl a conlractluad dispute and pursuant) to Section 2.21-37111.1 concerning the assignment) of specific Xluhlic employees relatling to an orglaniaatlioinal restructuring issuei. Sluperviiscn Alphin moved that) the Board ender the closed meeting fon the reascins stated by the County Attcirneyl. 11he motion was adopted by a vcite of (5-0) with Supervisors Baileys, Alphin, Caistleen, Dairden and Jefferson mestingl in famcr of the motion and nc Supervisors mating against the meslicsni. Slupanviscm Dlairden moved that) the Boland return to cipen meeting. The rnoticiri was aidaiptled hlyl a value cif (5-0) with Supervisors Badley, Alphin, C aistleen, Darden and Jefferson voiding in favors of the mail is n and no Sl up ervii soros voting against the mot iii cn . Supervisor Darden moved tlhat the following Re scIutlicin be adcsfltled: CERTIBICATION OF CIJOSIED MBETRNG VaEREAS, the Bcard of Superviscirs hats convened ai closed meeting on this dace pursuant to an aiffrmiatlive recorded vote and in aicecrdance With the provisions of the Virginia Pneedcim cif Inkrmiaticin Act; and, WHEREAS, Section 2.21-37121.D of the C cid e of Virginias requires a certification by this Board cif Slupervisors that such classed meeting vwais conducted in conformiity witlh Virginia lavw; 118 NOW, M EREFC RB, BE IT RHS CLVHI1 thaol the Board of S upeniiscirs herebyl certifies that, tic 11he best) of each member's knowledge, (i) only public h u s i n ess matters lawfu l lyl ex eml ted from open meeting xqu i rem er is by Mirginiai law were discussed in the closed meeting tc which this cerlificatlion riescilutiicin applies, and (ii) only such putllic business matters as were identified in the motion convening the cllosed meeting were heard, discussed or considered Hyl the Hciard cif Supervisors. Cilri"M AYES: EaileM, Darden, Haill, Allphin and Castleen NA) ISI: al AB SIHNTI DURING VC TIE: C ABSIENT DURING MEETIING: 0 ff At 1C:00 p.m., the meeting was aid'ourined 1:131 Chaiirmar Bailey. C arey M1V s Sltlor , C lerk 119