05-06-2013 Budget Work SessionBUDGET WORK SESSION OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE SIXTH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND THIRTEEN AT 10:00 A.M. IN THE ROBERT C. CLAUD, SR. BOARD ROOM OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE PRESENT: JoAnn W. Hall, Chairman, Hardy District Byron B. Bailey, Newport District Rex W. Alphin, Carrsville District Delores C. Darden, Windsor District Alan E. Casteen, Smithfield District Also Attending: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney Donald T. Robertson, Director of Information Resources and Legislative Affairs At 10:00 a.m., Chairman Hall called the meeting to order. County Attorney Popovich requested that the Board enter into a closed meeting pursuant to Section 2.2 -371 LA.1 of the Freedom of Information Act to discuss a personnel matter. Supervisor Bailey moved that the Board enter the closed meeting for the reason stated by the County Attorney. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Supervisor Bailey moved that the Board return to open meeting. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Supervisor Alphin moved that the following Resolution be adopted: CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED MEETING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and, WHEREAS, Section 2.2- 3712.1) of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by this Board of Supervisors that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified 1 in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors. VOTE AYES: Bailey, Darden, Hall, Alphin and Casteen NAYS: 0 ABSENT DURING VOTE: 0 ABSENT DURING MEETING: 0 Brandy B. Day, Director of Human Resources, discussed the employee healthcare issues, comparison of healthcare plans and recommended products. Supervisor Darden moved that the Board select the Local Choice TLC Option for IOWC employees for health and dental insurance and direct staff to proceed accordingly with open enrollment. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Michael W. Terry, Director of Budget & Finance, commented on refinancing opportunities previously discussed with Davenport and the need to approve the advertisement for the County budget. Donald T. Robertson, Director of Information Technology and Legislative Affairs, discussed the calendar with the advertising dates, Board approval and proposed adjustments; and, the skating rink. Mr. Robertson also discussed the following items: • Donation/Funding to 1750 Old Courthouse in the amount of $5,000.00. The donation amount was approved at $2,500.00 instead. • Human Resources Online Recruitment Tool funding. The amount was approved at $11,500.00 for the first year and $9,000.00 for each year thereafter. • Regarding the Comprehensive Services Act, we now share services with the cities of Suffolk and Franklin and the cost is set to increase as well (approximately $15,000.00) and is non - negotiable. • Achieving cost reduction through bond refinancing as Davenport has outlined could result in a potential impact of $1.2 million dollars. Rusty Chase, Chief of Emergency Management, discussed part -time salaries being increased. He stated that the EMS overall budget request was 2 for $2.1 million which is up from $1.8 million. It was decided that the increased amount of $397,000 would be granted. Regarding the various fire and rescue organizations, the difference in what has been proposed and what increase is being asked for is $147,389.00. It was decided that the amount granted would be $125,000.00. Ms. Day discussed the LEOs benefit for the Emergency Services Department. She advised that the Sheriff's Department is currently covered under this plan and to cover part -time employees, as well as other full -time employees, would cost $26,000.00 annually. Mr. Terry requested authorization to advertise what has been discussed. The Board set its next work session on Monday, May 13, 2014 and authorized Budget and Finance to advertise. The County Administrator and key staff are scheduled to travel to New York with Davenport in June, 2013 to meet with the rating agencies. It was recommended by Mr. Robertson that a reserve be formulated into the original budget to offset the need for extra funding by any Department. Supervisor Alphin moved to authorize staff to advertise the Operating Budget in the amount of $96,712,616. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Chairman Hall moved that the next budget meeting will be held on May 13, 2013. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. H At 11:35 a.m., Chairman Hall declared the meeting adjourned. L& Carey JillsStorm, Clerk 3 Byron -