11-07-2012 Joint MeetingJOINT MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE PRESENT: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Alan E. Casteen, Chairman JoAnn W. Hall, Vice -Chair Rex W. Alphin Byron B. Bailey Delores M. Darden Also Attending: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator Carey Mills Storm, Clerk SCHOOL BOARD Robert Eley, Chairman Julia Perkins, Vice -Chair Kent Hildebrand Herb DeGroft Denise Tynes Chairman Casteen called the joint meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at The Smithfield Center for the purpose of meeting jointly with the members of the School Board. H The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. H A moment of silence was observed. H Richard Hixson, School Board consultant, addressed the Board of Supervisors and School Board members regarding their responsibility with carrying on immediate and future business needs of the County. He stated communications between boards eliminate sources of confusion and interaction between the two (2) bodies is an essential ingredient. He stated as representatives of different constituents, each speaks from a different perspective, but all are committed to the overall benefit to the County. H The need for better communications between the two (2) bodies was expressed, as well as what funding the School Board should anticipate receiving from the County with respect to the preparation of its FY2013 -14 budget. It was noted that the School Division is faced with additional unfunded mandates each year. An overview of the School's FY2011 -12 budget was provided and a handout was distributed depicting the years 2008 through 2012 which reflected a decline in State, local and Federal funding for schools beginning in 2010. An overview of the School's funding by category for FY2012 -13 was provided, as follows: Category Dollars Spent % of Budget State Average Instruction $40 million 68.09% 64.08% Salaries/Benefits 71% Maintenance/ $4.8 million 8.2% 8.66% Operations Facilities $1.5 million 2.45% 5.51% Transportation $3.3 million 5.65% 5.02% Debt Service $2.5 million 5.12% 4.63% Technology $2 million 3.41% 3.56% Food Services $2 million 3.49% 3.41% Administration $1.5 million 2.5% 4.41% Attendance/ $600,000 1.09% 4.41% Health Services Local funding represented $25,731,000; State funding represented $25,667,695; Federal funding represented $5,233,931; and, other sources represented $1,327,533 of the School's budget. Supervisor Darden requested that teachers receive another briefing on the adjustment in pay as a result of the recent VRS reduction. The formation of a committee consisting of two (2) members from each board was suggested. The proposed committee would be charged with meeting on a monthly basis during the budget process to discuss funding issues and to keep an open line of communication between the two (2) bodies. The Board of Supervisors concurred that communication between the two (2) bodies would be vital throughout the budget process. Messrs. Hildebrand and DeGroft offered to meet with two (2) members of the Board of Supervisors, when selected. // 2 At 10:30 a.m., Chairman Casteen declared the joint meeting adjourned. Alan E. Casteen, Chairman Carey Mills St rm, Clerk