03-05-2012 Special MeetingSPECIAL MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FIFTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE PRESENT: Alan E. Casteen, Chairman JoAnn W. Hall, Vice - Chairman Rex W. Alphin Byron B. Bailey Delores M. Darden Also Attending: Mark C. Popovich, County Attorney W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator Michael W. Terry, Director of Budget and Finance Donald T. Robertson, Director of Information Resources and Legislative Affairs Carey Mills Storm, Clerk Chairman Casteen called the special meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. in order to discuss financial matters of the County. // Supervisor Hall delivered the invocation. // The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Regarding the Fiscal Year 2011 -12 Monthly Financial Reports for County and Schools contained in the agenda, Mr. Terry was requested by Chairman Casteen to advise which line item reflects the monies received for rescue calls. // Anticipated revenues beginning July 1, 2012 were discussed with respect to the County maintaining a balanced budget which will be dependent on State contributions, health insurance and various other factors. Forecasted additional revenue in the amount of $1.8 million to be received in December from Green Mountain and International Paper were also discussed for planning purposes. // Under the FY2011 -12 General Operating Expense Report, Summary by Department, Mr. Terry was requested to email the Board members the Board of Supervisors' department budget for review. It was recommended that Mr. Wrightson provide the Board with a status report on certain capital projects. The PACE Program was discussed and the Board advised by Mr. Terry that previously designated funds for that program in the amount of $2.8 million have been returned to the Unassigned Fund Balance in compliance with GASB 54 as of June 30, 2011. Responsive to Board discussion, Mr. Terry offered to create a line item in the FY2013 budget for funding consideration of that program by the Board. The Board was apprised by Mr. Terry that funding would need to be approved on an annual basis in the future. Responsive to Chairman Casteen's request, Mr. Terry is to provide the Board with a report reflecting what other items had been collapsed to the Unassigned Fund Balance. County Attorney Popovich advised that the previously designated PACE Program funds still exist and can be reassigned to that program if the Board so desires by it making a formal motion to do so. He stated the only difference with the implementation of GASB 54 is that the Board must reassign funds annually in July. The Board was advised by Mr. Terry that the County, as a locality, was required by law to implement GASB 54 and that the Board had previously received two (2) presentations before its implementation. Mr. Terry recalled that the Board had also been advised at that time that it would need to reconsider funding for all programs returned to the General Fund as a result of its implementation and that the Board needs to provide direction to staff regarding which programs it wishes to have restored. At the suggestion of Supervisor Hall, Chairman Casteen requested that Mr. Terry review the potential of annually rolling over the PACE Program funds for the Board's consideration. He further requested that the Board members be provided a copy of the reports distributed at the previous meetings involving GASB 54. Mr. Terry was requested by Chairman Casteen to provide additional information on the General Fund Balance Report. I/I Chairman Casteen declared a break. The Board returned to open session. 2 H Chairman Casteen requested Mr. Terry to add dates to the corresponding item on the Unassigned General Fund Balance. H Chairman Casteen called for consideration of a Resolution to Appropriate Funds from the Unassigned and Assigned Fund Balance for the Completion of Various Carryover Operating and Capital Projects. Supervisor Alphin moved to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE UNASSIGNED AND ASSIGNED FUND BALANCE FOR THE COMPLETION OF VARIOUS CARRYOVER OPERATING AND CAPITAL PROJECTS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia in its 2010 -11 appropriation resolution, appropriated funds for certain operating, special revenue, enterprise program functions and capital projects which have not been completed and; WHEREAS, these funds have been set aside by the Board of Supervisors to ensure completion of such program functions and projects and; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems it necessary to carryover these funds appropriated in Fiscal Year 2010 -11 to make certain that appropriated funds are available to complete said purpose for which these funds were appropriated; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following sums of money appropriated for Fiscal Year 2010 -11 and remaining unspent, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia are hereby appropriated to carryover for the completion of certain operating, special revenue, enterprise program functions and capital projects: General Fund $ 766,882.26 Museum $ 3,642.81 County Fair $ 7,765.00 Capital Projects (including Public Utilities) $12,643,952.47 Forfeited Assets $ 21,795.41 Total $13,444,037.95 3 The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. Chairman Casteen called for consideration of a Resolution to Accept and Appropriate Funds from the State and Federal Governments for Carryover Grant Programs. Supervisor Hall moved that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM THE STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS FOR CARRYOVER GRANT PROGRAMS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia has received grant funding for various grant programs; and, WHEREAS, the following grant funds in the amount of three hundred fifty -nine thousand thirty -six dollars and nine cents ($359,036.09) be appropriated for carryover and used for the purpose appropriated to the Fiscal Year 2010 -11 General Operating and Capital Budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia that the amount of three hundred fifty -nine thousand thirty -six dollars and nine cents ($359,036.09) be appropriated for carryover and used for the purpose appropriated to the Fiscal Year 2010 -11 General Operating and Capital Budget of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator of the County of Isle of Wight, Virginia is authorized to make the appropriate accounting adjustments in the budget and to do all things necessary to give this resolution effect. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5 -0) with Supervisors Darden, Bailey, Hall, Alphin and Casteen voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. At 4:00 p.m., Chairman Casteen decl the c' 1 meeting adjourned. AA If A., k" ;11±� Carey Alls Storm, Clerk NA OV,, Fnozr'�"'