05-04-2011 Continued MeetingCONTINUED MEETING OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD THE FOURTH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN PRESENT: Thomas J. Wright, III, Chairman Stan D. Clark, Vice-Chairman Al Casteen JoAnn W. Hall Kenneth M. Bunch Also Attending: A. Paul Burton, Interim County Attorney W. Douglas Caskey, County Administrator Carey Mills Storm, Clerk I/ 11 Chairman Wright called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Supervisor Clark delivered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. Michael W. Terry, Director of Budget and Finance, advised the Board of the County's strong fiscal policies and practices, as evidenced by the County receiving a clean audit opinion and an AA bond rating. He stated the practice of the County using its Undesignated Fund Balance as a revenue source to balance the budget is not considered a best practice, noting that once that amount is consumed, it is not replaced. He advised that the Commissioner of the Revenue has advised of a revenue shortfall of $5.6 million in FY12 due to the closure of International Paper. He advised closure of the fiscal gap can be accomplished through sound fiscal policies, to include a level budget, maintaining current service levels; absorbing the health and dental insurance cost increase; maintaining fiscal commitment to community-based organizations; establishing a reserve for public safety; and, discretionary expenditures. He advised that the Board has successfully subsidized County taxpayers up to this point and it needs to use its fiscal policies as a foundation in FY2012 and FY2013 until it has stronger revenue streams. He advised that the County currently has a revenue stream of $91,180,021, based on a real estate tax rate of $.65 per $100 with expenditures of $91,135,372, leaving a balance of $44,649. He stated that the Board's fiscal policy is to support the best practice of not using the Undesignated Fund Balance as a revenue source to balance the budget; while recognizing the importance of public safety; requiring a demonstration of V need and Board approval prior to dispersal of funds; and, that any unused funds at year end revert back to the Undesignated Fund Balance. David Goodrich, Chairman, School Board, advised that the School's Finance Committee has identified reductions in the School's proposed budget of $1.6 million and that these reductions will be proposed to the School Board at its meeting on May 5, 2011. Chairman Wright requested that Chairman Goodrich report any shortfalls in FY2012 to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Clark commented in favor of building a new Windsor Middle School facility and he agreed that the Board of Supervisors should not approve the School's budget by categorical funding. He encouraged Chairman Goodrich to report back to the Board of Supervisors if the School Board finds the reduction in its budget affects core educational opportunities. // Gerald H. Gwaltney, Commissioner of the Revenue, advised State code requires that counties conduct a reassessment every four (4) years in order to keep up with market changes and ensure a fair tax burden; however, counties may conduct reassessments annually or bi- annually. He stated that the County's ordinance currently requires reassessments be conducted every two (2) years. He advised that latest market analysis for the periods of November 2010 through February 2011 revealed that the County's values were down 1.8 %. He stated that the 2010 reassessment revealed that the values overall were down three (3) percent. He reported that numerous appeals to the Board of Equalization had been received from taxpayers who were advised that the reassessment will begin July 2011 and that at that time their values would be corrected. He advised that if the start of the reassessment is delayed, approximately $15,000 would be needed to fund and maintain the new construction assessments between now and the start of the next reassessment. He recommended that the Board remain with the current reassessment schedule established at every two (2) years. Edwin P. Wrightson, Director of General Services, advised that there had been a significant increase in water and sewer rates in the County's FY2010 Operating Budget. He further advised that in FY2011, the lower of the two (2) tier system had been eliminated and the method in which the sanitary sewer rate charges were assessed was changed to a consumption base charge. He advised that he has submitted a recommendation to raise the commodity water rate in the FY2012 budget and that he is recommending a $.50 increase from $5.25 per 1,000 gallons of water to $5.75 per 1,000 gallons of water for all water usage over 6,000 gallons of water. He advised the reason for the cost increase is because the utility is still operating with subsidy from the General Fund. Supervisor Casteen inquired about the increase from $31,000 to $150,000 in the County Attorney's Professional Services line item. Supervisor Clark commented that actual expenditures in the County Attorney's Professional Services line item were $190,000 in 2008; $130,000 in 2009; and, $104,000 in 2010. He stated when averaged together, $150,000 seems to be a more accurate representation of what is expended in that line item. Interim County Attorney Burton advised that he had complied with the request in past years to submit a flat budget; however, additional expenses have been added to the Professional Services line item because of various ongoing legal matters with the Charter renewal process and expenses related to a suit against the County with Patrick Small and the Town of Smithfield, Supervisor Casteen inquired about the increase in the Travel and Training line item for the Budget and Finance office. Mr. Terry advised that the increase is due to increased training of staff related to the MUNIS system. Supervisor Casteen notified Mr. Terry that there are several departments where the salary budget recaps total less than the total salary budget line in the department budget and he requested that those be corrected in order to know the accurate budget total. Supervisor Casteen commented that he noticed that some Motor Fuel Lube and Repairs budgets had not been increased and he expressed concern that they might not have budgeted these line items appropriately. Sheriff Phelps advised that his office has been notified by the State Compensation Board of a shortfall of $11,516. He requested the County to absorb that amount during FY2012 in order for all salaried personnel to receive their full wages. He advised that this amount may change and, if so, any additional funding will be applied to the salary shortage, lessening the amount required to close the gap. He stated that his office typically turns over any underpaid wages during a fiscal year, which would offset the $11,516 needed to cover the salary shortage. Chairman Wright indicated that Sheriff Phelps' request would be taken under consideration, 3 Supervisor Clark advised that all of the vehicles utilized by the Sheriff s office have excessive amounts of mileage. He requested Sheriff Phelps to keep the Board apprised of any need for additional vehicles. Sheriff Phelps notified the Board that Deputies who work for the County but live outside the jurisdiction are required to leave their patrol cars at a safe location in the County when their shift is completed. Supervisor Clark advised that he is supportive of the Deputies who live reasonably close such as the City of Newport News being allowed to drive their patrol cars home so that they can respond to a call in a timely manner. Supervisor Clark moved that the Director of General Services be directed to investigate a solution to the Carrollton Library not having motorized doors, such as monitoring of the door or somehow ADA accessible and that he further look at all the County's libraries to see what needs to be done in that respect. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bunch, Casteen, Clark, Hall and Wright voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motion. 11 1 / Chairman Wright declared a recess. The Board returned to open session at 6:55 p.m. Interim County Attorney Burton identified for the record that the Board has been provided copies of an amendment to the budget calendar previously provided to the Board which includes an advertisement and the public hearing and adoption of the water rate increase ordinance for the public hearing to be set for May 26, 2010. He further identified a letter received from Mr. Taylor Williams, Attorney, City of Franklin, requesting the Board's position on a request they made for providing EMS services to the County for next year and, if the County is not interested, the City of Franklin would like to give the County a six (6) months' cancellation notice, as required under the existing Memorandum of Understanding. Chairman Wright advised that fire and rescue personnel have not responded to calls in the Carrsville area in over a month and Chief Chase intends to discuss that with the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association at its next meeting. 4 At 6:55 p.m., Supervisor Hall moved that the Board adjourn its continued meeting. The motion was adopted by a vote of (5-0) with Supervisors Bunch, Clark, Casteen, Hall and Wright voting in favor of the motion and no Supervisors voting against the motio OH Carey lls Storm, Clerk Thomas J. W ight, 111 hairman